Living in Christ’s Church Session 36

教会论与教会生活 第36讲


Chapter 12, The Ministry of the Church, 我们已经开始了第十二章,教会的事工。

第一段,The Goals of Ministry,教会事工的目标。我们上一讲讲过上帝呼召教会作祂子民的目标,第一,是敬拜赞美祂。我们现在继续。

A second purpose of the ministry of the church is its service to the saints. 教会事工的第二个目的,就是要服事众圣徒。

We minister to God directly in worship, 在敬拜,我们直接服事上帝,we minister to one another in Christian nurture. 在教会的培育事工,我们是彼此地服事。In Ephesians 4:12-26 Paul describes the ministry of nurture in the church. 保罗在以弗所书4:12~26节描绘了教会里面培育的事工。

We grow together as we receive the ministry of the Word from those called of Christ to teach it. 当我们从那些耶稣基督呼召来做教导事工的,从他们领受 神的话语的事工的时候,我们是一同地成长。Those who minister to us enable us to minister to others. 服事我们的,就是传讲上帝的道给我们的,就使我们能够服事别人,或者传给别人。

Development into maturity as Paul describes it is not an individual achievement. 教会成长,成为成熟。根据保罗的描述,不是一个个人的成就,it involves the whole community of the church. 教会的成熟是牵涉到整个教会群体的。It does not happen overnight. 不是一晚之间发生的事,for growth involves struggle.因为成长就包含了挣扎。We advance through testing as we understand and practice the truth together. 当我们理解(一同的理解),一同实行真理的时候,我们透过考验会成长。

A third purpose of the ministry of the church is mission to the world. 教会事工的第三个目的,就是向世界的宣教使命。

The church is called to witness. 上帝呼召教会作见证。It is both a city set on a hill, to which the nations are drawn, 教会是座落在山上的城,万国会吸引来,and an army of ambassadors carrying the good news to the ends of the earth. 也是一队使者把好消息带到地极。(路加福音24:28节;使徒行传5:32节;腓立比书2:14~18节;马太福音28:18~20节)


The calling of the church to minister directly to God,to the saints and to the world is one calling. 上帝呼召教会直接在 神面前服事,向众圣徒服事、向世界服事,这个是一个呼召。

Paul witnesses to the world of the Gentiles so that they may sing praise to God. 保罗向外邦人的世界作见证,好叫他们向上帝唱出赞美之歌。Nurture and worship go together too, 培育和敬拜也是并行的,we sing to God in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, but as we do so we teach and admonish one another. 我们向上帝唱出诗篇、颂词、灵歌。但是,当我们这样敬拜的时候,同时我们也是彼此教导、彼此劝勉的。

两段的经文:歌罗西书3:16节:“当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里,用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒,心被恩感,歌颂 神。”以弗所书第5章,我们从第18节开始读:“不要醉酒,酒能使人放荡;乃要被灵充满。当用诗章、颂词、灵歌彼此对说,口唱心和地赞美主。”

When our hearts are filled with praise to God our very worship becomes a testimony to the world. 当我们的心充满着向上帝的赞美的时候,我们的敬拜本身,就成为向世界的一个见证。At Pentecost the disciples praised God in many languages, 五旬节那一天,门徒们用各种的语言赞美上帝,and their raise was a witness to those who heard. 他们的赞美,就成为那些听见的人的一个的见证。

Evangelism is doxological. 传福音是赞美。这一段要讲出的是敬拜赞美、造就和见证、宣教是同一码事。

Section 2,The Means of Ministry. 第二,教会事工的方法。

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How are we to accomplish the goals of our ministry? 我们如何成就我们事工的目标呢?

Three means of ministry are presented in the New Testament. 在新约《圣经》提出三种事工的方法:The first is the ministry of the word. 第一是传道的事工。

We are called to minister the truth of the gospel in faith and to faith. 上帝呼召我们把福音的真理传出去,以此服事,用信心的传出去,以至人有信心。

有多处经文我们逐步地去看约翰福音17:8-17节。 约翰福音17:8节:“因为你所赐给我的道,我已经赐给他们,他们也领受了,又确实知道,我是从你出来的,并且信你差了我来。耶稣基督向父所讲的。“约翰福音17:17节:“求你用真理使他们成圣;你的道就是真理。”圣父给了圣子“道”,子把它教导差遣门徒传出去,使人成圣。

