
Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 34




The Old Testament narrative provides a basis for the identification of Christ as the rock, 旧约这段经文的记载(,请注意我是讲“记载”,因为它是事实,不是“神话”,记载。旧约的记载)为我们看到基督就是磐石提供了一个基础,that is not always appreciated by those who Paul’s statement here as merely rabbinical allegorizing. 有些学者们并不欣赏,他们认为,保罗所讲的这句话呢只不过是好像犹太拉比这种的寓意解经--磐石就是基督,就好像寓意解经,灵意解经。

In Exodus 17:1-2, 在出埃及记17:1-7,the whole narrative is structured by the concept of the controversy. 整段经文的记载或叙述是由一个争论,米利巴来作为架构的。The people bring suit against Moses,百姓控告摩西,打他的官司。If their acquisition is succeed, 假如百姓的控告,也就是摩西的罪名成立的话呢,he is liable to execution by stoning. 那么摩西有可能要面对用石头打死这种的死刑的(参考出埃及记17:4)。Moses protest that, 摩西回应说,their charge is actually against God whom they are tempting. 他们事实上是在控告上帝,他们事实上是在试探上帝,they are accusing God of breach of covenant. 他们在控告上帝背约,参考耶和华又怎么样与以色列争辩(弥迦书6:1-8)。At the Word of the Lord,  a solemn session of Moses and the elders is convened before the people (V5), 根据耶和华所讲的话,a solemn session of Moses and the elders is convened before the people, 摩西和长老们进入到一种的聚集,一个严肃会,在百姓面前,摩西和长老们召开了严肃会—This is a court scene for the trial, 这个是一个法庭,是一次的审讯,God takes the place of the defense before the judge. 上帝的位置是在法官面前的被告者(第6节)。As in Deuteronomy 25:1-3,正如在申命记25:1-3一样,the verdict is pronounced as a smiting, 宣判这个判决,是用一种击打的方法,to be executed in this case by the rod, 在这次是用杖来击打,as the symbol of God’s judicial authority. 打的这个杖是上帝的执法权柄的象征。where with thou smitest the river. 正如你击打河水一样(第五节)。Instead of Israel’s being smitten, 本来是应该以色列人被击打的,the rock on which God stands is smitten. 上帝站在磐石上,这个上帝所站的磐石被击打。The rock is a symbol of divinities in the ancient Near East, 在古近东磐石是神明的一个象征,and is a divine name in the Pentateuch. 在摩西五经里磐石是上帝的名字(参考申命记32:4,15,18,30,31)。In the Psalms which referred to a Meribah this name is used for God, 当诗篇指向米利巴那些的诗篇,是用上磐石这个名字指上帝的(诗篇78:15,20,35;95:1)。

The Exodus passage itself seems to require that we understand it symbolic divine bearer of the judgment from which the streams of grace flow. 仅仅从出埃及记17章这段来看,我们就必须要看到这次的判决有一种的象征,symbolic divine bearer of the judgment, 就是象征着上帝承担审判,这样子呢活水的江河,恩典的江河就流出来。Such an interpretation would explain why, 这样来解释出埃及记17章,就让我们看到为什么Moses is an authorized meeting of the rocket’s second time, 当摩西没有上帝的批准而第二次击打磐石的时候,were so serious offense. 他就犯了大罪(民数记20:10-13)。


We do well then to avoid setting up an antithesis. 所以,我们不要设立一种错误的虚假的对立。这样就好了。between the redemptive historical approach and what might be called an ethical approach of the scriptures. 就是说,不要在救赎历史的进路和所谓道德训诲的进路,在这两种解经法设立对立,particularly in the historical passages, 特别在研究圣经的历史记载的那些的经文。The redemptive historical approach necessarily yields ethic application. 救赎历史的解经法必然会产生道德上、生命上的应用的,which is an essential part of the preaching of the Word.而应用本身就是传讲上帝的话语,讲道的不可或缺的一部分。

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Whenever we are confronted with the saving work of God coming in Christ,因为当我们每次面对上帝的救赎大工,乃是以基督作为巅峰的上帝救赎大工的时候,we’re faced with ethical demands,我们就面对着上帝对人的伦理道德上的要求的,每次读到上帝的救赎大工,就有上帝的要求的,恩典、诫命,恩典、要求。A、religious response of faith and obedience is required. 上帝要求人做出信心和顺服这个信仰上的回应的。But that response must be evoked by the truth of the particular privilege which is before us. 但是这种的信心和顺服的回应必须是因为我们面对的经文的特殊的,这段经文特定的启示的真理所激发出的。换言之,你不能随便每次读任何经文都从启示录回到创世记,都是“所以我们要多灵修、多读经、多祷告、多传福音、多过圣洁生活”,或者每次都唱《信而顺服》。(哼唱)你每次都唱《信而顺服》做回应没有错,但是那个《信而顺服》呢要直接与那段经文,救赎历史的那个时刻的真理有关。To  understand that truth,若要了解这个那个特定启示的真理,we must know the context of the revelation in this period. 我们必须要看到在那个时期的启示的背景。Without this structure, biblical history becomes a chaotic jumble. 若没有这个架构的话,圣经的历史就是乱七八糟。And little in the lives of the characters seems either relevant to our lives or with (?10:44) of imitation. 这样的话呢,若没有这个架构的话,圣经人物的生命好像与我们无关或者不配我们去效法,譬如说参孙。Those who find only collected moral tales in the Bible,我们若在圣经里面只不过找到一系列的道德的故事的话呢,are constantly embarrassed by the good deeds of patriotic introduce and kings. 我们会读到先祖的,以撒、雅各、士师、君王的那些好的行为,读到的时候会感到非常不好意思。

