
Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 28



我们现在继续,For Peter Christ heavenly rule is no more a myth than was His crucifixion. 对彼得来说,耶稣基督坐在天上统治万有不是神话,就正如祂的钉十字架不是神话一样。It will not do to reject Peter’s witness and then to seek some noble truth unconsciously symbolized in Peter’s mistaken conviction. 我们不能好像自由派的圣经批判家这样拒绝彼得的见证,不是彼得讲的啦,耶稣基督没有复活,然后又在彼得这种错误的信念中去找出一个好像他潜意识所象征的一种崇高的真理。Such sophisticated unbelief,  这种很精致的高度知识分子的不信,就是你不信圣经,“耶稣没有复活,彼得搞错了”,can never know the bold urgency of Christian preaching. 这种的知识分子的不信呢,就不可能使人经历到基督徒讲道的那种迫切性和胆量。It is painful to hear a man who does not believe Peter’s gospel seeking to preach as though in some sense he did. 要听一个自由派的神学家,现在很多福音派的神学院的教授也是这样子的了,你听他们讲道,他们不相信彼得的福音的,但是讲道又好像他们很相信彼得的福音,哇,听这种讲道,听众很痛苦。你听自由派的,也就是福音派神学院里自由派的讲道者是很痛苦的,或者他们真的里面也很痛苦,因为他们跑到教会、营会、培灵会讲的是一套,到了神学院课堂关起门来在课堂讲的是另一套,很痛苦的!

Yet it’s even more painful, 但是更加痛苦的是什么呢?is to hear a man who does believe Peter’s gospel, 是听一位福音派的相信圣经的、相信彼得所传的福音的讲道者,preaching as though he did not, 讲道的那种能力就好像他们不相信彼得的福音大能一样,也就是说你信仰纯正、能力缺乏。Preaching that has lost urgency and passion,若讲道失去这个迫切性跟激情,reveals a loss of the eschatological perspective for the New Testament. 就展示出这个讲道者失去、从来没有抓到新约那个末世观点角度。Such a preacher does not stand before the Prince of salvation as Peter。这样子的讲道没有这种末世的观点、迫切胆量观点的讲道者就不是好像彼得这样的站在救赎君王的面前,不是的。He is not aware that,他没有意识到,he ministers in the time of the ascended Christ,他没有意识到他现在是在基督升天的这个时刻、这个时代在服侍的,that time of the fulfillment of all the prophets in the saving rule. 就是现在所有先知们所讲到的神要救赎、神要统治的预言就应验了,我们是站在这个时代在讲道的。

The New Testament recognizes that, 新约圣经意识到承认,we are living in the latter days,我们是活在末世中,就是耶稣基督来了就是末世了,第一次来就是末世了。The prophetic view of history is divided in the former days in the latter days. 从先知旧约的角度来看历史,他们看到先前的日子和后来的日子,And the point of the division, 先前跟后来的分水岭是什么呢? is the coming of the Messiah就是弥赛亚的来到。

God has at the end of these days spoken to us in His son (Hebrews 1:1-2), as the italics add. 神在这个末世,在这些日子的末后、末日已经藉着他的儿子晓谕我们了,希伯来书1:2,The joy of the Christian gospel,基督徒传这个福音,这个福音是充满了喜乐的,stamp from recognition of this fact,就是因为我们看到认识到这个事实,The evangel of the prophet Isaiah is that, 所有我们是充满着喜乐的,先知以赛亚所传的福音是什么呢?就是that which is fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth. 就是耶稣基督,拿撒勒人耶稣基督所应验所成就的, the year of jubilee has come. 禧年已经来到了,therefor we must proclaim liberty to the captives, 所以我们必须要宣告被囚者得释放,this is the reason for the marvelous fact, 就是因为这个缘故呢我们面对一个奇妙的事实,that Peter on trial for his life nevertheless evangelizes, 彼得站在法庭面前可能要被判死刑的,仍然在传福音,He does not threaten the judgment and destruction of those men who crucified Christ in a threatening crucify him.彼得并没有威吓那些钉耶稣基督在十字架上、也要钉他在十字架上那些人,彼得没有威吓他们要面对审判、灭亡,彼得没有咒诅他的审判者,the day of their judgement will come. 他们要面对审判是会来到的。But Christ has been exalted, 但是耶稣基督已经被高举了,as a Prince and as a Savior. 高举做君王、做救主,to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins. 要把悔改这个恩典给以色列,也要给赦罪的恩典给以色列。

