045A    《威敏斯特信仰告白》,第三十四章

The Westminster Confession, Chapter 34





  1. 圣灵是三位一体上帝的第三位,从圣父和圣子而出,同质,同权,同荣;与父与子一样,世人理当世世代代信祂,爱祂,顺服祂,敬拜祂,直到永远。The Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the Son, of the same substance and equal in power and glory, is, together with the Father and the Son, to be believed in, loved, obeyed, and worshipped throughout all ages.

林后2 Cor. 13:14

约John 4:24

约John 14:26

约John 15:26

约John 16:7

约John 20:22

太Matt. 3:16-17

太Matt. 28:19

路Luke 1:35

弗Eph. 2:18-20, 22

弗Eph. 4:30

来Heb. 10:29

林前I Cor. 10:10-11

启Rev. 8:14, 26-27

约壹I John 2:20-27

帖前I Thess. 5:19

  1. 圣灵是生命之主,祂赐生命给各处的活物;是一切美善的思想,纯真的情操,和圣洁的计谋的来源。祂感动先知宣讲上帝的话,默示圣经所有的作者无误地记录上帝的圣旨和心意。祂特别被交托施行福音予人。圣灵预备福音的道路,与福音同工,以祂的大能说服人的心思与良心,以致拒绝福音之怜悯邀请的人,不仅无可推诿,且因抗拒圣灵而有罪。

He is the Lord and Giver of life, everywhere present, and is the source of all good thoughts, pure desires, and holy counsels in men.  By him the prophets were moved to speak the word of God, and all the writers of the Holy Scriptures inspired to record infallibly the mind and will of God.  The dispensation of the gospel is especially committed to him.  He prepares the way for it, accompanies it with his persuasive power, and urges its message upon the reason and conscience of men, so that they who reject its merciful offer are not only without excuse, but are also guilty of resisting the Holy Spirit.

弗Eph. 4:30

弗Eph. 5:9

创Gen. 1:2

约John 3:5, 7

约John 16:8-11, 13-15

徒Acts 1:8

徒Acts 2:1-21

徒Acts 7:51

徒Acts 28:25

加Gal. 5:22-25

彼后II Peter 1:21

提后II Tim. 3:16

林前I Cor. 2:9-10, 13

彼前I Peter 1:11

帖前I Thess. 5:19

诗Ps. 104:30

诗Ps. 139:7

罗Rom. 5:5

罗Rom. 8:9, 14-16

多Titus 3:5-6

太Matt. 12:31-32

  1. 圣父喜悦赐圣灵给一切求祂的人。圣灵是唯一有效施行救赎者;祂以自己的恩典重生人,使人扎心知罪,感动人悔改,说服人接受福音,赐人能力信靠耶稣基督。圣灵使所有信徒与基督联合,在他们心中居住,安慰他们,使他们成圣,赐他们作上帝儿女的灵和祷告的灵。圣灵执行所有恩典的职事,使信徒成为圣洁,身上有上帝的印记,直到救赎的日子。

The Holy Spirit, whom the Father is ever willing to give to all who ask him, is the only efficient agent in the application of redemption.  He regenerates men by his grace, convicts them of sin, moves them to repentance, and persuades and enables them to embrace Jesus Christ by faith.  He unites all believers to Christ, dwells in them as their Comforter and Sanctifier, gives them the spirit of Adoption and Prayer, and performs all those gracious offices by which they are sanctified and sealed unto the day of redemption.

约John 3:1-8

徒Acts 2:38

路Luke 11:13

林前I Cor. 2:13-14

林前I Cor. 3:16

林前I Cor. 6:19

林前I Cor. 12:3

约John 7:37-39

约John 16:7-11, 13

启Rev. 22:17

多Tit. 3:5-7

帖后II Thess. 2:13

加Gal. 4:6

加Gal. 6:8

约壹I John 4:2

罗Rom. 8:14-17, 26-27

罗Rom. 15:16

弗Eph. 1:13

弗Eph. 2:18

弗Eph. 4:3, 30

弗Eph. 5:9

帖前I Thess. 1:5

犹Jude 20-21

来Heb. 10:14-15

  1. 圣灵住在所有信徒里,因此信徒与基督在生命上联合。基督是他们的头;信徒们也因此在教会里彼此联合,教会乃是基督的身体。圣灵呼召,膏抹牧师们担任他们神圣的职事,并赐教会其他的职员其职位所需的恩赐和能力。圣灵也赐各样的恩赐和恩典给教会的成员。圣灵使上帝话语的传讲满有能力,使福音的圣礼大发功效。圣灵保存教会,使教会增长,炼净教会,直到祂使教会在上帝的面前,全然圣洁。

By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit all believers are vitally united to Christ, who is the Head, are thus united one to another in the Church, which is his body.  He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office, qualifies all other officers in the church for their special work, and imparts various gifts and graces to its members.  He gives efficacy to the word and to the ordinances of the gospel.  By him the church will be preserved, increased, purified, and at last made perfectly holy in the presence of God.

弗Eph. 2:14-18

弗Eph. 4:1-6, 30

弗Eph. 5:18

徒Acts 1:8

徒Acts 2:4

徒Acts 6:3, 5-6

徒Acts 13:2-3

徒Acts 20:28

林前I Cor. 2:10

林前I Cor. 12:4-13

彼后II Peter 1:19-21

帖前I Thess. 1:5-6

约John 16:13-14

约John 20:22-23

太Matt. 28:19-20

加Gal. 5:16, 22-23

提后II Tim. 3:16

启Rev. 2:7

启Rev. 22:17


(The Westminster Confession of Faith, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and Evangelical Presbyterian Church versions, 20th century.  Chapter 34.  Translated by Samuel Ling.)


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