使徒行传6:4 节,彼得和使徒们说:“我们要专心以祈祷、传道为事。”传道,最重要的是传道。

罗马书10:8 节,我们从第7开开始读:“谁要下到阴间去呢?(就是要领基督从死里上来。)他到底怎么说呢?他说:这道离你不远,正在你口里,在你心里,就是我们所传信主的道。”就是信心的道路。




The growth of the church can be described as the growth of the Word. 教会的增长,可以说就是上帝话语的增长,或者是兴旺。使徒行传12:24节:上帝的道日渐兴旺,越发兴旺。“使徒行传19:20节:“主的道大大兴旺,而且得胜,就是这样。”

We are brought to birth by the Word of God preached to us. 因为上帝的道传了给我们,因此,上帝的道使我们生出来,上帝的道生了我们。彼得前书1:23-25节:“你们蒙了重生,不是由于能坏的种子,乃是由于不能坏的种子,是藉着上帝活泼常存的道。因为凡有血气的,尽都如草;他的美荣都像草上的花。草必枯干,花必凋谢;惟有主的道是永存的。所传给你们的福音就是这道。“上帝的道重生我们,而透过上帝的话语的传讲,我们得到造就、得到培育。


The second means is the ministry of order. 第二个事工的方法就是治理,或者是秩序(order)的事工。

This is closely associated with the faithful administration of the sacraments and includes the whole discipline of love in the body of Christ. 这个治理的事工,与忠实地施行圣礼有密切的关系,就包含了在基督的身体里面,用爱所执行的纪律,或者管教。

The word that is heard and believed must be obeyed. 人们听道,相信神的道,同时要顺服、遵行神的道。Mutual ministry within the church takes place in the caring of love. 教会里面彼此的服事,是透过爱的关顾。

Paul condemns busybodies who traffic in other people’s problems for their own satisfaction(1 Tim5:13). 保罗在提摩太前书5:13节指出,也责备那些好管闲事的人,他们在其他人的难题中穿穿插插,为了自己得到满足。提摩太前书5:13节:“她们又习惯懒惰,挨家闲游;不但是懒惰,又说长道短,好管闲事,说些不当说的话。“but he urges us to bear one another’s burdens. 但是,保罗劝我们要担彼此的重担。In no other way can we fulfill Christ’s command to love one another. 唯有这样,我们才能够遵行基督要我们彼此相爱的诫命的。加拉太书6:2 节: ”你们各人的重担要互相担当,如此,就完全了基督的律法。“

The discipline of the Spirit in the church is by no means limited to official acts of discipline. 圣灵在教会里的管教工作,不仅仅是限于那些正式的管教、惩戒的事工。It is grounded in the faithfulness with which Christians encourage and counsel one another. 圣灵的管教的工作的基础,就是基督徒很忠实地彼此的鼓励、彼此的劝诫。罗马书15:14节:“弟兄们,我自己也深信你们是满有良善,充足了诸般的知识,也能彼此劝戒。“彼此的劝戒。

In baptism and the Lord’s Supper the communion of the saints is displayed before the world as a witness. 教会施行洗礼和圣餐的时候,圣徒们之间的相通,在世人的面前就展开,成为见证。In these sacraments the church also submits to the word of Christ in the ordering of His fellowship. 在这些圣礼教会也顺服在基督的话语之下,就是教会如何在与基督相交的事情上,遵守规矩秩序,也是服从基督的话语的。这个是第二,治理或者是秩序的事工。

The ministry of mercy is the third way in which the ministry of the church is carried on. 教会的事工第三种的执行的方法,就是怜悯的事工。

The teaching of the word builds faith. 上帝话语的教导,是造就建立信心的。The maintaining of order shows love. 维持秩序,就是显示爱。The ministry of mercy is a sign of hope. 怜悯的事工是盼望、希望的一个的记号。

The miracles of Christ were signs of the Kingdom. 耶稣基督所行的神迹,是天国的记号。They revealed the compassion of Christ and His purpose to deliver us from the curse, the penalty of sin. 耶稣基督的神迹,彰显了祂的怜悯,和祂要搭救我们脱离咒诅、脱离罪的惩罚的目的。

