History of the Christian doctrines session 19伯克富基督教教义史19讲




这个是第二种或者第派的神格唯一论,Sabellianism 撒伯流主义

There was a second form of Monarchianism which was for more influential.还有第二种的神格唯一论,影响就更加的广。It was also interested in maintaining the unity of God,同样的,他关注于维持上帝是一,but its primary interest seems to have been Christologic,但是它似乎主要关注基督论,namely, the maintenance of the full divinity of Christ.意思就是维持基督完全是神。It was called Modalistic Monarchianism,这派称为形态的神格唯一论,because it conceived of the three Persons in the Godhead  as so many modes in which God manifested Himself;因为,它认为神格里的三个位格是上帝显示,或者彰显祂自己的三种的形态;was known as Patripassianism in the West,在西方的教会称之为圣父受苦说,since it held that the Father Himself had become incarnate in Christ,因为它坚持圣父自己道成肉身,圣父自己在基督里道成肉身了,and therefore also suffered in and with Him;因此,圣父在基督里同样的受苦,与基督一同受苦; and was designated Sabellianism in the East东方教会称之为撒伯流主义after the name of its most famous representative. 是以它最著名的代表人物命名。The great difference between it and Dynamic Monarchianism lay in the fact that it maintained the true divinity of Christ.形态的神格唯一论和动态的神格唯一论重要的区别在于形态的神格唯一论坚持基督完全的神性。

Praxeas and Noetus帕克西亚和诺威督

Tertuliian connects the origin of this sect with a certain Praxeas of whom little is known,特土良认为,这一派的起源是来自一个不出名的人物,Praxeas ,帕克西亚,while Hippolytus claims claims而西坡利达认为呢,that it originated in the teachings of Noetus and Smyrna.认为形态的神格唯一论是以在士每拿的诺威督Noetus 所创始的。However this may be, both were evidently instrumental in propagating it. 不论如何,这两位都在传播这一派的思想,都很重要的。Praxeas was absolutely inimical to personal distinctions in God.帕克西亚完全反对在神格,不是神性,在神格里面可以有不同位格的区分。Tertuliian says of him:特土良这样批判他: ‘He drove out the Paraclete and crucified the Father.’ “他把保惠师赶走,又把圣父钉十字架。”Praxeas ,however, seems to have avoided the assertion that Father suffered, 帕克西亚好像避免说圣父受苦,but Noetus did not hesitate at this point.可是诺威督就毫不迟疑地这样说了。To quote the words of Hippolytus: 引用西坡里达的话: ‘He said  Christ is Himself the Father,“他,就是诺威督,说:基督自己是圣父, and that the Father Himself was born and suffered and died.’而圣父自己诞生、受苦、死了。”According to the same Church Father根据同一位教父,就是西波理达he even made a bold assertion 诺威督甚至乎大胆地宣称说的that the Father by changing the mode of his being literally became His own Son.父上帝改变了祂的存有的形态,而真正的成为祂自己的儿子了。The statement of Noetus referred to runs as follows:西波理达所指的诺威督所讲的话是这样说的,诺威督这样说: ‘When the Father had not yet been born,He was rightly called the Father; “圣父还没有诞生之前,称祂作圣父是对的,正确的; but when it is pleased Him to submit to birth,但是按照祂的美意,当祂顺服在出生之后, having been born,祂既然出生了,He became the Son,祂就成为圣子, He of Himself and not of another.’ 就是祂自己成为圣子,不是另外一位。”中文是这样翻译:“两者都是祂自己,并不是另一位,”英文是这样说的:having been born,祂既然出生了,He became the Son,祂就成为圣子,He of Himself自己亲自的成为圣子and not of another不是靠别的哪一位成为圣子,就是祂自己亲自成为圣子。


