Living in Christ’s Church Session 7


主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立、爱的天空&ZJY(CGY) _英文:John Kim_文字:傅昱川


The prophets continually condemn the worship of Israel and Judah in the“high places”rather than at God’s appointed altar. 旧约的先知不断地谴责以色列人和犹大人他们敬拜上帝,不在上帝指定的祭坛上,乃是在那些“高处”。But how can Jesus say the worship will not offered at Jerusalem? 但是,耶稣怎么会说人敬拜上帝不在耶路撒冷呢?Did not Jesus cleanse the temple of Jerusalem (John 2:13-22)? 耶稣岂不是已经洁净了耶路撒冷的圣殿呢?(约翰福音2:13-22)。

Did He not quote the prophecy that God’s house would be made a house of prayer for all people (Mt. 11:17)? 耶稣岂不引用过先知的话“上帝的殿必称为万民祷告的殿”吗?

How then could he say that neither Jerusalem nor Gerizim would be the place of worship God耶稣为什么会说“耶路撒冷或者撒玛利亚的山都不是敬拜上帝的地方”呢?Jesus explained that the hour is coming, indeed has already come when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. 耶稣这样解释:“时候讲到,已经到了,真正敬拜上帝的人会在圣灵中和在真理中敬拜上帝。”Some have supposed that Jesus is saying that, since God is spirit, worship cannot be confined to any one place; that is, true worship is spiritual, not confined to an altar or a sanctuary. 有人这样以为,以为耶稣是这样说的:“既然上帝是灵,那么,敬拜不可能限制在一个地方。真的敬拜是属灵的,不是限制于一个祭坛或一个圣所的。”But if that were the answer of Jesus, it would be hard to understand why He said that the hour was coming when this truth would apply. 但是耶稣的回答,假如真是如此的话,那么就很难明白,为什么耶稣说时候“将到”这个真理会施行出来。

God is eternally spirit: 上帝在永恒里就是灵,spiritual worship must always be His desire. 上帝不断要求人献上属灵的敬拜的,What coming hour would change worship to make it spiritual? 将来会有怎么样的一个时候,会将敬拜改变成一个属灵的敬拜呢?In the Gospel of John the coming hour that is spoken of is the hour of Jesus’death and resurrection. 在《约翰福音》“将要到”的时候(耶稣所论到“将要到”的时候),就是耶稣死而复活的时候的(约翰福音2:4,5:25~29,12:23,16:32,17:1)。

The hour that ushers in spiritual worship is the hour when the symbolism of the temple worship is fulfilled, when the veil of the temple is torn at the death of Jesus (Mt. 27:51). “时候将到”,那个要展开灵里的敬拜的时候,就是当圣殿敬拜的象征成全的时候,当圣殿的幔子在耶稣死的时候被裂开的时候(太27:51)。Jesus is not saying that true worship is “temple-less”耶稣不是说真正的敬拜是没有圣殿的敬拜,Rather He is saying that He is the true temple. 不是的,耶稣说的是祂就是真正的圣殿。The elaborate symbolism of the temple at Jerusalem pictured in marble and gold God’s dwelling among His people; 是的,在耶路撒冷的圣殿有着完美的象征,用大理石和金子来象征上帝住在祂的子民中间,but with the incarnation of Jesus Christ, 但是,当耶稣基督道成肉身的时候,worship moves from the picture to the reality. 敬拜就从那幅的图画挪移到实在了。Jesus therefore says not only that the hour is coming but that the hour has already come. 所以耶稣说,不仅仅是“时候将到”,耶稣也说“时候已经到了”。His death and resurrection are coming, but he is already present, 是的,祂的死和祂的复活将要来到,但是现在祂已经在他们中间。And he can say to the woman of Samaria, “I that speak unto thee am He” (John 4:26)所以,祂能够像撒玛利亚妇人说:“那个向你讲话的”,我就是祂(约4:26)。

Worship in spirit is worship in the Holy Spirit,灵里的敬拜,就是在圣灵中的敬拜,the Spirit that Jesus promised to give to the woman if she would ask Him, 就是妇人若求耶稣,耶稣应许要给这个妇人的灵。The Spirit who is a well of living water springing up to eternal life. 就是这位的灵,一个活水的泉源,一直涌流到永生的。

The truth in which God is to be worshiped is the truth as it is in Jesus. 上帝要人在真理中敬拜祂,这个真理就是在耶稣里(在耶稣身上)的真理。He is the way, the Truth and the Life. 耶稣就是道路、耶稣就是真理、耶稣就是生命。The way into the presence of God that was pictured in the tabernacle is now opened in Jesus Christ. 在帐幕中所象征的通向上帝临在的道路,现在在耶稣基督里那条道路已经开了,The heavenly Father, who is seeking true worshipers, has sent His only begotten Son to a well in Samaria to reveal His glory to a Samaritan woman. 天上的父,就是寻找真正敬拜祂的父,差遣祂的唯独的、独生子到撒玛利亚一口井旁,去向撒玛利亚妇人彰显、启示了祂的荣耀。

