神学导论  阅读资料 39B  信心的真义(未定稿)












答﹕信服耶稣基督是神所赐的恩典﹐使我们照着福音的信息与劝勉接纳基督﹐唯独靠他得救。  (第86问。)


第14章  论得救的信心
















(Horatius Bonar词。《普天颂赞》﹐香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1977﹐第605首﹐第1﹐2节。)


信心﹐是基督徒与神的关系的核心。人若没有信心﹐不能得神的喜悦。我们蒙神称义﹐是借着信﹐唯独借着信。因信称义是宗教改革运动的主要教义。维持我们与神的关系﹐也是借着信。可是﹐基督徒在一般对 「信心」 的意义 ﹐真是各说纷纭﹐莫衷一是。信心的意义﹐在基督徒的心目中﹐究竟是什么﹖

让我们先来看看今天基督徒对 「信心」 一词的用法。

一。传统的福音派 /基要派﹐邀请人来 「信耶稣」。笔者记得童年时代 (1950 年代﹐香港) 的布道诗歌﹐唱于礼拜堂里或户外的布道会﹕「来信耶稣﹐来信耶稣﹐来信耶稣现在。现在来信耶稣﹐来信耶稣现在。」有时还穿上黑的背心﹐写着白字﹕是单纯﹐直接﹐以祷告托住的﹐不折不扣的福音宣讲﹐回忆起来﹐还觉甜蜜。不过在进步的今天﹐有人认为 「只要相信」未免太简单了﹔ 没有理性根据的信﹐则近乎迷信﹐不能被知识分子接受。非基督徒这样想﹐有情可原。问题是﹐今天基督徒越来越接受这种对「信」的批判。曾几何时我们怕别人不接受我们的福音事工﹐在福音的邀请上换了说法。今天比较惯用的﹐是「接受」主或主赐的福 ﹔今天我们喜欢邀请朋友们「打开心门」﹐ 或「敞开心灵」接受主。


二。信主之后﹐我们说﹕「我们需要在信心上长进」 ﹐而基督徒间往往听到的是,「嗨﹗我的信心真是软弱﹗我跟神的关系不好﹗」这种话说出什么事实﹖什么叫作「信心软弱」﹖与神的关系﹐怎样算好﹐怎样算不好﹖照笔者的长期观察﹐在某些信徒的心中﹐「信心软弱」的意思﹐就是在每天个人灵修的操练上疏懒下来。这种的用词﹐把「信心」﹐「与神的关系」 ﹐和「个人灵修」等同了。

笔者一生都认同福音派信徒所强调的灵修操练﹕祷告﹐与主亲近﹐安静在主面前—等候﹐细读神的话﹐默想 《圣经》。 (改革宗称这些操练为 「恩具」  means of grace﹐意思是﹐在基督里的恩典﹐往往是透过这些途径临到我们的﹔圣灵用神的话﹐祷告﹐和圣礼将基督里的恩典浇灌在我们的心里。) 这里我们要说的﹐不是这些操练重要与否﹐而是我们如何用「信心」这词。

三。特别有一些难题出现在我们的生命中时﹐我们就为祷告。《圣经》的确要我们祷告时有信心﹐而我们的信心往往是软弱的。这里的「信」是什么意思﹖在一般信徒的心目中﹐就是「意志坚强不坚强」的意思。我们若不清楚的理解信心的来源与性质﹐就很容易以为信心完全是人主动的行为﹔照这样的看法﹐我们的信心生活就好像一些日常生活中所立定的目标似的 如减肥﹐看我们的意志有多坚强。


四。与上面有关的﹐就是将信心与乐观等同起来。比方说﹐我们可能会安慰一些面临难题的朋友们﹕「我相信你的问题会解决的」 ﹐「我相信时间会冲淡你的问题」。这里所用的「信心」一词﹐好像「希望」 一样﹐是没有盼望里的盼望﹐悲观里的乐观﹐是没有「实底」或「确据」的相信。

