History of Christian doctrine session 22,基督教教义史第22讲,


The disbute about the Holy Spirit关于圣灵的争论,中文第88页


Early opinions about the Holy Spirit


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[d] The dispute about the Holy Spirit 关于圣灵的争论。Up to this time the Holy Spirit had not come in for a great deal of consideration, 到目前为止,就是到尼西亚信经,甚至乎尼西亚信经之最后,三教父的时期,不是太多的教会领袖考虑到圣灵, though discordant opinions had been expressed on the subject.虽然在这方面所表达的意见已经有所分歧了。Arius 亚流held that the Holy Spirit was the first created being produced by the Son,亚流坚称圣灵是由圣子所生的第一个受造的存有,an opinion very much in harmony with that of Origen.这个说法这个看法呢,非常的符合俄利根。或者是奥利金的看法的。俄利根影响亚流,第三世纪是两位最重要的、把真理讲错的教会领袖们。Athanasius阿塔纳修asserted that the Holy Spirit was of the same essence with the Father,坚持圣灵与圣父是同质的,but the Nicene Creed contains only the indefinite statement, ‘And (I believe) in the Holy Spirit’.可是尼西亚信经,仅仅有一个不很明确的声明,“我信圣灵”。The Cappadocians三教父followed in the footsteps of Athanasius跟随着阿塔纳修的脚步and vigorously maintained the homoousis of the Holy Spirit.他们竭力的维持圣灵的同质,就是与圣父同质。Hilary 希拉里,我们中文翻西拉流,那是因为用拉丁文翻译过来,希拉里,是男的,of Poitiers in the West 西方教会的希拉里help that the Holy Spirit, as searching the deep things of God, could not be foreign to the divine essence.他说圣灵看透上帝深处的事,所以与上帝的本质不可能是在外面的。An entirely different opinion was voiced by Macedonius, a bishop of Constantinople,可是君士坦丁堡的主教马其顿纽斯,Macedonius提倡完全不一样的意见,who declared that the Holy Spirit was a creature subordinate to the Son;他宣称圣灵是受造物,比圣子更低的,或者从属圣子的; but his opinion was generally considered as heretical, 但是一般来说呢,他这种的看法是被视为异端, and his followers were nicknamed Pneumatomachians ( from pneuma, spirit, and machomai,  to speak evil against).所以他的跟随者有了一个绰号,就别人给他们的绰号就是抵挡圣灵的。When in AD 381 the general Councilof Constantinople met,所以在381年,当君士坦丁堡大会开会的时候,it declares its approval  of Nicene Creed宣告他们认同尼西亚信经and under the guidance of Gregory of Nazianzus 所以受到了三教父其中一位,贵格里的引导之下呢,accepted the following formula respecting the Holy Spirit:就接受了下面关于圣灵的宣告: ‘And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life giving, “我们也相信圣灵是主,是赐生命的那一位, who proceeds from the Father,由圣父而出,who is to be glorified with the Father and the Son,与圣父圣子一同配受荣耀,and who speaks through the prophets.’也借着先知们晓谕。”

[e] Completion of the doctrine of the Trinity.三位一体的教义的完成。The statement of the Council of Constantinople proved unsatisfactory in two points:在两点方面来看呢,君士坦丁堡大会的宣告不令人满意:(1)第一点, the word homoousios was not used, 没有用同质这个字,so that the con-substantiality of the Spirit with the Father was not directly asserted; 因此大会没有直接的宣告,圣灵与圣父是同质的,and (2)第二点上的the relation of the Holy Spirit to the other two Personss was not defined.大会没有对圣灵与其他两个位格,就是圣灵与圣父,圣灵与圣子的关系,没有做定义。The statement is made that大会的确这样说的the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father,圣灵从圣父而出, while it is neither denied nor affirmed that He also proceeds from the Son.可是大会既没有否认也没有肯定圣灵也从圣子而出。There was no entire unanimity on this point.在这点上,大会并不是完全一致。To say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only, 若说圣灵仅仅从圣父而出,那么looked like a denial of the essential oneness of the Son with the Father;这样的说法,好像否认了圣子在本质上与圣父是一,oneness是同一个本质的; and to say that He also proceeds from the Son,那么假如说圣灵也从圣子而出的话呢,seemed to place the Holy Spirit in a more dependent position than the Son and to be an infringement on His deity.就好像把圣灵放在一个比圣子更加有依靠性的地位,也有损于圣灵的神性,好像两种说法,哪一种都不太对啊。Athanasius, Basil, and Gregory of Nyssa, 阿塔拿修,巴西留还有尼撒的贵格里,他们三个人,asserted the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father, without opposing in any way to the doctrine that He also proceeds from the Son.他们宣告圣灵从圣父而出,也不反对圣灵也从圣子而出这个教义。But Epiphanius and Marcellus of Ancyra positively asserted this doctrine.但是,依法纽还有马塞卢他们就正面的宣告后者,就是圣灵也从圣子而出。

