The History of Christian Doctrines–Section 14 伯克富基督教教义史–第14讲。



原文64页,中文58页,Irenaeus and Tertullian differ considerately in their doctrine of the Person of Christ,爱任纽和特土良在他们论述到基督的位格这个教义的时候有很大的差别,and therefore it may be well to consider them separately.因此最好是把他们分开来讨论。

[a] Irenaeus .爱任纽。Irenaeus ’ Christology 爱任纽的基督论。The Christology of Irenaeus is superior to that of Tertullian and Hippolytus爱任纽的基督论比特土良跟西波理达更加的卓越and influenced the latter to a great extent.在很大的程度上也影响了西波理达。He is averse to speculation about the Logos, 爱任纽非常的反对对逻各斯的猜测,或者是揣测,because these lead at most to probable guesses. 因为这些揣测的结果最多是一些有可能性的猜想而已。He merely asserts that 爱任纽仅仅宣称说the Logos existed from all eternity 道–逻各斯,从永恒就存在,and was instrumental in revealing the Father,它–就是这个道,是启示父上帝的器皿,and then takes His real starting-point in the Historically revealed Son of God. 而爱任纽的基督论的起点是在在历史上显现的神的儿子,是神的儿子,历史上显现的神的儿子。Through the incarnation the Logos became the Historical Jesus,逻各斯,或者道,借着道成肉身,就成为历史上的耶稣,and thereafter with at once true God and true man.从此以后,同时是真神,也是真人。He rejects the heresy of the Gnostics他拒绝或者反对诺斯底主义者的异端,就是说,that in His suffering and death the passible Jesus was separated from the impassible Christ,这异端就是说:在耶稣受苦和死的时候,那个能受苦的基督,和那个在耶稣的受苦和死的时候,那个能受苦的耶稣就从那个不受苦的基督分开了,and attaches the greatest significance to the union of God with human nature.刚才讲的是爱任纽所反对的,他反对的是:在基督耶稣死的时候,能受苦的耶稣和不能受苦的基督分开。正面的来说,爱任纽特别强调,神(而不是神性)与人性的联合。把这个神性的“性”字除掉,爱任纽指出神与人性联合的重要意义。

In Christ as the second Adam the human race is once more united to God.在基督里,祂身为第二亚当,全人类再一次的与神联合,不是“得以”,这个都是我们华人翻译的时候,把我们的那些个可能性啊都读进去。没有“得以”的,就是与神联合,我们很不习惯直接了当讲一些事情,非得加个“得以”啊,“能够”啊,那些字原文是没有的。There is in Him a recapitulation of mankind在基督里有着一个人类的复原,或者恢复recapitulation , which reaches backward as well as forward, 这个复原一方面是指过去的,也是将来的人,and in which mankind reverses the course on which it entered at the fall.在这个复原中,人类就从他在堕落的时候开始走的路途回转过来了,没有讲到迷失啊。THis is the very core of the Christological teaching of Irenaeus.爱任纽的基督论的教导的核心就在于此。The death of Christ as our substitute is mentioned but not stressed.基督的死是作为我们的替代,爱任纽有提,但是没有强调。The central element in the work of Christ is His obedience,基督的工作的最核心的要素,是祂的顺服,whereby the disobedience millions of Adam is cancelled.借着基督的顺服,就抵消了亚当的不顺服。这点是非常精彩的!这个是我的评论。在改革宗后来再把它拾起来,捡起来,再来发挥的。

[b] Tertullian.特土良。Tertullian’s Christology特土良的基督论。Tertullian takes his starting-point in the doctrine of the Logos,特土良的起点是道–逻各斯的教义,but develops it in a way that became historically significant.但是他发挥这个道的教义的方法就带有历史的重要性,就是说就影响到后来的历史。He stresses the fact that,他特土良强调一个事实就是,the Logos of the Christians is a real subsistence, 基督徒的道,或者逻各斯是一个真正的存在者subsistence, an independent Person,祂是一个独立的位格,不是 “有”一个独立的位格,祂就是一个独立的位置,who was begotten of  God 是由神所生and thus proceeded from Him,因此,从神而出。加个“因此”,因此从神而出,not by emanation,不是借着反射,but by self-projection, 乃是自动生长,那这个词真的很难翻译的,自动生长是蛮不错的一个翻译self-projection,just as a root projects a tree.就等于树根生出一棵树来,或者一颗树从根部生长。There was a time when He was not.中文这样翻译的:道并非自起初就存在,这个翻译是对的,There was a time when He was not.有一段时间,道还没有存在的。这个是很大的错误啊。He emphasizes the fact that the Logos is of the same substance with the Father,他特土良强调一件事实,就是逻各斯与父是属于同一个本质的,and yet differs from Him in mode of existence as a distinct Person.但是作为一个独特的位格,在生存形态上是与父不一样的。那我再说一次,这个是很有影响力的,他说逻各斯与父是有着同一个实质、或者本质,但是因为祂是一个个别的位格,所以与父在生存形态上是不一样的。到了后来尼西亚信经还是用这个说法,所以很早特土良就得很精彩的说出这方面的真理。He did not come into existence by partitioning,道,并不是透过分割而开始存在的but by self-unfolding.乃是自我展示,中文翻成自我彰显。这个是ok的。


