
Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 47



When Jesus came to the shore of the lake that morning, 我们讲到新约时期的象征,路加福音5:1-11,当主耶稣那天早上来到湖边的时候,the fishermen were indeed a picture of fruitless toil,这批的渔夫简直就是劳碌而毫无收获的一个写照,with nothing to show for the night of labour but torn and dirty nets. 他们整晚劳碌什么都没有收到,除了剩下的撕破的、肮脏的鱼网,they were engaged in the exasperating chore of cleaning and mending them. 他们现在从事一个苦差,就是要清洁和修理他们的鱼网。

As we learn from Luke’s gospel, 我们从路加福音学到:Jesus did not simply call them under such circumstances, 耶稣在这个情况之下,并不是很简单的一下子就呼召他们,rather, 反之,after teaching from Peter’s boat, 当主耶稣从彼得的船上教导了众人之后,Jesus commanded him to put out into the lake and let down the net. 耶稣吩咐彼得把船开湖中,放下鱼网。Peter’s experienced fishermen, 彼得身为富有经验的渔夫,after voicing half a protest, 稍微抗议了之后,obeyed the teacher, 就顺服这位夫子,soon both boats were filled to sinking.很快地,两条船都满到差不多要沉下去。It is against this background, 在这个背景之下,that Jesus says to this struck man, 耶稣对这些充满了恐惧的渔夫说:“fear not , 不要怕,from henceforth, 从今以后,thou shalt catch men. 你们要得人了。”The symbolism of vast success in obedient service of the sovereign Christ is inescapable. 这里我们有一个我们不能不看得到的象征就是:当人顺服基督,服事这位主宰基督的时候,带来的是庞大的成功。We are more impressed by the repetition of this miracle after the resurrection, 我们更加的惊讶的是,在主耶稣复活之后,又重复了这个神迹,as the sign by which Jesus made Himself known. 第二次的神迹作为一个记号、一个象征,藉着这个象征,主耶稣显明祂自己(约翰福音21:1-14, John21:1-14)。

Instructed by the method of this miracle, 当我们从这个神迹的方法,有所学习的时候,our eyes are opened to the symbolism of other miracles and events in the life of Christ, 我们的眼睛就会打开,就看到在基督的一生其他的神迹、其他的事件,它们的象征性,主耶稣在每一件事情上,都完完全全地成全了父神交托给祂要做的工作。When we reflect for example, 比如说当我们反省到:on the significance of Jesus walking on the water, 当我们反省耶稣基督在水上行走的重要性的时候,we find their rich symbolism involved. 那里也有很丰富的象征的。Jesus always comes in the storms, 所以,耶稣是在所有的暴风雨中肯定会来临,to strengthen the faith of His own. 来增加属祂的人的信心的。Particularly in a gospel John, 特别是在约翰福音,our attention is drawn to the symbolic character of the miracles of Christ. 我们再次注意到,耶稣基督所行的神迹的象征性的本质。Oscar Cullmann,克尔曼,has given us a convincing demonstration of this,指出这一点,让我们不得不被说服,even if we may feel that he’s sometimes overstates the case for the Sacramento reference of the symbolism. 虽然有时我们觉得他言之过分,指出这些象征的意义是指向圣礼。

本章的第五部分,symbols and types, 象征与预表。symbols and types, 象征与预表。那前面讲了这么多的象征,现在我们要用在预表(,type)这个原则上。This brief consideration of symbolism in scripture, 上面我们很简单地讨论了圣经里的象征,will aid us in the right approach to typology, 就能够帮助我们正确地理解预表(,typology,)或者预表学。

A simple schematism that is helpful here. 这里我们有一个很简单的图表可能对我们有帮助。is to regard symbolism as involving a vertical reference to revealed truth, 就是说,我们看象征是从下而上那条线,象征是从下指到上面的上帝要启示的真理,as it is manifested in a particular horizon every time the history. 就是说在上帝的救赎历史中,在某一个阶段的时候,这个象征就显明了某一个或几个上帝启示的真理。下面是symbol, S;上面是T, truth。下面是象征,上面是真理。Symbolism,象征,下面的象征指到上面的真理,在某一刻、在圣经历史的某一刻。

Typology,那么预表呢?Typology is then the prospective reference to the same truth, 预表也是从象征指向同一个真理,不同的是as it is manifested in the period of eschatological realization, 不同的是这个真理是在末世的,后面的实现的时期彰显的真理。再来,这个预表也是个象征,不过它是指向将来的、末世的、实现一切的(,实现预表、实现应许、实现预言)的那个时代要彰显的真理。It might be diagrammed as follows. 就好像下面的图表所表达的。The line of the history of revelation connects this earlier revelation with the fullness of that truth revealed in Christ. 上面的平线就是启示的历史,从早期的,比较早的启示连接于TN,在基督所启示的完整的真理,从旧约指向新约。The lines ST1 and SN, 那条值从下而上的那条线,还有那条斜的线,are the reference lines of symbolism and typology respectfully. 这两条线就是先后指出象征和预表,直线是象征、斜线是预表。This diagram is of only limited usefulness,这个图表只是某一个限度的有用性的,but it does make clear that only the symbolic can be typical.但是它指出一件事,就是唯有一件事的是有象征性的它才可能是预表。

