102 第二课 『救赎次序』面面观:救赎的施行

Lecture 2        PERSPECTIVES ON THE ORDER OF SALVATION: THE APPLICATION OF SALVATION  (The Ordo Salutis, or Order of Salvation)


  1. 『救赎次序』的《圣经》基础:圣灵的降临

Biblical Basis of Ordo Salutis: The Advent of the Spirit into the World

  1.  基督的工作与圣灵的工作The Work of Christ and the Work of the Spirit


The event of Pentecost is decisive for progress of redemptive history.  Acts 2.

福音书中,耶稣基督占中心地位。福音书的中心 = 耶稣基督的赎罪(死)。

Jesus Christ is central to the gospels.

Central to the gospels is the atonement (death) of Jesus Christ.

慕理,《再思救赎奇恩》﹕基督的顺服 = 中心思想。

OBEDIENCE = umbrella rubric in Murray’s treatment of atonement.  (Redemption

Accomplished and Applied, part 1.)

基督的顺服 = 救赎大工,一件事件。

OBEDIENCE = one act of atonement.

五旬节的基础﹕耶稣基督死和复活的有效性 – 在五旬节显明。

Pentecost flows from the efficacy of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The efficacy of the death and resurrection of Christ was made evident Pentecost.


The person of the Holy Spirit expressed through his works.

《威敏斯特信仰告白》 没有 『圣灵』 一章。圣灵论不是教义的另加项目。

There’s no “Doctrine of the Holy Spirit” in Westminster Confession of Faith.

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not an addendum in doctrine.



In response to Pentecostalists’ charge that the Holy Spirit is neglected:

Proper understanding of soteriology -> this cannot be the case.


LIFE = overarching theme of the application of redemption.


GOSPELS -> account of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension.


Gospels tell us what the Gospel is.  EPISTLES -> application to us.


但你们得在基督耶稣里, 是本乎上帝, 上帝又使祂成为我们的智慧, 公义,圣洁, 救


I Cor. 1:30

But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and

righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.

— 基督是中心。基督是我们的救赎。基督为我们成就救赎。

— Focus is on Christ.  Christ is our redemption.  Christ made redemption for us.


ACTS -> Holy Spirit carries on the ministry of Jesus Christ.

  1.  《威敏斯特小要理问答》Westminster Shorter Catechism

《威敏斯特小要理问答》,21-22 – 基督的位格

Westminster Shorter Catechism, Questions 21-22 – Person of Christ

威敏斯特小要理问答,23-26- 基督的工作,职位

Westminster Shorter Catechism, Questions 23-26 – Work of Christ – offices of Christ



  1. 23. How is Christ our Redeemer?
  2. As our Redeemer, Christ is a prophet, priest, and king in both His humiliation and exaltation.



  1. 24. How is Christ a prophet?
  2. As a prophet, Christ reveals the will of God to us for our salvation by his Word

and Spirit.



  1. 25. How is Christ a priest?
  2. As a priest, Christ offered Himself up once as a sacrifice for us to satisfy

divine justice and to reconcile us to God, and He continually intercedes for us.



  1. 26. How is Christ a king?
  2. As a king, Christ brings us under His power, rules and defends us, and restrains and conquers all His and all our enemies.

威敏斯特小要理问答,27-28 – 基督的工作﹕历史的进展

Westminster Shorter Catechism, QQ. 27-28 – Work of Christ – historical unfolding.

威敏斯特小要理问答,29-31 – 圣灵

Westminster Shorter Catechism, Questions 29-31 – The Holy Spirit

威敏斯特小要理问答,32等 – 基督工作对我们的好处

Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 32ff: Benefits of Christ’s work.

  1.  圣灵的工作与基督的工作The Work of the Spirit and the Work of Christ


The Holy Spirit in his revelation does not draw attention to himself, but we see effects of his work.  This is similar to the work of John the Baptist.

约翰第六章﹕耶稣行神迹。 John 6 – the miracle.


26 耶稣回答说, 我实实在在的告诉你们, 你们找我, 并不是因见了神迹, 乃因


27 不要为那必坏的食物劳力, 要为那存到永生的食物劳力, 就是人子要赐你

们的. 因为人子是父上帝所印证的。

28 众人问他说, 我们当行甚么, 才算作上帝的工呢?

29 耶稣回答说, 信上帝所差来的, 这就是作上帝的工。

John 6:26-29

Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.  Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.  Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?”  Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

— 你们跟从,不是因为看见神迹,而是因为吃了饼,吃饱了。

— You followed not because you saw the sign, but because you ate and were filled.


The problem was: the sign was cut off from the thing which it concerns – sign,

instead of revelation, became obstacle to it.


The Holy Spirit continues the ministry of Jesus Christ, and the ministry of God the Father.


祂既被上帝的右手高举, (或作他既高举在上帝的右边) 又从父受了所应许的圣灵, 就把

你们所看见所听见的, 浇灌下来.

Acts 2:33

Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the

Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.

— 圣灵的同在与能力证明基督是从父而来,基督借着圣灵与我们同在。

—  Presence and power of the Holy Spirit is proof that Jesus Christ is of the Father.

Christ is present with us, through the Holy Spirit.



提阿非罗阿, 我已经作了前书, 论到耶稣开头一切所行所教训的, 直到祂

借着圣灵吩咐所拣选的使徒, 以后被接上升的日子为止。

Acts 1:1-2 (耶稣开始所行的Jesus “began to do.”)

The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and

teach, until the day when He was taken up {to heaven,} after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen.


赞美上帝, 得众民的喜爱。主将得救的人, 天天加给他们。

Acts 2:47

Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.


及至时候满足, 上帝就差遣祂的儿子, 为女人所生, 且生在律法以下, 要把

律法以下的人赎出来, 叫我们得着儿子的名分。

Gal. 4:4-5

But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

—  上帝差遣祂的儿子。God sent forth His Son.


你们既为儿子, 上帝就差他儿子的灵, 进入你们 (我们)的心,呼叫﹕阿爸,  父。

Gal. 4:6

Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

— 上帝差遣祂的灵。God sent forth His Spirit.

—  4,5节,和6节用的是同一个动词。

— The verb in verse 4-5 and in verse 6 is the same verb.



他既被上帝的右手高举, (或作他既高举在上帝的右边) 又从父受了所应许的圣灵, 就把你们所看见所听见的, 浇灌下来。

Acts 2:33

Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.

–基督浇灌圣灵。Christ pours forth His Spirit.

–可是差派圣灵的是父。 But the Father sends the Holy Spirit:



但保惠师, 就是父因我的名所要差来的圣灵, 祂要将一切的事, 指教你们并且


John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

— 父上帝﹕在救赎的成就和救赎的实施上,都直接参与工作。

— God the Father – active in both the accomplishment of redemption, and in the application of redemption.



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