


  1. 圣经神学是什么?What is Biblical Theology?
  2. 耶稣基督与旧约圣经Jesus Christ and the Old Testament
  • 旧约圣经的主题The Main Theme of the Old Testament: Covenant
  1. 圣约思维与圣约生活之邀Invitation to Covenantal Thinking and Living
  2. 圣经神学是什么?What is Biblical Theology?
  1. 圣经神学与圣经研究(解经)不同。

Biblical Theology is not the same as “Biblical studies” (exegesis).


“Inductive Bible Study” is a common way to study the Bible.


We observe what the Bible says; interpret what it means; and apply what it teaches to our lives.


On a more academic level, “biblical studies” (exegesis) studies: what does (did) this verse say/mean?  What does (did) this passage/chapter mean?


Commentaries and expositions (expository sermons: not all sermons are expository) are its fruits.


Biblical Theology builds on the fruit of “Biblical studies” (exegesis), but, unlike exegesis, is not focused on what each verse/passage says.


Many Christians who diligently study the Bible often only focus on what each verse  says.  We need a “larger picture” perspective.  Biblical Theology provides this.

  1. 圣经神学有别于系统神学。

Biblical Theology is not the same as “Systematic Theology.”


Let’s see the difference between “Biblical Theology” and “Systematic Theology.”


Biblical Theology asks: What does God say, at each period in the history of revelation/history of salvation?

系统神学问﹕整本《圣经》—从创世记到启示录 – 对某一个题目所教导的是什么?

Systematic Theology asks: What does the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – say about a given topic x?


What is God? What is man?  Who is Christ?  What has he done?  How does God save people?  What is the church?


Biblical Theology provides rich material for systematic theology.

系统神学 – 笃信圣经的,虔诚的,顺服主的系统神学 – 研究「整本《圣经》说什么?」。这样的系统神学为圣经神学提供有用的架构。

Systematic Theology – Bible-believing, reverent, obedient study of “What does the entire Bible say about x?”” – provides the framework for Biblical Theology.


We don’t study “What does God say at any given time?” in a vacuum, as if the study is neutral.


Our study of the Bible is guided by what the Bible teaches about itself.

  1. 圣经神学是古老的,也是现代新兴的一门学问。

Biblical Theology is old; it is relatively new.


What God has said at each period is important; thus Biblical Theology is “old.”


However, Biblical Theology, as an academic discipline, is a relatively new movement.

圣经神学的开山祖﹕Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949)﹕普林斯顿神学院教授 (1893-1932);还有Herman Ridderbos。Edmund P. Clowney 是1960-70年代威敏斯特神学院院长,提倡圣经神学方法。(参 J.I. Packer, Truth and Power一书。)

Some pioneers in Biblical Theology were Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1893-1932; author of Biblical Theology) and Herman Ridderbos.  Edmund P. Clowney championed Biblical Theology at Westminster Seminary, 1960s-1970s (cf. J.I. Packer, Truth and Power.)


Clowney wrote The Church, Preaching and Biblical Theology, Called to the Ministry, The Unveiled Mystery, and Preaching Christ from All of Scripture.  Colleagues:


Other professors at Westminster who labored in biblical theology included:

Harvie Conn, Richard Gaffin, O. Palmer Robertson.

其他学院的圣经神学学者﹕澳洲的莫理昂 Leon Morris,和伦敦圣经学院的  Donald Guthrie。Other biblical theologians: Leon Morris (Australia), Donald Guthrie (London Bible College).

  1. 圣经神学是什么?

What is Biblical Theology?


Biblical Theology rests on two foundations:

(a) 上帝在《圣经》里所启示的,都是一贯的,组成一个完整的整体。 (我们称此为「启示的统一性」。)

All that God has revealed in the Bible forms a unified whole.  (Unity in revelation.)


The Bible does not contradict itself.  The later revelation does not nullify the earlier; the later only supplements, fulfills, enriches the earlier revelation.