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 耶稣就是上帝的羔羊,除去世界的罪的。No altar may remain when He has completed his atoning sacrifice. 当上帝羔羊完成了祂的赎罪的献祭之后,人间不可以再有祭坛存留。No sacrificial blood may be shed when He has once for all paid the price of our sins on the cross. 当上帝的羔羊一次过,在十字架上偿还了我们一切的罪价之后,不可以再流出献祭的血。

The laver of the tabernacle though expanded to a great brass reservoir in Solomon’s temple cannot wash away sin. 帐幕的洗涤盆,虽然扩大到所罗门圣殿的那个铜海,不能够洗净人的罪的。But now there is opened a foundation for sin and uncleanness, 但现在洗净罪和不洁的源泉已经开了。The fountain of the blood and water that flowed from the side of the Crucified. 就是被钉在十字架那位的肋旁留下的血和水的泉源。

Jesus, not the lampstands of the temple, is the Light of the world (John 1:9; 8:12); 耶稣不是圣殿中的灯台,就是世界之光, The true “bread of God’s presence” is Jesus, the Bread of Life (John 6:35),那个在上帝面前真正的“陈设饼”,就是耶稣——生命之粮(约翰6:35),Jesus, the true temple, is also the heavenly High Priest. 耶稣,是那位真圣殿的耶稣,同时也是天上的大祭司。He who is the way enters that way for us.祂就是那条道路,祂也代表我们进入到那条道路中。He brings the worship in Spirit that the Father seeks. 祂就带着父神所要求的灵里的敬拜。He is consumed with zeal for the heavenly house of God (refer to John 2:17)耶稣基督大发热心,为了上帝天上的圣殿而大发热心(参考约翰福音2:17), He enters heaven itself, once for all, 祂一次过的进入到天上,to sprinkle the blood of his atonement (Heb. 9:6-26; 10:1-25; 12:24) (来9:6~26,来10:1-25;来12:24)

第五段 ,Temple’s of the Holy Spirit of Christ基督之圣灵的殿。The Jesus who went to heaven also comes to dwell with His disciples. 那位升到天上的耶稣同时也降下来,与祂的门徒同住的。He went to prepare His Father’s house, the place where God dwells with man. 祂去,是要去祂父的家里预备住所, 就是上帝与人同住的地方(约翰福音14:1~3; 启示录21:3)。

But before He comes with the holy angels,He comes in the Spirit. 可是当祂还没有与众天使来临的时候,祂籍着圣灵会再来的(Jn 14:16-18)。约翰福音第14章16节-18节:“我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫祂永远与你们同在。就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的,因为不见祂,也不认识祂。你们却认识祂,因祂常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。我不撇弃你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。”我必到你们这里来(约14:18)。

That coming took place at Pentecost. 在五旬节,耶稣籍着圣灵来了,with the rushing wind of the Spirit the promise of the Father was kept and the New Testament church became the dwelling place of the living God. 在旋风中圣灵来了,圣父的应许,祂守住了,新约的教会就成了永活上帝的居所。Both individual Christian and the church of Christ are now made temples of the Holy Spirit. 现在个别的基督徒和整个基督的教会,现在就成了圣灵的圣殿。To men tempted to fornication, Paul says, 那些受诱惑要犯淫乱的人,保罗这样说,or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from God? (1 Cor. 6:19)。保罗说,“你岂不知道你的身体就是圣灵的殿,住在你里面圣灵的殿,你从上帝已经领受了这位圣灵的。”(哥林多前书6:19节)

Christians are not free to use their bodies as they please, they are possessed by the Spirit and belong to God (1 Cor. 6:20). 基督徒没有自由去随意使用他们的身体,他们是由灵所拥有的,他们是属于上帝的。(林前6:20)Demon possession is enslaving, destructive. 被邪灵所控制是使人为奴的,是毁了人的。The Gadarene demoniac could not even give his own name when Jesus asked (Luke 8:30). 那个受鬼附的人,当耶稣问他的名是什么的时候,他连自己的名也说不出来的。(路8:30)But Holy Spirit possession is freeing. 可是,被圣灵拥有却是使人自由的。The indwelling Spirit of God does not destroy His own creation. 那位住在人里面,上帝的灵,不会毁掉祂自己所创造的。He renews it in the image of Christ. 祂藉着基督的形象,更新了我们里面上帝的形象。What is true of the individual is also true of the church. 个别的基督徒是如此,整个的教会也是如此的。

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Paul writes about the church as God’s building (1 Cor. 3:9), 保罗论到教会就是上帝的房屋(或者上帝的圣殿),building(林前3:9)He warns against teachers who use shoddy materials as they labor to build the house of God (verses 10-15). 他警告一些的教师,用草木禾秸来建造上帝的殿(第10节到15节)。But he gives a much sterner warning against any who would defile or destroy the house of God (1 Cor. 3:16-17). 但是,保罗发出一个更严厉的警告,警告那些玷污或者毁掉上帝殿的人(林前3:16-17)。

