

of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals


April 20, 1996

Evangelical churches today are increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age rather than by the Spirit of Christ. As evangelicals, we call ourselves to repent of this sin and to recover the historic Christian faith.


In the course of history words change. In our day this has happened to the word “evangelical.” In the past it served as a bond of unity between Christians from a wide diversity of church traditions. Historic evangelicalism was confessional. It embraced the essential truths of Christianity as those were defined by the great ecumenical councils of the church. In addition, evangelicals also shared a common heritage in the “solas” of the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation.

在历史的过程中,文字不断的转变,在近代的“福音派”这字也不例外。在过去,“福音派”是代表在不同传统的圣徒,在教会的大家庭里面的联系及合一运动。历代的“福音派”信仰是供认性,及坚信历代教会在会议,信经里所断定的重要真理。再加上,“福音派”也在十六世纪改教运动“五个唯独”(5 Solas)遗产上有共同点。

Today the light of the Reformation has been significantly dimmed. The consequence is that the word “evangelical” has become so inclusive as to have lost its meaning. We face the peril of losing the unity it has taken centuries to achieve. Because of this crisis and because of our love of Christ, his gospel and his church, we endeavor to assert anew our commitment to the central truths of the Reformation and of historic evangelicalism. These truths we affirm not because of their role in our traditions, but because we believe that they are central to the Bible.


Sola Scriptura: The Erosion Of Authority

唯独圣经: 权柄之没落

Scripture alone is the inerrant rule of the church’s life, but the evangelical church today has separated Scripture from its authoritative function. In practice, the church is guided, far too often, by the culture. Therapeutic technique, marketing strategies, and the beat of the entertainment world often have far more to say about what the church wants, how it functions and what it offers, than does the Word of God. Pastors have neglected their rightful oversight of worship, including the doctrinal content of the music. As biblical authority has been abandoned in practice, as its truths have faded from Christian consciousness, and as its doctrines have lost their saliency, the church has been increasingly emptied of its integrity, moral authority and direction.


Rather than adapting Christian faith to satisfy the felt needs of consumers, we must proclaim the law as the only measure of true righteousness and the gospel as the only announcement of saving truth. Biblical truth is indispensable to the church’s understanding, nurture and discipline.


Scripture must take us beyond our perceived needs to our real needs and liberate us from seeing ourselves through the seductive images, cliche’s, promises. and priorities of mass culture. It is only in the light of God’s truth that we understand ourselves aright and see God’s provision for our need. The Bible, therefore, must be taught and preached in the church. Sermons must be expositions of the Bible and its teachings, not expressions of the preachers opinions or the ideas of the age. We must settle for nothing less than what God has given.


The work of the Holy Spirit in personal experience cannot be disengaged from Scripture. The Spirit does not speak in ways that are independent of Scripture. Apart from Scripture we would never have known of God’s grace in Christ. The biblical Word, rather than spiritual experience, is the test of truth.


Thesis One: Sola Scriptura

命题 1:唯独圣经

We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience. The Bible alone teaches all that is necessary for our salvation from sin and is the standard by which all Christian behavior must be measured. We deny that any creed, council or individual may bind a Christian’s conscience, that the Holy Spirit speaks independently of or contrary to what is set forth in the Bible, or that personal spiritual experience can ever be a vehicle of revelation.


Solus Christus: The Erosion Of Christ-Centered Faith

唯独基督: 基督为中心的信仰之没落

As evangelical faith becomes secularized, its interests have been blurred with those of the culture. The result is a loss of absolute values, permissive individualism, and a substitution of wholeness for holiness, recovery for repentance, intuition for truth, feeling for belief, chance for providence, and immediate gratification for enduring hope. Christ and his cross have moved from the center of our vision.

既然福音派纯正信仰渐渐地世俗化,教会的方向也已经与世界的潮流混合了在一起。结果教会失去了对信仰的绝对价值观,可约束个人主义的原则,而且竟然把完整的说法取代了圣洁的原则, 以复原理论取代了悔改的教导,把个人的直觉取代了真理的标准,同时也把个人感觉取代了真实信仰,并且以偶然的推理来取代了上帝的带领,再加上以即时的满足取代了永恒的盼望。我们已把基督与他的十字架从我们的视线的中心点移去了。

Thesis Two: Solus Christus

命题 2:唯独基督

We reaffirm that our salvation is accomplished by the mediatorial work of the historical Christ alone. His sinless life and substitutionary atonement alone are sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to the Father.

We deny that the gospel is preached if Christ’s substitutionary work is not declared and faith in Christ and his work is not solicited.