Western theologians generally held to the procession of the Holy Spirit from both the Father and the Son;在西方的神学家一般都相信圣灵是从圣父和圣子而出的; and at the Synod of Toledo in AD 589 在主后589年的托雷多的大会famous ‘filioque’ was add to the constantinopolitan Symbol.因此在这个大会上,在君士但丁堡的的信经上加了“和子、与子”‘filioque’这个字,“和子”的意思就是说:圣灵也从子而出。In the East那么在罗马帝国的东方,the final formulation of the doctrine was given by John of Damascus.是由大马色的约翰厘定了这个教义的。According to him there is but one divine essence, but three Personss or hypostases.根据大马色的约翰唯有一个神性本质,但是有三个位格hypostases。These are to be regarded as realities in the divine being,这三个位格在神的存有,在神里面是真实的,是实在,reality是实在,but not related to one another as three men are.可是他们之间的关系并不像三个人之间的关系。They are one in every respect, except in their mode of existence .他们在各方面都是一,除了在他们的生存形态上。The Father is characterized by ‘non-generation’, 圣父特别的生存形态是 ‘不受生的’。The Son by ‘generation’, 圣子的特别的生存形态是 ‘受生的’,and the Holy Spirit by ‘procession’而圣灵的生存形态就是 ‘出的’。The relation of the Personss to one another is described as one of ‘mutual interpenetration’(circumincession),三个位格之间的关系是称为彼此的深入渗透、彼此的相通,without commingling.可是没有混合。Not withstanding his absolute rejection of subordinationism,虽然大马色的约翰完全拒绝从属说,就是圣灵比圣父圣子更低,John of Damascus still spoke of the Father as the source of the Godhead,可是他仍然称圣父为神格的来源,或者是神性的来源,Godhead神他自己的源头,and represents the Spirit as proceeding from the Father through the Logos.他说圣灵是借着罗格斯从父而出的。This is still a relic of Greek subordinationism. 这个仍然是希腊的从属说的残余。从属说就是比较低,圣灵比较低。The East never adopted the ‘filioque’ of the Synod of Toledo.东方的教会从来没有采纳这个Toledo,托雷多教会的“和子”这两个字。拉丁文是一个字。It was the rock on which the East and the West split.就是因为这个“和子”这个争议,东方和西方的教会分裂了。

最后一段Augustine on the trinity奥古斯丁论三位一体

The Western conception of the trinity reached its final statement in the great work of Augustine,De Trinitate.在奥古斯丁所著的《论三一神》这本名著呢,西方教会的三一观就到了最后的一个的著述了。He too stresses the unity of essence and the Trinity of Personss.奥古斯丁也强调本质是一,位格有三。Each of the three Personss possesses the entire essence,三个位格的每一个都有全部神的本质,and is in so far identical with the essence and with each one of the other Persons.所以,每一个位格,祂们的本质essence是从完全相同的。而且是与另外两个位格相同的,就是它的本质上是与另外两个位格相同的。They are not like three human persons, each one of which possesses only a part of generic of human nature.他们不像人类的三个人,每一个人拥有这个一般性的人性的一部分而已。不是的,每一位格都有完全的神性。Moreover 不但如此,the one is never and can never be without the other;一个位格永远不会,也不可能会没有另外两位的; the relations of dependence between them is a mutual one.祂们之间的彼此依靠性是相互的,祂们是相互依靠的。The divine essence belongs to each of them under a different point of view,他们每一个都有神的本性,不过都从不同的观点角度来看,那什么观点角度呢?as generating, generated, or  existing through inspiration.就是生、受生、和借着感动而存在。是指灵了。Between the three hypostases there is a relation mutual interpenetration and interdwelling. 在这三个hypostases 位格之间,有着彼此的渗入和彼此的居住的关系。The word ‘person’ it does not satisfy Augustine as a designation of the relationship in which the three stand to one another;那么关于三个位格之间的关系,奥古斯丁认为指这个做三个位格,是不令他满意的; still he continues to use it,但是,他仍然使用person位格这个概念, as he says,他说, ‘not in order to express it (the relationship),我继续用person 位格,不是要表达这个关系, but in order not to be silent’. 乃是好叫我不会没有话可说。In this conception of the Trinity the Holy Spirit is naturally regarded as proceeding, only from the Father, but also from the Son.从这种的三一神观来看,圣灵很自然的,不单单是从父而出,也是从子而出的。



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