

现在我要介绍这首与道成肉身基督论有关的圣诗。我们传统当作它是圣诞歌来唱的。赞美诗第77首Hark! the Herald Angels Sing听啊天使唱高声,或者高声唱,(词)作者是Charles Wesley查理士.卫斯理,(曲)调是: Felix Mendelssohn门德尔松,门德尔松是一位从犹太教转过来的基督徒,祂的特点是,虽然已经19世纪明明是浪漫音乐时期,祂还是复古,用古典的风格来写音乐,这个是门德尔松和brown布朗斯这两位的特点。


“Hark! the Herald Angels Sing”听啊,这些先锋队、天使们所唱的,

Glory to the newborn King,荣耀归于新诞生的王,

Peace on earth大地有平安,and mercy mild,还有温柔的怜悯,

God and sinners reconciled,神和罪人和好,请注意不是罪人跟神和好,这个没有错。神与罪人和好,为什么?神愤怒!祂的愤怒被平息,所以神与罪人和好。很重要!因为卫斯理兄弟所接受的是清教徒改革宗的家庭熏陶,除了祂的妈妈很不喜欢预定这个真理以外。祂们所受的是标准清教徒的培育的。God and sinners reconciled,上帝与罪人和好,

Joyful all ye nations rise,你们各国兴起吧,充满了喜乐的兴起,

Jointhe triumph of the skies,你们要参与天上的空中的凯旋,

With the angelic host proclaim:你们各国要与天使的军队一同宣告:

“Christ is born in Bethlehem.” “基督降生于伯利恒。”

  • :Christ,by highest heaven adored,基督由最高处的天爱戴,就是天上最高的天都在敬拜赞美基督,

Christ, the everlasting Lord, …基督是永恒的主。那请注意:主这个字就等于耶和华。

Late in time,在晚期,希伯来书1:2在这末世,Late in time,在这个历史上的晚期,behold Him come,看祂来到,Offspring of a Virgin’s womb.从一个童真女的怀里生出的后裔。

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see看哪,神隐藏在肉体中,Hail the incarnate Deity.赞美道成肉身的神。你看祂这个神人二性的配的非常的恰当的。看哪,神在肉体中隐藏,看哪,神道成肉身。

Pleased as man with man to dwell,祂乐意身为人,与人们同住,Jesus, our Emmanuel.耶稣,我们的以马内利。神与人同在。

  • :Hailthe Heaven-born Prince of Peace!赞美天上生的和平之君,那这里用born这个字当然是诗人的权利,我们一般圣经跟神学上是用begotten独生的,天上所生的和平之君!Hail the Sun of Righteousness! 称赞公义的太阳,参考路加福音1:68-79。

Light and life to all He brings,祂为所有的人带来光。参考约翰福音1:1-11,特别是8,9,10节,Risen with the healing in His wings;祂复活,在祂的翅膀上带着医治的。

Mild He lays His glory by很温柔的,祂放下祂的荣耀,腓立比书2:6-9,

Born that man no more may die,出生,好叫人不再死,生,死,出生好叫人不再死,

Born to raise the sons of earth, 出生为了要让大地之子高举,就是使他们复活

Born to give them second birth。出生为了要赐给他们第二次的出生,就是重生。



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  • :Come, Desire of Nations,来啊,万国所爱慕的,所喜悦的,来,

Fix in us thy humble Home, 请在我们心中设立你屈尊的居所,

Rise, the woman’s conquering seed, 起来,女人的得胜的后裔,种子。创世记3:15

Bruise in us the Serpent’s Head,在我们里面压伤蛇的头吧,原文是创世记第三章。

Adam’s Likeness, LORD,  efface,现在求你消除亚当的样式,以弗所书4:24;歌罗西书3:10,
Stamp thy Image in its Place,请你用你的形象取代,刻印在我们里面,参考罗马书8:29。

Second Adam from above,从上而来的第二个亚当啊,罗马书5:14节,哥林多前书15章全章

Reinstate us in thy Love.在你的爱中重新设立我们,reinstate,再一次地设立我们,成什么?成义。罗马书5:19,成为神的儿子,儿女等等。




