The history of Christian Doctrines– session36基督教教义史第36讲


基督论:我们现在讲到大马色的约翰对基督论的建构。c. The Construction of the Doctrine by John of Damascus. 英文P.110,中文112页。

In John of Damascus the theology of the Greek Church reached its highest development, 借着大马色约翰,希腊的教会的神学的发展史已经到了它的高峰,

and therefore it is of importance to notice his construction of the doctrine of the Person of Christ.因此很重要的是要注意,他的基督的位格论的建构, According to him the Logos assumed human nature, and not vice versa, 根据大马色的约翰,逻各斯取了人性,不是人性取了逻各斯,that is, the man Jesus did not assume the Logos. 换言之,耶稣其人不是他取了逻各斯。This means that the Logos is the formative and controlling agency, 意思就是逻各斯是那个成形者和当事者,就是在基督的位格里面,逻各斯是那个成型的,formative,就是他使他的位格成型的,securing the unity of the two natures. 是逻各斯保证二性的合一。The Logos did not assume a human individual, 逻各斯并没有取了一个人,一个个人,nor human nature in general, 逻各斯也不是取了人性,就是从一般意义来讲的人性,but a potential human individual, 逻各斯所取的是一个有潜质成为一个人的个人,a human nature not yet developed into a person or hypostasis. 就是说,一个人性还没有发展成为一个位格。Through the union of the Logos with this potentialman in the womb of Mary, the latter acquired an individual existence. 逻各斯,借着在马利亚的腹中与这个有潜质的人联合了,因此这个有潜质的人,现在就有了个别的存在了,就他就成为一个位格了。While the human nature of Christ has no independent personality of its own,虽然基督的人性没有祂各自的、独立的位格性,人性不是位格,它没有一个独立的位格,位格性的,

it nevertheless has personal existence in and through the Logos. 可是,基督的人性在逻各斯里面,借着逻各斯有一个有位格性的存在的,我用粗略的方法来解释就是,这个人性因为它在逻各斯里面,它是活的,它有一个位格性的存在。

It is not non-hypostatic, 基督的人性不是非位格,but en-hypostatic.基督的人性乃是在位格里。He illustrates the union of the two natures in Christ by the union of body and soul in man. 他用一个人,身体和灵魂的联合来做个比喻,说明基督的二性的联合。There is a circumincession of the divine and the human in Christ, 基督的神性和人性是彼此的,中文翻译本是说交互存在,或者说神性在人性里,人性是在神性里,a communication of the divine attributes to the human nature, 换言之,神的属性传递到人性,so that the latter is deified 因此人性被神化了and we may also say that God suffered in the flesh. 我们也可以说神在肉身中受苦。这里这个大马色的约翰是说人性就变成一个属神的,变成神话了。这个不是迦克顿的立场。


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The human nature only is thus affected, and is therefore purely receptive and passive.这个被神化的,只是指基督的人性,因此基督的人性完全是被动的,它接受了这个神的属性的传递。The Son of God, now including His complete humanity, is an object of worship for the Church.神的儿子,现在神的儿子是包括祂完整的人性,对教会是敬拜的对象。 Though there is a tendency to reduce the human nature of Jesus to the position of a mere organ or instrument of the Logos, 虽然教会有个倾向,把耶稣的人性降低到只是逻各斯的一个的一个器皿,一个那个器具,虽然如此,it is admitted that there is a co-operation of the two natures,但是教会也承认神性跟人性是合作的, and that the one Person acts and wills in each nature. 是一个位格在神性里意旨,就是决定和行动,一个位格在,也是在人性里决定和行动。The will is regarded as belonging to the nature, 意志是属于性的,就是属于神性或者属于人性的,but it is claimed that in Christ the human will has become the will of the incarnate God. 但是大马色的约翰宣称,基督里的人的意志,就成为了道成肉身的神的意志了,就是被神化了。

  1. THE CHRISTOLOGY OF THE WESTERN CHURCH. 四:西方教会的基督论The Western Church remained comparatively unaffected by the controversies that were raging in the East.西方的教会是指拉丁文的意大利、法国和英国等等,一般来说没有好像东方的教会深受到这些神学上的争辩所影响。It seems that on the whole the western mind was not sufficiently familiar with all kinds of fine philosophical distinctions to take an active part in the discussion of questions that were so deep and subtle as those that divided the Eastern Church. 看来,西方教会的思想总的来说,不好像东方教会那样子那么的熟悉哲学上的细腻的区别,所以西方的教会没有参与这些的问题的讨论。