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The Father下面那是一个非常严重的错误is the whole substance,父,是神的本质的全部,but the Son is only a part of it,而子,只不过是神性的一部分, because He is derived. 因为只是衍生出来的,没有“从父”这两个字,当然放进去没有错。Tertullian did not entirely get away from the idea of subordination.特土良并没有完全脱离从属的的概念。就是子低过父。His work is of lasting significance in connection with the introduction of the conceptions of substance and person into theology, 他的著作有着深远的重要性,就是因为他在神学里面介入了本质substance,和位格person的概念,ideas that were utilized in the construction of the Nicene Creed.这些概念在建构尼西亚信经的时候,都使用了。It may be said 我们可以这样说that he enlarged the doctrine of the Logos   into a doctrine of Trinity.他把逻各斯的教义扩大,成为一个三位一体的教义。In opposition to the Monarchian theory 他反对神格唯一说,(这个我们下两章会讲的)他反对神格唯一说he stressed  the fact that the three persons in the Godhead are of one substance, 他强调这个事实,就是,神格里的三个位格,是属同一个本质的,“属”也可以,“有”都可以;祂是三个位格,都有或者都属同一个本质,susceptible of number without division.数字上是三,但是没有分裂,或者分割,因为没有说本质上分裂,数字上虽然是三,但是绝对没有分裂。Yet he did not succeed in reaching the full trinitarian statement.但是,要说出一个完整的三一论,他并没有成功。He too conceived of the Logos as originally impersonal reason in God,他也同样地认为逻各斯原来是在神里面的,非位格的理性,非位格的理性,或无位格的理性,都可以了,became personal at the time of creation.在上帝创造的时候,才成为有位格的,或者成为位格。And subordination of the one person to the other is presented in the crude form of a greater and lesser participation of the first and second persons in the divine substance.而一个位格从属,或者低过另外一个位格,用一个很粗略的方法表达。就是说,第一个跟第二个位格在神的本质的参与上,是有不同的程度的。就是说第一个位格父,和第二个位格逻各斯,他们有或多或少的本质,神的本质,这个很粗略的一个说法。

Relative to the God-man and His two natures Tertullian expressed himself very much as the School of Asia Minor did.特土良论道神人和祂的二性的时候,不是基督,是神人和祂的二性的时候呢,他的他的表达方式就非常靠近亚西亚的学派。He surpasses all the other Fathers, except Melito, in doing justice to the full humanity of Christ, 除了Melito莫里托以外,他比所有其他的教父们都更加能够说清楚基督完整的人性,and in his clear distinction of the two natures, each one retaining its own attributes.同时,特土良也清楚地区别出两性:神性跟人性,都保存着独有的属性,神性有神性里面的属性,人性有人性里的属性。这些都是很精彩的。According to him there is no fusion,根据特土良,神性和人性没有融合,fusion, but a conjunction of the human and divine in Christ.只是基督里的属人的和属神的连结而已。He is very emphatic on the importance of the death of Christ,特土良非常强调基督之死的重要性,but is not entirely clear on this point,但是在这点上说的并不完全清楚,since he does not stress the necessity of penal satisfaction,因为他没有强调基督以受刑来满足父神的必须性,but only that of he sinner.他只强调罪人必须忏悔。忏悔,悔改这个词呢跟忏悔是不一样的,在改革宗的神学里面,他只强调罪人这一方的忏悔。While he does recognize a punitive  element in justice,虽然他承认在上帝的公义里有着惩罚的要素,he exalts the mercy of God.他更加的高举神的怜悯。At the same time a certain legalism pervades his teaching.但是,与此同时在他的教导中充满着一种的道德主义的成分。He speaks of satisfaction made for sins committed after baptism by repentance of confession.他说到:在洗礼之后所犯的罪,需要悔改或认罪来补罪,或者补过的。By fasting and other forms of mortification the sinner is able to escape eternal punishment.借着禁食或者其他不同的禁欲,mortification ,罪人能够逃脱永恒的惩罚。在这里有一种的洗礼之后的行为主义或者律法主义。

