Living in Christ’s Church Session 14《教会论与教会生活》第14讲


第四章第四段,upon this rock,建造在这个磐石上。

Jesus says to Peter and I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 耶稣是这样子向彼得说的(马太福音16:18节):“我还告诉你:你是彼得,我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上;阴间的权柄不能胜过他。”In those words Jesus recognizes the foundational faith of the church by appointing a foundational officers for the church. 耶稣透过讲这句话呢,指定了教会一个建立基础的基础性的职分,透过这个基础性的职分(就是使徒),耶稣认定了教会基础性的信仰,基要的职分带来基要的信仰。

The words of Jesus are inscribed in Latin around that a tablature just below the great dome of Saint Peter’s in Rome. 在罗马梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂,那个圆拱下面的柱顶那一圈那里这些字是用拉丁文刻在柱顶上的。The Roman Catholic church has used those words of Jesus, 罗马天主教用了这些耶稣的话, to claim for it’s the authority to bind man’s conscience. 用这些话来声称自己有权柄束缚、捆绑人的良心,by it’s interpretation of Scripture, 透过天主教会对《圣经》的解释来捆绑人的良心,to add new dogma is not taught in Scripture,它教导一些圣经里面没有教导的新的教义,透过这个来捆绑人的良心;and to reinterpret the plain teaching of Scripture,他们把圣经清楚的教导重新地解释,用这个第三个方法来捆绑人的良心的。It is done so by first separating Peter from the other apostles. 他们这样做第一步是先把彼得和其他的使徒分别出来,and then claiming the continuation of his authority in the Pope of Rome,然后就宣称在罗马的教宗的身上就继续了彼得的权柄。

Not surprisingly Protestant interpretation of this verse has been at pains to refute the Roman Catholic claims. 宗教改革,基督新教如何解释这节经文呢?是尽力地来驳斥天主教教会的声称,这个是不稀奇的。At times the intensity of argument has left Protestants to minimize what the text does say. 但是,有的时候呢,基督新教(我们基督教)的论点有的时候讲的太过强,以至于这段经文正面所讲的我们也把它削弱了。You have here to claim that the foundation of the church is in no sense Peter but only his confession. 你可能听过这种的声称,说教会的根基绝对不会是彼得,仅仅是彼得的宣告或者说信仰的宣告。But that is to push a sound point too far,但是这个是正确的话,讲的太强了。Only as the confessing apostle is Peter made a foundational rock of the church but we cannot separate Peter from the rock foundation. 是的,就是因为彼得是那位认信、承认信仰的使徒,因此基督让他作教会的基础、教会的磐石。但是,我们也不能把彼得其人和磐石基础把它完全分割的。

the name Peter, 彼得这个名字,Petros in Greed, Cephas in Aramaic,希腊文是“Petros”,P-e-t-r-o-s;亚兰文是“Cephas”,C-e-p-h-a-s,means rock,的意思就是【磐石】。To be sure Petros is masculine,诚然,“Petros”这个词是阳性的,it is a name of a man,是一个男人的名字。Petra,  the name for a rock in this verse, is feminine,在这节经文里所用的“磐石”,这个字“Petra”是阴性的。It is the usual word for bedrock, the rock on which a building could be built,这个字一般是用来做磐石,就是一个建筑物所建造在那个根基那个磐石上。正如耶稣在马太福音7:24~25节所说的:“聪明人建造房子在磐石上”。Petra. The word Petros in the masculine sometimes used in Greek to note a rock. 在希腊文,有的时候阳性的“Petros”也是用来指一块石头。But it seems indicating the freestanding boulder rather than a stratum of rock. 但一般是指一块的石头,不是指一层的磐石。

Jesus emphatically repeats Peter’s name,耶稣强调、耶稣重复“彼得”这个名字,a name that Jesus had Himself given Peter because its significance,这个名字是耶稣亲自赐给彼得的,就是因为这个名字有它的重要性。约翰福音1:42节:于是领他去见耶稣。耶稣看着他,说:“你是约翰的儿子西门,你要称为矶法(Cephas)。”“矶法”翻出来就是“彼得”。

