Living in Christ’s Church Session 22



我们上一讲开始了第七章THE CHURCH: THE BODY OF CHRIST,“教会是基督的身体”。我们现在到了这个引言、导言的尾声。

上一讲我们是这样子结束的,There is one commonwealth, one household, one temple,所以,只有一个共和体、一个家、一个圣殿, and also one body,也是一个身体,Christ made Jews and Gentiles to be one, 耶稣基督使犹太人和外邦人成为一。


Consider the meaning of “one body” in that passage,请注意这段经文里面一体、一个身体的意义。Does it refer to the “one body” of the church in parallel with “one new man”? 这个“一体”的意思是不是指教会是一个身体,与一个新人是平行概念呢?Or does it refer to the one body of Christ in the cross, in parallel with “in His flesh” (vs. 15)? 还是说这个“一体”是指耶稣基督挂在十字架上的一个身体与祂的肉体(第15节)是平行的呢?以自己的身体(第15节)。

A good case could be made out for either interpretation.两种的解释方法都有它的理由的。But the striking fact is that,但是重要的,让我们惊讶的事实乃是说:the two meanings are so closely tied,这两种解释、两个意义有那么密切的关系。It is in the one body of Christ on the cross that Jew and Gentile are made one body. 就是因为耶稣基督在十字架上的那一个的身体,以致于犹太人、外邦人成为一个身体。一个基督的身体使犹太人、外邦人成为一个身体。

Christ died as the covenant head and representative of those who are “in Him.”耶稣基督死,祂对那些在祂里面的人来说,耶稣基督是约的头、约的代表。In the death of his body, they died to the curse of the law. 藉着耶稣基督身体的死,那些在祂里面的人呢,就向律法的咒诅死了。

The death of Christ that removed the curse fulfilled the law. 耶稣基督的死,就是除掉咒诅的死,成全了律法,也就是说,满足了律法所有的要求。It no longer separates Jew and Gentile.律法不再使犹太人和外邦人分隔成为两批人了,Rather they are united in one body, one church. 反之,他们在一个身体、一个教会里成为一了。

Because Christ in his one physical body represented all His people, 因为耶稣基督在祂一个肉体的身体里,代表祂所有的子民,their new unity can be described as the unity of the body of Christ. 所以,祂的子民的那个新的合一性,可以说就是基督的身体的合一性。They are one in Christ’s body, 他们在基督的身体里成为一体,one body, 一个教会,一个身体,one new man in Christ,在基督里一个新造的人。罗马书 12:5节:“正如我们一个身子上有好些肢体,肢体也不都是一样的用处。”我们是一个身子、也是一个新造的人。

在基督里一个新造的人,我们是一个身子,也是一个新造的人。They are a body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27), they are the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12) .他们是基督的一个身体, 他们就是基督的那个身体。经文有两处,一处是哥林多前书12:27节:“你们就是基督的身子,并且各自作肢体。”以弗所书4:12节:“为要成全圣徒,各尽其职,建立基督的身体。”那个身体是 the,有冠词的。


下面是第一大段,one bread, one body。一个饼、一个身体。

We are one body because Christ is our representative. 我们是一个身体,因为基督是我们的代表。We are all united to Christ, to His one body on the cross. 我们都与祂那个“挂在十字架上的”那个“一个身体”联合。Christ is more than our representative however: 可是,耶稣基督不仅仅是我们的代表, He is also our life祂也是我们的生命。we are united to him vitally. 我们在生命上是与祂联合的。

This is beautifully symbolized in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 在圣餐这个圣礼我们就看见一个很美的象征,保罗是这样说的。Paul writes: 哥林多前书10:16~17节:“我们所祝福的杯,岂不是同领基督的血吗?我们所擘开的饼,岂不是同领基督的身体吗?我们虽多,仍是一个饼,一个身体,因为我们都是分受这一个饼。”

Christ’s finished sacrifice is remembered at the table of the Lord. 在圣餐桌上,我们记念耶稣基督那个已经完成了的献祭。The bread is the memorial of his body, broken on the cross; 圣餐的饼是记念祂的身体(在十字架上舍的身体)的记念记号。memorial。The cup is the memorial of his blood, shed on the cross. 圣餐的杯是对祂在十字架上所流的血的记念。Christ has taken our basic food and, drink to be signs of the New Covenant. 耶稣基督将我们最基本的食物和饮料,作成为新的约的记号。

The covenant meal seals to our hearts His promise of salvation,圣餐把耶稣基督救恩的应许,在我们身上作了一个刻印、一个印证, and becomes the pledge of our own trust in Him. 圣餐也是我们信靠祂,在祂里面信靠的承诺。这里的意思就是说:从上而下,上帝应许给我们救赎,圣餐是这个印记;从下而上,我们信靠耶稣基督圣餐也是我们信心的承诺,pledge或者保证。