It is the sovereign Savior that Peter preaches. 彼得所宣讲的是那位君王、有主权的救主耶稣基督。Our great sin in preaching is a little faith. 我们讲道者的大罪就是我们小信,and therefore our little joy, 因此我们的喜乐也很少。信心小,所以我们的喜乐也小。We forgot who are Savior, 我们忘记了我们的救主是谁,and where He is. 也忘记了祂在什么地方,在天上。

We even managed a priest Christology without any real understanding of the present Kingship of Christ. 甚至乎我们没有意识到,没有明白到今天基督是王,the present Kingship. 今天的君王职分,没有意识到这个来讲基督论.we need t o cry as Peter. 所以我们要好像彼得这样的呼喊,使徒行传3:19-21所以你们当悔改归正,使你们的罪得以涂抹;这样,那安舒的日子就必从主面前来到。主也必差遣所预定给你们的基督耶稣降临。天必留祂,只等到万物复兴的时候,就是 神从创世以来,藉著圣先知的口所说的(Acts 3:19-21)。

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The force of Peter’s perspective is revealed in this passage. 这段经文呢,就展示出彼得这个关键角度那种大能的、大力。The  latter days have come, 末日已经来到, the days in which Lord is glorified, 就是主的荣耀的日子已经来到,and He has poured out His Spirit upon them. 主就浇灌圣灵在他们身上。But it is not yet the time of the restoration of all things,不过呢,万物复兴的日子还没有到,But it is not yet the time of the restoration of all things, 这位被高举荣耀的主也是一位必将再来的主。It is the end time,是的,是末日,but it is also the interim time,但是也是暂时的过渡时期。是末日,也是过渡的日子,the days between His first and second coming.就是基督第一次来跟第二次来之间的这些的日子。The joy of His resurrection,基督复活所带来的喜乐, the power of His Spirit,圣灵所展示所赐的能力, the hope of His coming, 耶稣基督必将再来的盼望,preaching oriented this perspective honest Christ. 讲道若是从这个观念角度做定位的话,这种的讲道是尊荣耶稣基督的。

第二段,section 2, the place in which we preach. 我们是在怎么样的一个地方讲道的。There is another aspect of the prospective of a preaching. 我们的讲道,我们的讲道观,还有另外一个层面是要考虑的。我们可以这样说,我们不仅仅要考虑到我们在什么时代、什么时刻讲道,but the place in which we preach.我们在哪里讲道。Our Lord has got the glory, 我们的主耶稣基督已经到了荣耀中了,we’re not with Him in His victorious rule,但是我们不在他的身边,祂在祂胜利的统治中,我们并不在他的身边,we are in the world,我们是在世界上的,as his witnesses,我们是祂的见证人,and we are in the world so that we might be His witness. 我们在地上是好叫我们做他的见证人。

In J. H. Bavinck’s An Introduction to the Science of Missions: 巴文克的《宣教学概论》这本书,我在80年代找人已经翻译过,出版过的《宣教学概论》,a book which makes excellent use of the insides of biblical theology. 这本《宣教学概论》呢是用上了圣经神学的成果很多方面的洞见的。There is a vivid page,有一页非常的精彩的留下深刻印象的一页,which describes how the Lord launched the church almost in spite of itself on His worldwide mission. 主耶稣怎么使教会成立,推动、成立教会,虽然教会怎么怎么样,主耶稣仍然设立了教会,使教会发动、开始祂的普世的宣教使命。

