
Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 20



我们上一课讲到上帝在旧约里差遣、委任摩西先知、祭司、君王都要领受的启示、 都要教导、要做这种训诲的工作,使百姓他的儿女们都听得到、都明白,好叫他们遵行。

The things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law. (Deut. 29:29b). 明显的事是永远属于我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话(申命记29:29)。The faithful teaching of the revealed Words inscribes it upon the hearts of fathers and children. 当人,神的仆人,忠心的教导神所启示的话的时候,他就把神的话刻在父亲和儿女的心版上,that it may be obeyed,好叫他们遵行。不是刻在石板上,是刻在心版上 (申命记30:11-14,参考6:6-9)。我们读申命记6:6-9节,这是犹太人每到守安息日的时候都会念的一段的经文。


The teaching of the revealed Word is closely associated with the reception of further revelation. 教导上帝所启示的话与另外一件事有关,就是领受更多的神的启示。这个不是讲我们,是讲当时旧约上帝的仆人们。The priests who are to teach the law,这些祭司们,就是要教导神的律法的祭司们,are also to inquire of the Lord,也要求问神,through the use of the Urim and Thummim (Num. 27:21),他们要用乌陵和土明来求问神。And the prophet both received the Word and ministers the Word already given,而先知一方面领受上帝的话,同时也把已经赐下的话传递给百姓,ministers the Word。The prophetic denunciations are directed at those who break the law both has given in the wildness and through the prophets after Moses. 先知们所谴责的就是那些违背上帝律法的人,不论是在旷野里面上帝所给的律法,或者摩西之后透过这些先知们上帝所给的律法。所以,一方面要教导,另一方面祭司们可以求问神,领受一些特别的、个案性的启示,今天是没有的。另外是先知们会领受更多的启示。而违背神的话的,不论是违背摩西时期上帝所启示的律法,或是摩西之后先知们,他们所传递的律法,都是定罪的。

经文很多,我们这次不读了。耶利米9:12-13 ,16:11,26:2-6,32:20-33,耶利米44:10;何西阿8:1,何西阿8:12,4:1-6; 阿摩司2:4 ,以赛亚 42:24,撒迦利亚7:9-12.。这里是上帝在约里面透过先知们控告他的子民不听从、不遵行、不听祂的话。

Throughout all the Old Testament however,但是,在旧约整段的历史里,a deposit of revelation is recognized,以色列民他们承认,上帝的启示是交托了给他们,存放在他们中间的。这个deposit 这个字呢,跟去银行存款是同一个字 ,存放在、交托给上帝的子民的神的启示,他们承认的,which must be taught to God’s people,上帝所交托的必须要教导给上帝的子民。In addition to the coming of the Word of the Lord, which at times was corrupted usually in judgment is the presence of the Word already given. 一方面上帝的话,耶和华的话,会临到,很多时候都是审判的话。有的时候是断绝的,比如在撒母耳之前断绝一段时间。上帝的话,耶和华的话会来,往往是来审判以色列民。但与此同时,虽然上帝的话有的时候断绝,但是上帝的话是已经赐下了,已经与神的子民同在的,住在他们中间的。The work of Aaron is to speak to the people the Word given through Moses. 亚伦的工作就是要向百姓传讲神透过摩西已经给以色列人的话。我们已经读过了,已经读到出埃及4:14-16的。亚伦这种的工作,is a continuing requirement in Israel however neglected or abused,上帝继续在以色列中要求吩咐要做这件事。就是上帝透过摩西所赐下的话语要传递出去,不论以色列人如何的忽略,甚至滥用这个职分、这个要求。The recovery of the book of the law,当以色列人重新发现律法书,and renewed teaching of the law,又重新的教导律法书的时候,bring revival to the people of God,就为神的子民带来复兴。再来, recovery,重新发现律法书;renewed teaching ,重新教导律法书。

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第一段经文 【王下22:8】 第一段经文,列王记下22:8 大祭司希勒家对书记沙番说,我在耶和华殿里得了律法书。希勒家将书递给沙番,沙番就看了。找到了、重新发现了律法书,然后教导这个律法书。



Not only the prophet, priests and the princess were the people were responsible for teaching the Word of God,教导上帝的话不单单是先知,祭司,君王的责任,every father in Israel had this responsibility,以色列你们每一位做父亲的都有这个责任的。The development of wise men and scribe,后来,有智慧者(,有智者,智慧的人)和文士的这种制度发展出来,is against this background of the revealed word. 他们的背景,智慧人和文士的背景就是这里所讲的神的启示的话,已经放存,又发现,再教导。

