The History of Christian Doctrines–Section 25 基督教教义史–第25讲。


基督论的论战。我们仍然在那个引言的部分,connection of trust the logic will enter an italian problems to do。基督论和三一论的问题之间的关系。103页

The Church was in quest of a conception of Christ that would do justice to the following points: 教会在寻找一个基督观,这个基督观要很公允地考虑到下列四点:(a) His true and proper deity; 第一,基督真正是神,祂真正到神性,而且是正确的神性;(b) His true and proper humanity; 第二,基督是人,祂有人性,有真实的人性,而且是正确的人性;当说正确当时候,就是说合乎圣经所教导的(c) the union of deity and humanity in one person; 在一个位格里面,神性和人性的联合;union 联合;and (d)还有第四、 the proper distinction of deity from humanity in the one person.在一个位格里,神性和人性正确的区别。It feltthat as long as these requirements were not met, or only partly met, 教会觉得,假如不符合这四方面的要求,或者只有部分地符合这些要求,its conception of Christ would be defective.那么他的基督观就会有所缺欠。All the Christological heresies that arose in the early Church originated in the failure to combine all these elements in the doctrinal statement of the truth. 在早期教会所浮现的所有基督论的异端的起源都是因为没有在教义的论述,也就是对在真理的述说上没有把这四个要素结合起来。Some denied wholly or in part the true and proper deity of Christ,有人完全或者部分否认基督真正的、正确的神性,and others disputed wholly or in part His true and proper humanity.其他人又完全,或者部分的不承认祂真正的、正确的人性。Some stressed the unity of the person at the expense of the two distinct natures, 有人强调基督是一个位格,强调位格的一,但是却妥协了两个能彼此区别的本性。and others emphasized the distinct character of the two natures in Christ at the expense of the unity of the Person. 又有人强调在基督里两性个别的特点,却妥协了祂的位格是一。也就是说早期教会有人说有不同的逻各斯,一个是创造前,一个创造后;或者是道成肉身后,可能搞到三个逻各斯出来,就不止一个位格了。




Rise of the Christological problem基督论问题的兴起a. The Background. 背景。This controversy also had its roots in the past. 基督论的争辩也有过去历史的根源。(这里我们要看四方面,第一方面,)Ebionites, Alogi, and Dynamic Monarchians 伊便派或者是艾宾派,Alogi, 非道主义,还有,动态的神格唯一论(这些我们前面都遇见过的)denied the deity of Christ, 他们都否认了基督的神性,(第二方面:)and Docetae, 幻影说,Gnostics, 诺斯底主义派,and Modalists 形态主义,也就是撒伯流主义,就是上帝带三个面具那个rejected. His humanity. 他们否认基督的人性。(第一派是否认基督的神性,第二派是否认祂的人性。我们继续讲第二派。)They simply ruled out one of the terms of the problem.


不论第一种第二种,他们就把基督论这个问题的其中一方就排除了。Others were less radical 有些其他的派别没有那么的极端,and denied either the full deity or the perfect humanity of Christ. 他们只不过否认基督完整的神性,或者基督完全无瑕疵的人性。第三种The Arians 亚流派denied that the Son-Logos, who become incarnate in Christ, was possessed of absolute Godhead. 他们否认这一位子道成的儿子神的道,也就是在基督里成为道成肉身的这个子-道拥有绝对的神格。And on the other hand从另外一个角度,现在第四派了 Apollinaris亚波里拿留, bishop of Laodicea (d. 312),老底家的主教,390元左右去世, denied the true and proper humanity of Jesus Christ.他否认基督真正的正确的人性。

(下面就仔细讲这个第四派亚波里拿留)He conceived of man as consisting of body, soul, and spirit, 他认为人是由身体、魂和灵所组成的and sought the solution of the problem of the two natures in Christ in the theory that the Logos took the place of the human pneuma (spirit). 他这样子解决这个基督里两性的问题,他提出一个理论说:逻各斯取代了人的灵。In his opinion 根据他的看法,it would be easier to maintain the unity of the Person of Christ, if the Logos were simply regarded as taking the place of the higher rational principle in man.我们若认为逻各斯只不过是取代了人的更高的理性的原则,换言之,取代了人的灵或者灵魂的话,那么就更容易维持基督的位格是一。Over against Arius 他是反对亚流派的he defended the true divinity of Christ, 他维护基督真实的神性,and sought to safeguard His sinlessness by substituting the Logos for the human pneuma, which he regarded as the seat of sin.他要维护基督真正的神性,他也要维护基督的无罪,所以他用逻各斯就是基督的神性来取代人的灵,因为他认为人的灵魂是罪的来源。According to him 根据他亚波里拿留a complete human nature would naturally involve sinfulness. 一个完整的人性就自然牵涉到或者包含了有罪性,所以他把这个灵除掉,把逻各斯放进去。Moreover, 不但如此,he tried to make the incarnation intelligible 他用方法来让人能够明白道成肉身by assuming an eternal tendency to the human in the Logos Himself as the archetypal man.首先,他认为逻各斯他自己是那个最理想的人,或者人的典范;而这个逻各斯有着一种的永恒倾向人或者人性的倾向,永恒里有着靠近人性的这个倾向,因为他是典范中的人、理想的人;这样子他尝试去让人能够更加明白道成肉身。But the solution of Apollinaris could not satisfy,但是亚波里拿留的解释是不可能令人满意的,because, as Shedd says,因为正如塞特,塞特是19、20世纪的一位美国的神学家, “if the rational part be subtracted from man, “假如人的理性部分被剪去,he becomes either an idiot or a brute.” 他要不就成为一个笨蛋,或者一个动物。没有灵魂的人是什么东西呢,对不对。是完全是愚笨的,或者是禽兽。His purpose was praiseworthy, however, 但是亚波里拿留的目标是值得赞扬的,in that he sought to safeguard both the unity of the Person and the sinlessness of Christ. 因为他尝试保护基督的位格是一,同时也保护基督的无罪性。(上面是讲亚波里拿留,下面来讲对亚波里拿留主义的反对的信念。)


