附件二 实践认信神的话的建议


  1. 拨出时间研读《圣经》。

Carve out quality time in your schedule for personal Bible study.

  1. 采用研经本《圣经》灵修﹕《圣经﹕新国际版研读本》(更新传道会)。

Use a study Bible for personal devotions.

English study Bibles:

NIV Study Bible.

       The Reformation Bible.

       The Life Application Bible.

       The Quest Bible. 

  1. 在开始研读一卷书之前﹐先读一下研经本圣经对该卷书背景的介绍﹕作者是谁﹐写书卷的目的﹐本卷的主题与分段﹐等。可能花一天的灵修来了解背景。当天的祷告是﹕为开始这卷书感谢﹔祈求圣灵光照﹐教导﹔响应本卷书的主题 (或一些在简介里提到的重要教训)。

Before you dig into a book, take one day to review its background, given as “introduction” in the study Bible.  Who was the author?  What was the purpose of writing this book?  What is the main theme (themes) of this book? What are its  major sections?  Pray on that day: Thank God for your beginning to study this book of the Bible; ask the Holy Spirit to illumine and teach you; respond to the main themes of this book (usually highlighted in the “introduction”).

  1. 每一段的经文﹐用两天地灵修时间来了解﹐应用﹐默想。

Spend two days to study, apply, and meditate on each passage of Scripture.

  1. 重新安排你的事奉岗位﹐给自己机会教至少一学期的主日学或查经。

Re-align your ministry involvements, so that you can teach a Bible study group, or a Sunday School class, at least for one quarter/semester or more.

  1. 一年之内﹐读完两本教义性的书籍。

若没有这习惯﹐可先读巴刻的《认识神》。其它好书﹕慕理﹐ 《再思救赎奇恩》﹔巴刻﹐ 《活在圣灵中》﹔ Sinclair Ferguson, 《盘石之上》﹔ 巴刻﹐ 《基要主义与神的道》﹔Kuiper, 《基督荣耀的身体》。

Read two doctrinal books this year. If you have not developed this habit, start by reading J.I. Packer’s Knowing God. Other good books: John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied; J.I. Packer, Keep In Step with the Spirit; Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life; J.I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God (or a more recent Packer title: Truth and Power); Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ (or Edmund P. Clowney: The Church).

  1.  写书摘﹐或大纲。找机会分享你所读的﹔在团契或退修会主讲报告/讲座。Write a book summary, or an outline of the book.  Find an opportunity to share what you read: give a 1-hour workshop at a fellowship meeting or retreat.


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