Living in Christ Church Sessions 16

《教会论与教会生活》 第16讲


第五章教会与国度,第一段,God’s Kingdom Rules,上帝国度的统治权。

我们刚才读了一些经文说,上帝特别是以色列的君王。God’s rule over Israel was to make Israel a showcase. 上帝统治以色列,祂的心意是要让以色列作为一个陈设,摆设,或者说做一个见证。The Nations of the earth were see the glory of the Lord’s salvation. 地上的万国要看到耶和华拯救的救恩的荣耀。

At the pinnacle of the reign of Solomon, 在所罗门统治的巅峰期的时候,the kings of the earth did come to hear the wisdom of God’s king and to see the magnificent that God has given him,地上的诸国的君王都来听上帝所立的君王的智慧,也来看上帝给这位君王的华美。


The king of Israel gifted by the Lord,以色列的王有耶和华所给他的恩赐,became a symbol of God’s rule His people,他就成为上帝统治祂子民的一个象征。Solomon failed miserably in his calling however. 可是,所罗门在他的呼召上失败得非常的惨。He married heathen princess,他娶了异教的公主们,in order to seal his treaties with the surrounding Nations,用来保证他与旁边的国家所立的条约。And even erected shrines in Jerusalem for the gods of the heathens. 甚至在耶路撒冷呢,建立这些异教的神明的庙宇。No longer did Israel witness to the exclusive salvation of the one true God. 现在以色列不再见证唯一真神的排他性的救恩了。The threatened judgment came, 上帝所警告、所威吓的审判来到了。As God gave the kingdom of Israel over to the power of Gentiles, 上帝将以色列的王国的权柄转移给了外邦人,Israel was carried into captivity,以色列就被掳了。

But the Lord made it clear that His Kingdom power has not been defeated. 可是,上帝清楚地表示,祂的国度和权能并没有失败。His prophets declared that,耶和华的先知宣告:God was using the Assyrians and Babylonians,上帝在使用亚述人和巴比伦人, to accomplish his Royal rule, 来成就祂君王的旨意。以赛亚书10:5~19节: “亚述是我怒气的棍,手中拿我恼恨的仗。我要打发他攻击亵渎的国民,吩咐他攻击我所恼怒的百姓,抢财为掳物,夺货为掠物,将他们践踏,像街上的泥土一样……“一直到第19节。

外邦人,亚述人、巴比伦人都是上帝手中的器皿。Through Israel in exile God revealed that He was yet King of the nations. 上帝透过被掳的、被放逐的以色列民,上帝透过他们来启示、来显明祂仍然是万国的君王。Through the prophet Daniel,上帝透过先知但以理,God’s rule over the mightiest monarch was obviously shown. 上帝显明祂统治那些最有权能的君王,很明显地来突出的显明。God could call Nebuchadnezzar to eat grass like a ox,上帝可以使尼布甲尼撒王好像牛这样子吃草,and could put down blaspheming Belshazzar,也可以将亵渎祂的王伯沙撒倾倒下来。


Israel’s exile became the occasion for God demonstrating His universal rule over the Gentile Nations. 是的,以色列的被掳是一个机会,在这个处境里,上帝显明了祂统治全世界,祂统治外邦的国度的。But God’s revelation promises much more. 但是,上帝的启示所应许的还不止这些,He declares to the prophets that,祂透过先知们宣告:His saving Kingdom will coming in power and glory. 祂拯救的国度要以大能和荣耀来到。A rock not cut with a human or crushed like a fender bolt against the image of the even empire (Dan. 2:34). 但以理书 2:34节:“你观看,见有一块非人手凿出来的石头打在这像半铁半泥的脚上,把脚砸碎。”就是说,有一个不是人手所凿出来的石头,要砸碎外邦人(异教)的帝国的像。Like the idol Dagon, 就好像非利士的神一样,the Kingdom of this world will fall. 这个世界的各个国度都要倒下来。The stone of God’s Kingdom will become a great mountain. 上帝国度这石头会成为一个大山,成为一座大山,filling all the earth. 充满全地。

但以理书2:35节:“于是金、银、铜、铁、泥都一同砸得粉碎,成如夏天禾场上的糠秕,被风吹散,无处可寻。打碎这像的石头变成一座大山,充满天下。”第44节:“当那列王在位的时候,天上的 神必另立一国,永不败坏,也不归别国的人,却要打碎灭绝那一切国,这国必存到永远。”

The ruler of God’s Kingdom,而上帝国度的统治者呢?但以理书7:13~14节,第13节:“我在夜间的异象中观看,见有一位像人子的,驾着天云而来,被领到亘古常在者面前,得了权柄、荣耀、国度,使各方、各国、各族的人都侍奉祂。祂的权柄是永远的,不能废去;祂的国必不败坏。”这个是上帝国度的统治者的形象,祂领受了一个永远的国度或者王权。The ruler of God’s Kingdom is one like a sound of man will come to the ancient of days on the clouds of heaven and receives and eternal dominion. 这个讲到上帝的王权、上帝国度的统治权。

好的,现在第二段(本章的第二段),The Lord comes in saving power, 上帝以拯救的大能来临。

As we have seen,正如我们所看到的,God brings salvation by coming Himself,上帝透过祂亲自的来临,将救恩带来。It is the coming of the Lord that is announced by the angels. 天使所宣告的是:主来了!路加福音2:11节:“因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。”Mary is told about by Gabriel,加百列天使告诉马利亚:that the kingdom of her Son shall have no end,她的儿子的国度是无穷尽的。路1:33节:“他要作雅各家的王,直到永远;他的国也没有穷尽。”