这种被称为「信心」的乐观主义 ﹐多年来被 Norman Vincent Peale 宣传﹔他的名著是  The Power of Positive Thinking。打从1970年代﹐推广这种思想的还有 Robert Schuller ﹐他比较喜欢用的说法是 possibility thinking。这两位牧师都主张人应该向好的 (正面的﹐可能的﹐将来的)方面看﹐而相对之下﹐罪与十字架的福音真理都比较少提。灵恩派有些极端分子﹐甚至乎教导基督徒祷告应该向神非常清楚的﹐直接的要求一些他们心中的愿望。好像中文流行福音诗歌这样说﹕每次我祷告﹐摇动神 的手。


上面提到的﹐大部分是信徒们对「信心」的一般用法﹔笔者明白﹐这些用法都不是经过神学的深思熟虑而定出来的﹐而且﹐这些观念个中不无道理。我们信主﹐的确是要「信」。信了主﹐灵性的操练是少不了的﹐读经﹐祷告是使信心长进的方法﹐是神所立定的恩具。信心不只是理性上的认知﹐的确牵涉到意志的层面。而真的信心能为人带来真正的盼望。可是﹐信心不是迷信﹔灵修也不等于信心。信心虽然用到了意志﹐基督徒也应该是充满盼望的人﹐可是这些都是从人的层面来看信心。信心的坚强﹐不能以人的 (先天﹐后天) 意志的坚强与否 — 就是说﹐不能以人的性向 – 来决定。

信心的定义﹐若只是从人作出发点﹐早晚会与 《圣经》真理冲突。


改革宗对信心的理解﹐与对「重生」的理解一样﹐是从神作出发点﹐重点在神的恩典﹐神的主权﹐神的主动。信心是人的行动﹐不过同也 – 更是 – 神的恩典。信心是圣灵所赐的恩惠 (改革宗用的词是恩典 – a grace – 一个使人得救的恩典 –  a saving grace)。信心的对象是耶稣基督﹔祂是信心最具决定性的因素。而信心的目标是人与神和好﹐被神称义﹐而不是人随意想象出来的目的。


(i)  Notitia – 认知﹐就是﹕认识真理 / 福音。

(ii) Assensus – 同意﹐就是﹕相信。

Fiducia – 委身 (献身)﹐ 就是﹕将生命的主权交出。



基督徒讲到重生﹐其实很多时候所指的不过是「信主」。我们已看见﹐「重生」是神的工作﹐是圣灵主动的行动。那么﹐重生与人的信心之间的关系是什么呢. ﹖是「信而重生」(很多福音派信徒的看法)﹖或是人先重生才能信﹖这个问题到底如何解决﹖周功和提出一个方法﹕

圣经里有没有一句话﹐话中「重生」与「信」都出现﹐让我们可确定两者之间的因果关系﹖答案是肯定的。约翰一书五章一节说﹕「凡信耶稣是基督的﹐都是从神而生﹐凡爱生祂之神的﹐也必爱从神生的。」在这一句话里﹐「从神而生」 的 「生」 是现在完成时态 (gegennetai) ﹐而「信耶稣」的 「信」 ﹐是现在时态。所以﹐若把时态翻译出来﹐就是﹕「凡信耶稣是基督的﹐都是已经从神而生。」 加尔文如此解释这段经文﹕「所有真正相信的人都是已经从神而生的﹔因为信心大大超越了人的悟性﹐我们必须被天父吸引才会归向基督﹔我们没有一人能靠自己的能力上升到祂那里(周译) 。」(周功和﹐ 《荣耀光中活水泉﹕论救恩与灵恩》﹐台北﹕中华福音神学院﹐2002﹐页70-71。)

另外﹐《约翰一书》里有好几处经文﹐把重生与一些果效 – 行公义﹐不犯罪﹐爱弟兄﹐信耶稣﹐得胜世界等 – 连在一起 (约一 2﹕29﹔ 3﹕9﹔ 4﹕7﹔ 5﹕1﹐ 4﹐ 18)。这关系是因果的关系﹐不一定是时间上先后的关系。慕理说﹕

这里不但提到一个从神而生的人不犯罪﹐更解释为何不犯罪的原因。他不犯罪是因为神的道存在他心里。…所以﹐重生事在推理和起因上先于“不犯罪” 。 (慕理﹐《再思救赎奇恩》﹐陈妙玲译﹔ 香港﹕天道书楼﹐ 1993 ﹐页88。参周功和﹐《荣耀光中活水泉》的讨论﹐页72。)