And now seems almost incredible,现在我们看起来几乎不能相信,that with the Book of Acts in the scriptures, 因为我们手上已经有圣经,圣经里面已经有使徒行传这卷书的,the church could ever have lost sight of His mission? 教会怎么可能看不到祂的宣教使命呢?the church could ever have lost sight of His mission, 毫无疑问的,其中原因就是因为政教关系的混乱,which began in the age of Constantine, 是以君士坦丁王时代开始的。It was justified theologically, 他们用神学来支持他们的看法,but in misconstruction of biblical theology. 他们是误用了、误建了,错误的建造圣经神学。It was assumed that,他们的假设是,the task of carrying the gospel to the whole world have been given to the apostles alone. 他们错误的假设说把福音传到全世界这个任务呢唯独是给使徒们的。And that with the end of the apostolic office, 使徒的职分已经结束了,因此this aspect of the church calling disappeared. 所以教会的呼召宣教这个层面就已经泡汤了,消失了。

That this is poor theology, 这个是很烂的神学,should be evident from the great passage in the close up Matthew’s gospel. 只要读马太福音28章最后那段就很清楚的看到这是很烂的圣经神学。Christ promised that He will be with the church the end of the age and if discharge of His task. 耶稣基督应许的当教会执行他的任务的时候,耶稣基督必与教会同在直到世界的末了,plainly shows that, 就很明显的指出, the work can not be limited to the apostles. 宣教的工作不可能只是给使徒们的。

The gospel message as it is defined in the New Testament is the missionary message. 在新约所定义的福音信息是一个宣教信息, which concerns the whole world. 是关乎全世界万国万民的。He who does not see the need of proclaiming it, does not understand it. 若看不到我们需要宣教这个信息呢,这是没有理解到这个信息的人。The whole world then is the place where the gospel must be preached. 所以福音要从哪里宣讲呢,要在全世界。It’s also true that the place of preaching is in a church. 同样的真实的一件事就是在哪里宣讲,讲道呢,在世界中,在教会中,两者都重要嘛。

Biblical theological studies have brought a fresh recognition of the position of the church that the church occupies in our teaching of Jesus. 圣经神学的研究使我们再一次的很新鲜的去看到教会在耶稣的教导中所站的地位,就是站的重要的地位。Paul not only preached in the marketplace at Athens,保罗不仅仅是在雅典,在市集(市场)中讲道,he also engaged in familiar discourse with a Christian assemble and the upper room at  Troas. 他也在(在特罗亚,徒20:6)楼上与基督徒来谈论圣经。

Biblical theological will aid us in relating these two areas of the perspective for preaching. 圣经神学帮助我们这两方面,就是在教会中,在世界中讲道,把这两方面连接起来。As we have seen,我们看到陶德(C.H.Dodd,D-o-d-d),这个神学家,a separate radically the original kerygma from the secondary dedicate. 他就很错误的把两件事情分割了,原来的宣讲的信息和次要的教训教导教义。And it said that preaching in a church is not strictly kerygma at all. 有学者们说:在教会里面讲道根本就不是kerygma,不是使徒行传那种的宣讲。、

Dodd,D-o-d-d,这个学者,has suggested that,他提出这个建议,putting in remembrance is a better term。不如说使人记得、纪念就好了。Now it can’t be denied that when the gospel was being made known to those who have never heard it, it is presented differently than it is being preached those who have been instructed in the truth from childhood. 当然我们不能否认一件事,就是当我们传福音给那些从来没有听过福音的人呢,所传的方法是不一样的,与传给那些已经从小就认识真理的教友讲道是不一样的。Even in preaching to Christians,就算向基督徒讲道也有分别,There is milk for the babes in Christ. 对在基督里婴孩的人我们喂奶,and strong meat for those who have their spiritual faculties exercise, 对那些属灵的能力不断地操练成熟的人呢,我们是给干粮的(哥林多前书3:1-2;希伯来书5:11-14。)