(b) 上帝在永恒里就计划了要自我启示,启示祂救赎的计划。祂计划了要在历史中这样的自我启示。

God planned, in eternity, to reveal himself and his plan of salvation; he planned to do this in history.


Then God revealed himself concretely in history.  In the words of J.I. Packer, in history, “God told us things.”  (We call this “propositional revelation.)


Since God did this, there are periods, there is progression and development.  (Progressive revelation.)

圣经神学 – 福音派的,笃信《圣经》的,信仰正统的圣经神学 – 问﹕既然《圣经》中的启示是统一的,也是在历史中有进展性的,那么,上帝在历史的不同阶段里启示了一些什么事情?

Biblical Theology –  evangelical, Bible-believing, orthodox Biblical Theology – asks this question: In light of the unity and the progression in revelation, what has God revealed at various periods in the history of revelation/history of salvation?


Examples of what Biblical Theology studies are:


the covenant in the five books of Moses;


the name of God in the Old Testament;


the sacrificial system in the Old Testament;


the worship of God in the Old Testament (tabernacle, temple, synagogue);


Israel’s obedience and disobedience in the books of Joshua and Judges and the prophets;


“wisdom” in the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job;


the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament;


the Suffering Servant (Messiah) in the books of the prophets;


the meaning of Exile and remnant;


the kingdom of God in the gospels; the Kingdom is already here, and not yet here;


God’s heart for the “poor” in the Old and New Testaments;


the relationship between the Old and New Covenant in the Book of Hebrews;


grace, faith, works and the law in the Epistles of Paul, and their interrelationship;


suffering in the teachings of Jesus, Peter and Paul;


the church in the Epistles of Paul.

  1. 为什么我们可以有信心地研究圣经神学。

Why we can be confident to study Biblical Theology.


If we believe in (a) the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible (God is the author), (b) unity in revelation, and (c) progressive revelation, we must believe that (d) God is the same, and (e) the way God deals with his people is always the same: both in Bible times, and today (scholars often hide this fact from us), we can study biblical theology with confidence.


Because God is the same, and the way He deals with his people remains the same, we can study the Bible and find out the over-arching theme in the Bible.

上帝在历史中与祂的子民立了约;上帝坚持祂在约中所应许的!耶稣基督是上帝之约的中保;耶稣基督被称为「约」 本身!(赛42﹕6)

God covenants with (commits himself to) his people!  Jesus Christ is the mediator of the covenant; indeed, he is the covenant (Isaiah 42:6)!

  1. 非正统,非福音派的圣经神学﹕须要有批判(分辨)能力!

Non-evangelical “Biblical Theology,” and the need to be critical.


There is an non-orthodox (non-evangelical) movement called “Biblical Theology”, which emerged in the middle of the 20th century.


It is inspired by the theology of Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann, etc., and does not presume that the Bible is inspired and inerrant.


It studies: What did the people of God believe at any given time?  What was their faith and worship like?


They study the Bible often as if it contains myths (not necessarily inspired/inerrant).


Thus, there are two very different movements, both called “Biblical Theology.”


Thus: When we study Biblical Theology, we take the Bible as the content/object of our study; but we also must take note of  the “Biblical Theology” outside orthodox evangelical circles (the kind which does not honor the Bible as inspired and inerrant).


In other words, Biblical Theology, like every area of study, is done “critically.”

  1. 耶稣基督与旧约圣经的关系

Jesus Christ and the Old Testament

  1. 耶稣基督教导门徒认识旧约圣经。

Jesus Christ taught about the Old Testament.


Our Lord Jesus was reverent to the Old Testament.  He said that even heaven and earth may fall away, the Word (the law) of the Lord will not fall away.


After his resurrection, our Lord held two classes on Old Testament biblical theology.


