The History of Christian Doctrines–Section 9 伯克富基督教教义史–第9讲。


Chapter 4第四章:护教士the positive construction of the truth他们对真理的正面的建构。

第二段中文第51页,English page 57.现在我们来到护教士们,特别是游斯丁,殉道者游斯丁,他们的神观,还有他们对道,对逻各斯,就是太初有道那个道的观念是什么。中文是第51页的大半页。我们会仔细地去读,之后,我会讲一个补充的资料。

They represented God as the self-existent,他们所表达的上帝是自存的,unchangeable, 不能变的,and Eternal One,和永恒的那一位, who is the primal cause of the world,祂是世界的第一因,或者最原始的成因,but because of His uniqueness and perfection但是因为祂的独特性和完美性,或者因为祂是独一的,祂是完全的,can best be described in terms of negation.最好是用否定法来描述祂,不是较为恰当,是最好的方法。They hardly got beyond the idea of the divine Being as ho on or absolute attributeless existence.他们只能讲上帝的存有是绝对、没有属性的存在,没有越过这一点。

那我们先停一停,他们说:上帝是自存的,这个非常合乎圣经。出埃及记第三章自有永有的,不能变的,unchangeable,非常合乎神经; and eternal one永恒的那一位,是的,who is the primal cause of the world ,是世界原始的成因,是的。But because of His uniqueness and perfection can best be described in terms of negation.那是因为祂是独特的,是完全的,所以最好描述的方法是否定法。就是祂不是什么,不是什么。那这个呢也蛮符合圣经的,因为圣经也是常常用反面的方法来说,“你要用谁的跟我比较呢?用偶像吗?”耶和华会这样讲的,所以没有错。They hardly got beyond the idea of the divine Being as ho on or absolute attributeless existence.他们没有越过这个概念,就是divine Being,就是上帝的存有,怎么叫存有呢?就是上帝祂自己是一种绝对的、没有属性的存在。那这里就成问题了!上帝有属性,绝对有,很多个:无所不知、无所不在、无所不能、永恒不变等等,还没有说圣洁、公义、慈爱、智慧,所以祂就把上帝说成一个抽象的没有属性的,或者说没有面孔的,没有性格的一个存有者。所有不符合圣经的神观,本质上都是抽象。这个是范泰尔的概念。

In speaking of the Son they preferred the use of the term ‘Logos’,当他们论道子–神的儿子的时候,他们喜欢用逻各斯“道”这个名词,undoubtedly because毫无疑问的原因是it was a common philosophical term这个是一个很普遍的哲学名词and therefore appealed to the cultured classes .因此会对有文化教育的阶层有吸引力。At the same time its use shows that 与此同时,当用道(逻各斯)这个字的时候,就说出,就说明the Church is attention was focused on the divine and exalted Christ rather than on the man Jesus.教会所关注的是集中在基督这位神、这位被高举的基督身上,而不是在耶稣这个人身上,就是说用逻各斯这个字,就说明教会主要是关注于耶稣基督祂是神,被高举的那一位,而不是、主要不是注意到耶稣这个人。The Apologists did not have the biblical conception of the Logos, 护教士并没有一个合乎圣经的逻各斯的概念,这句话很重要啊,中文翻译把它放在一句话的后半,“而非圣经上所指示的‘道’的观念,英文是:The Apologists did not have the biblical conception of the Logos, 护教士并没有圣经的逻各斯的概念,but one somewhat resembling that of Philo.他们所持的概念比较像非罗的概念,非罗就是用希腊哲学去解释旧约的一个犹太人。To them 对这些护教士来说,the Logos, as He existed eternally in God,对他们来说,道–祂在上帝里面永恒存在的时候,was simply the divine reason,只不过是神的理性。

我再讲过一次:中文多加了很多不同的东西进去,the Logos, as He existed eternally in God, was simply the divine reason,逻各斯,当祂在上帝里面永远存在的时候,只不过是上帝的理性,神的理性,without personal existence.是没有位格性的存在的,祂不是一个位格存在的。就是在永恒里的时候,祂不是一个位格,祂在上帝里面,祂不是一个位格,祂只不过是上帝的理性。With a view to the creation of the world, however, God generated the Logos out of His own Being 但是当上帝考虑到要创造世界的时候,上帝就从祂自己的存有His own Being,就是说上帝是从祂自己产生了逻各出来,and thus gave Him personal existence.因此,就赋予逻各斯一个位格式的存在。Essentially the Logos remains identical  with God,在本质上来看,逻各斯仍然属于上帝相同的,but in view of His origin as a person He may be called a creature.但是若考虑到祂身为一个位格的起源的话,祂可以被称为一个被造者,或者受造之物。Briefly stated,简言之,Christ is the divine reason基督就是神的理性,immanent in God,是在神里面的, to which God gave a separate existence,上帝对这个理性赐予的一个能够分别出来的存在,and through which He revealed Himself.透过这个分别存在的逻各斯,透过祂,上帝启示祂自己。史伯格说, ‘As the divine reason, he was not only operative t the creation of the world and in the Old Testament,but also in the wise men of the heathen world.’ ‘逻各斯身为神的理性,不单单在创造世界的时候运行,也不单单在旧约时期运行,而且也在异教世界里的智慧者,就是哲学家里面运行的。’这个是史伯格所说的。It should be noted particularly that我们特别需要注意the Logos of the Apologists, in  distinction from the philosophical Logos, had an independent personality.我们必须注意到,护教士们的逻各斯,与哲学里面的逻各斯不一样,对护教士来说,逻各斯是有一个独立的性格的,personality。当然你可以翻是位格的。