The most important representative of this sect was Sabellius.这派最重要的代表人物是撒伯流。Since only a few fragments of his writings are extant,既然他的著作只有很少的片段存留,it is hard to determine in detail just what he taught.我们就很难决定他究竟所教导的细节是什么。It is perfectly clear,可是很明显的一件事是,however, that he distinguished between the unity of the divine essence and the plurality of its manifestations,他区分神的本质的一和祂彰显的众,which are represented as following one another like the parts of a drama.后者就是祂的彰显的不同的形态呢,就好像在戏剧不同的角色,一个跟着一个来。Sabellius indeed sometimes spoke of three divine persons,诚然,撒伯流有时候论道三个神的位格,but then used the word ‘person’ in the original sense of the word,可是他用,person位格这个字是用原本这个字的意义,in which it signifies as a role of acting or a mode of manifestation.而这个原意是指在做戏的时候所扮演的一个角色,或者一种显示的形态。According to him根据撒伯流the names Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are simply designations of three different phases under which the one divine essence manifests itself.圣父、圣子、圣灵,这三个名字只不过是指一个神的本质彰显自己的时候不同的阶段。God reveals Himself as Father in creation that in the giving of the law,上帝在创造世界和颁布律法的时候,祂以圣父启示了祂自己,as Son in the incarnation,在道成肉身的时候,上帝以圣子显示了祂自己,and as Holy Spirit in regeneration and sanctification.而当上帝使人重生和使人成圣的时候,就以圣灵显示祂自己。我多加一句这个戏局的角色,也可以理解为就是上帝带不同的面具,因为当时古希腊罗马演戏的时候,每一个角色的演员就用一个面具来代表他所演的那个角色。

所以这个是第二个神格唯一论,他们要坚持基督是神。首先有这个Praxeas 帕克西亚,他不承认神格里面有不同的位格。但是Noetus 诺威督就更严重的犯错说:基督自己就是父,父自己出生、受苦而死。因为父改变了祂的形态,改变了祂的存在的形态,而真正的成为了祂的儿子。所以当祂在地上出生的时候,祂就成为圣子,祂亲自成为祂的圣子。而撒伯流就认为上帝的三个位格只不过是三个不同的角色,好像演戏一样,演员演一个角色就戴一个面具。



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Chapter one第一章page 83,中文80页



Rise of trinitarian controversy 三位一体的论战的兴起

The trinitarian controversy, which came to a head in the struggle between Arius and Athanasius, had its roots in the past.三位一体的论战到了亚流和阿他拿修之间的辩论就到了高峰,可是它的起源就更早了。The early Church Fathers, as we have seen, had no clear conception of the trinity.我们上文看过早期的教会的教父,对三位一体没有清楚的概念。Some of them conceived of the Logos as  impersonal reason,他们有人认为逻各斯,就是道是一个没有位格的理性,become personal at the time of creation,在上帝创造世界的时候就成为有位格的,while others regarded Him as personal amd co-eternal with the Father, sharing the divine essence, and yet ascribed to Him a certain subordination to the Father.又有其他的教父认为祂是有位格的,与圣父同样是永恒的,同样的有着上帝的本质,可是这个道却比圣父更低。The Holy Spirit occupied no important place in their discussion at all.而圣灵在他们的讨论中,完全没有占任何重要的地位。They spoke of Him primarily in connection with the work of redemption as applied to the hearts and lives of believers. 他们论到圣灵主要是指救赎的工作,就是当救赎施行在信徒的心中跟生活中的时候。Some considered Him to be subordinate, not only to the Father, but also to the Son.有人认为圣灵是比圣父更低,甚至乎也比圣子更低。Tertullian 特土良was the first to assert clearly the tri-personality of God,是第一位坚称上帝是三个位格,tri-personality ,and to maintain the substantial unity of the three Persons.他也是第一位坚持三个位格在本质上的统一,同样的一个的本质。But even he did not reach a clear statement of the doctrine of the Trinity.但是甚至特土良都没有很清楚的说出三位一体的教义。

