the History of Christian Doctrines–Section 11 伯克富基督教教义史–第11讲。


我们现在来讲他们对基督和救恩或救赎的看法。their view of Christ and salvation英文58页,中文51页。


the Logos became man by assuming a real human nature, consisting of body and soul.逻各斯,或者道借着穿上一个真正的人性,包括身体跟灵魂,而成为人。Yet He was not an ordinary man,但是祂不是个普通的人, but God and man但是祂是神人God and man,though His divinity was concealed.虽然祂的神性被隐藏。“暂时”这两个字原文是没有的。Hence it was not a mere man, but the very Son of God that hung on the cross.因此被钉在十字架上的,不是肉体的人,不能够这样说,不是一个凡人,乃是上帝自己的儿子,不是“也是”是“乃是”。All emphasis is placed on the fact that He became the teacher of the race,下面我们看到护教士有一点的偏差,他们把所有注意力都放在一件事,就是逻各斯(道)成为人类的教师,as He had already shown Himself before the incarnation.就正如在道成肉身之前,祂已经自我显示过,记得吗?祂在道成肉身之前,这个道已经透过异教的哲学家,或者是旧约圣经都已经自我显示过;现在祂来亲自来做教师了。The main content of His teaching is found in the ideas of the 祂所教导的重要的内容是在下列这些概念one God唯有一位神,

The new law requiring a virtuous life,新的律法,要求人过道德的生活,and immortality, particularly the resurrection, 还有永生,或者不朽,特别是复活, carrying with it rewards and punishments.这带来奖赏和惩罚的,那这个是护教士们认为是耶稣所讲的、所教导的主要内容,宇宙有唯一真神,有新的律法要求人过道德的生活,将来有永生,有复活,有赏赐有惩罚。你看到他们的局限性吗?Because God created man free,因为上帝造人是自由的,没有“有”这个字,因为上帝造人是自由的, the latter has the ability to keep the commandments of God.所以人有,不是“他们”啊,所以他有能力遵守神的诫命。Grace consists only in the revelation of and of the law.恩典只不过在于上帝启示了教义和律法。The sufferings of Christ hardly appear to be necessary, except as a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy.基督的受苦似乎完全不必要,只不过是为了应验旧约的预言。Yet the Apologists do insist on the reality and the great significance of these sufferings可是,护教士也坚持着基督这些的受苦的真实性和重要性,as obtaining for men the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from sin the devil.因为基督的受苦为人带来赦罪,和从罪,和从魔鬼的释放。


Their view of the new life, the Church and the future


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The origin of the new life is represented somewhat dualistically by the Apologetes.护教士们用了比较二元论的方法来表达新生命的源起,新生命的起源,不是如何得到新生命,是新生命的起源,或者开始。Sometimes it appears to be wholly dependent on the free choice of man,有时候,他们好像说新生命完全靠人的自由选择,and then again it seems to be entirely contingent on the free grace of God.但是有时候,又好像认为完全靠着上帝白白的恩典。Baptism stands in the closest relationship to the new birth,洗礼与新的再生有着最密切的关系,and marks the beginning of a new life.是新生命的开始的标志,新生命的开始的标志,标志着新生命的开始。The Church consists of the people of God, the true Israel,教会是由上帝的子民,真以色列所组成的。不是以色列人,以色列,and the high-priestly generation of God,是上帝的大祭司的族类啊,generation族类,and is characterized by strict morality, holy love, and readiness to suffer with rejoicing.他们的特征是有严谨的道德、圣洁的爱,不是“神圣”,是“圣洁”的爱holy,和随时预备好,也是带着喜乐的心来受苦。The Apologists firmly believed in the resurrection of the dead,护教士们坚信,死人的复活, but there was some difference of opinion among them about the essential immorality of the soul.但是他们中间关于灵魂本质上的不朽坏有着不同的看法。Tatian 他提安and Theophilus和提阿非罗regarded immorality as a reward for the righteous and a punishment for the wicked,认为永生或者不朽是对义人的奖赏,对恶人的惩罚,and Justin 而游斯丁seems to have shared this view.似乎也是有同样的看法。In their description of the blessedness of the future当他们描述到未来的福乐的时候the millennial kingdom sometimes plays a part(Justin )有的时候也包含了论述千禧年的国度的,游斯丁,也就是说有些教父有讲,有些没有讲。