The History of Christian Doctrines–Section 27 基督教教义史–第27讲


The Cyrillian Party. 区利罗派。The most prominent opponent of Nestorianismwas Cyril of Alexandria. 对涅斯多派最显著对反对者就是埃及亚历山大城的Cyril区利罗。According to him根据区利罗 the Logos assumed human nature in its entirety,逻各斯取了完整的人性, in order to redeem it, 为了救赎人性,but at the same time formed the only personal subject in the God-man.但是同时在神人里,逻各斯构成唯一的位格或者,唯一的主体,换言之耶稣就是那个逻各斯。His terminology was not always clear, however. 但是区利罗的用词不一定是很清楚的。On the one hand 一方面he seemed to teach simply一方面他似乎简单的教导说 that the Logos assumed human nature, 逻各斯取了人性,so that there are two natures in Christ, 因此,基督里有两性,which find their indissoluble union in the one Person of the Logos, 这个二性在逻各斯一位格里,有着它们不可分解的联合,without any change in the natures themselves. 二性本身也没有经历任何的改变。(这个是一方面。)But,但是,第二方面,he also used expressions in which he stressed the unity of the two natures in Christ 但是他又有其他的表述的方法,强调着在基督里二性的合一by means of a mutual communication of attributes, 借着一个属性的彼此的传递,and spoke of the Person of Christ as if it were a resultant unity. 他论到基督的位格好像这个位格是一个结果性的合一。


His great significance lies in the fact that, 区利罗的重要性在,over against Nestorianism, he stressed the unity of the Person of Christ. 在这件事情上就是有别于涅斯多流派,他强调着基督的位格的一,合一。The three points which he emphasized above all were in perfect, harmony with the catholic doctrine of the day, 他所最强调的三要点,都是符合当时的普世catholic普世教会的教义的,这三点分别是namely; (a) 第一点the inseparable conjunction of the two natures; 神人二性的连接不可分开;(b) 第二个要点,the impersonality and dependence of the manhood, which the Logos uses as His instrument; 逻各斯用了人性作为祂的器皿,这个人性manhood是非位格的,是依靠性;and (c) 还有第三个要点the unity and continuity of the Person in Christ.在基督里是一个位格,继续是一个位格。三要点。

Occasionally he used expressions, however, which seemed to justify the later Eutichian error.但是他偶尔用一些表述的方式,就好像为了后来的Eutichian ,尤提前派的错误铺路。He applied the term phusis (nature) to the Logos only, and not to the humanity of Christ, 他用本性,性,nature这个字,只是指逻各斯,性这个字没有指基督的人性,thus using it as a synonym of hypostasis. 他这样子用nature性这个字,就好像作为位格hypostasis是同义词。This gave some occasion to saddle on him the doctrine 因此这里就给了一些人借口,把下面这个控告加在他身上,就是that, after the incarnation,there was only one divine-human nature in Christ, 道成肉身之后,基督里唯有有一个神人之性,一性,and made it possible for the Monophysites to appeal to him, 这就让后来的基督一性派诉诸于他,when they wanted to prove that, as there was but one Person, so there was also only a single nature in the Mediator. 当这些一质派,基督一质派要证明说,正如仅仅有一个位格,所以在中保里也唯有一性罢了。(这个是区利罗留下来一个的祸根。)

They continued their appeal to him in spite of his strenuous denial of any mixture of the natures. 虽然他竭力的否认二性有着怎么样的混合,没有混合,虽然如此,后来的基督一性派仍然诉诸于区利罗。The Council of Ephesus以弗所会议(主后431年) effected a sort of compromise 设定一种的妥协by maintaining on the one hand 一方面会议坚持that the term theotokos could be applied to Mary, 神之母这个名称可以用在马利亚身上的,and asserting on the other hand 而另外一方面呢以弗所会议也宣称the doctrine of the two distinct natures of Christ.也宣称基督的两性。祂有两个独特的不同的本性。



第三派,(3) The Eutichian Party. 尤提前派,犹推古派。Many of Cyril’s adherents were dissatisfied. 很多区利罗的跟随者并不满意。They did not take kindly to the doctrine of the two distinct natures. 他们非常不服二性,两个有所区别的本性这个教义。Eutichus, 犹推古an aged monk of rather unbalanced convictions and with a strong anti-Nestorian bias, 是一位年老的修士,他的信念不太平衡,他也有着很强烈的反对涅斯多流派的偏见的,espoused the cause of the Alexandrian theology at Constantinople. 他在君士坦丁堡的会议上,(448年)提倡,或者说代表亚历山大派的神学讲话。According to Theodoret 根据另外一位提奥多罗特he maintained in effect, 犹推古实际上坚称说,either an absorption of the human nature in the divine, 坚称人性吸收进到神性里,or或者 a fusion of the two natures, 二性的混合,resulting in a sort of tertium quid. 结果是一种的折中的状态。He was of the opinion that 犹推古的观点是the human attributes were assimilated to the divine in Christ, 在基督里,人的属性都归进到神的神性或者神的属性里了,so that Hisbody was not consubstantial with ours 因此基督的身体跟我们的身体不是同质的and He was not human in the proper sense of the word.严格地来说基督不是人。Condemned by the Council of Constantinople in 448, 448年的君士坦丁堡的会议谴责他为异端,he appealed to Leo, the bishop of Rome. 他就像罗马的主教利奥上诉。After Leo received a full report of the case from Flavian 当利奥从君士但丁堡的主教Flavian 弗拉维安拿到一份详细的报告之后and was urged to express his opinion, 也接受了劝告,表达他的意见,he addressed to Flavian his celebrated Tome. 也接受了劝告,表达他的意见,he added rest to flavor in his celebrated他就写了他著名的大卷,写给Flavian 弗拉维安。