Jesus charged his disciples to feed the hungry, 耶稣吩咐祂的门徒,要给饿的,有得吃;shelter the homeless, 无家可归的,给他们有地方住宿;visit those who were sick or in prison. 探访那些有病的,或者在监狱里的。By ministering to their brothers and sisters in the Lord, 当教会向主内的弟兄姊妹服事的时候,they would minister to the Lord himself. 他们其实就是服事了主耶稣祂自己(马太福音25:31~46节)。

The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us, 好撒玛利亚人的比喻,就教导我们,that the love that inspires sharing with the needy is modeled on the compassionate love of our Lord.感动我们去,与那些有需要的人分享那个爱,是以我们主耶稣基督怜悯的爱作模范的。It is the love of grace. 这种爱是恩典的爱。

We dare not ask, “Who is my neighbor?”in an effort to limit the number of those whom we are obliged to love. 我们不敢问这个问题:谁是我的邻舍?这样子来限制我们有责任去爱的那些的对象。Rather we must ask, 不是的,我们该问的问题乃是说:”To whom am I a neighbor? 我对谁是邻居?Where does God give me an opportunity to reveal love like the undeserved love by which I was saved?” 上帝在哪里给我一些的机会去表示那种,我所领受到救我的那种不配得到的爱呢?去哪里彰显这种的爱呢?

The gospel of grace requires us to show compassion in Christ’s name, 恩惠的福音要求我们要奉基督的名彰显怜悯。first to the household of faith; 首先,向信心的、信主的大家庭,then, as we have opportunity, to all men, 然后,当我们有机会的时候,我们要用这种爱心去关心所有的人。


Each of these three means of ministry serves each of the three goals of ministry. 这三方面事工的方法都成就事工的三个目标,A computer of the right sort could quickly diagram this by constructing a small checkerboard square on which the three means  laid off along one side would intersect with the three purposes laid off along another side at right angles to the first. 我们可以用电脑来画出这个图,就是好像一个棋盘一样,又像一个井字型的图:左手边三行,是三个事工的目标,然后,下面三行是三种事工的方法。

That is to say, 意思就是说:the ministry of God’s word enables us to worship God with scriptural praise,to edify the saints and to witness to the world. 传讲上帝话语的事工,使我们能够用合乎《圣经》的赞美来敬拜上帝,也能够造就众圣徒,也能够向世界作见证。所以,传道事工会达到三个目标,就是敬拜、造就和见证。

So also does love order our worship of God, our life together and even our witness to the world, since we are a city set on a hill. 同样的,我们的爱,是让我们对上帝的敬拜有秩序,使我们彼此分享的生命有秩序,甚至使我们向世界上的见证事工有秩序,因为我们是一个城,造在山上的。

Finally, the ministry of mercy relates to the same three goals. 最后,怜悯的事工也是与这三个目标有关的。It is part of our worship. 怜悯是我们敬拜的一部份。Paul sees the offering to the poor in Jerusalem as an offering to God. 保罗看到,当我们收奉献救济耶路撒冷的穷人的时候,这个是向上帝所奉献的一个供献。

哥林多后书9:12~15节:“因为办这供给的事,不但补圣徒的缺乏,而且叫许多人越发感谢上帝。他们从这供给的事上得了凭据,知道你们承认基督顺服他的福音,多多地捐钱给他们和众人,便将荣耀归与上帝。他们也因上帝极大的恩赐显在你们心里,就切切地想念你们,为你们祈祷。感谢上帝,因他有说不尽的恩赐。“(参考马太福音25:40节:“这些事你们既做在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。“ )

The ministry of mercy also serves the upbuilding of the saints. 怜悯事工,也造就圣徒的。As the Judean poor received the ministry of their Gentile brethren, 当犹太地那些穷的基督徒,接到他们外邦的弟兄的奉献的事工的时候,they learned to give thanks to God for His mercy to the Gentiles. 他们就学习向上帝感恩,因为上帝也怜悯外邦人的。(哥林多后书9:13~14节)

The ministry of mercy also carries forward the witness of the gospel. 怜悯事工,也使福音的见证事工兴旺。Mission hospitals around the world have conveyed to many suspicious or hostile people the genuineness of Christian love. 在世界各地的基督教的宣教的医院,向很多抱着怀疑的心,或者敌意的心的人,看到基督的爱是多么地真实。所以,不论是传道,或者是治理,或者是怜悯事工,每一样都成就敬拜、都成就造就、都成就见证,或者宣教事工的目标的。

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