A new movement of Christological thought appeared in Spain, 在西班牙出现了一个基督论的一个新的思想的运动,however, in the seventh and eighth centuries,就是在第七和第八世纪,called the Adoptionist Controversy.这个运动被称为嗣子说的争辩。 The term “adoption” was already familiar in Spain, 嗣子,收养这个词在西班牙已经不是一个陌生的名词,since a Council of Toledo declared in 675 that Christ was the Son of God by nature and not

by adoption. 因为早在675年的托雷多的会议上,已经宣布基督是按照祂的本性是神的儿子,而不是因为嗣养,不是因为被父收养才是神的儿子的,祂本来、本性上就是神的儿子。The real champion of the Adoptionist doctrine was Felix, bishop of Urgella. 真正提倡嗣子说的是在Urgella乌尔基亚的地方的主教Felix菲利克斯。He regarded Christ as to His divine nature, that is the Logos, as the only-begotten Son of God in the natural sense, 他认为,基督从祂的神性来看,换言之,他认为逻各斯从本性,nature来看,就是上帝的独生子,中文翻成“本来”,那个natural sense o就是按照他的本性,是上帝独生子,but Christ on his human side as a Son of God by adoption.可是,从他的人性的角度来看,基督是神所嗣养的、收养的儿子。 At the same time he sought to preserve the unity of the Person 但是同时他也努力的保存基督是一个位格by stressing the fact that, from the time of his conception, the Son of Man was taken up into the unity of the Person of the Son of God.那怎么样保存基督是一个位格呢?他强调一件事实,就是自从马利亚受孕,人子就被取入到神子的位格里,人子就taken up into,吸收在神的儿子的位格里。

This theory therefore makes a distinction between a natural and an

adoptive sonship, 因此,这个理论就分辨出一个本性上的作为圣子的地位,和一个被收养的圣子,或者神的儿子的地位,the former predicated of the divinity 那个本性上的儿子的位分是指神的,耶稣的神性and the latter ofthe humanity of Christ. 而被收养的儿子的位分是指基督的人性。Felix and his followers based their opinion: (1) On the distinction of natures in Christ, 菲利克斯和跟随他的人,他们的理论是根据下面的三点。第一点(1)根据基督里神性跟人性的区别,which, according to them, implied a distinction between two modes of sonship. 根据他们来说,神性跟人性,二性就意味着儿子的名分也是有两个不同的形式。(2) (第二)菲利克斯和他的跟随者的理论背后的根据第二个根据是On passages of Scripture which refer to the inferiority of Christ as man to the Father. 根据一些的经文,是指基督其人是比父神更低的,顺服祂父等等,And (3)第三个根据是 On the fact that believers are sons of God by adoption, and are also called “brethren” of Christ. 根据一个事实,就是信徒们是因为神所收养,作为神的儿子们的,也被称为基督的兄弟,(希伯来书第二章)。This would seem to imply that Christ as to his human nature was a Son of God in the same sense.这个好像意味着基督从祂的人性来看也是这种的被收养的神的儿子。In order to explain their meaning still farther, they distinguished between a natural birth of Christ at Bethlehem and a spiritual birth,他们再进一步解释他们理论的意义,他们区分出基督自然的在伯利恒的出生,还有另外一个灵里的出生,which had its inception at the time of baptism 基督灵里的出生是在祂受洗的时候开始,and was consummated in the resurrection. 到了复活的时候就完结。This spiritual birth made Christ the adopted Son of God.这个灵里的出生就是基督作为上帝所嗣养的、收养的儿子。

While the opponents of this view did not charge the Adoptionists with the explicit error of teaching a dual personality in Christ, 虽然反对这个嗣子说的观点的人并没有控告嗣子说教导基督是两个位格,they asserted that this would be the logical result of a dual sonship. 但是他们认为两个儿子名分逻辑上就会带来两个位格这个后果的。Alcuin, 一个著名的学者亚勒坤the noted scholar of the days of Charlemagne, 就是在查理曼大帝时代的一个学者,took issue with Felix与菲利克斯争辩 and charged him with dividing Christ into two sons. 这个亚勒坤就批评菲利克斯把基督分隔为两个儿子。He maintained that no father could have a son, who was such both by nature and by adoption.他说没有一个父亲他有一个儿子又是从本性上是儿子,又是被收养的。 Undoubtedly, the Adoptionists were in error, 毫无疑问的,嗣子说是错误的,when they assigned to the human nature of Christ a sort of alien position until He was made to partake of divine sonship by a special act of adoption.错误就是当他们认为基督的人性是一个好像在他以外的一个地位,只等到上帝特别的收养的行动,基督才有份于做神的儿子。 This error was condemned by the Synod of Frankfort in 794 A. D. 这个在法兰克福大会,主后794年,被谴责为异端。

这里我们就讲完了这一章。下面的一章,基督论第二章是后期的基督论的议题。这里第二章包括中世纪宗教改革,就是马丁路德跟加尔文,还有19世纪,换言之,康德、黑格尔、施莱马赫,还有一个The Kenotic Theories倒空说,就是神的儿子把祂的神性倒空了的一些的理论。这一讲我们就讲到这里,第一章的结束。

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