
Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 37


《讲道与圣经神学》第三十七课。现在我们开始第四章,Chapter 4, biblical theology and the content of preaching. 圣经神学与讲道的内容.英文原著是87页 ,中文105页,是本书的最后一章了。

Biblical theology furnishes a charter for preaching, 圣经神学为讲道提供它的宪章,a declaration of the authority urgency and relevancy of preaching Christ from the scriptures. 圣经神学宣告,从圣经宣讲基督的权柄,这种的讲道的权柄、这种讲道的迫切性、这种的讲道是如何与我们现今是适切的,它的适切性。The preacher, who finds in this approach a fresh calling whose labour is in gospel, will also discover in biblical theology the key to a new richness in sermon content. 一位传道人若从圣经神学的方法,重新的重拾他做福音的仆人的呼召,再一次的重拾这个呼召的话呢,同时,他会在圣经神学中再次找到,讲道的内容的一种新的丰富。 To urge the importance of biblical theology is a method in sermon preparation may arouse misgivings. 假如我们极力的劝告传道人说:圣经神学作为一种预备讲章的方法,可能会有人反对。Heightened perhaps by the very enthusiasm of those who have recently acquired a taste for this view of point. 特别是因为,那些近年来特别对这个观点有了他的品味那种人的兴奋呢,就让一些旁观者有些疑虑。


Since the Homiletition (? 2:48)  named Carpzovius produced a volume of 100 sermon plans 300 years ago, 自从三百多年前,Carpzovius这位讲道学家做出了一百个讲道的计划之后呢,there has been no lack of sermon methods. 继续有各种的讲道法的出现。But biblical theology is not a method in this sense. 但是,圣经神学不是从这个意义上一种的讲道的方法。If its principal is grasped, 若掌握到圣经神学的原则,it can not be option, 就不可能是有,或者没有都可以,or superficial . 也不可能是很浮浅的。Its approach is rather an essential step in the interpretation of the Bible圣经神学的方法是解释圣经一个不可或缺的一个步骤,Neither Exegesis on the one hand gnosis meant theology on the other hand, can ignore the progressive unfolding of revelation history redemption. 不论是解经这方面或者另外一方面,系统神学,不论解经或者系统神学都不可以忽视救赎历史中上帝如何一步一步的渐进的展开祂的启示。And it is the task of biblical theology to study that revelation, 圣经神学的任务就是要研究这个启示,就是在救赎历史逐渐展开的启示,without losing sight of either its continuity or its progressive and epochal structure. 研究圣经的启示的时候,不可以忽略他的延续性,持续性。就是说,从头到尾是一个课程的,是一个整体,也不可以忽略到它的渐进性,有它的时代的一个架构。Increasing the progress of revelation, 当圣经神学去勾画出启示的渐进性,启示的进展的时候呢,biblical theology rests on the unity of the primary authorship of scripture. 圣经神学是依赖着圣经的主要作者,就是说,神,圣灵呢,给圣经,整本圣经一个合一性。The unity of the primary authorship of the scripture. organic continuity of God’s work in the redemption and relation,同时,也依赖着上帝的救赎大工跟启示大工那种有机性的延续性 ,就是萌芽、开花、结果那种的。

再讲一次,整本圣经是神默示的,所以是一个整体,没有先后矛盾的。但是,神是一步步成就救赎、一步步赐下启示的。The Old Testament saints looked forward to Messiah’s day, they saw it and were glad. 旧约的圣徒们看前面,将要来的弥赛亚的日子,他们看到就欢喜快乐。We also, who know Christ finished work, which brought in the end of the ages, look forward to the best hope of His appearing.我们这些已经认识到耶稣基督已经完成的大工的我们,和耶稣基督的大工就让历史进入到末后的日子,所以末世是临到我们的。我们是往将来看,基督显现的蒙福的盼望。We await that day, 我们等候那个荣耀的日子,when we shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 在那一天,我们会在天国里面与亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各一同坐席。No racial memory, no cultural tradition no transmission of religious experience, nothing that is of man and is by man could have com fort the radical kind of revelation which we find in the scriptures. 我们看到圣经里面有一个彻底的延续性,启示的延续性,不能用我们血缘、我们的民族的集体记忆来解释的、不能用文化传统来解释的、不能用宗教经验的传递来解释的、不能用任何出自人、由人制造的因素来解释。为什么?我们看到圣经里面有彻底的启示的延续性。