Sola Gratia: The Erosion Of The Gospel

唯独恩典: 福音内容之没落

Unwarranted confidence in human ability is a product of fallen human nature. This false confidence now fills the evangelical world; from the self-esteem gospel, to the health and wealth gospel, from those who have transformed the gospel into a product to be sold and sinners into consumers who want to buy, to others who treat Christian faith as being true simply because it works. This silences the doctrine of justification regardless of the official commitments of our churches.

God’s grace in Christ is not merely necessary but is the sole efficient cause of salvation. We confess that human beings are born spiritually dead and are incapable even of cooperating with regenerating grace.

人自从堕落以来,不断地迷信于自己的能力超过一切.今天, 这错误的思想也侵略了福音派教会. 这些就包含了自我形像福音,成功或富贵福音,还有把福音当作可以买给人的商品,而罪人就如消费者决定是否要购买这商品,或是推销给那些愿意为了个人利益而接受基督信仰。这必定抹杀我们在教会里所教导的因信称义教义。


Thesis Three: Sola Gratia

命题 3: 唯独恩典

We reaffirm that in salvation we are rescued from God’s wrath by his grace alone. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings us to Christ by releasing us from our bondage to sin and raising us from spiritual death to spiritual life.

We deny that salvation is in any sense a human work. Human methods, techniques or strategies by themselves cannot accomplish this transformation. Faith is not produced by our unregenerated human nature.


我们否认一切靠着人功劳的途径来获得救恩的教导. 因为, 一切人的方法, 技巧或策略完是全无法使人得到救恩. 再加上, 堕落的人性是不可能产生得救之信心.

Sola Fide: The Erosion Of The Chief Article

唯独信心: 大前提之没落

Justification is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone. This is the article by which the church stands or falls. Today this article is often ignored, distorted or sometimes even denied by leaders, scholars and pastors who claim to be evangelical. Although fallen human nature has always recoiled from recognizing its need for Christ’s imputed righteousness, modernity greatly fuels the fires of this discontent with the biblical Gospel. We have allowed this discontent to dictate the nature of our ministry and what it is we are preaching.

我们得于称义是唯有出于恩典并且也透过在基督里的信心才能得于成全.教会就是在这关键的教义上被建立或是被拆毁. 可惜, 在今天, 很多所自称为福音派的领袖, 学者与传道门会往往忽略, 歪曲甚至否认这项重要的教义. 本来,堕落的人性一直以来都不断地拒绝来认识自己真正的需要(就是需要基督所成就的义), 但是,近代的世俗思潮也不断地加强人对真福音反感. 最可悲的就是,我们自己也让这些人对福音的反感思潮来主导我们事工的性质呵我们的讲台信息.

Many in the church growth movement believe that sociological understanding of those in the pew is as important to the success of the gospel as is the biblical truth which is proclaimed. As a result, theological convictions are frequently divorced from the work of the ministry. The marketing orientation in many churches takes this even further, erasing the distinction between the biblical Word and the world, robbing Christ’s cross of its offense, and reducing Christian faith to the principles and methods which bring success to secular corporations.


While the theology of the cross may be believed, these movements are actually emptying it of its meaning. There is no gospel except that of Christ’s substitution in our place whereby God imputed to him our sin and imputed to us his righteousness. Because he bore our judgment, we now walk in his grace as those who are forever pardoned, accepted and adopted as God’s children. There is no basis for our acceptance before God except in Christ’s saving work, not in our patriotism, churchly devotion or moral decency. The gospel declares what God has done for us in Christ. It is not about what we can do to reach him.

虽然有许多的人看起来是相信或接受十字架的真理,不过,实际上他们已经把这些真理的真义淡化了。 除了上帝透过基督为着我们罪的代死及上帝以基督的义归算于给我们以外,也没有别的福音了。因为基督担当了我们的刑罚,我们能够活在上帝的恩典中,罪完全得到赦免,而被接纳成为上帝的儿女。除了基督所成就的救赎工作以外,我们的爱国,爱教会的情操或好的品德,是不足于使我们获得上帝恩典的条件。

Thesis Four: Sola Fide

命题4: 唯独信心

We reaffirm that justification is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone. In justification Christ’s righteousness is imputed to us as the only possible satisfaction of God’s perfect justice.

We deny that justification rests on any merit to be found in us, or upon the grounds of an infusion of Christ’s righteousness in us, or that an institution claiming to be a church that denies or condemns sola fide can be recognized as a legitimate church.



Soli Deo Gloria: The Erosion Of God-Centered Worship

唯独神的荣耀: 以神为中心敬拜之没落

Wherever in the church biblical authority has been lost, Christ has been displaced, the gospel has been distorted, or faith has been perverted, it has always been for one reason: our interests have displaced God’s and we are doing his work in our way. The loss of God’s centrality in the life of today’s church is common and lamentable. It is this loss that allows us to transform worship into entertainment, gospel preaching into marketing, believing into technique, being good into feeling good about ourselves, and faithfulness into being successful. As a result, God, Christ and the Bible have come to mean too little to us and rest too inconsequentially upon us.

