第五十课     我们是谁? –  从教会历史看福音派的身份 (一)

WHO ARE WE?  The Evangelical’s Identity

(A Church History Perspective) PART 1

I.我们是基督新教PROTESTANTISM: We are Protestants

1517 马丁路德 – 宗教改革

Martin Luther – The Protestant Reformation

天主教  vs. 基督教 (基督新教)之别﹕  Roman Catholicism vs. Protestantism:

1 .   至高权威﹕《圣经》?或《圣经》 + 教会的教导权威(教皇+会议)?

Highest authority: Bible? Or the Bible+church’s teaching authority (Pope+ councils)? The magisterium of the church = the church’s teaching authority

2 .  耶稣基督救赎功劳如何获得﹕只藉信心?或信心+行为(圣礼)?

How to receive the benefits of the redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross: through faith only?  Or faith plus works (sacraments)?

  1. 神人之间中保﹕一位(基督)?或多位(耶稣+圣人)?

The mediator between God and man: only one (Christ)?  Or many (Christ + saints)?


We are Protestants by conviction, not by convenience.


  1. 唯独《圣经》  Sola Scriptura (以经解经)
  2. 唯独信心 Sola fidei
  3. 唯独恩典 Sola gratia
  4. 唯独基督 Sola Christus
  5. 唯独为了神的荣耀    Sola gloria Deo

参﹕《剑桥宣言》。Cf. Cambridge Declaration, 1996.


ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY: We Are Orthodox Christians

「正统」 = 走在正的道路上。Orthodox = “right way.”


Our definition of “orthodoxy”: Bible-believing.


Historical background: Many Christians in the Lutheran Church= orthodox Christians: a period after the Protestant Reformation: the formulation of “Lutheran orthodoxy.”


The 2nd and 3rd generation after Luther and Calvin =the period of Protestant orthodoxy

(Lutheran orthodoxy, Reformed/Calvinist orthodoxy); they systematized the Protestant faith

into creeds.




Implication: liberalism, neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.

John Frame (personal remark to author): It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine whether a scholar is orthodox today, especially in hermeneutics and exegesis.

However, when we discern a theological position or a belief, we do not at the same time make a judgment as to whether a person who holds such a belief is saved or not.

  1. Greshem Machen, Christianity and Liberalism. 梅钦,《基督教真伪辨》,改革宗。

Cornelius Van Til, Christianity and Barthianism.


ECUMENICITY: We Believe in the Ecumenical (Holy Catholic) Church


The orthodox Christian faith is often formulated because of the rise of heresies, and through the church’s response to heresy.


The ecumenical councils of the church, especially the first four (Nicene Council and the Chalcedon Council, etc.), made decisions on the Christian faith which Protestants accept.


However we do not identify with the “ecumenical movement” embodied in the World Council of Churches, and the National Council of Churches of Christ USA.

IV.我们是福音派EVANGELICALISM: We Are Evangelicals

「福音派」 (Evangelical) 一词有多种不同的用法﹕

There are many ways in which the word “evangelical” is used:

欧洲,拉丁美洲,非律宾﹕「福音派」一词 = 基督教(新教)的意思。

In Europe, Latin America, Philippines: “Evangelical” = Protestant.


In England, the Wesleyan revival (1740s) is called the “Evangelical Awakening.”

Then came the 2nd and 3rd generation of the Evangelical Awakening.



Evangelicals in the Church of England = Low Church Anglicans.

2003: Evangelicals in the Church of England, and Third-World Anglican leaders, are considering leaving the Anglican Communion.

High Church’s mission society: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel;

Low Church’s mission society = Church Missionary Society.


这定义可说是准确,但不足够!  其实「福音派」就是正统的基督教信仰与生活。

Some sociologists of religion defined “evangelicalism” this way 1990s: Evangelicals put an emphasis on prayer, reading the Bible, the necessity of the born-again “conversion experience”, and the importance of evangelism and missions.  This is an accurate description, but not an adequate (sufficient) definition!  Anybody who likes Billy Graham!

Evangelicalism is simply orthodox Christian faith and life.

V.敬虔主义 ﹕我们追求与神亲密PIETISM: We Seek Intimacy with God


In every generation in church history, there are some/many Christians who are hungry and thirsty or a more direct, a more intimate experience of God.  This is proper and good.

宗教改革之后追求与神亲密的运动﹕The Protestant search for intimacy: several waves.

第一波﹕英国的清教徒运动。 1st wave: English Puritans -1558-1710

第二波﹕荷兰的敬虔主义 。2nd wave: from England, it spread to Dutch Pietism.

第三波﹕德国的敬虔主义。 3rd wave (most famous): German Pietism: Spener, Francke, in Halle, Germany; Count Nicholas Von Zinzendorf; Moravian Brethren; etc.


By the 19th century, Pietism took on some added characteristics:

反知识  Anti-intellectual

反文化 Anti-culture

反主流宗派 Anti-denominational (free church)

反都市 Anti-urban

这是最早期的敬虔运动没有强调的。This was not emphasized by the earlier Pietists.




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