3.第三部分Their significance for the history of Dogma护教士们对教义历史的重要性

Harnack and Loofs这两位的学者,Harnack是巴特的老师,所以他写书教书的年日大概是1900年代前后are of the opinion that他们的意见是,the Apologists completely fell away from the right apprehension of the Christian Gospel.护教士们从正确的理解基督福音这件事完全堕落了,就完全不理解,完全没有正确地对福音的理解。They claim that these early Fathers sought the substance of Christianity solely in its rational contents,他们宣称,这些早期的教父,也就是护教士们只是在基督教的理性的内容上找到基督教的实质,只是在基督教的理性的内容里面去找到实质,valued the objective fact of revelation,他们珍惜启示的客观事实,such as例如the incarnation and the resurrection, 道成肉身和复活,merely certifying the truths of natural revelation,这些的事实只不过是用来证实自然启示的诸般真理,这个第一件事。这个Harnack等等认为,护教士只觉得基督教的理性内容是重要的,这些的客观的事实是重要的,比如说道成肉身和复活。因为这些证明了自然启示里面的真理是正确的,这个是一件事,所以他们不正确理解福音,第二and Hellenized the Gospel by turning faith into doctrine他们也把福音希腊化,因为他们把信心转化成为教义and by giving Christianity, especially through their Logos doctrine, an intellectual character. 特别借着他们的逻各斯,就是道的教义给了基督教一种的理性的性质。


好,我们看伯克富的批判,But while there may be some semblance of truth in their representation但是虽然他们的认知可能有一点点真理的样貌,或者历史事实的样貌,或者是正确的道理的样貌,it is clearly the result of a one-sided contemplation of some of the teachings of the Apologists 很明显他们这样的评论是源自一种对护教士们一部分的教导的一面倒的思考and fails to take all the facts into consideration.他们没有把所有的事实都考虑进去。

Their significance for the development of theology护教士们对神学发展的重要性

It must be admitted that these early Fathers gave great prominence to the truth of reason and sought to demonstrate their rationality.我们必须承认,这些早期的教父们非常的注重理性的真理,他们把理性的真理说的非常的显著,他们也努力的去证实这些的真理的合理性。But it should be borne in mind,但是我们必须记得,(a) 第一they were writing Apologies and not doctrine treatises,他们写的是护教的文献,而不是教义的论述,and that the nature of Apologies is always determined more or less by the opposition; 而护教的本质多多少少都是由反对者的论据所决定的,(b)第二,that the truth which they stressed also constitute a very essential part of the system of Christian doctrine; 他们所强调的真理也是一个基督教教义系统的重要部分,and (c)第三, that their writings also contain many positive Christian elements,他们的著作里面也包含一些正面的基督教的元素,which do not merely serve as props for the fundamental truths of reason.这些不仅仅是用来支持理性的一些基本真理的。

Again, it must be admitted that我们再一次说,我们必须承认,they represented Christianity in terms of philosophy,他们大体上是以哲学的方法,不是“观点”,是“方法”来讨论基督教,that they did not clearly discriminate between philosophy and theology,他们没有在哲学跟神学之间做清楚的区分,and then their representation of the truths of revelation, and particularly of the Logos doctrine,  suffered from an admixture of Greek philosophical thought.他们对启示的真理的表述,特别是“道”的教义是有这个缺点,就是与希腊的哲学思想混杂了,不是影响,是混杂了,伯克富的批判比翻译者的批判严重得多,是混杂。But they evidently meant to give a correct interpretation of the truths of revelation, though they did not always succeed.但是他们很明显,他们的用意就是要为启示的真理做一个正确的解释,虽然他们不是每次都很成功的。The fact that they thought to give a rational interpretation of Christianity cannot be held against them,我们不应该认为,他们试图为基督教做出一个理性的诠释是错误的, for this does not consist exclusively in religious experiences,因为要解释基督教,不能完全是用宗教经验,as Ritschlians sometimes seem to think,正如黎策尔派的神学家们有的时候是这样的认为, but also has an intellectual content基督教本身有着它的理性的内容,and is a reasonable religion.也是一个合理的宗教。It is quite evident from the writings of the Apologists 从护教士们的著作我们很明显看到,that their conception of Christianity still suffered from the same defects and limitations as that of the Apostolic Fathers.很明显看到,护教士们对基督教的概念,仍然好像使徒后期的教父们一样,有着同样的缺欠和限制。This is especially seen in the doctrine of the Logos 特别在他们的道的逻各斯的教义看得出and in that of the way of salvation(moralism).另外就是,他们的救赎之路,(就是道德主义)。At the same time但是与此同时,their work marked the beginnings of Christian theology,他们的著作就标志着基督教神学的开始,though this was forced into a philosophical come framework.虽然这个神学是被急挤进一个哲学的框架里。前面有一个地方说教理的条约。53页的第二部分第三行,这个是因为他们翻译员把treaty跟treatise混肴了,是教理的论述,不是条约。


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