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In the act of eating and drinking our participation in Christ is symbolized, 我们吃喝,就象征着我们在基督里与祂有分,and by the blessing of God the physical sign is made a spiritual reality.因为有上帝赐福,所以这个物质上的记号——面包和酒就成为属灵的事实。We are united to the body of Christ as we partake spiritually of His body. 当我们在灵里面,分用祂的身体的时候,我们是与基督联合了。His life is not only given for us, but to us by the Holy Spirit.藉着圣灵的工作,耶稣基督的生命不单单是为了我们而赐下,而且是向我们赐下。就是耶稣为我们复活,祂也把这个生命赐给了我们,都是因为圣灵的工作。

The Supper is not a renewal of Christ’s sacrifice, 圣餐不是重复、更新重复基督的献上自己。For Christ offered one sacrifice for sins forever (Heb. 9:10, 12). 因为耶稣基督一次过永远为罪献上祂自己的。希伯来书9:10节:“这些事,连那饮食和诸般洗濯的规矩,都不过是属肉体的条例,命定到振兴的时候为止。”12节:“并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血,只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事。”

But the Supper is a renewal of our sharing in the life of Christ。但是,圣餐同时也是我们在基督的生命上有分的一个的更新,也就是圣餐再一次地象征着、再一次印记着我们与基督的生命,祂的复活了的生命有分。as by faith we remember His death and watch for His coming. 当我们借着信心记念祂的死,等候祂的再来的时候,我们是正在再一次地分享祂的生命,复活的生命。

Those who share the benefits of Christ’s death and the renewal of His life are united to one another even as they are united to Him. 这些在基督的死所带来的好处有分的人,也就是在基督的生命上再一次地有分。这些人呢,正如他们与基督联合,他们也是彼此联合的。The bread is one and the body of Christ that it represents is one. 饼是一个,饼所代表的基督的身体是一个。Those who by faith partake of Christ,那些借着信心领受耶稣基督,与祂有分的人are also one body, 他们也是一个身体joined in a feast of communion. 他们在一个相交的、交通的筵席上被连结起来。

下一段(第二段),The body of Chrst, a temple of the Spirit。基督的身体是圣灵的殿。

In the incarnation, God came to dwell among men.上帝借着道成肉身来住在人间(John 1:14)。约翰福音1:14节:“道成了肉身,住在我们中间,充充满满地有恩典有真理。我们也见过他的荣光,正是父独生子的荣光。”Jesus said of His body, (John 2:19) 耶稣在约翰福音2:19节这样讲论祂的身体(耶稣的),耶稣回答说:“你们拆毁这毁,我三日内要再建立起来。”耶稣是这样子来指祂的身体。Because Christ is the true temple, 因为基督是那个真的圣殿,we are made temples too when we are united to Christ. 当我们与基督联合的时候,我们也成为不同的圣殿,temples,复数的。

The apostle Paul uses the figure of the temple to demand holy living of the Christian. 使徒保罗用“圣殿”这个比喻来要求基督徒过圣洁的生活。他是这样说的,哥林多前书6:15节:“岂不知你们的身子是基督的肢体吗?我可以将基督的肢体作为娼妓的肢体吗?断乎不可!”第19节:“岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿吗?这圣灵是从 神而来,住在你们里头的;并且你们不是自己的人。”第20节:“因为你们是重价买来的。所以,要在你们的身子上荣耀上帝。”

The church too, as the body of Christ, is a temple of God’s presence. 同样地,教会身为基督的身体也是上帝的殿、上帝的居所。Paul says to the Corinthians, 保罗向哥林多的教会这样说,哥林多前书3:16-17节:“岂不知你们是上帝的殿,上帝的灵住在你们里头吗?若有人毁坏上帝的殿,上帝必要毁坏那人;因为上帝的殿是圣的,这殿就是你们。”

Just as the individual Christian must guard the holiness of his body, 正如一个一个的基督徒必须个人地去保护着他身体的圣洁,so Christians together must guard the purity of the church.同样地,基督徒应该联合起来,来保持教会的纯洁性。

The reason is the same:原因是一样的,both are holy bodies,个人和教会都是圣洁的身体,because of the holiness of Christ’s body to which they are joined. 因为他们与耶稣基督的身体连结起来,而耶稣基督的身体是圣洁的。

第三段,One body, many members 身体是一个。肢体是众多的。

By applying the figure of the body of Christ to both the Christian individual and the church, Paul avoids both individualism and collectivism. 保罗将“基督的身体”这个比喻用在个别的基督徒身上,也用在教会上,这样子保罗就避免了纯个人主义,也是纯集体主义。What counts for both the individual and the group is union with Christ. 不论对个人或者对整体来说,重要的是与基督联合。

The individual Christian is in Christ,个别的基督徒是在基督里的人,the life of Jesus is manifest in his body (2 Cor. 4:10). 耶稣的生命彰显在他的身体上。哥林多后书4:10 节:“身上常带着耶稣的死,使耶稣的生,也显明在我们身上了。”Christians are not “in Christ” by being in His body the church,基督徒不是因为他在基督的身体里(在教会里),所以他是在基督里。but by being in the body of His death and resurrection. 基督徒乃是因为他在基督的死跟复活的身子里,简单地说,他是在基督里,因此他在教会里。