那什么好行为让我们不好意思呢?Surely we cannot pattern our daily contact on that of Samuel as he hewed Agag to pieces. 当然我们不可能在我们的生活中效法撒母耳把一个君王砍成肉块,or Samson as he commit suicide, 当然我们不能效法参孙那样自杀,or Jeremiah as he preaches treason. 当然不可能像耶利米那样叛国行为讲道。Judged by our usual ethics,用我们一般常人的伦理学来判断,Michal,扫罗的女儿,was quite right in despising David performance before the Ark. 看到他的丈夫大卫在约柜面前跳舞而轻看他,她这个轻看是对的; and Judas, 而犹大,耶稣的门徒,in criticizing the extravagance of Mary’s use of perfume in Bethany. 犹大批评玛丽亚在伯大尼用这么昂贵的香膏是奢侈的。所以,我们会批评大卫的跳舞、会同意犹大批评马利亚的奢侈。

Dreadful consequences have been shoot, 这样的解经讲道会带来一些非常恐怖的后果的。when the blindness to the history of revelation was coupled with the courage to follow misunderstood examples. 一方面对启示历史脉络看不到,另外一方面又有这种胆量去跟着一些误解的榜样。Heretics have been cut in pieces in the name of Christ, 在教会历史中有些人奉耶稣基督的名将异端的人士砍成肉块;and in purgatory Psalm sung on the battle of field.那些咒诅性的诗篇,当欧洲的战士去打仗时候都唱这些咒诅性的诗篇,可能是指在十字军。

Yet in the coherence of the history of redemption none of these patterns is to be rejected. 但是若我们伏在一个救赎历史的融合统一性的架构里的话呢,不需需要拒绝这些的个案的,不需要拒绝撒母耳杀王、参孙死、耶利米叛国性的讲道、大卫的跳舞等等。Each has relevance to our situation,因为每一个个案都与我们今天的环境是有关的,是适切的。Samuel的prophetic judge,撒母耳是一位做先知的士师,先知士师,executed the verdict of God on sentence against Agag 撒母耳呢是在执行上帝自己对亚甲王的判决的,before the Lord and Gilgal (I Samuel 15:33). 在吉甲耶和华的面前执行的(撒上15:33)。所以,撒母耳所执行的是耶和华的判决。Wielding the sword in the period. 在那段时期,撒母耳佩剑,when God revealed His wrath against the wicked in theocratic war. 在那段时期,上帝是透过圣战,神治国家的圣战来向恶人彰显他的愤怒的,撒母耳是上帝的先知和士师。

Such judgement is not committed to Christ, 而今天这种的判决,神治的判决,现在都交给耶稣基督,who did not spare Himself from the supreme visitation of wrath for sinners. 耶稣并没有不让上帝执行最高的愤怒,对罪人的愤怒,就是祂自己承担了。but also who also will not spare those who have despised His grace in the day of the wrath of the Lamb. 不过,正如耶稣基督没有逃脱上帝的愤怒,祂自己承担。但是,当羔羊的愤怒的日子来到的时候,耶稣也不会放过那些藐视祂恩典的人的。Every temporizing meditation of the absoluteness of God’s judgment is an attack on Calvary well as on that of God. 所以,每次我们把上帝绝对的审判用各种方法冲淡,解释今世话的时候,就等于是藐视十字架、藐视上帝的宝座。And it is warmed by Samuel’s act, 撒母耳的行动就是警告。

Christ has not now given the sword, 基督在今天并没有给教会佩剑、没有给教会刀剑,就是不能做政府、不能打仗、不能做警察,but the keys, 基督给教会的是天国的钥匙,不是刀剑,to those who are charged with authority in his name. 把这钥匙交托给那些奉他的名要执行权柄的人。The sanctifying of god’s name in spiritual church discipline reflecting our situation through credit of Samuel. 旧约时期,撒母耳那种神治国家的,那种的撒母耳的顺服,现在是怎么反映出来呢?就是在新约教会的属灵的管教、惩戒方面来尊崇上帝的名为圣,这样反映出来。就是撒母耳的那种神治的管教、审判,今天是由教会的惩戒、教会的纪律来彰显。