The connection is very close between the temple of the individual’s body and the temple of the body of Christ, the church. 一方面,个别基督徒的身体是上帝的殿, 而基督的身体(教会)也是上帝的殿,两者之间的连接或者关系是非常密切的。Paul calls for holiness in the life of the church through holiness in the life of its members (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). 保罗吩咐借着教会不同的肢体生活的圣洁,呼吁教会的生活要圣洁。(林后6:14-7:1)。Ceremonial holiness separated the temple of God for His use; 是的,在礼仪上的圣洁,就把上帝的圣洁分别为圣,由祂来用。So too the spiritual house of God must maintain the strictest separation from idolatry, error, iniquity and unbelief. 同样的,上帝属灵的殿也必须坚持地从偶像敬拜、错误、罪孽和不信完全分别出来。With awe we hear God say, 我们存着敬畏的心听上帝讲宣的,I will dwell in them, and walk in them (vs. 16 )我会住在他们中间,在他们中间行走(林后6:16)。

In a beautiful use of the figure of building the temple of God, Peter says that we “as living stones, are built up a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood…” (1Pet. 2:5). 彼得用过一个很美丽的比喻,就是建造上帝的殿的比喻,说:“我们就是活石,一同被建造成为灵宫,作为圣洁的一个的祭司群(彼得前书2:5节)。We are living stones because we are united to Jesus Christ, 我们是活石,我们与耶稣基督联合,who is the living Cornerstone of the temple of God,耶稣基督就是上帝圣殿的那个永活的房角石。We are joined to one another because we are joined to Christ. 我们是彼此连接的,因为我们是先与耶稣基督联合了。

Review questions, 温习五条问题:

No. 1,第一条,How is the theme of God’s dwelling with man presented in the account of the creation and the fall in Genesis? 在创世记创造的记载,关于人堕落的记载是怎么样提出“上帝与人同在同住“的主题的?

No.2,第二条,How was Jacob shown that God would come down to dwell with men? 上帝如何向雅各显示,祂会下来与人同住。When did Jesus refer to this Old Testament account? 耶稣什么时候提到这个旧约里的记载呢?

No. 3,第三条,What proposal did God make to Israel after the sin with the golden calf? 当以色列犯了敬拜金牛犊的罪之后,上帝怎么样向以色列提出一个另类的计划呢?What did this imply about the building of the tabernacle?这个计划又暗示着什么呢?就是关于建造帐幕的事情,上帝暗示了什么呢?

No. 4,第四条,How does Jesus fulfill the symbolism of the tabernacle? 耶稣如何成全了帐幕的象征呢?

No.5,第五条,How does the promise fulfilled at Pentecost make the church a temple? 在五旬节的应许,又如何使教会成为圣殿呢?

Discussion Question,讨论的问题,有五条:

No. 1,第一条,If God is omnipresent, what does it mean to say that God is present in the tabernacle of Moses or in the church of Christ today? 上帝既然是无所不在的,那么说上帝在摩西的帐幕中同在,或者在基督的教会同在,今天在基督的教会同在又是什么意思呢?How would you describe God’s presence in this special sense? 上帝这种的特殊意义的同在,你是如何去描述呢?

No. 2,第二条,How would we have responded to the proposal God made to Moses? 上帝向摩西提出第二项建议的时候,你和我会如何回应呢?Do we not want the Lord to take care of our enemies and give us our inheritance on earth? 我们岂不是希望耶和华处理掉我们的仇敌,也把地上的产业赐给我们吗?Do we seek God’s presence or do we seek to escape from God?我们寻求的是上帝的临在,还是试图去逃离上帝呢?Do we really want God in our worship, our church, our homes, our hearts? 我们是否真正想要上帝在我们的敬拜中、在我们的教会中、在我们的家庭中、在我们的心中呢?

No. 3,第三条问题,Is there now any holy place on earth? 目前在地上还有圣地吗?Should we think of our church buildings as temples? 我们是否应该认我们自己教会的建筑物是圣殿呢?Is the assembly room of a church building a sanctuary? 教会崇拜的那个地方是否是一个圣所?sanctuary?

No. 4,第四条,Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 你的身体是圣灵的殿,what does this mean for your daily living? 那个对你每天的生活有什么意义呢?Does it mean that you must serve the Lord in all that you do? 意思是不是说你必须在一切所行的侍奉主耶稣呢?Consider what this doesn’t mean as well as what it does mean. 考虑一下这个不意味着什么?同时意味着什么?

No. 5,第五条问题,Discuss the question of the separation of the church from wickedness and unbelief. 讨论一下,教会必须从邪恶和不信中分离出来,what may we learn from Jesus’ zeal in cleansing the temple? 耶稣大发热心清洁圣殿,我们从中可以会学到什么呢?What are the implications for church discipline? 这个对教会的惩戒,管教又带来什么样的含义呢?


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