On the other hand, 但是,反过来说,the periodic or epochal structure of this revelation is also determinative of biblical theology. 圣经里面一个一个的时代,一个一个的世代,这个架构、这个启示的架构呢,也是决定圣经神学的形式的。It is this truth which modern Dispensation has stored by permitting the diversity to prune (? 8:38) this unity as to God had a succession of plans for man salvation rather than one great plan moved by epochal stress to the consummation. 院长说:就是这个的真理,圣经里面,救赎的历史是一个一个时代的。时代论呢,在现代时代论扭曲呢,他让圣经的多元性去影响圣经的合一性,好像上帝有一个一个不同的计划为人类的救赎,而不是一个大的计划,在不同的时代渐进直到他的完结。As we approach the interpretation of the text,当我们来解释经文的时候,we must understand that text in the light of the theological horizon. 我们必须从这段经文的神学视野,就是跟当时的启示这个角度来理解这段经文的。As we have seen, 正如我们看到,the objectives unfolding of the events must be understood in unity with the subjective response of faith or a belief. 我们必须看到,历史的事件是客观的一件一件的展开,与神的子民主观的信心或者不信的回应是合为一个整体的。一方面有神的救赎历史,神的救赎计划在历史展开,不断的渐进,一方面有神的子民信或不信,顺服或不顺服的主观的回应。And this in terms of the stage of redemption and revelation, which has been reached. 不论是客观的,历史的渐进或人的主观的,信或不信的回应,都在于救赎到了哪一个阶段,启示到了哪一个阶段或者哪一个时代。The method也就是说,一方面,我们看到,我们与旷野的以色列人都是一体的,我们都有共同的恩典、共同的约,但是呢,毕竟有不同的时代,所以,我们读经的时候,要考虑这个经是在哪一个时代。

The method of biblical theological preaching, 圣经神学的讲道法,involved simply the proper use of these principles in the explanation of the sermon text. 圣经神学的讲道法就是正确的使用这些原则,就是当我们去解释,我们所选的讲道经文的时候,正确的使用这两个原则 。第一,圣经的启示的合一性;二,圣经的渐进性或时代性,或者时期性。It’s perspective clarifies the meaning of the text. 这个的观点角度,让我们澄清经文的意义。emphasizes its central message, 这种的观点角度,会特别突出经文的中心思想那个信息, and provides for sound application. 也特别提供扎实的,纯正的应用。不论是解经,找到那个中心思想信息或应用,圣经神学的观点都让我们有更清楚、更深的体会。It does not itself furnish sermonic structure ready made,也 不要误会,圣经神学的方法不是马上给你一个,你下去马上可以用的快熟面,一个做好的讲章的架构,不是的。Although its effect on both homiletical content in form is often revolutionary. 但是,他对讲道的内容和讲章的形式的影响往往是革命性的。In developing the biblical theological tradition of the text, 当我们去用圣经神学解释某一段经文的时候,the aspects of epochal structure and unity may be separately considered. 我们可以分开来考虑圣经的时代性的架构和它的连续性或者合一性。

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The first step, is to relate the text to its immediate logical horizon. 第一步,就是将经文与它当时的神学视野,就是当时那个时代,神的启示把它连接起来。This is the character principle of contextual interpretation to the total setting or the revelation of the period. 这只不过就是将上下文解经,就是以那个处境来解经,把它延伸到整个当时整个时代的背景,这是第一步。经文与当时的时代的启示,当时的时代的神学视野,这个也是下面的第一段,the text in historical period, 从历史的时代看经文。Step 1, 第一步。It is a step which homiletical Hermeneutics cannot afford to overlook. 这一步就是把经文放在当时的救赎和启示的时代这个架构来看,这个这一步是讲道的释经不容忽视的,忽视是要付代价的。

The 2nd step, 第二步,is to relate the event of the text by way of its proper interpretation is on period to the whole structure of redemptive history. 第二步就是将我们读到的经文,我们从它的当时的救赎历史、启示历史的时代那个角度正确的解释了,然后呢再把它连接于整本圣经的救赎历史的架构。And in that way to us,当你把经文从时代连接到整本圣经的救赎历史的时候就是与我们连接,因为我们就是那些末世临到的人, upon whom the ends of the ages come. It must be stressed that one, 我们必须要强调,this second step is valid and fruitful only when it does come second. 这个第二步是合理的,是带来很多果效的,但是,他必须是第二步,不是第一步。all man are of arbitrariness and irresponsibility in the infantry seek to make a direct and practical reference of ourselves without considering the passage in its own biblical and theological setting. 当我们不去考虑到这段经文在他的圣经神学的背景,而直接的使用性的把这段经文指向我们的时候呢,各种的随意解经、各种的不负责的解经就会涌进来的。就是不能随便的,参孙杀人,我们也能自杀吗?不能这样,对不对? 你要看到当时的救赎时代、启示时代的背景。