Peter says to Jesus thou art Christ,彼得向耶稣说:“你是基督。”Jesus replied thou art Peter. 耶稣回答说:“你是彼得。”In the context the name of Peter serves almost as a title. 从上下文来看,彼得这个名字差不多是像一个头衔。Jesus stressed the parallel between the two statements by beginning and I say unto thee. 耶稣强调这两句话之间的平衡性,因为祂一开始说:“我告诉你。”Jesus named Peter rock. 耶稣命名彼得为“磐石”。And Jesus will make Peter a rock a foundation of the church He builds. 耶稣会使彼得成为祂所建造的教会的磐石,教会的基础。

Of course in a different context God may be called the rock,当然,在另外一个情况里面,上帝也可以被称为“石头“的(磐石的)。申32:4节:“祂是磐石,祂的作为完全;祂所行的无不公平,是诚实无伪的 神,又公义,又正直。”And Peter himself called Jesus the cornerstone,而彼得亲自称“耶稣“作为房角石。彼前2:4~8节:“主乃活石,固然是被人所弃的,却是被上帝所拣选、所宝贵的。你们来到主面前,也就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督奉献上帝所悦纳的灵祭。因为经上说:看哪,我把所拣选、所宝贵的房角石安放在锡安;信靠祂的人必不至于羞愧。所以,祂在你们信的人就为宝贵,在那不信的人有话说:匠人所弃的石头已作了房角的头块石头。又说:‘作了绊脚的石头,跌人的磐石。’他们既不顺从,就在道理上绊跌;他们这样绊跌也是预定的。“(彼前2:4~8节)

The Bible uses many different figures in different ways. 《圣经》用不同的词汇或者是比喻,常常意思是不一样的。The Lordship of Jesus appears even more clearly, here He calls Himself the builder of the church, then when he describes and self (?10:56) the cornerstone of the builders. 在这段经文,耶稣基督的主权是更加的明显的(就是说马太福音第十六章),因为祂称自己是建造教会的那一位。在其他经文呢?耶稣形容祂自己是房角石,是那些匠人所弃绝的。但是,当耶稣说我必建造教会的时候,祂的主权就更明显了。另外,那段的经文是在马太福音21:42 节,耶稣说:“经上写着:匠人所弃的石头,已作了房角的头块石头。这是主所作的,在我们眼中看为希奇。“耶稣是房角石,但耶稣也是建造教会的那一位。

But if we can not make Peter’s confession, the rock, apart from Peter, neither can we make Peter the rock apart from his confession. 假如我们不能离开彼得其人,来说彼得的认信就是磐石,那我们也不能够离开彼得的认信,来说彼得其人就是磐石。It is as the recipient of revelation from the Father that Peter is the rock. 彼得因为他是领受父上帝的启示的一位,所以,他是磐石。This is dramatically shown later in this same passage. 这里在这段经文后文,就很明显地、很强烈地显明了。Made bold perhaps by Jesus’ words to him, Peter dares to refute Jesus, 彼得可能因为耶稣对他讲的话就越来越胆大了,Peter dare’s reproach Jesus,他竟然胆敢责备耶稣,warning Him against going to the cross. 警告耶稣不要上十字架(马太福音16:22节)。The response of Jesus is now completely different (V23). 现在耶稣的回应就完全不同了(23节)。

When Peter said Jesus was the Son of God, he spoke from the Father. 当彼得称耶稣是上帝的儿子的时候,他是由父所领受而讲的;When he told Jesus not to go to the cross, 当彼得告诉耶稣不要上十字架的时候,He was minding not the things of God but of man. 彼得顾虑的不是上帝的事,乃是人的事。Worse than that, 不但如此,更糟糕的是,He spoke not for God but for the devil. 他不是代表上帝说话,他是代表魔鬼说话。Jesus does not now call him Peter, 现在耶稣不称他为彼得了,but Satan, 耶稣称他为撒旦。Jesus said thou art stumbling blocks to me. 耶稣再加多一句:“你对我来说是绊脚石。”The word “stumbling block”, skandalon (skandalon)“绊脚石”这个字,in this context could better be stone of stumbling,可能翻译的更好的是“绊跌的石”,it refers to a trap,它是指一个陷阱,or whatever might catch your foot and cause you to trip and fall,或者任何使你失足跌倒的东西。