重生﹐是圣灵来改变一个人的生命。重生了的人﹐既不再是死在罪恶过犯中﹐就愿意 (甘心情愿的)﹐也得到能力相信﹐悔改。比方说,主耶稣行神迹叫拉撒路从死里复活,是先使他从死里活过来,拉撒路才能听到耶稣的声音,然后服从祂的话,从坟墓走向耶稣。神先生命,然后人作出响应,来到主的面前。

现在我们来看加尔文关于信心的教导。16 ﹐17世纪的清教徒﹐基本上同意这个定义﹐不过在教牧的处境里﹐更具体的处理信心软弱的问题(这方面我们在得救的确据一段介绍))。


16世纪﹐宗教改革运动席卷整个欧洲。马丁路德和加尔文带领德、法、瑞士、北欧等地信徒离开天主教﹐主要是因为当时天主教教导﹐人要得到神的赦罪﹐得称为义﹐除了信心以外﹐必须靠教会所施行的圣礼。圣礼是恩具 (means of grace)﹐神的恩典(救恩)透过圣礼渗透到人的心灵里 (grace is infused through the sacraments) 。而圣礼乃操纵在教会的手中。因此﹐天主教的官方教导是﹐得救的确据是在今生不可能得到的。十六世纪天主教抗衡宗教改革 (Counter-Reformation)召开的天特会议 (Council of Trent) 这样宣告﹕

任何人﹐当他还在这必朽的今生中是﹐绝不应该猜测神预定的隐藏奥秘﹔不可断定自己是否肯定被包括在神所预定的数目中。不要擅自以为自己被称为义﹐以致自己不可能再犯罪﹐或者若再犯罪的话﹐他可以向自己应许一个有确据的悔改。因为除非神特殊的启示﹐人不可能知道神拣选了谁得永远的生命。 (笔者译。)

No one, moreover, so long as he is in this mortal life, ought so far to presume as regards the secret mystery of divine predestination, as to determine for certain that he is assuredly in the number of the predestinate; as if it were true, that he that is justified, either cannot sin any more, or if he do sin, that he ought to promise himself an assured repentance; for except by special revelation, it can not be known whom God hath chosen unto everlasting life.

(Decree of the Council of Trent, Chapter XII.  In Philip Schaff, ed., The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes, vol. 2 (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1878), p. 103.  Quoted in Beeke, p. 15.)

在这种的情况下﹐路德与加尔文一方面需要清楚地﹐大胆地宣讲神恩典的福音﹔同时也需要顾虑到一些信徒脆弱的信心﹐因为天主教的传统教义还深深的刻在人的脑海里﹐而天主教势力不断尝试将基督教的信徒拉回到 「母会」 (the mother church)。天特会议定下一条教义﹕凡是教导人可以有得救的确据的,都是配得咒诅的,换言之,是异端!信心必须加上行为;可是,人永远在今生不能获得得救的确据。

加尔文在他的 《基督教要义》里﹐为信心作了这样的定义﹕


(约翰。加尔文﹐《基督教要义﹕中册》﹐卷3 ﹐2 ﹕7﹔香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1957﹐页66。)

Now we shall possess a right definition of faith if we call it a firm and certain knowledge of God’s benevolence toward us, founded upon the truth of the freely given promise in Christ, both revealed to our minds and sealed upon our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:7; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, p. 551.)






五、基督福音应许的真实性﹐是由圣灵启示 (证实) ﹐由圣灵印记在我们的心里。


信心是认识神﹐真正地认识神。不只是知道一些关于神的教义﹐而是认识神自己。信心不是建立在无知上﹐信心是建立在对神的恩典真正的知识上。加尔文极力反对天主教所说到的 「默信」 (implicit faith)。

这样说来﹐这罪恶和其他无数的恶一般﹐完全是生于经院派之讲基督蒙上一层面纱﹐掩盖了祂的真面目﹔其实﹐除非我们直接专一地注意祂﹐我们将永远陷于迷宫。他们不但以模糊的定义减削了﹐甚而几乎是完全消灭了信仰的一切重要性﹐而且虚构了「默信」 之说﹐他们用默信这名词来粉饰  无知﹐以最烈的毒素迷惑一般可怜的人。老实说这观念不但埋没了信仰﹐而且完全



This evil, then, like innumerable others, must be attributed to the Schoolmen, who have, as it were, drawn a veil over Christ to hide him.  Unless we look straight toward him, we shall wander through endless labyrinths.

