

Louis Berkhof, History of Christian Doctrines. Section one伯克富基督教教义史第一讲,我们这里是从基督教教义史的第二部分第一章开始,英汉对照的讲解。第二部分的第一章中文版是26页,英文原著是第37页page 37 of the English ,Part 2–Preparatory doctrinal development.这里第二部分是被称为在整个教义的发展史的预备的这个阶段,预备期。第二部分,分七章。我们现在来讲第一章:使徒后的教父,或者使徒与使徒后期的教父和他们的教义观点,The Apostolic Fatherss and their doctrinal views


  1. Their reputed writings我们要这样翻译第一段的标题,他们据称的著作。就是说,大家都认为是这些使徒期的教父所写的书,不一定是他们写的,有些简直就是不是他们写的。但是我们是讲这个时期,使徒们还没有完全去世;特别是约翰。他们有些还在世界上的,可能是使徒们的学生、门徒;他们所写的东西,与他们所写的东西同时,有一些据称是使徒或冒名是他们写的东西。


The Apostolic Fatherss 使徒期教父们是谁呢?are the Fatherss who was supposed to have lived before the last of the apostles died,他们就是据称最后一位使徒去世之前,在世界上的。就是这些教父当时是在世界上的of whom some are said to have been disciples of the apostles,据称,他们有一些是使徒门的门徒们,and to whom the earliest Christian writings now extant are ascribed.很多人都说,最早的基督教的著作,当然除了圣经以外,是他们写的。There are especially six names which have come down to us,他们中间特别有6个名字流传到现今就是, namely, Barnabas,巴拿巴,Hermas,盒马或者黑马,Clement of Rome, 罗马的主教革利免,就是罗马的革利免,Polycarp,坡旅甲,Papias,帕皮亚,and Ignatius最后还有伊革纳修。The first is generally regarded, though with doubtful warrant,  as the Barnabas who is known as the companion y of Paul in the Acts of the Apostles.这六位里面第一位,一般来说都认为就是在使徒行传与使徒保罗做同伴的那位巴拿巴。不过理由可能不够充分。He is the reputed author of a strongly anti-judaic Epistle 据称,他写了一本很强烈反对犹太教的书信,of doubtful genuineness.这本书是否真正是真实的是他写的呢?很值得怀疑。首先,巴拿巴是不是那一位保罗的同伴巴拿巴,不知道!这封信是不是巴拿巴写的?不知道!Hermas黑马 is supposed to have been the person mentioned in Rom. 16:14,据称就是罗马书第16章14节所指的那一位,though on insufficient ground.但是理由不够。The Shepherd of Hermas ascribed to him有一本书据称是黑马写的就叫做牧人,或者牧人书,contains a series of visions, commands,and similitudes.这本书里面包含了一系列的意象、诫命和比喻。It is a work of doubtful authenticity,这本书的真实性,就是是否真的是黑马写的呢?很值得怀疑,though it was held in high esteem by the early Church.但是早期教会非常尊重这本书的。Clement of Rome,罗马的革利免may have been Paul’s fellow-worker named in Phil. 4:3.可能是保罗在腓立比书第四章第三节所提到的他的同工。He is  commonly represented as bishop of Rome,一般来说,他都被称为是罗马教会的会督,或者监督、或者主教,though he may have been, and most likely was, merely an influential pastor there.但是,他最可能就是在罗马那个地方一位具有影响力的牧师而已。He was the author of an Epistle to the Corinthians,革利免写了一封哥林多书,containing general moral injunctions and special exhortations,书里面有一些一般性的道德的吩咐,还有特别的劝告,occasioned by discords in the Corinthian church .因为哥林多教会里面不和,又闹纷争。当然这本的哥林多书就不是保罗所写的哥林多前后书,甚至不是保罗所说他另外写过给哥林多的书,不是那些。The authenticity of this Epistle