As we relate to biblical theology to the content of our preaching ,let’s  somewhat more fully each of these steps 当我们尝试将圣经神学与我们的讲道内容连接起来的时候,让我们更充分考虑这两个步骤。:第一个是,the text in its historical period,第一个步骤就是从经文的历史时期来解经。还有第二步,好,第一步,text in its historical period. 从历史时期来看经文的意义。In the first place then, 那么,首先我们要问,我们如何去按照经文的神学视野,就是启示历史的时期来理解经文呢?when we map out the field of revelation to use voices, (?17:11) phrase. 当我们划分出启示的范围,用霍志恒的用语,We discovered that the great epochal periods are quite evident.当我们把整个的启示的大范围,把它勾画出来的时候,我们发现,很明显的有几个伟大的时代。

第一,the period from the creation of the fall, 从创造到堕落这段时期,which we may speak of as the Edenic period. 我们会称它做伊甸时期。

(第)二,the antediluvian period from the fall to the flood. 洪水之前的时期,从堕落到洪水。

第三,the period from the flood to the call of Abraham, 从洪水到上帝呼召,亚伯拉罕时期,often referred to as Noachian. 往往被称为挪亚时期。

第四,the patriarchal age, 先祖的时代,from Abraham to Moses. 从亚伯拉罕到摩西。

第五,the period from Moses to Christ, 从摩西到基督,when God deals theocracy. 上帝用神权统治来做以色列人的盟约之主。

第六,the coming of Christ brings in the latter days, 基督的到来,就引进了末日或末世了,the last great period of redemptive history. 这个是救赎历史最后的伟大的一个阶段。but the consummation is not yet. 但是,还没有到达完结的那一刻。it will mark the end of this period, 到那个时候,第六个阶段就结束,and summoning 那个时候,就有天上地下的一切的在基督里同归于一了。

Within this grand periodic structure of revelation, 在这个启示的不同的时代,这个伟大的架构之内,还有一些分歧的, there are many sub-periods,一个时期里面的不同时期,which must be noted and understood,我们要注意、要了解,the (? 19:37) of Old Testament revelation falls within the Mosaic Period , 旧约的启示,大部分都是在那个所谓摩西时期里面,which is itself divided 2 major eras, 摩西时期又可以分为两个不同的阶段,the institution of the kingship marking the dividing point, 摩西时期那个分水线,两个阶段的分水线就是上帝设立君王的职分。These areas may be still more particularized. 在这些阶段里面,我们又可以更具体的再把它分辨一些的时期出来。In the time of the theocratic kingdom, 在神治的君王时期,譬如说,for example, the separation of the ten northern tribes from Judah after the death of Solomon was much more than a disastrous incident in the politics of Palestine, 十个北面的支派从犹大分割出来,就是在所罗门死之后,不仅仅是在巴勒斯坦政治上的一个大灾难,不但是如此,this breach in the kingdom is biblical theological significance. 在这个整个的王国的分裂是一个在圣经神学上重要的事件。to be noted especially in connection with the ministry of the prophets to Israel in the north, 我们特别要从这个分裂这个角度来看,在北国以色列先知们的事工,even greater theological significance attaches to the events of the exile and the restoration. 而被虏的事件和归回的事件又有更大的神学的重要性的。

Since each incident is set in an ever expanding series of horizons that reach the great epochs of biblical revelation. 既然每一件事都可以从一个小的、中的、大的、更大的一些的神学视野来看,把这件事情延伸到圣经启示这几个伟大的时代。既然是如此,it is well for the preacher to develop first the more immediate horizon found in the setting of the text. 所以,最好讲道者先看到这段经文直接的环境的神学视野,and then to reveal this to the broader epochal structure of scripture. 然后才去看整本圣经不同时代的架构。先看上下文、先看当时的情况。

Such an event as the healing of Naaman by Elisha (I Kings 5:) must be seen in relation to the broad horizon of the theocratic Kingdom. 所以,以利沙医治乃缦这件事(列王记上第五章),我们必须从神治的君王、国度,这个比较广的神学视野来看。It must also be seen in relation to the specific setting of the ministry of Elisha. 我们特别要从以利沙的事工,这个特别的背景来看乃缦的被医治。 Elisha’s ministry is distinct from Elijah’s 以利沙的事工与以利亚的事工是有区别的,but forms a unity with it。 但是两位先知的事工是合为一体的。The mantle of Elijah is a point Elisha,以利亚的衣钵是传给以利沙的。We must understand the biblical theological perspective given in the Lords commission Elijah. 所以我们必须要了解到,当上帝差遣以利亚的时候,那个圣经神学的观点(列王记上19:15-18)。


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