Because this Tome profoundly influenced the Chalcedonian formula, 因为这个大卷深深的影响到后来加克顿的信经,it may be well to note its main points, 在这里我们需要注意大卷里的主要的要点,which are as follows: 如下四方面的要点:(a) 第一There are two natures in Christ, which are permanently distinct. 基督里有二性,这二性永远是独特的、是不同的。(b) 第二个要点The two natures unite in one Person, 二性在一个位格里联合,each one performing its own proper function in the incarnate life. 在基督道成肉身的生命中,每一性都扮演着祂正确的功能的,或者是角色的。(比如说:耶稣的感情,人性的感情会流泪,祂的身体会肚子饿,等等。)(c)第三个要点 From the unity of the Person follows the communication of attributes

(communicatio idiomatum). 因为位格是一,所以才导致属性的传递,或者相通。(d) 第四个要点The work of redemption required a Mediator both human and divine, 救赎大工必须要有一位又是人又是神的中保,passible and impassible, 有感情却不受激情所影响的中保,mortal and immortal. 能死也永远不死的中保。The incarnation was an act of condescension on the part of God, 道成肉身是是的屈尊的作为,but in it the Logos did not cease to be very God. 可是在道成肉身中,逻各斯还是上帝。(祂作为上帝这件事没有终止过。)The forma servi did not detract from the forma dei. 仆人的样式没有消减神的形象。参考腓立比书2:6-11)(e)第五个要点 The manhood of Christ is permanent, 基督的人性是永久性的,(换言之基督是带着人性复活、升天、在天上,现在、以后还带着人性再来的,)and its denial implies a docetic denial of the reality of the sufferings of Christ. 若不承认基督永久的人,就等于幻影说那样子的不承认基督的受苦是真实的。This is really a compendium of western Christology. 我们可以说这个就是一个西方教会的基督论的一个的总结。

  1. The Decision of the Council of Chalcedon. 迦克墩会议的决定。After several local Councils had met, 经过了好几次地区性的会议的召开,some favoring and some condemning Eutichus, 有些支持犹推古,有些谴责他,the ecumenical Council of Chalcedon convened in the year 451, 451年,迦克顿的普世会议召开了,and issued its famous statement of the doctrine of the Person of Christ. 就发表了著名的基督论。

This reads as follows: 迦克顿信经的基督论如下:”We, then, following the holy Fathers, all with one consent, teach men to confess 那么我们跟随着圣教父们,同心同意的教导人要将这样承认one and the same Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, 承认独一统一的神子,我们的主耶稣基督,the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood;祂在神性上是完全的,在人性上也是完全的; truly God and also truly man,全真实是神,真实是人, of a reasonable soul and body; 有理性的灵魂和身体;consubstantial with the Father according to the Godhead, 按着祂的神性与父上帝同质,and consubstantial with us according to the manhood; 按着祂的人性与我们同质;in all things like unto us, without sin; 凡事上与我们一样,但是没有罪;begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, 据祂的神性,在万世之前由父神所生,and in these latter days,而在这末世, for us and for our salvation,为了我们和为了我们的救恩,born of the virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the manhood; 根据祂的人性,由童真女–神之母所生出;(注意前面那个生跟这个生是两个不同的字,)one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, 是一个基督,神子,主,独生者,to be acknowledged in two natures, 我们承认祂有二性,(就是神人二性)inconfusedly (asuggutos), 二性不可混肴,unchangeably (atreptos), 二性不能改变,indivisibly (adiairetos), 二性不能分隔,inseparably (achoristos), 二性不能分离,the distinction of natures being by no means taken away by the union,二性的联合一点都没有消除各性的独特性,but rather the property of each nature being preserved, 反之每一性的属性都保存的,and concurring in one Person and one subsistence,祂们在一个位格和一个生存形态里共存,not parted or divided into two persons,没有被分开成为两个位格, but one and the same Son, 而是一个同一个神子,the Only-begotten, 那位独生者,God the Word, 神逻各斯,the Lord Jesus Christ; 主耶稣基督;as the prophets from the beginning have declared concerning Him, 正如,从起初先知们这样宣告,and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has taught us, 和主耶稣基督祂自己也这样教导我们的,and the Creed of the Holy Fathers has handed down to us.” 也正如圣教父们的诸教条传到我们。”(正如先知、基督、教父们教导我们的是这样子一位的基督。)

The most important implications 下面就继续讲迦克顿信经的最重要的含义。


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