Meanwhile 与此同时呢 Monarchianism came along with its emphasis on the unity of God and on the true deity of Christ,同时神格唯一论兴起了,他们强调上帝的一和基督真正的神性,involving a denial of the Trinity in the proper sense of the word.就牵涉到严格来说是否认了三位一体论。Tertullian and Hippolytus combated their views in the West, while Origen struck them a decisive blow in the East.在西方的教会,特土良跟西波理达驳斥他们的观点,而俄利根在东方的教会也给他们一个致命的攻击,打击。They defended the trinitarian position as it is expressed in the Apostle’s Creed.这些教父们了都维护了在使徒信经所表达出的三一论的立场。But even Origen’s construction of the doctrine of the Trinity was not altogether satisfactory.但甚至乎俄利根对三位一体教义的建构也不完全令人满意。He firmly held the view the both the Father and the Son are divine hypostases or personal subsistence,他坚持圣父、圣子都是神的位格,或者位格的生存形态,but did not entirely succeed in giving a scriptural representation of the relation of the three Persons to the one essence in the Godhead.但是他没有完全成功根据圣经来表达,在神格里面三个位格彼此之间的关系是什么。While he was the first to explain the relation of the Father to the Son by employing the idea of eternal generation,不错,他是第一位这样解释圣父与圣子的关系的,他用了这个永恒的生出,就是圣父在永恒里生出圣子,他是第一个用这个概念的,he defined this so as to involve the subordination of the Second Person to the First in respect to essence.可是,他用这个概念的时候,就是这个永恒出生的概念的时候,就牵涉到第二个位格在祂的本质上是从属于,是低过第一个位格的。The Father  communicated to the Son only a secondary species of divinity, 圣父所传给圣子的只不过是一个次等的神性,which may be called Theos,可以,称为神明,神衹,but not Ho Theos.但是不能说是那个神,真神,这两个TheosHo Theos,不同的就是后者有个冠词。He sometimes even speaks to the Son as Theos Deuteros.  俄利根甚至乎有的时候论圣子说,祂是第二个神。This was the most radical defect in Origen’s doctrine of the Trinity这个是俄利根的三一论的最彻底的缺欠and afforded a stepping-stone for Arius.这就为亚流铺路,为亚流做了一个的踏板。Another. Less fatal, defect is found in his contention 俄利根还有另外一个,不是致命的一个缺欠,就是他坚持说that the generation of the Son is not a necessary act of the Father, but proceeds from His sovereign will.圣父生圣子,不是圣父的必然的行动,乃是出自祂主权的旨意。He was careful, however, not to bring in the idea of temporal succession .不过俄利根很谨慎没有把时间上的先后带进来,就是说圣父比圣子更先,所以圣父的时间上生出圣子,他没有把这个带进来。In his doctrine of the Holy Spirit 俄利根的圣灵论he departed still further from the representation of the Scripture.就离开圣经的表示更远了。He not only made the Holy Spirit subordinate even to the Son,他不单单认为圣灵连比圣子也更低,but also numbered Him among the things created by the Son.甚至乎他认为圣灵是圣子所创造的万物之一。One of his statements even seems to imply that He was a mere creature.他其中讲了一句话,好像暗示就是说圣灵只不过是被造者而已。






下一段,我们就要讲到的nature of the control version三位一体论战的性质。这里面第一段是亚流和亚硫主义–a。然后我们要来看反对亚流主义的势力,特别是阿塔纳修,这个第二部分。之后呢,我们就来到本章的第三段:尼西亚会议和尼西亚信经。到了这里呢,三位一体就达到一个第一次的整个罗马帝国的共识。但是后面还有很长很长的,广东话是首尾,后面还有很多的复杂的因素。虽然尼西亚信经已经把三位一体讲得清楚了,但是不等于说整个罗马帝国的所有教会都从心底里认同。所以教义继续很复杂地在发展下去。


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