The wisdom of God which Paul proclaimed among the full grown could not be presented the spiritually mature. 保罗向那些完全成熟的人所讲的,所宣讲的神的智慧,不可能像那些属灵不成熟的属血气的人来宣讲的。 However,但是,there is great danger in losing side of either aspect of perspective of the place of preaching 我们若失去了向世界讲道或者向教会讲道。一方面就是很危险的。The gospel must always be preached in  the church and in the world. 我们必须在教会里讲道讲福音,也要在世界中讲福音。Kerygma,evangalion,didache,martueia,宣讲、传福音、教导、见证,all these and other terms,这些的词汇和其他的词汇, for the content the gospel, 这些词汇都是讲到福音的内容,are used with great flexibility in the New Testament。 在新约是有很弹性的用法的,就是说传福音,见证,教导、讲道之间是很松散的关系的。Kerygma is used as an inclusive term,宣讲kerygma这个字涵盖很多事情的,and not merely for missionary preaching. 不仅仅是指宣教的讲道、传福音、布道。

Paul’s use of it in his charge Timothy is very broad,保罗对提摩太的吩咐,提摩太后书4:2,务要传道,这个用法是很广泛的。Heralding the world is linked with reproving, rebuking, instructing with all longsuffering and teaching. 宣讲神的话是与责备、劝勉,著般的忍耐跟教导都是连在一起的(提摩太后书4:2)。Timothy fulfills the work of an evangelist by teaching sound doctrine. 提摩太是透过纯正的教导教义来做宣教士传福音的工作的。

The conclusion of the Epistle of Romans, 在罗马书结束的那一段,is a grand illustration of the way in which Paul regards to kerygma. 我们就看见保罗看到kerygma宣讲的信息是多么的宏伟的!as including the proclamation of the whole counsel of God , 因为就包含了上帝整个全盘的计划,罗马书16:25-27,以前隐藏不言,现在彰显了,上帝全盘计划。At the beginning of the same Epistle, 罗马书一开始的时候,Paul speaks of evangelizing those of whom he writes, 保罗说他要像那些罗马书的读者传福音(罗马书1:15),所以传福音、讲上帝全盘的计划教导都是融在一起的。

In Acts 5:42,使徒行传5:42,we read that: every day, in the temple and at home, 每天在圣殿中在家中,the apostle ceased not to teach and preach Jesus as the Christ. 使徒们不断地教导传讲耶稣是基督。Both teaching and preaching are involved in winning them to Christ and building up believers. 当我们传福音抢救灵魂到基督那里,和建立他们信心的时候,教导和讲道两者都是必须的。It is true that puts all that,不错,there were both teachers and the evangelists in the New Testament church. 在新约的教会里有教导者、教师,也有传福音的宣讲士。Yet these are co-laborers in the gospel, 但是这两者在福音上是同工,and ministers of the Word. 他们都是传道者,或者都是传道人.

As Ridderbos has pointed out in discussing the alleged gnosis passage in I Corinthians 2:, 就是写这个保罗神学、天国的来临的这个来自荷兰的改革宗的新约神学大师呢,在他的书里面讨论到哥林多前书2章那个所谓的奥秘,属灵人参透万事那段经文的时候呢,他指出:Paul’s teaching of wisdom was centered in the cross, 保罗讲到智慧的时候,智慧就是集中在十字架上,An evangelist who did not teach would be no evangelism in the New Testament pattern . 假如一个宣教士、一个传福音的不好好的教导神的话的话,他不是一个按照新约样式的宣教士,或者传福音的人。He would have no resemblance to Timothy or Philip, 他就不像提摩太,不像腓利,一个宣教士必须要教导全本的圣经的。

on the other hand,反过来说,a teacher who forgot that his message is eternal evangel, 假如一个教师忘记了他的所教导的信息,就是那个永恒的好消息——福音的话呢,could never build up a church in the name of Christ. 就不可能建立教会就更加的体认基督, the power of His resurrection, 体认他的复活的大能,and the fellowship of His suffering. 在他的受苦上有份(腓立比书3:10)。

The teacher of the church must prepare children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perversion region among whom are seen as lights in the world holding for the Word of life. 所以一个在教会里面做教导的人呢,就必须装备教会,装备神的儿女,好叫他们在这个弯曲悖谬的世代里面做神无瑕疵的儿女,在这个世代中好像明光照耀,将生命的道表明出来。



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