Samson, 参孙,also is a judge and savior of God’s people,参孙也是上帝子民的士师、统治者和搭救者。and his death is not wicked self destruction, 参孙的死并不是一个邪恶的人的自我毁灭,but it’s the price of a victory against the enemies and mockers of God. 他的死乃是他所付上的代价,对那些上帝的敌人和藐视上帝的人的胜利。Jeremiah’s treason耶利米的所谓叛国,is against a king and people who forsaken God’s covenant. 乃是要抗衡那些弃绝上帝的圣约的君王和百姓。It is actually out of loyalty to the supreme sovereign. 事实上,耶利米对至高的统治者上帝是绝对的忠诚的,不是叛国。David’s exulting joy, 大卫在街上跳舞的这种的喜乐,prefigures of triumph of the ascension of Christ. 都是预先的指向基督升天那种的胜利。Mary’s extravagant worship, 马利亚那种的奢侈的敬拜倒出膏油,annoys the Lord’s before His burial, 就是在上帝的受膏者弥赛亚埋葬之前,她用油膏耶和华的受膏者。All these not only testify of Christ,这一节不单单是为耶稣基督作见证,but the provide a deeper understanding of Him. 这些甚至乎给我们更深的理解,理解我们对基督的顺服。The redemptive historical may by no means be contrasted with the practical, 所以,绝对不可以把救赎历史和实际上基督徒生活,或者当时时期上帝子民的生活,不可以把它对立起来。Relating the history of redemption to the ethical in the expectation of the text does cause problems to arise. 是的,当我们要在解经的时候,解释经文的时候,把救赎历史和伦理连接起来的时候,难题会产生的。Every evangelical preacher has struggled more or less consciously with them. 每一位福音派的讲道者多多少少意识上或潜意识上都会在事实上有所挣扎,有所困惑的。and a  teacher of homiletics as many opportunities to observe the young man facing them for the first time. 一位在神学院教讲道学的老师有很多机会去观察那些青年的弟兄,第一次面对这些的问题。就是说,怎么样一方面讲救赎历史,一方面又有实际的应用。occasionally both elements appear,plainly unresolved. 偶尔神学生讲道,救赎历史和实际应用都出现在同一篇讲章,很明星没有把这两者融合解决的,没有的,两个放在两边。but unequally yoked together and are conveniently and vigorous theme. 不过,聪明的神学生,也会用一个很含糊的主题呢很方便的把救赎历史和实际应用同负一轭。就是不应该同负一轭的,同负一轭。当然要把这两者连接起来,但是你做的方法不对。

There is of course no patented solution to this difficulty. 当然,世界上没有什么注册商标说这个就是来解决这些问题的方案。To make the first point of the sermon outline is optional content in point to its ethical demand may be patentable but it is hardly satisfactory solution. 当然,你可以用一个注册商标说,讲道的第一点就是教义的内容,第二点就是伦理上上帝的要求,你可以把这个知识版权、产权注册,但是这个一点都不是令人满意的解决方法。However it is just here that the development of biblical theological inside point to the right path. 但是,恰恰就在这个问题上,圣经神学的洞见,你假如把它发展出来就指向正路了。The  solution is the organic relationship that exists God’s great work of redemption and revelations. 解决的方案就是要看到上帝的伟大的救赎大工和上帝的救赎这两者有着有机的不可分开的关系。a relationship that it is the work of the biblical theology studies. 而圣经神学就是要研究神的启示和神的救赎之间的密切关系。just ask the ethical response is always required by the covenantal grace.正如恩典之约每一次都要求我们进行伦理上的回应。So the ethical is never artificially or inconsequentially present in the lives actually those figures who played decisive roles in His redemption. 因此,同样的,在那些圣经人物,就是在救赎历史上扮演决定性的角色的圣经人物,他们的生平和他们的行动呢,伦理的层面永远不是浮浅的或者毫不重要的。就是说他们有这些行动、行为的,绝对不是很浮浅的意义或者对我们毫无关系的。Because the work of redemption is one work, 因为上帝救赎大工是一个工作,一个计划,and the covenantal grace is one covenant, 也因为恩典之约是一个约,the basic relationships are the same. 所以这些基本上的关系都是一样的。unbelief on the part of the children of Israel in wildness parallel our unbelief. 在旷野里的以色列的后裔不信,与我们今天新约信徒的不信是平行的。not simply in terms of psychological similarity, 不仅仅是因为我们在心态上,心里上很相似,but in the total structure of a redemptive history, 乃是因为都在整个救赎架构里面发生的,We upon whom the end ages have come, 我们,就是末世临到的这些人-are a redeemed and Pilgrim people, 我们,我们是赎民,我们是天路客, led to the promise land by the Lord, 上主耶和华带领我们进入应许之地,who dwells among us. 而这位带领我们的上主是住在我们中间的。和以色列人一样,过路客,神的子民被救赎,神带领我们走向应许之地。

Through the study of the biblical theological horizon of the period, 当我们研究圣经神学的视野,每一段时期的视野的时候,we may interpret the ethic with the events of that period in the logic accurate terms. 而我们去解释那段经文的道德的要求,神的要求的时候,我们就会用神学的正确的方法,正确的条件来解释那些经文的要求,对我们的要求。Such interpretation enables us to perceive the relationship of the ethical element to our situation. 这样的解经就让我们看到,那段经文当时的伦理方面,就是在整个救赎历史架构之下的伦理,上帝的要求,伦理的准则,与我们今天的生活的确是有关系的。


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