第三Ireneaus on the work of redemption 爱任纽论救赎之功

Of the Anti-Gnostic Fathers Ireneaus gives the fullest description of the work of redemption, but his representation is not altogether consistent.爱任纽在所有反对诺斯底主义的教父中,对救赎大工描述的最完整,但是,他的表述也不是完全一致的。While he is regarded as one of the most orthodox of the early Church Fathers,一方面他被认为是早期教父中最正统的一位,there are two lines of thought present in his writings which are hardly Scriptural, 但是在他的著作里面,有两条的思路,完全不符合圣经的,the one moralistic 一条思路是道德主义性的,and the other somewhat mystical.另外一条思路是比较神秘主义的。According to the former根据这个道德主义的倾向,man regains his destiny when he voluntarily chooses the good which he is still able to do.当人自愿的选择一些他仍然能够行出来的善的时候,他就再一次重获他的未来的结局了,就是他就重获他的永生了。这个是当他选择行善,而且他是有能力去行善的。The real significance of Christ’s work lies in the fact that He brought the sure knowledge of God基督的大工真正的重要性在于它带来关于神的确实的知识,and thus strengthened the freedom of man.因此强化了人的自由。这个是道德主义强调人的自由意志的一面,另外一面是神秘主义。According to the second,而根据后者就是神秘主义的倾向。

Christ recapitulates the whole human race in Himself,基督在祂里面重新恢复了全人类,recapitulates 恢复,and thus establishes a new relation between God and man因此设立了一个神人之间的一个新的关系,and becomes the leaven of a new life in humanity.因此就成为在人类里一个新生命的一个的面酵。The Logos identified Himself which humanity in His sufferings and death,逻各斯在祂的受苦和死上与人类认同了,and becomes instrumental in raising it to a higher level by sanctifying and immortalizing it.逻各斯也借着使人成圣,使人永生而将人提升到更高的层次。他是这个提升人性的这个器皿。He recapitulates in Himself the whole human race在祂里面,祂恢复了整个的人类,and reverses the course which derives its impetus from the fall of the first Adam.他就反转了因为第一个亚当堕落所衍生的动力。He communicates to it the leaven of a new and immortal life.祂向人类传递了一个新的、不朽坏的生命的面酵。

This may easily be,and has frequently been interpreted as teaching atonement by a mystical process begun in the incarnation and resulting in the deification of man.这很容易被理解为,也常常被理解为爱任纽是教导一种的赎罪的过程的,是一个神秘的过程。从道成肉身开始,最后的结果是人的神化deification。那这里中文翻译本的注脚呢是要把这个“神化”的严重性冲淡,就把它说成是好像东正教一种得成圣观一样。这个是当代学者们的一厢情愿。注脚是不属于原著的。

The emphasis on this idea in the writings of Irenaeus may be due to the fact that he was influenced by the Johannine writings more than by the Pauline Epistles.爱任纽的这个概念,就是面酵跟人的神化的强调,可能是因为他受到约翰的著作的影响多过受到保罗书信的影响。It is quite evident however that Irenaeus did not mean the teach purely mystical or are hyper-physical redemption.但是很明显的是,爱任纽的用意并不是加到一个纯粹是神秘的,或者超肉身的救赎。While he strongly emphasizes the necessity of a living union of Christ with a subjects of his redemption–虽然他非常强调,基督必须在生命上与他所救赎的对象联合a living一个活的联合–something which Anselm failed to do–这个是安瑟伦后来没有论到的–he associates this with other ideas,但是,爱任纽又把这个概念,就是与基督联合与其他的概念连同了,such as比如说,that He rendered for us the obedience required by God,就是道,或者基督为我们而付出了神所要求的顺服,that He suffered in our stead,祂代替我们受苦了,paying our debt付了我们的罪债,and propitiating the Father,在父神面前献上挽回祭,就平息了父神的愤怒,and that He redeemed ur from the power of Satan.祂同时也是就是我们脱离撒旦的权利的。



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