On the road to Emmaus, he taught the 2 disciples that the Old Testament (Moses and the Prophets) spoke about him:


25   耶稣对他们说:「无知的人哪,先知所说的一切话,你们的心信得太迟钝了。  26   基督这样受害,又进入他的荣耀,岂不是应当的吗?」  27   于是从摩西和众先知起,凡经上所指着自己的话都给他们讲解明白了。

“He said to them, ‘How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!  Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?’  And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. ” (Luke 24:25-27).


The theme of the Old Testament, in other words, is Christ’s sufferings and glory.


Later Christ taught a group of his disciples about the theme of the Old Testament:


44   耶稣对他们说:「这就是我从前与你们同在之时所告诉你们的话说:摩西的律法、先知的书,和诗篇上所记的,凡指着我的话都必须应验。」  45   于是耶稣开他们的心窍,使他们能明白圣经,  46   又对他们说:「照经上所写的,基督必受害,第三日从死里复活,  47   并且人要奉他的名传悔改、赦罪的道,从耶路撒冷起直传到万邦。  48   你们就是这些事的见证。

“He said to them, ‘This is what I told you while I was still with you: everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets an the Psalms.’ Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.  He told them, ‘This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.  You are witnesses of these things.’” (Luke 24:44-48)


Jesus “opened the eyes” of the disciples.  The verb “to open” comes from the root, where we get the word “hermeneutics” (the science of interpreting the Bible).


We learn from our Lord Jesus that: the theme of the Old Testament is about him (Christ), about his sufferings (death) and his glories (resurrection/ascension).  The person and work of Jesus Christ is the theme of the Old Testament.


[Note: Moses, Prophets, and Writings (Psalms) = 3 parts of the Old Testament.]

  1. 我们研究圣经,是以基督徒的身分;我们不是犹太人!

We study the Bible as followers of Christ, not as Jews/non-Christians.


We are not Jews; we are Christians.  Therefore, Christians don’t apologize when we interpret the Old Testament from the perspective of the New Testament, from the vantage point that Christ has risen; repentance in his name is preached to all nations.


Unfortunately, some “evangelical” scholars now follow the non-evangelical habit of calling the Old Testament “the Jewish Bible.”


The Old Testament is part 1 of the Christian Bible – we interpret the Old Testament as Christians, as people who have experienced the power of salvation through Christ.


Jesus says that the true believer believes that the Old Testament testifies about him:


39   只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打;  40   有人想要告你,要拿你的里衣,连外衣也由他拿去;

“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.  These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”  (John 5:39-40)


What is God’s purpose in giving us Christians the Old Testament?  It does 3 things:

(a) 预备基督的来临;prepare for the coming of Christ;

(b) 赐人基督的预表;provide types of Christ; and

(c) 预言基督和祂的工作。耶稣基督应验了旧约圣经的预言。

prophesy and give promises concerning Christ and his work.

Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promises and prophecies concerning himself.

  • 旧约圣经的主题﹕上帝立的『约』

The Main Theme of the Old Testament: Covenant


“Covenant” is the topic of this course on “Old Testament theology.”

  1. 基督徒相信,我们可以研究《圣经》,找出《圣经》每一段,每一章,每一卷的教导。我们仔细研究旧约《圣经》后,可以发觉旧约的主题乃是;上帝与祂子民所立的『约』。Christians believe that we can find out what the Bible says, in a specific verse, paragraph or chapter, and as a whole. After careful study, we can know the theme of the Old Testament: the covenant which God has established with his people.
  2. 『约』这前缀先在上帝与挪亚的关系出现(创9章)。可是,上帝对挪亚所讲的话,指向祂对亚当所说的话(创1-3)。因此我们可以这样说﹕The word “covenant” first appear in God’s relationship to Noah. But God’s words to Noah  refer back to God’s words to Adam (Genesis 1-3).  Therefore, we can say:
  • 上帝与挪亚立约(也透过挪亚,与全人类立约);God made a covenant with Noah (and through Noah, to mankind), and
  • 上帝与亚当立约(也透过亚当,与全人类立约)。

God made a covenant with Adam (and through Adam, to mankind).