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好,现在我们来看我们所发的讲义。这个是什么来的呢?这个就是史伯格的基督教教义史,论道护教士的逻各斯观念。史伯格的教科书里面的112到115页,当我买到这本书的时候,我就将部分的一些片段翻成中文了。我们来看,这个是早期的护教士,也就是殉道士游斯丁等等,他们的logos doctrine,他们的逻各斯教义,或者道的教义。


There is one God 有一位神the Creator, Adorner, and Preserver of the world.  是世界的创造者、美饰者和保存者。The invisible God is an unbegotten, nameless, eternal, incomprehensible, unchangeable Being, 这一位不能见的神是不受生的,是一位不受生的,没有名字的、永恒的、不能穷究的、不能测度的、和不能变的存有,存有就是一位。这位神不能变的神是不受生的,没有名字的、永恒的、不能穷究不能理解的,和不能变的存有。without any needs and free from all passions.  祂是毫无需要的,祂也是完全没有任何的激情的,我故意翻“激情”,不翻“感情”,passion这个字是有点负面的意思。He created the world out of nothingness  祂从无有创造了世界,and gave form to matter.然后,上帝把行形式给了物质,请注意形式跟物质是柏拉图、亚里斯多德他们哲学里面很重要的两个字。上帝创造了物质世界,然后让它成型,有了形式,(“That in some way matter was begotten, created by God, from which God made and formed the world”). 就是说上帝用某一种方法产生了物质。上帝创造了物质,而上帝从物质呢,再使世界成型,有了它的形式,form the world塑造了世界,使它成型了。祂先,不晓得用什么方法,产生了物质,然后从物质再塑造它成型,成为世界。Yet, with all this, the true nature of the living God does not find expression.但是虽然有这一切的事实,永活神真正的性质是没有表达出来的。There is no advance beyond the mere abstract conception that the Divine Being is absolute attribute-less Existence. 护教士并没有进步,他只停留在一个很抽象的概念,就是上帝存有是绝对的、没有属性的存在。In both operations在两种的工作中,就是创造物质跟创造世界,In both operations, God employed the Son as a mediator. 上帝用了子–祂的儿子作为中介,或者中保。

This is not to be understood in a mythological sense. 我们不可以用那种神话式的方法来理解,He is the Logos of God.神子是神的道,神的logos。This was a favorite term of the cultured classes. 这个是有文化教育的阶层的心爱的一个名词,Whenever it was mentioned, the interest of all was at once secured. 每次有人提到逻各斯这个字,就保证大家都有兴趣了。But that precisely this term was chosen但是护教士就是恰恰就选了这个名词,就证明, proves how entirely the thoughts of the church were centered in the exalted Christ. 就证明教会的思想完全集中在那位高举的基督身上。If they had thought chiefly of the man Jesus, 假如他们主要想到耶稣这个人,they might have easily characterized him as a second Socrates.  他们可能很容易就会描述耶稣是一个第二苏格拉底,第二个最伟大哲学家了。But they thought of him as God, in God, and with God, 但是,他们想到基督的时候,想到祂是神,在神里面,与神在一起and hence selected a term such as “Logos,”因此,选了一个好像逻各斯这种的名词, in order to make the matter plain to the heathen. 好教让这件事情让异教徒能够明白。

Originally God was alone,上帝起初是孤独存在的,but by virtue of the reasoning faculty但是因为上帝的理性的能力,或者功能,belonging to him就是因为上帝所拥有的理性的功能,he had in himself the Logos. 祂在祂自己里面是有逻各斯的。By a simple exercise of his will, the Logos sprang forth.那上帝用那个简单的,祂的意志的动作,就让逻各斯生出来了。He is the first-born work of the Father.祂是父神的首生的创作。“The first begotten thing … 那位首生的…not as coming into being, for from the beginning God, being eternal intelligence,had in himself the Logos, 不是开始存在,因为从头开始,上帝既然是永恒的聪明智慧,在祂自己里面就有逻各斯的,being eternally Logos-natured.上帝在永恒就有这个逻各斯的本性。那究竟逻各斯是怎么生出来的呢?

Of the manner in which the Logos originated, it is said: 他们这样说的,就是逻各斯是如何源起的,祂的起源是什么?“This power was begotten from the power of the Father and his counsel; “使逻各斯开始存在的能力,乃是从父上帝和祂的永恒计划的能力那里来的。或者说,逻各斯这个能力,是因为父上帝跟祂的永恒的旨意的能力所生出的,but not by a separation, as thought the nature of the Father were distributed,” 而不是从父上帝分开,好像父上帝的性质,祂的神性去分派出来,”i.e., somewhat as a fire does not diminish another by which it is enkindled, 就等于一把火从另外一把火出来,那首先那把火并没有变小,“and that which is taken away from it appears to be also the same and does not diminish that from which it was taken”.  同时,那个从原来的神拿走的,同时也是同等的,也没有比那个原来的神更小”。 He is not an angel, but divine; 逻各斯不是天使,是属神的;divine but not God himself .属神的,但是又不是神祂自己。In respect to the Father, he is something else 祂不是父神,是另外一个and another,也是另外一位,and is such in number but not in mind, 是的,祂与父上帝是两位,但是心意是同一的。或者说是一条心的,“And that which is begotten is other in number than that which begets, 所生出的与生祂的,在数字上是另外一位,就是二位as everyone must confess”). 每个人都必须承认这一点”)。Thus the Logos is God together with the Father, 因此逻各斯是神,与父一起,and to him alone, as to the Father, is worship due. 因此人们当然应该唯独敬拜祂,就等于应该唯独敬拜父上帝。Through the Logos, God has revealed himself. 上帝借着这个逻各斯,启示祂自己。


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