Anyone who has walked about in Israel notes, 任何人假如去过以色列走路的话就知道,it is stone and outcroppings of rock that most often trip falling up,走路的时候会跌倒,往往都是因为有些的石头在路中。Peter himself uses the full expression stone of stumbling in I Peter 2:8. 彼得自己就用了“使人绊倒的石”,在彼得前书2:8节, when he quotes Isa. 8:14, 在那里他引用了以赛亚书8:14节。

When Jesus was speaking Aramaic, He probably use the same words from Aramaic translation of Isaiah passage. 假如耶稣当时是用亚兰文讲话的话,祂可能就用了以赛亚书亚兰文翻译本里面的字。In that case, 假如是如此的话,Jesus would have said that Peter was now a Cephas of stumbling to Him. 耶稣会说,现在彼得就是一个使祂绊跌的“矶法”。What an astonishing reversal! 令人惊人的反转!

Peter is called a rock by Jesus twice in this chapter. 在本章,耶稣两次称彼得是磐石,As the confessing Apostle, 作为宣告、承认信仰的使徒。he is the rock a foundation,彼得是房子基础的磐石。As the mouthpiece of Satan但是作为撒旦的出口,he is the rock of stumbling,他是使人跌绊的石头。It is not Peter the man who is a rock of foundation, 作为磐石——基础磐石的,不是彼得其人,it is Peter the Apostle inspired by the Father to confess the divinity of Christ. 乃是使徒彼得,由父 神所默示,来宣告基督的神性的。

We cannot separate Peter from his confession or from the other disciples. 我们不能把彼得其人和他的宣告分开,也不能把彼得和其他门徒分开的。Peter speaks as their representative,彼得作为他们的代表来讲话的,he answered the question of Christ to them all, 回答耶稣向众门徒所问的问题,in Matt. 18:18,在马太福音18:18节。the same authority for binding and loosing given to Peter is given to all the disciples。那个在地上捆绑释放的权柄给了彼得,也是同样给了所有的门徒的,they too received the keys to the Kingdom, 这些门徒同样的领受了天国的钥匙。

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Jesus does not single out Peter in contrast others, for whom He speaks, but in contrast of Scribes and Pharisees. 耶稣并不是把彼得分别出来,与那些祂所论到其他的门徒对照,不是的。耶稣把彼得分别出来,是与文士和法利赛人对照。They sits in Moses’ seat,他们坐在摩西的座位上,and claim they hold the keys of knowledge,他们也宣称自己有知识的钥匙。but they do not use the knowledge open the kingdom to others,但是他们没有用他们的知识,来为别人打开天国的门,nor to enter themselves,自己也没有进入天国里面。

我们看一些经文:路加福音11:52节:“你们律法师有祸了!因为你们把知识的钥匙夺了去,自己不进去,正要进去的人你们也阻挡他们。”马太福音23:1~4节:那时,耶稣对众人和门徒讲论,说:“文士和法利赛人坐在摩西的位上,凡他们所吩咐你们的,你们都要谨守遵行。但不要效法他们的行为;因为他们能说,不能行。他们把难担的重担捆起来,搁在人的肩上,但自己一个指头也不肯动。 “

The keys of the kingdom are taking from them and given unlearned fishermen. 天国的钥匙,从文士和法利赛人被夺去了,要给那些没有学问的渔夫们。Why this reversal? 为什么有这样的翻转呢?because the 12 disciples of Jesus, 因为这十二位是耶稣的门徒,they share with Peter the God given conviction that Jesus is Lord. 他们与彼得一样有上帝所给他们的信念:耶稣是主,the Messiah,耶稣是弥赛亚,and the Son of God,耶稣是上帝的儿子。所以,使徒们是建立教会根基的,今天就没有使徒了。

第五段,Christ’s Building Guaranteed,基督要建造的保证。

Notice Jesus says I will build My church. 请注意耶稣说:“我要建造我的教会。“He will build it by His death and resurrection. 祂要藉着祂的死和复活建造教会。He shed blood, built the church. 祂所流出宝血建立教会。He paid the price of sin to redeem the people of God. 祂付了罪的代价,来买赎上帝的子民的。彼得前书1:19节,我们从第18节开始读:”知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖宗所传流虚妄的行为,不是凭着能坏的金银等物,乃是凭着基督的宝血,如同无瑕疵、无玷污的羔羊之血。“另外是彼得前书2:24节:”他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活。因他受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治。“