  1. 然后上帝与亚伯拉罕立约,又透过亚伯拉罕,与祂所有的后裔立约。新约圣经告诉我们,亚伯拉罕的后裔就是所有相信上帝和上帝恩典的信徒。Then God made a covenant with Abraham (and through Abraham, to all of his descendants: the New Testament tells us that, Abraham’s true descendants are all those who, like him, believe in God and His grace).


Genesis 12:1-3 God made 4 promises to Abraham:

  • 我必赐福与你;I will bless you,
  • 我必赐你应许之地;I will give you land,
  • 我必使你成为大国;I will make you into a great nation,
  • 地上的万国都必因你得福。All the nations on earth will be blessed through you.


We see God fulfilling these promises in history:

  • 上帝的确在亚伯拉罕一生中赐福给他;

God did bless Abraham during his lifetime,

  • 上帝将应许之地赐给亚伯拉罕地后裔﹕430年后(摩西和乔舒亚时期);

God gave Abraham the land He promised him, 430 years later (during the times      of Moses and Joshua),

  • 上帝的确使亚伯拉罕(透过他的后裔)成为大国 – 又多等了几百年,到戴维和所罗门王的时期;God did make Abraham (through his descendants) into a great nation, a few more hundred years later (during David and Solomon’s time),
  • 最后,到亚伯拉罕的后裔,耶稣基督来临的时候,上帝就赐福给万国了。基督来,成就了救赎大工。Finally, God did bless all the nations through Abraham (through his descendant, Jesus Christ), when Christ came on earth to accomplish salvation.


We can almost say that: Genesis 12:1-3  is a succinct, convenient “outline of Old Testament history”, at least the history  beginning with the covenant with Abraham.

  1. 上帝与摩西立约﹕透过摩西,与所有以色列人立约。出埃及记19﹕5-6。上帝要作他们的上帝;他们作上帝的子民。God made a covenant with Moses (and through Moses, to all the people of Israel) – Exodus 19:5-6 – God will be their God; they will be God’s people.
  2. 后来上帝与戴维王立约,应许他一个永远的国度。Later God made a covenant with David, promising an everlasting kingdom.
  3. 在旧约圣经的时期,上帝的先知应许,有一天上帝要与祂的子民立一个新的约。参﹕杰里迈亚书31章,以西结书36章,何西阿书2章等等。Throughout the Old Testament, God (through the prophets) promised that one day he will make a new covenant with his people (Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36, Hosea 2, etc.).

7.『约』的核心是什么?就是上帝对祂子民所说的﹕『我要作你们的上帝,你们要作我的子民。』这就是上帝在《圣经》中说『我爱你』的方式。What is the essence of the covenant?  It is this: God says to his people: “I will be your God, you will be my people.”  This is God’s way of saying, “I love you.”

  1. 小结﹕你与上帝的关系是有名字的,叫作『约』。


To sum up: Your relationship with God has a name: “covenant.”  If you are a Christian, that includes you.


When you became a Christian, you entered into this covenant.


Your obligations in the covenant are: faith, obedience, and repentance.

  1. 圣约思维,圣约生活之邀

An Invitation to Covenantal Thinking and Living  


How should we live, think, believe, and study the Bible as “covenant-keepers”?

  1. 用一本好的研读本《圣经》。更新传道会的国际版是中文中最有水平的。

Use a good study Bible which gives an introduction to each book of the Bible, e.g. NIV Study Bible, or The Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible.  A solid Bible study guide is: Search the Scriptures (IVP).


When you study, ask: What does this paragraph say?  What does this book/section of the book say?  Write an outline of the book/section (Romans 1-8, Matthew 5-7, John 13-17, Ephesians 1-3, Exodus 19-24, Genesis 1-11, Isaiah 40-66, Proverbs 1-9, Job 38-42, Philippians, I John).