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There was considerable opposition to the solution of the problem offeredby Apollinaris. 对阿伯里拿所提出的解决问题的方案有着一些有力的反对的声音。The three Cappadocians 迦帕多家三教父and Hilary of Poitiers 和希拉流maintained that, 他们坚持说,if the Logos did not assume human nature in its integrity, He could not be our perfect Redeemer. 逻各斯若没有取了完整的人性,那么他不可能是我们完全的救赎主。Since the whole sinner had to be renewed, 既然整个罪人要成为新人,Christ had to assume human nature in its entirety, and not simply the least important parts of it.基督必须取了整个人性,而不单单是那些较为不重要的部分。就是不单单取了身体,或者身体跟魂,基督要取了个整个人性的。They also pointed to a docetic element in the teachings of Apollinaris. 他们也指出亚波里拿留的教导里有着一种幻影说的因素。幻影说就是基督的人性不是真的,只给你看一看而已,作秀而已。If there was no real human will in Christ, 假如在基督里没有一个真的人的意志,there could be no real probation那祂就不可能接受真正的考验 and no real advance in His manhood. 而祂的人性也不可能有真正的成长。Even the opponents of Apollinaris, however, 不过,就算是这些反对亚波里拿留的人士,while stressing the complete humanity of Christ, 虽然他们强调基督完整的人性,conceived of this as overshadowed by His divinity. 他们也认为,基督的人性是由祂的神性所遮盖的。Gregory of Nyssa尼沙的贵格里 even says that 甚至乎这样说the flesh of Christ was transformed and lost all its original properties by union with the divine. 基督的肉体完全被改变,因为与神性联合,基督的身体都已经失去它原本所有的属性了。

One result of this preliminatry skirmish 这个初步的争辩其中一个的结果就是was that the Synod of Alexandria in 362 就是在主后362年,在埃及的亚历山大城开了一次的大会asserted the existence of a human soul in Christ. (请注意)这个大会就宣称,在基督里是有一个人的灵魂存在的。The word “soul” was used by the Synod 大会所用的灵魂,soul这个字,as inclusive of the rational element是包括人的理性的, which Apollinaris called pneuma or nous. 亚波里拿留是称之为灵,或者是理性,或者是心智nous。



  1. The Parties to the Controversy争辩中的三大派


  • The Nestorian Party. 第一是涅斯多留派。后来就是在唐朝去中国的景教,涅斯多留派。(2) The Cyrillian Party.区利罗派。(3) The Eutichian Party. 尤提干,或者尤提前派。那这个字,这个名字也就是使徒行者那个从楼顶掉下来那个犹推古,是同一个名字;不过不同人用不同的中文字翻译就是了,犹推古派,犹提前派三派。之后,我们就会来到迦克顿信经、迦克顿大会,451年的关于基督论的信经。

我们来看第一涅斯多留派。(1) The Nestorian Party. Some of the early Church Fathers used expressions which seemingly denied the existence of two natures in Christ, and postulated a single nature, “the incarnate and adorable Word.” 早期的教父们有一些的表述就似乎否认在基督里有二性,神性和人性。他们似乎设立了一个本性,就是道成肉身的、配受爱戴的、赞美的道,就好像是一个神人二性变成一个性。From this point of view 那从这个角度来看Mary was often called theotokos, mother of God. 从这个角度来看,往往马利亚被称为神之母。(那我先去预告:这个“神之母”最后是被判断是正统的,是正统的。异端是另外一派。给神之母,这个说法在当时是正统的。我们继续看)It was particularly the School of Alexandria that revealed this tendency. 特别是埃及的亚历山大城的学派显明有这种的趋向。On the other hand 另外一方the School of Antioch 安提亚学派went to the other extreme.就走另外一个的极端。This appears especially in the teachings of Theodore of Mopsuestia. 特别是在这个摩普绥提亚的提奥多罗,他的教导可以看出。


He took his startingpoint in the complete manhood of Christ and the perfect reality of His human experiences. 提奥多罗的起点是基督完整的人性和祂作为人的经验是完全是真实的。According to him根据他的说法 Christ actually struggled with human passions, 基督真实的、具体的与人的情欲挣扎,passed through a veritable conflict with temptation, 经过一个真正的与试探诱惑的争战,and came out victoriously.结果是得胜的。(那祂胜过试探的能力哪里来呢?)He owed the power to keep himself free from sin祂有这种保存自己不犯罪的能力,是来自 (a) to His sinless birth,因为祂出生是无罪的, and (b) to the union of His manhood with the divine Logos. 第二是因为祂的人性是与神之道Logos联合了。



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