But besides wearing down the whole force of faith and almost annihilating it by their obscure definition, they have fabricated the fiction of “implicit faith.”  Bedecking the grossest ignorance with this term, they ruinously delude poor, miserable folk.  Furthermore, to state truly and frankly the real fact of the matter, this fiction not only buries but utterly destroys true faith.  Is this what believing means – to understand nothing, provided only that you submit your feeling obediently to the church?  Faith rests not on ignorance, but on knowledge.  And this is, indeed, knowledge not only of God but of the divine will.  We do not obtain salvation either because we are prepared to embrace as true whatever the church has prescribed, or because we turn over to it the task of inquiring and knowing.  But we do so when we know that God is our merciful Father, because of reconciliation effected through Christ [II Cor. 5:18-19], and that Christ has been given to us as righteousness, sanctification, and life.  By this knowledge, I say, not by submission of our feeling, do we obtain entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. …

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:2; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, pp. 544-545.)

人必须亲自认识神﹐信心不是建立在他人 (或教会)的知识或传说﹐而是建立在自己所认识的。信心是我们亲自经历到认识基督。


信心是有具体的内容的﹔因此﹐信心或信仰 (faith) 在《新约圣经》里可以有两种用法﹔除了使人得救的信心以外﹐信仰也可以指「教义」 ﹕

我们必须记得记得「信仰」这名词的双关意义﹐信仰时常是指健全的虔敬的教义而言﹐好像我们刚纔所引证﹐和保罗在同一书信中所讲﹕作执事的「要存清洁的良心﹐固守信仰 (即真道) 的奥秘」(提前3﹕9) 同样﹐他又预言﹕有人「离弃信仰」(提前4﹕1) 。当他说提摩太「在信仰的话语上﹐得了教育」(提前 4﹕6) ﹐也是同一意义。他又说﹕「你要避免世俗的虚谈﹐和那敌真道似是而非的学问﹔已经有人自称有这学问﹐就偏离了信仰 」(提前6﹕20﹐21)﹐ 这就是他在别处所说﹐那些「在信仰上是可废弃的」人 (提后 3 ﹕8) 。因此﹐他要提多「责备他们﹐使他们在信仰上纯全无疵」(多1 ﹕13) ﹔他所谓的「纯全无疵」 ﹐不外乎是那容易因人的动摇而败坏退化的纯正教理﹐既然「所积蓄的一切智能知识﹐都在基督里面藏着」(参西 2 ﹕3) 而祇是充满信心的﹐所以信仰的意义即扩大到全部属天地教义﹐二者不可分开。

(约翰。加尔文﹐《基督教要义﹕中册》﹐卷3﹐2﹕13﹔香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1957﹐页 69。)

笔者籍贯是浙江慈溪﹐父母亲家中用沪语对话时﹐若讲到某人是不是基督徒﹐不会说某人「信了主」 与否﹐而是他「听过道理」或「信了道理」与否。

人来信靠基督﹐乃是透过认识福音﹐相信相信福音﹕神的真道。加尔文强调﹐基督是在福音里让我们认识的。我们信主﹐是因为神在福音里给我们来信基督的劝勉 (embrace Christ, as he is offered in the gospel) 。加尔文认为信仰这个行动与信仰的内容 (真道) 两者绝对不可分开﹔没有真理﹐就没有信仰 (信心) ﹕

因此﹐对基督真正的认识﹐在乎接受祂为父之所赐﹐带来了福音的﹔祂既是我们信仰的对象﹐若没有福音的指导﹐我们就不能正当地接近祂。福音给我们开了无限恩惠的宝藏﹐若没有那些宝藏﹐基督对我们便没有多大的益处。保罗把信仰与教理看为不可分开的﹐所以他说﹐ 「你们学了基督﹐却不是这样﹔如果你们听过神的道﹐领了祂的教﹐学了祂的真理」( 弗4﹕20﹐