The teaching of Ezra,the priest, 在尼希米记第八章,祭司以斯拉的教导,is the crowning example of the faithful discharge of this aspect of the ministry of the Word of God of the Old Testament,以斯拉的教导就是旧约《圣经》里传讲上帝话语的事工,忠心的去做的高峰。It became the model for synagogue preaching. 以斯拉教导就成为会堂讲道的模式。And our Lord follow the pattern in Nazareth when He proclaimed the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy in Himself.  而当我们的主耶稣基督在拿撒勒的会堂里宣告以赛亚的预言祂已经应验的时候,我们的主耶稣是用这种的在会堂教导的模式。什么模式呢?就是要读神的律法书,然后讲解。With the completion of revelation in the gospel of Christ,而当耶稣基督来,他的福音就完结,完成了神的启示。this function became the soul and indispensable ministry of the Word among God’s people,这个功能,就是教导这个功能,就成为神的子民中间传道事工唯一也是不可或缺的功能了。就是说现在没有新的启示,但是把存放在、交托给神的子民中间的神所启示的话再教导出去,是教会唯一的传道事工的责任,不是领受新的启示。  The calling of the prophet is completed in the apostolic age  在使徒时期,先知这个呼召就已经完成了,but that of the pasture and teacher remains,但是牧师、教导者他们的呼召是存留下去(参考以弗所书4:11-16)。


第六段 基督,神的道

我们来到本章的第六段,基督神的道。前面是讲神的话语,神所启示的话,在西奈山赐下的话,神的道,先知们传讲神的话,、神的道。现在讲耶稣基督永生神道成肉身的道,the Word。英文是同一个字,word。The Old Testament pattern of objective revelation and authoritative teaching is fulfilled but not destroyed in coming of Christ. 当主耶稣基督来到的时候,祂就成全了这个旧约里,客观启示,权威教导这个要旨,耶稣基督成全实现了,祂并没有废掉这个模式的。还是神的客观启示,然后权威的教导。No suppression or submission of verbal revelation is involved in the work of the Messiah. 弥赛亚耶稣基督的事工,一点都没有压抑上帝话语的启示,也没把它提升到很渺茫的境界,好像巴特派这样做。In Jesus Christ the Word is not an interrupted act or bare event在耶稣基督里神的道,神的话不是一个不被中断的作为,行动,或是一个赤裸的事件。这些都是在批判新正统的《圣经》神学家,耶稣基督不是一个不断来电的、不断爆炸的火山,或者只是一件事,but a person,耶稣基督是神的道,道成肉身的“道”,是一个位格。然后act, to be sure,是的,这个位格有所作为,but who also speaks,但是耶稣基督是讲话的圣子, Christ, the Logos,基督是罗格斯, 是道,是太初有道的道。He is the full and final revelation of God in both Word and deed,耶稣基督透过祂所讲的话、祂所做的作为,祂是把上帝的启示带到最完整、最后的阶段。祂是最完整的、最后的神的启示,透过祂所说的,也是透过祂所做的。【徒1:1】 提阿非罗阿,我已经作了前书,论到耶稣开头一切所行、所教训的。耶稣所行的、所教训的,都把上帝的启示带到高峰。He fulfills the promise of the prophet in Deuteronomy 18:18. 耶稣基督就实现了、成全了申命记18:18那个关于那一位大先知的应许,耶稣基督成全了、实现了。The prophetic office of Christ,耶稣基督是先知,耶稣基督作为先知的职分,is evident in all of the Gospels,在每一卷福音书里是很明显的。Tt is powerfully presented for example,譬如说,耶稣作为先知在哪里很清楚的呈现呢?In the account of the transfiguration in the Synoptic. 就是在符类福音,就是马太、马可、路加福音里面,讲的耶稣登山变相的那段的记载。The voice from the cloud on the mount declares,山上从云中来的声音这样宣告,this is my beloved Son,这是我的爱子,hear Him,听祂(路加福音9:35)。

The force of this command is profound in the context,从上下文,从那个处境看,这个吩咐要听祂,是有深层意义的。摩西(,the founder) and Elijah (, the restorer) the prophetic office,是先知的职位的创始人,就是说他是第一位先知;以利亚是恢复先知职分的那位先知 ,一位是创始人,一位是恢复者、更新者。Appear on the mount with the glorified Christ,在山上与被荣耀里与耶稣基督一起出现,in deed and Word it is only Jesus who remains是的,摩西  第一位先知,最伟大的先知,以利亚这个中断的伟大的先知出现了。但是,从所行的作为、从讲的话来看,只有耶稣,不见一人。Yet the work that he must accomplish,但是耶稣必须要成就的工作,and the revelation He must give,耶稣所要赐下的启示,祂的工作、祂的话语,do not destroy but confirmed and fulfil the law of prophet,耶稣的工作和耶稣的启示一点都没有废去律法和先知,是确认而且成全律法和先知的。耶稣基督来所做的、所说的都是旧约里的先知、律法、先知有见证的,祂来成全的。


