


The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and the Application of Redemption



  1. 『救赎次序』面面观 The Order of Salvation (ordo salutis) in Perspective


  1. 救赎的成就:基督的赎罪大工  – Lecture 1

The Accomplishment of Redemption: The Atonement in Brief Review

  1. 『救赎次序』的《圣经》基础:圣灵的降临The Biblical Basis for the Ordo Salutis: The Advent of the Spirit into the World – Lectures 2, 3
  2. 圣灵实施救赎的工作:概论The Spirit’s Application of Redemption: An Overview – Lecture 4
  3. 『救赎次序』与基督徒生活The Order of Salvation (ordo salutis) in the Christian Life
  4. 谦卑Humility – Lectures 5
  5. 得救的确据Assurance of Salvation (Westminster Confession, 18)


  1. 圣灵的位格与工作The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit


  1. 认识圣灵:上帝的灵Understanding the Holy Spirit: The Spirit of God – Lectures 6, 7
  2. 圣灵的神性,圣灵是位格The Divinity and Personhood of the Holy Spirit – Lecture 8
  3. 圣灵与基督的人性The Holy Spirit and the Human Nature of Christ – Lecture 9
  4. 圣灵与基督的工作 The Holy Spirit and the Work of Christ – Lecture 10
  5. 圣灵在信徒和教会中的工作(温习:欧文)The Work of the Spirit in the Believer and the Church (Review: Owen) – Lecture 11
  6. 圣灵的位格与工作(小结):《威敏斯特信仰告白》第三十四章Reviewing the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Westminster Confession, Chapter 34 – Lecture 12



  • 『救赎次序』The Order of Salvation (ordo salutis)


  1. 恩召(呼召) – Lectures 13-15
  2. 圣灵的见证Testimony of the Holy Spirit – Lectures 16-18
  3. 重生Regeneration – Lectures 19-22
  4. 扎心知罪与觉醒Conviction of Sin – Lecture 23
  5. 信心Faith – Lectures 24-29


  1. 悔改Repentance (Shepherd notes, Watson book, Owen, Ferguson, Murray) – Lectures 30-31
  2. 与基督联合Union with Christ (Murray, Ling, Shepherd notes) – Lecture 32
  3. 称义Justification (Shepherd notes, Murray, etc.) – Lecture 33-36
  4. 作上帝的儿女(立嗣)Adoption (Shepherd notes, Murray)
  5. 成圣Sanctification – Lecture 37-40
  6. 治死罪Mortification of Sin (Owen)
  7. 好行为Good Works
  8. 律法与福音Law and Gospel
  9. 良心的释放Liberation of the Conscience
  10. 圣徒的坚忍Perseverance of the Saints
  11. 中间状态与得荣耀Intermediate State and Glorification


  1. 圣灵的工作:神学问题Work of the Holy Spirit: Issues


  1. 上帝永恒的预旨Order of divine decrees (Warfield)
  2. 『救赎次序』:加尔文与改革宗;信心,悔改与得救的确据Order of Salvation: Calvin’s ordo salutis: faith, repentance, and assurance (WCF’s two views)
  3. 『回转』的意义What is conversion? Calvin on conversion, predestination and the church
  4. 总结:信心,悔改,顺服(好行为)Summary: Faith, repentance, obedience/good works in covenant perspective (WCF 16, Ling)
  5. 得救的确据Assurance of Salvation
  6. 离经背道Apostasy from the Gospel
  7. 灵恩问题The issue of charismatic gifts today (PCA pastoral letter)
  8. Humility re-visited

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