我却不将信仰限于福音范围内﹐我承认摩西与先知们所传的足以建立信仰﹔不过因为福音对基督有更充分的表现﹐所以保罗说得对﹕「这是信仰和真道的话语」(参提前4﹕6) 。…

我们必须知道﹐信仰与道有永恒的关系﹐两者不能分开﹐正如光线之与太阳﹐所以上帝借着以赛亚说﹕「你们倾耳而听﹐就必得活」(赛55﹕3) 。道是信仰的源泉﹐可由约翰的话看出来﹕ 「但记载这些事﹐要叫你们信」 (约20﹕31)。诗人也劝百姓相信﹐说﹕ 「唯愿你们今天听祂的话」( 诗 95﹕7) ﹔听即是指信而言。…

因此﹐若信心对应针对着的目标稍有偏移﹐就丧失了它原来的性质﹐ 流为无定的盲信﹐陷心灵于歧途。这道是支持信仰的基础﹐一旦离开了它﹐信仰就不免崩溃。没有道﹐即没有信仰。我们在这里不用争论传布那产生信仰的上帝的道是否需要人的工作﹐这一点我们将留在别的地方讨论﹔但我们敢说﹐那传与我们的道的本身无论怎样传来﹐是好像一面镜子﹐叫信仰在其中可以看见上帝。所以不论上帝是否借用人﹐或完全靠自己的权能运行﹐祂总是以道向祂吸引的人表现自己 (参罗 1﹕5) 。… 所以我们知道﹐信仰就是从上帝的道所得来关于祂对我们的旨意的认识。信仰的基础是在于预先相信神的真实性。若心中稍存疑惑﹐便动摇了道的权威﹐或者根本没有了道的权威。除非你毫无疑义地承认﹐凡出自上帝的﹐都是神圣不可侵犯的真理﹐否则﹐祇相信上帝为真实无欺是不够的。


Faith rests upon God’s Word

This, then, is the true knowledge of Christ, if we receive him as he is offered by the Father; namely, clothed with his gospel.  For just as he has been appointed as the goal of our faith, so we cannot take the right road to him unless the gospel goes before us.  And there, surely, the treasures of grace are opened to us; for if they had been closed, Christ would have benefited us little.  Thus Paul yokes faith to teaching, as an inseparable companion, with these words; “You did not so learn Christ if indeed you were taught what is the truth in Christ” [Eph. 4:20-21 p.].

Yet I do not restrict faith to the gospel without confessing that what sufficed for building it up had been handed down by Moses and the prophets.  But because a fuller manifestation of Christ has been revealed in the gospel, Paul justly calls it the “doctrine of faith” [cf. I Tim. 4:6].  For this reason, he says in another passage that by the coming of faith the law was abolished [Rom. 10:14; cf. Gal. 3:25].  He understands by this term the new and extraordinary kind of teaching by which Christ, after he became our teacher, has more clearly set forth the mercy of the Father, and has more surely testified to our salvation.

Yet it will be an easier and more suitable method if we descend by degrees from general to particular.  First, we must be reminded that there is a permanent relationship between faith and the Word.  He could not separate one from the other any more than we could separate the rays from the sun from which they come.  For this reason, God exclaims in The Book of Isaiah: “Hear me and your soul shall live” [ch. 55:3].  And John shows this same wellspring of faith in these words: “These things have been written that you may believe” [John 20:31].  The prophet, also, desiring to exhort the people to faith, says: “Today if you will hear his voice” [Ps. 95:7; 94:8; Vg.].  “To hear” is generally understood as meaning to believe.  In short, it is not without reason that in The Book of Isaiah, God distinguishes the children of the church from outsiders by this mark: he will teach all his children [Is. 54:13; John 6:45] that they may learn of him [cf. John 6:45].  For if benefits were indiscriminately given, why would he have directed his Word to a few?  To this corresponds the fact that the Evangelists commonly use the words “believers” and “disciples” as synonymous.  This is especially Luke’s usage in The Acts of the Apostles: indeed he extends this title even to a woman in Acts 9:36 [Acts 6:1-2,7; 9:1, 10, 19, 25-6, 38; 11:26, 29; 13:52; 14:20, 28; 15:10; also chs. 16 to 21].