我再讲一次,这里澄清一件事就是,唯有“有象征”性质的事才可能是有预表性质的。一定是象征,才有可能是预表,不是所有象征都是预表。As Vos says, 正如霍志恒说:the gateway to the house of typology is at the farther end of the house of symbolism. 怎么走进“预表”这个大厦呢?就是在“象征”的这个大厦的后面。就是你先要有对象征的理解,然后才能够走进到预表的学习里。The diagram also indicates that, 这个图表同时也指出,an Old Testament event or institution,一个旧约的事件或者是一个制度,maybe typical only off the truth which it symbolizes. 这个旧约的历史事件或者是制度,它所预表的只可能是它所象征的。就是说唯有一个旧约的事件,有它的象征的性质,它才有可能是预表耶稣基督来到的时候,上帝完整的启示。the only difference is the prospective reference of typology to that truth in its New Testament realization, 不同的地方是,预表与象征不同的地方是:预表是指向将来的,指向在新约实现的真理。Thus the offering of the Passover lamb symbolizes substitutionary atonement, 所以呢,逾越节的羔羊的献上就象征着代罪的赎罪,and therefore typifies this aspect of the work of Christ. 因此,它是一个预表,预表着基督大功的这方面就是代罪赎罪的方面,代替我们受刑的那个赎罪。

It will be observed that,我们会注意到,as there are both institutional cultic symbols and historical symbols, 象征有那些制度、礼仪方面的象征,也有历史事件的象征,两种的象征。so there is a corresponding typology, 同样的,在预表方面也是有这两方面的,the tabernacle, temple, 会幕和圣殿; the sacrificial system,献祭的制度;and sabbatical calendar, 还有安息日、安息年、禧年整个的行事历,with its set feast包含了这些上帝所指定的节期。are also symbolic elements with most significant technical reference. 这些的制度礼仪等等,都是非常有象征性的一些要素,都带着预表性的意义。We have already had occasions of note for example how Jesus referred to the Isaianic application the year of Jubilee to the Messianic age. 我们上面已经注意到,耶稣读经的时候,祂指出以赛亚是如何把禧年应用在弥赛亚的时代,and claimed that this prophecy was fulfilled in Himself. 而耶稣说以赛亚的预言就在祂自己身上应验了。所以,这个禧年有以赛亚再解释过的,耶稣说祂亲自应验了。The Exodus, 出埃及, the wanderings,在旷野的流浪,the possession of the land, 最后占领迦南地,are symbolic events of the redemptive history. 这些都是在救赎历史里一些象征性的历史事件。前面是礼仪跟制度,下面这里是在讲历史的事件。And have typical reference to the realization of redemption in Christ这些都是预表,指向在基督里救赎的实现。The propriety of historical typology is vigorously defended by Patrick Fairbairn. 这位派克.费尔班的著作,1864年出版的,他强而有力地维护着历史事件的预表,这个学习是正确的。in his old but by no means outmoded classic on the subject of typology. 他的著作是经典之作,老旧但是并不过时。这个书名是the Typology of Scripture, 《圣经的预表》,爱丁堡,1864年,Fairbairn, F-a-i-r-b-a-i-r-n。

Clear understanding of biblical theology, 对圣经神学清晰的了解,and sharp discernment of the theological horizons of the period,同时对启示历史不同时代的信仰或者启示的分辨,了解圣经神学、了解不同阶段上帝所启示的,will aid us in appreciating the symbolism of scripture. 会帮助我们体会到圣经里不同的象征。the reverse is also true,反之亦然,if we proceed to construct a line of typology only when we are first clarify the symbolism, 假如我们先澄清了圣经里的象征,然后才来建立这条预表的线,we will be able to work in confidence. 那么,我们的研经呢就会充满着信心。We honor the word of God when we recognize the principle of organic connection between promise and fulfillment. 当我们承认相信神的应许,还有应许的实现这之间是有着有机性的、生命的、必然的连结。当我们看到这个原则,应许和应验的原则的时候,我们是在尊重上帝的话的。Such a method does not commend itself to those with the deny or deemphasis  the primary authorship scriptures. 假如有些人呢否认上帝是圣经主要的作者,或者把这个淡化的话,我们在讲这个研经法,对他们来说,他们是不会欣赏的。Only the lack of of hermeneutic method can shut us up to recognizing types only when the New Testament itself explicitly recognizes them. 只有当我们缺乏解经法的方法的时候,我们才会看不到在新约圣经明文的指出的那些的预表,such caution is then admirable. 那么,这种的谨慎是值得钦佩的。but a better grasp of biblical theology, 但是,假如我们若更加能够掌握到圣经神学的话,will open for us great riches of revelation. 那么,上帝丰富的启示就更加为我们展开。We need to not lack the sound method to find these, 我们不需要缺乏正确的解经法,我们可以找得到这些丰富的启示的,and bring them to the people of God. 我们也可以把这些传递给上帝的子民。