Is also doubted by some,有些学者也怀疑,这封信就是革利免达哥林多人书,也怀疑是不是真正是革利免写的, though without good reasons.但是这种怀疑不够好的理由。It is probably the earliest of  of the genuine remains of early Christian literature.所以,革利免达哥林多人书,可能就是早期基督教著作的最早的真实的一部。就是说我们可以说这本书说是谁写,就是谁写的最早的一本。Polycarp坡旅甲is unusually designated ‘bishop of Smyrna’,一般被指称为士每拿的主教或者会督,或者监督,but Eusebius 但是教会历史学家优西比乌speaks of him more correctly as ‘that blessed and apostolic presbyter’.优西比乌可能更正确地称坡旅甲为那位可称颂的和使徒性的长老。使徒性就是使徒时期的,长老就是牧师。第一世纪称牧师们做长老的。He was a disciple of John坡旅甲是约翰的门徒and wrote a short Epistle to the Philippians,他写了一封简短的腓利比书,是写给菲腓立比教会的书信,consisting chiefly of practical exhortations in Scripture language.包含的主要是一些时间的劝告,用圣经的词汇来表达的。Papias,帕皮亚, called ‘bishop of Hierapolis’ 是希拉波利的主教,或者监督,was contemporary of Polycarp,是坡旅甲的同时期的人物,and perhaps also a disciple of John.可能也是约翰的门徒。He was the author of an “Exposition of the Oracles of the Lord”, 他是一本《我们的主的圣言的诠释》的作者,of which only a few doctrinally insignificant fragments were preserved by Eusebius.这本书,优西比乌所保存下来的只是很少的、在教义上不重要的片段而已。Ignatius,伊格纳修, commonly known as “bishop of Antioch”, 一般被称为安提阿的主教或者监督,also lived in the days of the last of the apostles .也是在最后的使徒还在世的时候,是在世的。Fifteen letters were ascribed to him,据称,他写了15封信, but only seven are now regarded as genuine,


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但是现在,学者们认为惟有七封是他真实写的,and even these are doubted by some.甚至这七封也有人怀疑是否他写的。To these writings two of unknown authorship must be added ,除了上面所讲的这些的书信等等,我们要加上还有两本,就是我们不知道是谁写的,namely, the Epistle to Diognetes 就是写给提奥尼底的书信and to Didache.最后使出遗训,Didache。The former is sometimes ascribed to Justin Martyr,那本答题提奥尼底被称为是殉道者游斯丁所写的,since he wrote an Apology to Diognetes. 因为他写了一本提奥尼底的辨道学,或者向他写的一本的护教信。Apology 这个字不是道歉,是护教。His authorship is very unlikely, however, in bill of internal evidence.但是根据书里面的证据,大概不是他写的,不是游斯丁写的。The writer gives an account of the ground on which many Christians had abandoned Paganism and Judaism,这本书的作者就列出一些的原因,为什么很多基督徒弃绝了异教,也离开了犹太教,describes the leading features of the character and conduct of Christians,描述了基督徒的品格跟行为的一些重要的特点,and traces this to the doctrine of Christianity,而这些的品格跟行为,又追溯到基督教的教义,of which he gives an admirable summary .他为基督教的教义做了一个令人敬佩的一个的摘要。The Didache,  discovered in 1873,  was probably written about the year AD100.使徒遗训是1873年被发现的,大概是在主后100年写成的。The first part contains moral precepts s under the scheme of the Two Ways, 使徒遗训的前面的部分,根据两条道路这个架构写出一些道德的教训,the way of life and the way of death,生命之路和死亡之路,while the second part而这本书的下半,gives direction pertaining to worship and church government,就为教会的敬拜和治理提供一些的指导,interspersed with statements respecting the last things.中间穿插了一些关于末世的话。这里有6个作者,再加上两本书,很多都不知道是不是他们写的。但是这些的书的写作的日期是最靠近使得约翰还在世的日期的。

2.第二段他们的教导的一些的形式上的特点。Formal Characteristic of Their Teaching。


第一方面。Want of originality, depth, and clearness缺乏创意、深度、和清晰性。

It is frequently remarked that 常常有学者们这样说in passing from the study of the New Testament to that of the Apostle Fatherss one is conscious of a tremendous change.当我们从研究新约,转移到研究使徒后期的教父们的时候,我们非常意识到一个巨大的改变。There is not the same freshness and and originality, depth and clearness. 真的就再没有那种的,就是与圣经一样的那种的新鲜的感觉,创意性、深度和清晰性。And this is no wonder,这个并不奇怪,for it means the transition因为这里就意味着一个转折from truth given by infallible inspiration 从由无误的默示所赐下的真理,to truth reproduced by fallible pioneers.转移到会犯错的、开荒者所重述的真理。就是从上帝无谬的启示的真理,转移到有谬误的开荒教会领袖们所重述的重新再说出的真理。Their productions were bound  to lean rather heavily on Scripture and to be of a primitive type,他们的写作必然是非常的依靠圣经,也是一种比较原始的著作,concerning itself with the first principles of faith rather than with the deeper truth of religion.所关注的是信仰中最首要的、最基要的原则或者是教义,而有别于我们信仰的深层的一些的真理。