Therefore if faith turns away even it he slightest degree from this goal toward which it should aim, it does not keep its own nature, but becomes uncertain credulity and vague error of mind.  The same Word is the basis whereby faith is supported and sustained; if it turns away from the Word, it falls.  Therefore, take away the Word and no faith will then remain.

We are not here discussing whether a human ministry is necessary for the sowing of God’s Word, from which faith may be conceived.  This we shall discuss in another place.  But we say that the Word itself, however it be imparted to us, is like a mirror in which faith may contemplate God.  Whether, therefore, God makes use of man’s help in this or works by his own power alone, he always represents himself through his Worde to those whom he wills to draw to himself.  And for this reason, Paul defines faith as that obedience which is given to the gospel Rom. 1:5], and elsewhere praises allegiance to faith in Philippians [Phil. 1:3-5; cf. I Thess. 2:13].  …

Now, therefore, we hold faith to be a knowledge of God’s will toward us, perceived from his Word.  But the foundation of this is a preconceived conviction fo God’s truth.  As for its certainty, so long as your mind is at war with itself, the Word will be of doubtful and weak authority, or rather of none.  And it is not even enough to believe that God is trustworthy[cf. Rom. 3:3], who can neither deceive nor lie [cf. Titus 1:2], unless you hold to be beyond doubt that whatever proceeds from him is sacred and inviolable truth.

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:6; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, p. 548-549.)




  1. 基督是《圣经》里所有预表的实体。

Christ is the truth and substance of all the types and shadows.

  1. 基督是恩典之约﹐和恩典之约所有的安排 (制度﹐仪式等)的实质﹐实体。在旧约里﹐基督不明显﹔在新约时﹐基督明显地启示。

Christ is the substance and matter of the Covenant of Grace, and all administrations thereof; under the Old Testament Christ is veiled, under the New Covenant revealed.

  1. 基督是《圣经》所有应许的中心﹐所有应许都在祂身上汇合。在祂里﹐所有神的应许都是「是」﹐都是「阿们」。

Christ is the center and meeting place of all the promises; for in him the promises of God are yea and Amen.

  1. 基督是所有新旧约的圣礼所代表的﹐所印证的﹐所显示的。

Christ is the thing signified, sealed and exhibited in the Sacraments of the Old and New Testament.

  1. 《圣经》中的家谱指向基督。

Scripture genealogies use to lead us on to the true line of Christ.


Scripture chronologies are to discover to us the times and seasons of Christ.

  1. 《圣经》的律法是我们训蒙的师傅﹐带我们认识基督。律法中道德的部分纠正我们﹔律法中仪式的部分指导我们(引向基督) 。

Scripture-laws are our schoolmasters to bring us to Christ, the moral by correcting, the ceremonial by directing.



Scripture-gospel is Christ’s light, whereby we hear and follow him; Christ’s cords of love, whereby we are drawn into sweet union and communion with him; yea it is the very power of God unto salvation unto them that believe in Christ Jesus; and therefore think of Christ as the very substance, marrow, soul and scope of the whole Scriptures.

(Isaac Ambrose, Works (1701), p. 201; 巴刻引用﹕quoted in Packer, A Quest For Godliness, p. 103.)




但人心既不因上帝的每一句话而发生信仰﹐所以我们必须进一步研究到底和信仰有特殊关系的﹐是道中的那一部分。…我们不否认﹐信仰总是应该承认上帝的真理﹐不论是在甚么时候或以甚么方式说出来的﹐且不论那真理的内容怎样﹔我们现在纸要研究﹐信仰在神的道中有甚么可作为根据的。当我们良心所面对着的都是愤怒和报复的时候﹐它怎能不恐惧战栗呢﹖如果它所恐怖的是上帝﹐它怎么不会逃避祂呢﹖… 既然神旨意的宣布常产生恐惧和懮虞﹐我们倒不如注意神的仁爱或怜悯﹐这样必使我们与信仰的本性更接近解。在我们指导救恩是存在于上帝以后﹐我们必被吸引去寻找祂﹔神为我们贮备了救恩﹐是由祂声明救恩是祂所特殊注意的而得到证实。上帝恩典的应许是人心唯一可靠的根据﹐所以我们需要这种应许﹐以保证祂是我们慈祥的父﹐否则我们便无法和祂亲近。…所以﹐假如我们说﹐信心是对神的仁爱的一种不变而确实的认识﹐这认识是以基督那白白应许的真实为根据﹐并借着圣灵向我们的思想所启示﹐在我们心里所证实的﹐那么﹐这就是信的一个完全的定义。