Perhaps the strongest objection to the use of the biblical theological approach and preaching is difficult. 可能我们对用圣经神学的方法来讲道,最大的反对的理由是太困难了。It’s been said that this is a scholar approach to sermons, far beyond the range of the practicing preacher. 有人可能会说这个是学者们的讲道法或者预备讲道的方法,对那些还在学习讲道的人,太高超了。Once the necessity and fruitfulness the method is recognized however, 可是呢,当我们看到这个方法的必须性,是必须的,而且带来怎样的丰富的果实的时候呢,no worthy workmen in the world can refuse the effort it requires. 你若要作上帝分解真道的工人的话,你不会拒绝在这方面所需要的努力的。he is called as a scribe for the kingdom. 你就会成为一位天国的文士,to bring forth treasure new and old. 你会从新的和旧的宝藏都拿东西出来。And any labor that issues in the fuller preaching of Christ has its reward. 所以,我们任何的劳力,带来更丰富的宣讲基督的话,肯定会带来赏赐的。It cannot be denied that scholarship is a necessary ingredient in biblical theology preaching. 我们不能否认圣经神学的讲道法里面有一个要素就是学问。but this is no less true of any preaching which is more than tried to moralizing or emotionalism. 但是,任何的讲道法也需要学问啊,除非你是很肤浅地做一些道德的训诲,或者舒发情感,所以,任何认真地讲道都需要方法、都需要学问、都需要努力的。

第六段,工具和方法。A few remarks about tools and methods may be an encouragement to some to whom this approach might appear for bidding。 对那些感觉到这种方法是太难了的人,我们指出一些工具和方法来给他们,The layman as well as the preacher can studied biblical theology. 不单单是讲道者可以研究圣经神学,平信徒也可以的。Its basic techniques can be followed to a considerable extent without training in the original language scripture. 不懂圣经的原文(希伯来文、希腊文)呢,也可以在很大的程度上使用圣经神学基本上的方法的。There is no novelty in the methods that served biblical theology 圣经神学的方法没有什么新颖的东西,although some steps in Jesus assumed particular importance. 虽然在整个的解经过程中有些重要的步骤的。

First, 第一步,diligent Bible reading is essential. 勤劳地读经是必须的。No scholarly technique can be substituted for knowledge of the Bible. 就算是有任何的学术性的方法,都不能取代对圣经本身的认识。the New Testament writers commonly assumed in their readers and knowledge of the Old Testament, 新约的作者一般来说都假设他们读者在某一个程度有对旧约的认识,beyond that process by many of today’s minister.  这种的认识一般都超过今天很多牧师的程度。

The points of connection that illuminates the structure biblical theology may be brought to light. 我们可以看出整个圣经神学里那个架构那些连接点,by the exhaustive research of the scholars. 可能是透过那些学者们的很谨慎地研究。but they are often evident on the surface但是很多时候呢,在经文本身就可以看出,to the Christian who knows His Bible, 对那些认识圣经的基督徒,应该是很明显的。For example,譬如说,Jesus’ response to the claim of the Jews to be Abraham’s seed, 耶稣回答那些犹太人,他们认为他们自己是亚伯拉罕的后裔,who have never know bondage , 他们从来没有作过奴隶,be declare, 耶稣这样回应,这样子地宣告。The bond servant abideth not in the house forever the son abideth forever. 耶稣这样说:奴仆不能永远住在家里,儿子是永远住在家里(约翰福音8:35)。It was doubtless evident to the Jews that Jesus was alluding to the contrast between Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis 21:10). 毫无疑问的,耶稣在这里暗指着以实玛利和以撒之间的对照。Later in the same context. 在同一段经文。约翰福音8:56,耶稣说:“你们的祖宗亚伯拉罕欢欢喜喜地仰望我的日子,既看见了,就快乐。”again, knowledge of Genesis n , immediately suggest in the same context  同样的,若认识旧约《创世记》的整段的记载的话,马上就看到当以撒出生的时候,亚伯拉罕和撒拉他们的笑是在强调着什么?(创世记17:17-19,18:12-15,21:1-7)


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