  1. 自我检讨﹕我是否了解《圣经》里一些重要的字词?很多时候我们以为了解了,其实呢?例如﹕牺牲,祭,知识,智能,顺服,信心,权威,圣经,启示,上帝,约,爱,教会,婚姻,家庭,教育,罪,救赎,天堂,基督等。Make sure you understand the “big words” in the Bible, which we often assume we understand (but don’t): sacrifice, knowledge, wisdom, obedience, faith, authority, Bible, revelation, God, covenant, love, church, marriage, family, teaching/education, sin, redemption, heaven, Christ.

学习使用《圣经新辞典》。好好研究一些重要字眼的意义。Use The New Bible Dictionary (English or Chinese). Study these words.


Each word has a rich meaning through the Old and New Testaments!  Grasp these major concepts; the Bible will come alive for you.

  1. 上帝与你所建立的关系,称为『约』。The word “covenant” is the name God has given to the relationship he established with you.

当你信主,成为一个基督徒的时候,你就进入到上帝的约了。When you became a Christian, you entered into God’s covenant.


Children of Christian parent(s) enter into this covenant at birth.


Your relationship with God is defined, established, guaranteed, and maintained by God!


He is always faithful on his part.  And he calls us to be faithful on our part – to faith, obedience, and repentance.


Pray with faith!

  1. 你怎样衡量,自己与上帝的关系好不好?How do you measure how good your “relationship with God” is?

是否在20分钟灵修之后的感受?在敬拜赞美的唱诗时间之后的感觉?Whether you feel comfortable (a warm, fuzzy feeling) at the end of a 20-minute Quiet Time?  At the end of singing a praise-and-worship song?


Whether your emotions are high or low?


Whether your self-perceived spirituality is high or low (depends whether you just had a “mountain-top” experience, such as a retreat or conference)?


Whether you are experiencing joy in your relationships, or pain?




Our relationship (covenant) with God is not self-/feeling-centered; it is God-centered.  And God is faithful to all his promises he has given in the covenant.

  1. 如何衡量自己在约中与上帝的关系﹕

How to measure our “relationship (covenant) with God”:


Do I thoroughly obey his commands?


Do I worship him with all of my heart?


Do I trust all his promises?


Do I regularly come to the cross to repent of my sin?


Is the deepest desire in my heart to know him, to love him, serve him, live and die for him?


Is heaven more important to me than this life on earth?


Do I have a real fear and reverence of God?


This is how God describe the heart he desires, the life we should live, the kind of “relationship with him” we should have.


Cf. J.I. Packer, Keep In Step with the Spirit; Jonathan Edwards, Religious        Affections.

  1. 有时候,我们要与上帝重新立约。(尼赫迈亚记9章)Sometimes we need to

“renew our covenant” with God (cf. Nehemiah 9).

  1. 生命是严肃的;基督的生命是委身的生命。Life is serious, the Christian life is about commitment.
  2. 婚姻之约,是与上帝立约的很好比喻(图画)。

(The marriage vow is a good picture of covenanting with God.  Malachi 2:14.)

  1. 『约』就是上帝与你建立的关系`。祂定了这关系,祂也定了约中所有的条件。“Covenant” is the relationship God has established with us, and he has determined all the terms and conditions.



Behind the covenant, is the sovereignty of God.  “Covenant” challenges us to abandon all self-centered, man-centered, feeling-centered thinking and living.

  1. 我们在约中顺服、降服的时候,就真正的自由了。When we surrender (in covenant obedience) we are truly free.
  2. 清教徒们常被人嘲笑,你们的生活这么『严谨』。一位情教徒回答﹕『可是,先生,我所服事的上帝,是一位严谨的上帝!』The Puritans were ridiculed for being so “precise” (strict about so many details).  One Puritan answered: “But sir, I serve a precise God!”


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