Every Christian must offer his body in living sacrifice out of gratitude to Christ who offered His body on the cross. 每一位基督徒因为向基督感恩,基督在十字架上献上祂的身体,每位基督徒因为向这个感恩,所以,他必须献上他自己的身体作为活祭。But the church too is the body of Christ. 不单个人是如此,教会也是基督的身体。

No one is united to Christ without being united to all those who are in Christ. 没有一个人是与基督联合的,而不是与所有在基督里的人联合。Paul makes the figure of Christ’s human body a beautiful picture of the organic union and service of Christians who are members of Christ’s body and therefore also of one another. 保罗勾画了一幅很美的图画,他用的是“基督的人性的身体”这个比喻。他画出耶稣基督与信徒们之间的生命性的有机的联合,也是与基督徒和服事生命上的联合。基督徒是基督身体上的肢体,因此彼此是归属的。

Paul, of course, does not confuse the church with the resurrection body of Christ that he saw on the road to Damascus. 保罗并没有将他在大马色的路上所看到的耶稣基督复活的身体,和教会混为一谈,他的思想不是混乱的。nor does he suggest that the incarnation of Christ is continued or extended in the church. 他也没有意思要说基督的道成肉身是继续在教会里,或者基督的道成肉身在教会里延伸,不是的。

Indeed Paul does not even use the body figure to describe the church’s service to the world. 诚然地,当保罗描述教会向世界的事工、教会向世界服事的时候,他甚至乎没有用人的身体这个比喻。His concern in calling the church “the body of Christ” is,他称教会为“基督的身体”,他的用意、他所关注的事乃是,to show how the church is united to Christ and therefore joined together by Christ. 他要指出教会是是基督的身体,是与基督联合的。因此,教会也是彼此由基督来联合的。Paul writes that the church must hold fast the “head, from whom all the body, being supplied and knit together through the joints and bands, increaseth with the increase of God” (Col. 2:19). 在歌罗西书2:19节(保罗是这样说的):“不持定元首。全身既然靠着他,筋节得以相助联络,就因上帝大得长进。”

In Ephesians 4 Paul makes the figure rich and complex indeed for he talks of the church’s growing as a body, through the gift that Christ the head supplies, into full maturity-of which Christ is both the measure and the goal. 保罗在以弗所书第四章呢,他讲的那个的比喻是丰富的,是多层次的、是复杂的。因为他说到耶稣的教会要好像身体这样成长,就是透过基督——教会的元首,所供应的恩赐来成长,直到教会整个有完全成熟,而耶稣基督是这个成熟的目标和衡量。The church grows from Christ to be like Christ,教会从耶稣基督那里来成长,教会要像祂。indeed, grows into Christ. 诚然地,教会要成长进到基督里面。

When Paul speaks of Christ as the head of the body, he is not thinking of the head as the top member of the body. 当保罗讲到耶稣基督祂是教会的「头」、身体的「头」的时候,他不是在讲「头」是在所有肢体的上面, he is using “head” as a separate figure to describe Christ’s Lordship over the body. 他讲是一个固定的、一个特定的比喻来形容耶稣基督是身体的「头」。One indication of this is the way he speaks of parts of the head,其中一个证据就是,他是怎么样讲到这个「头」的部分的,eye, ear, nose-as members of the body. 他讲到基督徒是这个「头」的身体的肢体,好像耳朵、眼睛、鼻子等等,参考哥林多前书12:16~17节:“设若耳说:“我不是眼,所以不属乎身子,”它也不能因此就不属乎身子。若全身是眼,从哪里听声呢?若全身是耳,从哪里闻味呢?“还有哥林多前书11:3 节:”我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头;男人是女人的头;上帝是基督的头。“保罗在讲基督是身体的「头」,我们是肢体。但他也讲基督是「头」,我们是祂「头」里面的耳朵、眼睛等等。

The body grows in unity because it is provided for and nourished from one source. 这个身体能够在合一里面成长,因为她从一个来源得到供应、得到滋润。The church as Christ’s body in this sense is close to the figure of the church as Christ’s bride.所以,教会是基督的身体的意义,就好像教会是基督的新娘子,差不多。A man cherishes his wife as his own body (Eph. 5:28). 人会珍贵他自己的妻子、他的新娘子,就好像他珍贵他自己的身体一样。以弗所书5:28节:“丈夫也当照样爱妻子,如同爱自己的身子;爱妻子便是爱自己了。”

Christ, the Second Adam, cherishes the church, 基督身为第二亚当,祂珍贵教会。which is “bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh” (Gen. 2:23, 24, Eph. 5:31, 32). 因为教会是基督“骨中的骨,肉中的肉。”创世记2:23~24节,那人说:这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以称她为“女人”,因为她是从“男人”身上取出来的。因此,人要离开父母,与妻子连合,二人成为一体。以弗所书5:31~32节:“为这个缘故,人要离开父母,与妻子连合,二人成为一体。这是极大的奥秘,但我是指着基督和教会说的。“

Christ loves the church as His own body (Eph. 5:24-28). 基督爱教会,就正如爱祂自己的身子一样(以弗所书5:24~28节)。我们下次把这个讲完它,就是一个身体,不同的肢体。

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