His resurrection victory builds the church for He has the key of death and hell, 耶稣基督复活的胜利,就建造了教会,因为祂手上有了死亡和阴间(或者地狱)的钥匙。启示录1:18节,我们从第17节中间开始读:他用右手按着我,说:“不要惧怕!我是首先的,我是末后的,又是那存活的;我曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远;并且拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙。”The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church,阴间的门或者权势,是不能胜过教会的,death cannot hold captive Christ Himself,死亡不能捆绑、掳去耶稣基督,or those united Christ as Savior,或者捆绑那些与他们的救主基督联合的人,死亡不能捆绑他们。

In His ascendant Christ built the church. 刚才在讲耶稣透过祂的死建立教会,耶稣透过祂的复活建造教会。现在讲耶稣在祂升天的荣耀中建造祂的教会。for Jesus is exalted the Prince of salvation,因为耶稣被高举祂是救恩的元帅,And the Holy Spirit sent from the throne is the architect of His church. 而从祂的宝座被差遣出去的圣灵,就是建造祂的教会的建筑师(architect)。The whole Book of Acts shows us, 整本使徒行传就向我们显明。how Christ sets about the church in the power of His Word and Spirit,就是向我们显明耶稣基督是怎么透过祂的话的大能,祂圣灵的大能正在建造祂的教会。At the last, nothing can destroy the church that Christ builds.至终没有人能够毁坏基督所建造的教会的。

In Aug. 1969, 1969年8月的时候,Hurricane Camille struck both cast of the United States from(?23:22) velocity,有一次的旋风,吹过美国东南的海岸,a wall of water 30 feet high driven by winds of 200 mile per hour, smashed everything before it. 水有三英尺那么高,吹着水的风有每小时二十英里那么强,把所有在它前面的东西都粉碎了。A group of foolish people were celebrating at a hurricane party at an apartment building on the cast. 有些很笨的人,在海岸的一个公寓里在玩耍,在庆祝旋风,在开旋风宴会。They trusted their shelter. 他们信靠他们的荫蔽,but the hurricane destroyed it and them. 但是,旋风粉碎了这栋房子,他们也灭亡了。Isaiah paints the same picture. 以赛亚也描述了一幅类似的图画。

Isa. 28:15-18,以赛亚书28:15~18节,你们曾说:“我们与死亡立约,与阴间结盟;敌军如水涨漫经过的时候,必不临到我们;因我们以谎言为避所,在虚假以下藏身。所以,主耶和华如此说:看哪,我在锡安放一块石头作为根基,是试验过的石头,是稳固根基,宝贵的房角石;信靠的人必不着急。我必以公平为准绳,以公义为线铊。冰雹必冲去谎言的避所;大水必漫过藏身之处。你们与死亡所立的约必然废掉,与阴间所结的盟必立不住。敌军如水涨漫经过的时候,你们必被他践踏。”

Sinful and self-confident Israel think they have a covenant with death,以色列——有罪的以色列,自己有信心的以色列,以为他们与死亡已经立了一个约,that storm of death and destruction will not reach them. 所以,死亡——灭亡的风暴不会灭亡他们。Their hope too will be in vain,他们的盼望也是徒然的。But Jesus will build His church to the hurricane too,但是,耶稣建造的教会是能够防旋风的,neither the storm of God’s judgment or the waters of death will throw it away. 上帝审判的风暴或者死亡的大水,不会把她冲去,for it is built on the rock of the apostle of confessing of Jesus Christ and God given faith in Him,因为教会是建造在使徒们宣告耶稣基督是“ 神的儿子”,也就是建立在上帝所给他们对基督的信心的基础上。

Jesus Christ built His church,耶稣基督建立祂的教会,God’s poeple are His people,上帝的子民是耶稣基督的子民。And He is the tried stone,耶稣是试炼过的石头,the precious corner stone of sure foundation. 是宝贝的石头,是稳固的根基(以赛亚书28:16节;彼得前书2:6节)。The church will not fail. 教会永不会失败的,because Christ will not fail,因为基督永不失败。Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. 耶稣基督昨日今日直到永远是一样的,不变的。His Kingdom will not be shaken. 祂的国度不会摇动, for it is establish in God’s right hand,因为是在上帝的右手那里,祂的国度是在那里建立的(希伯来书13:8,12:28)。

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