Faith arises from God’s promise of grace in Christ

But since man’s heart is not aroused to faith at every word of God, we must find out at this point what, strictly speaking, faith looks to in the Word.  …

In the meantime, we do not deny that it is the function of faith to subscribe to God’s truth whenever and whatever and however it speaks.  But we ask only what faith finds in the Word of the Lord upon which to lean and rest.  Where our conscience sees only indignation and vengeance, how can it fail to tremble and be afraid? Or to shun the God whom it dreads?  …

But what if we were to substitute his benevolence or his mercy in place of his will, the tidings of which are often sad and the proclamation frightening?  Thus, surely, we shall more closely approach the nature of faith; for it is after we have learned that our salvation rests with God that we are attracted to seek him.  This fact is confirmed for us when he declares that our salvation is his care and concern.  Accordingly, we need to promise of grace, which can testify to us that the Father is merciful; since we can approach him in no other way, and upon grace alone the heart of man can rest.  …

Now we shall possess a right definition of faith if we call it a firm and certain knowledge of God’s benevolence toward us, founded upon the truth of the freely given promise in Christ, both revealed to our minds and sealed upon our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:7; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, p. 549-551.)


不过﹐信心虽然是建立在对神的仁慈应许的认识上﹐信心本身不仅是理性上同意福音所宣称的。认识真理非常重要﹔人不能盲从地「默信」。可是﹐真的信心不是所谓「历史的信仰」 – 即不仅是对事实的同意而已。信心的对象是神自己﹔我们藉信心认识的﹐是神在基督里的荣光。神是光﹐信心的对象不是一些历史或理性上的数据﹐而是住在光中的神自己﹕

… 但我们必须研究信仰的性质﹐…更要特别小心谨慎﹐以免陷入现代一般人所犯的错误。世界上许多人在听到「信仰」 一词的时候﹐以为那不过是同意于福音的历史而已。甚至各学派对信仰之争﹐也不过把上帝当做信仰的对象﹐ (如我在其他的地方所发现的) 他们徒然引人误入空想的迷途﹐而不是引人进入正轨。因为上帝既然是「住在人不能靠近的光里」 (提前 6﹕16) ﹐必须基督居间为中保﹐人纔可以接近上帝。因此﹐祂自称「是世界的光」 (约8﹕12) ﹐又说祂「是道路﹐真理﹐和生命﹐」 因为「若不借着我」 ﹐ 「没有人能到」 生命之源的 「父那里去」( 约14﹕6) ﹔因为祇有祂认识父﹐又把父显现给相信的人 (参路10﹕22)。 (约翰。加尔文﹐《基督教要义﹕中册》﹐卷 3﹕2﹕1﹔香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1957,  页59-60。)

But now we ought to examine what this faith ought to be like, …  And we must scrutinize and investigate the true character of faith with greater care and zeal because many are dangerously deluded today in this respect.  Indeed, most people, when they hear this term, understand nothing deeper than a common assent to the gospel history.  In fact, when faith is discussed in the schools, they call God simply the object of faith, and by fleeting speculations, as we have elsewhere stated, lead miserable souls astray rather than direct them to a definite goal  For, since “God dwells in inaccessible light” [I Tim. 6:16], Christ must become our intermediary.  Hence, he calls hi9mself “the light of the world: [John 8:12], and elsewhere, “the way, the truth, and the life”; forno one comes to the Father, who is “the fountain of life” [Ps. 36:9],except through him [John 14:6] beause he alone knows the Father, and afterward the believers to whom he wishes to reveal him [Luke 10:22].