每当圣经在教会里失去了他的地位, 基督的主权被贬低, 福音内容被歪曲, 信仰也被曲解了, 主要的原因只有一个. 那就是上帝对教会的心意已被我们的心意所取代,还有就是我们以我们的做事方式来取代上帝的工作. 在今天, 教会已失去了这以神为中心之生命是件普偏及可悲的事. 教会就是在这样的光景下, 使我们把崇拜变为娱乐, 布道变为推销, 相信变为技巧, 学好变为自我麻醉, 最后, 把忠心变为成就.  结果, 上帝, 基督, 与圣经的意义对我们来说实在是太少及不切实了.

God does not exist to satisfy human ambitions, cravings, the appetite for consumption, or our own private spiritual interests. We must focus on God in our worship, rather than the satisfaction of our personal needs. God is sovereign in worship; we are not. Our concern must be for God’s kingdom, not our own empires, popularity or success.

上帝不是一位要满足人的理想, 欲望, 个人喜好或是我们个人的属灵需要的神. 我们必需要以上帝作为我们敬拜唯一的焦点, 而不是为了满足我们个人的需要. 上帝永远是我们崇拜的中心而不是我们. 我们在敬拜里的首要是上帝的国度而不是我们的个人王国,名利或成就.

Thesis Five: Soli Deo Gloria

命题 5: 唯独神的荣耀

We reaffirm that because salvation is of God and has been accomplished by God, it is for God’s glory and that we must glorify him always. We must live our entire lives before the face of God, under the authority of God and for his glory alone. We deny that we can properly glorify God if our worship is confused with entertainment, if we neglect either Law or Gospel in our preaching, or if self-improvement, self-esteem or self- fulfillment are allowed to become alternatives to the gospel.

我们从新再肯定,上帝设立也成全了我们的救恩, 所以在我们的每一时每一刻,荣耀上帝是我应当尽的本分与责任.我们也要必需把我们生命放在上帝的面前, 降服在他主权之下,并只有为了荣耀他而活. 我们拒绝一切以娱乐成份混合在主日敬拜的方式是能够荣耀神, 讲台信息内容忽略了律法何福音, 或是让自我提升, 自我形象与自我成全取代了福音的宣讲.

Call To Repentance And Reformation


The faithfulness of the evangelical church in the past contrasts sharply with its unfaithfulness in the present. Earlier in this century, evangelical churches sustained a remarkable missionary endeavor, and built many religious institutions to serve the cause of biblical truth and Christ’s kingdom. That was a time when Christian behavior and expectations were markedly different from those in the culture. Today they often are not. The evangelical world today is losing its biblical fidelity, moral compass and missionary zeal.


We repent of our worldliness. We have been influenced by the “gospels” of our secular culture, which are no gospels. We have weakened the church by our own lack of serious repentance, our blindness to the sins in ourselves which we see so clearly in others, and our inexcusable failure adequately to tell others about God’s saving work in Jesus Christ.


We also earnestly call back erring professing evangelicals who have deviated from God’s Word in the matters discussed in this Declaration. This includes those who declare that there is hope of eternal life apart from explicit faith in Jesus Christ, who claim that those who reject Christ in this life will be annihilated rather than endure the just judgment of God through eternal suffering, or who claim that evangelicals and Roman Catholics are one in Jesus Christ even where the biblical doctrine of justification is not believed.


The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals asks all Christians to give consideration to implementing this Declaration in the church’s worship, ministry, policies, life and evangelism. For Christ’s sake. Amen.


ACE Council Members:


Dr. John Armstrong (「真相系列」丛书作者,有中译版)
Rev. Alistair Begg (俄亥俄州独立教会主任牧师)
Dr. James M. Boice(已故费城第十长老会牧师;国际圣经无误协会前任会长)
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey (加州威敏斯特神学院 Westminster Seminary California院长)
Dr. John D. Hannah (教会历史教授)
Dr. Michael S. Horton(加州威敏斯特神学院教授;作者;电台节目主持人)
Mrs. Rosemary Jensen
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. (美南浸信神学院Southern Baptist Theological Seminary院长)
Dr. Robert M. Norris
Dr. R. C. Sproul (史鲍尔,改革宗护教作者,属古典派)
Dr. G. Edward Veith
Dr. David Wells (哥顿神学院Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary教会历史教授)
Dr. Luder Whitlock (改革宗神学院 Reformed Theological Seminary前任院长)
Dr. J. A. O. Preus, III(路德会领袖)


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