Another slightly less direct allusion to the work of Moses,另外有一个地方,没有那么直接的暗指摩西的工作,is found in prayer of Christ in John 17:8,可以在约翰福音17:18,耶稣这个大祭司的祷告里可以看得出。here Jesus speaks of giving to a disciple’s the Words which the Father given Him,这里面耶稣说,父所交托给他的话,他都已经给了,他已经讲给他的门徒,as Moses on mount Sinai received the words of the law,正如摩西在西奈山上领受了律法的话语。So the Son,现在,圣子in the glory what He had with the father before the world was,就是在创世之前就与他的天父同享荣耀的那一位,也是领受了神的话。received the Word’s which is to be give to people,祂把这个话传递给他的百姓,所以耶稣是循着摩西的样式传递神的话。当然他比摩西更大,更荣耀,祂是神。

The authority exousia(权柄exousia是希腊文)of Christ 耶稣基督的权柄,must be understood therefore gives the background of the Old Testament,必须要从旧约背景去了解。This accounts for the fact that,这个就解释为什么the initial of kerygma of Jesus identical with that of John,就解释耶稣基督起初所宣讲的信息,kerygma,天国近了,你们要悔改信福音,是与施洗约翰所宣讲的是一样的。John comes as a prophet,施洗约翰是以先知的地位来的,in the Old Testament pattern,施洗约翰是以旧约的先知的样式身为先知来的,and declares that the days of the fulfillment with (were on?20:13) hand,他宣告的是预言的应验,上帝应许的实现的日子,很靠近了。Jesus takes up the same prophetic work,耶稣也是做同样一种先知的工作,and proclaims this same message,也宣讲同一个信息。Jesus is more than a prophet,但是耶稣不仅仅是先知, He is the fulfillment of all prophecy,祂是先知所有预言的实现或者应验。祂不单单是先知,祂是先知所讲的话语的应验。Therefore, His preaching that the Kingdom is at hand as wide and to the tremendous declaration in the synagogue of Nazareth. 因此,耶稣基督宣讲天国近了,这句话就扩充到祂在拿撒勒的会堂里那种伟大的宣告。祂说:today have this scripture fulfilled in your ears,这经今天在你们耳中应验了(路4:21)。Christ’s authority transcends the authority of Moses as authority as authority of son transcends that of a servant. 耶稣基督的权柄是超越摩西的权柄,正如儿子的权柄是超越仆人的权柄的,这里祂没有引用,我把它补进去好了。 希伯来书3章。我的院长《圣经》熟到了不是每一段都告诉你哪一章哪一节的。希伯来书3:6,我们从第一节来读。

【来3:1-6】 同蒙天召的圣洁弟兄阿,你们应当思想,我们所认为使者,为大祭司的耶稣(,祂是祭司,也是先知)。他为那设立他的尽忠,如同摩西在神的全家尽忠一样。他比摩西算是更配多得荣耀,好像建造房屋的(耶稣)比房屋(,摩西在房屋里面,)更尊荣。因为房屋都必有人建造。但建造万物的就是上帝。摩西为仆人,在神的全家(家里面)诚然尽忠,为要证明将来必传说的事。但基督为儿子,治理上帝的家。(英文是 above God’s house,在上帝的家上面来治理的。)我们若将可夸的盼望和胆量,坚持到底,便是他的家了。


God spoke directly from the cloud on Mount Sinai,上帝在西奈山直接的从云中讲话,then gave the law in further detail to Moses,然后,再给摩西律法的细节。From the panic cloud on Mount of transfiguration, 而当耶稣基督在登山变相的时候,在那个上帝显现的云中,God does not give Ten Commandments,上帝这次不是给十条诫命了,but one,只有一条诫命:this is my beloved Son, hear Him,这是我的爱子,听祂。With the presence of the Son,既然神的儿子已经来到、已经同在,God’s message need no longer be proclaimed from the clouds,上帝的信息不需要从云中宣讲了。Seated on the mount in Galilee,弥赛亚坐在加利利的山上,the massage gives His Torah in the majestic words of absolute authority,弥赛亚用他绝对的权柄讲出祂威严的话,I say unto you,但是我对你们说。耶稣基督讲出的是上帝亲自讲的上帝的话, he that sees the Son, sees the Father,看到子的就见到父神了;and he that hears the words of the Son, hears the words of God,听到圣子的话,就是听到上帝的话了。The character of the office of Christ as a Messianic prophet can only be understood in the realization of the nature of His person as God the Son. 你要明白耶稣基督是弥赛亚,是先知这个职分,你必须先明白祂的位格,祂是上帝的儿子这个本质上是怎么一回事。The message of the Son is not one which he receives as Moses,圣子的信息不是他好像摩西一样在山上领受的,His message is that which was committed to him in the eternity of His divine preexistence with the Father,耶稣基督的信息是在祂与父先存,永恒里父交托祂的,祂是与父同等的,所以祂是从父那里得到信息的圣子上帝。所以一方面我们看到耶稣基督是神,一方面祂是人,父神在地上、在山上藉着相的时候宣告不是十条诫命,是一条,“你们要听祂”,耶稣基督就实现了、成全了旧约《圣经》神的话。

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