Meagreness 浅薄,或者单薄。

Their teaching are characterized by a certain meagreness.他们的著作有着一种的单薄的特点。They are generally in full agreement with the teachings of Scripture,一般来说,他们完全同意圣经所教导,are often couched in the very words of the Bible,往往用的就是圣经里面的字,是说他们直接引用圣经的字词的,but add very little by way of explication但是很少加上他们的解释,and are not at all systematized. 完全没有系统化。And this need not surprise anyone,那这件事也不应该让任何人感觉稀奇,for there had as yet been but a short time for reflection on the truth of Scripture因为在圣经的真理上做出反省呢,这个时间还是非常短,and for assimilation of the great mass of material contained in the Bible.要消化圣经所含有的、一大整块的资料,时间还是很短的。The canon of the New Testament a man was not yet fixed,新约圣经的正典还没有固定,and this explains why why these early Fathers so often quote oral tradition rather than the written word.这就是为什么这些早期的教父,常常引用口传传统,而不是引用写下来的经文。Moreover,不单如此,we should borne in mind我们必须要记得,that there were no philosophical minds among them with special training for the pursuit of the truth and outstanding ability for its systematic presentation.他们中间很少一些是有着哲学头脑的,他们中间很少很少人有特殊的训练,来追求真理,很少人有特别的能力,有系统的去陈列出真理。In spite of their comparative poverty, however, 但是虽然他们这方面是有贫乏的,the writings of the Apostolic Fathers are of considerable importance使徒时期的教父们的著作是非常重要的, since they witness to the canonicity and integrity of the New Testament men books因为他们见证了新约圣经是正典,新约圣经的真实性,and form a doctrinal link between the New Testament and the more speculative writings of the Apologetes which appeared during the second century.他们就是教义历史上的一道的桥梁,连接了新约圣经和第二世纪所出现的护教士那些比较猜测性的著作。我们来总结一下:当我们从新约圣经转到这些早期的这6位,或者8位等等教父的著作的时候,你感觉到他们没有新约那么的新鲜、创意、清晰、有深度。不奇怪。因为他们不是圣灵所默示的人,而圣灵所默示的圣经才写完的不久。所以还没有充足的时间去反省,解释、系统化、又面对异端去反驳。甚至乎有些的最早的书信有可能是约翰还没有写完启示录的,所以很明显他们不会引用很多经文,引用的是口传的传统。他们也不是哲学家,也没有那种的比较系统的头脑,所以他们把圣经的话再讲一遍这个是不奇怪的。他们是教会的牧者们,他们是从新约圣经一直到第二世纪的护教的教父之间的一道的桥梁来的。

A second characteristic of the teachings of the Apostolic Fathers is their want of a definiteness.使徒时期的教父们,他们的教训的第二个特点是缺乏明确性。The New Testament records various types of the Apostolic kerygma(preaching):新约圣经记载了使徒们的讲道,或者他们的宣讲preaching的不同的类型:the Petrine,彼得类型的,the Pauline保罗类型的,and the Johannine.和约翰类型的宣讲。The three are in fundamental agreement,这三类型的宣讲,根本上是同意的,but each of them represents a different emphasis on the truth.但是每一型的宣讲就代表着对真理的某一个角度的强调,或者侧重。Now it may seem surprising that the Apostolic Fathers, while revealing some preference for the Johannine type, with which they may have been best acquainted, yet did not definitely attach themselves to any one of these types.有一件事情可能让我们惊讶,就是这些使徒时期的教父,虽然他们比较会倾向于约翰型的宣讲,因为他们可能最熟悉的约翰的讲道。但是他们并没有完全依附彼得、保罗、约翰任何一型的宣讲。



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