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:1; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, p. 543.)


…这使徒告诉我们﹐上帝的荣光在基督身上向我们显明﹐「叫我们得知上帝荣耀的光﹐显在基督的面上」( 林后 4﹕6)。不错﹐那信心是指对上帝而言﹐但也必须认识上帝所差遣的耶稣基督 (约17﹕3)。假如我们不是被基督的光明所启发﹐我们将完全无法认识上帝。所以上帝把一切荣华交付与祂的独生子﹐好在子身上显明祂自己﹔又使基督所赐的福可以表明父荣耀的真像。以前说过﹐我们必须为圣灵所吸引﹐激发我们寻求基督﹐同样我们也应该知道﹐不能见的父祇能从这个形像去寻求。这问题奥古斯丁在论信仰之时说得好﹕「我们应该知道往何处去﹐和怎样去法」﹔随即又作结论说﹕「那避免一切错误的稳当方法便是认识那位神人合一的基督﹐因为我们所要接近的是上帝﹐我们所藉以接近上帝的士人﹔而这两者祇能在基督身上找到。」 保罗讲到信上帝的时候﹐并无意破坏他平日对信心的教训﹐这信心是全靠基督而得安定的。

(约翰。加尔文﹐《基督教要义﹕中册》﹐卷3 ﹐2 ﹕1 ﹔香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1957﹐页60。)

And Paul testifies that the glory of God is visible to us in His person, or – what amounts to the same thing – that the enlightening knowledge of the glory of God shines in His face [II Cor. 4:6}.

Indeed, it is true that faith looks to one God.  But this must also be added, “To know Jesus Christ whom he has sent” [John 17:3].  For God would have remained hidden afar off if Christ’s spendor had not beamed upon us.  For this purpose the Father laid up with his only-begotten Son all that he had to reveal himself in Christ so that Christ, by communicating his Father’s benefits, might express the true image of his glory [cf. Heb. 1:3].  It has been said that we must be drawn by the Spirit to be aroused to seek Chrsit; so, in turn, we must be warned that the invisible Father is to be sought solely in this image.  Augustine has finely spoken of this matter: in discussing the goal of faith, he teaches that we must know our destination and the way to it.  Then, immediately after, he infers that the way that is most fortified against all errors is he who was both God and man: namely, as God he is the destination to which we move; as man, the path by which we go.  Both are found in Christ alone.  But, while Paul proclaims faith in God, he does not have in mind to overturn what he so often emphasizes concerning faith: namely, that all its stability rests in Christ.

(John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1: Book 3: 2:1; translated by Ford Lewis Battles; The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. XX;  Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960, pp. 543-544.)

加尔文对信心的定义,注重上帝的应许,信心,就是抓住上帝的应许,上帝的话。后来清教徒(William Ames等人)发展出另外一种信心的定义,忆耶稣基督为对象,比较注重意志的决定。《威敏斯特信仰告白》把这两种信心的定义结合起来,一方面顺服上帝的话的每一层面;同时(主要)领受、依靠主威我们的救主(14﹕2)﹕




John Newton, 1779: “Come my soul, thy suit prepare”






Come, my soul, thy suit prepare:

Jesus loves to answer pray’r;

He himself has bid thee pray,

Therefore will not say thee nay.

Thou art coming to a King,

Large petitions with thee bring;

For his grace and pow’r are such,

None can ever ask too much.

(Trinity Hymnal, Philadelphia: Great Commission Publications  (Orthodox Presbyterian Church), 1951, Hymn 531, stanzas 1-2.)


John Newton, 1779





(《普天颂赞》﹐修正本﹐香港﹕基督教文艺出版社﹐1977﹐第221首﹐第1﹐ 2 节。)

“Approach, my soul, the mercy seat”

John Newton (1779)

Approach, my soul, the mercy seat

Where Jesus answers prayer;

There humbly fall before his feet,

For none can perish there.

Thy promise is my only plea;

With this I venture nigh:

Thou callest burdened souls to thee,

And such, O Lord, am I.

(Trinity Hymnal, Philadelphia: Great Commission Publications  (Orthodox Presbyterian Church), 1951, Hymn 42, stanzas 1-2.)


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