When Jesus begins His ministry,当主耶稣开始传道的时候,He preaches as John did that the Kingdom of God is at hand,祂正如施洗约翰一样宣告:上帝的国已经近了。But He also demonstrates by mighty works that ,但是,祂也透过祂的神迹奇事,祂显明天国的大能已经来到了。He also demonstrates by mighty work that the power of the Kingdom is already present. He can cast out demons,耶稣能够赶鬼,because He has conquered Satan,因为祂已经胜过撒旦,He has bound the devil the strong man,祂已经把壮士捆绑了。

And therefore He can grab Satan off His victims, 所以,耶稣可以将撒旦的受害者掳过来、夺过来。马太福音12:28~30节:“我若靠着上帝的灵赶鬼,这就是上帝的国临到你们了。人怎能进壮士家里,抢夺他的家具呢?除非先捆住那壮士,才可以抢夺他的家财。不与我相合的,就是敌我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。”

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In the power of the Holy Spirit Christ brings in the Kingdom of God. 耶稣基督藉着圣灵的大能,将上帝的国带来了。路加福音11:20节:“ 我若靠着上帝的能力赶鬼,这就是上帝的国临到你们了。”Jesus conquered Satan and his temptation,耶稣在受撒旦的试探的时候,胜过了撒旦,Satan attacked him on the point of His divine Sonship,撒旦攻击耶稣基督祂身为上帝的儿子的身份,and Jesus showed that, 耶稣显明,He was indeed the perfect Son of God as He resisted and dismissed the devil,耶稣透过抵挡魔鬼、赶走魔鬼,来显明祂实实在在是那位完全的、无罪的上帝的儿子(马太福音4:1~11节)。The picture seems to be complete,这幅图画好像完整了。

Through the centuries God promised the day when He would come to judge the earth in Kingdom of power. 在旧约这么多世纪以来,上帝应许有一天祂要来,以王权的大能,来审判大地、审判列国的,He would destroy all the wicked and oppressive regimes of this world that have risen like beast out of the sea. 祂会毁灭所有这些邪恶的、压迫人的政权,这些就好像从海里兴起的野兽一样,And replace them,上帝要把他们取代掉,with God’s own Kingdom of justice and peace,以祂自己的公义和和平的国度取代之。Only God Himself can be the King of this perfect and final Kingdom. 而只有上帝才能做这个完全的、最后的国度的君王的。

In gospel we hear John the Baptist preaching,在福音书里面,我们听到施洗约翰所宣告的就是:that’s the time of God’s Kingdom had come. 上帝国度的时候到了!The ax of God judge was laying at the root of every tree of wickedness,上帝的审判好像斧头一样,已经在所有邪恶的树根上了,ready to cut it down,随时砍下来。

Israel groaned under the heel of Roman rule,以色列人在罗马人的统治之下叹息。But the kingdom of God was at hand then Jesus came,但是,上帝的国快到了,然后,耶稣来了,the one whom John had promised , 就是施洗约翰所应许的那一位,one who would baptize in the Holy Spirit and fire of judgment,就是以圣灵和审判之火来施洗的那一位。Jesus is none other than God the Son,耶稣就是上帝的儿子,不是哪一位,就是上帝的儿子。

He does not need armies of angels to usher into the Kingdom of God. 耶稣不需要一队军队或天使来引进上帝的国,alone and unaided He defeated Satan,祂是独自的,没有人帮助祂,就胜过了撒旦,and He has the power to destroy all his works,祂也有大能来破坏所有撒旦作为的。What remains to be done? 还有什么要做的呢?Has now the King of righteousness, justice and peace come with Jesus Christ? 公义、正直和平安的国度,是否已经透过耶稣基督已经来到了呢?

第三段,天国的审判在哪里?Where is the Kingdom judgment?

As we read the Gospels we find a strange story unfolded,当我们读福音书的时候,我们看到一个很不寻常的故事正在展开。Jesus has the power of God,耶稣有上帝的大能,He proclaimed the kingdom of God,耶稣宣讲上帝的国。 But where is it? 但是,上帝的国在哪里呢?Where is the social justice?社会的公义在哪里呢?the delivers of the poor? 穷人在哪里得到搭救呢?the relief of the oppressed? 受压迫的在哪里得到释放呢?in the synagogue at Nazareth,在拿撒勒的会堂中,Jesus has announced God’s great year of Jubilee,耶稣已经宣告上帝伟大的禧年已经来到了,the coming in of the new order of the Kingdom, 上帝的国的新的整个体制,整个的秩序已经来了。

But when He finishes His preaching,但是,耶稣讲完道之后,His power’s only to enable Him to escape His fellow townsmen when they try to throw Him over cliff,耶稣有什么能力呢?只有能力当祂的同乡要把祂从山崖丢下去的时候,祂只有能力逃走而已。This paradox of the Kingdom,这个天国的表面上的矛盾, 这个天国的吊诡,expressed in the agonized question of John Baptist,透过施洗约翰痛苦的哀叹中的问题表达出来。In King Herod’s prison,他在希律王的监狱里,he heard the miracles of Jesus,他听到耶稣在行神迹,no work of power was too great,没有什么能力是太大的,Jesus could even give life to the dead (Luke 7:11-17),没有什么能力是太大的,没有什么神迹是太大的,耶稣甚至乎可以使死人复活(路加福音7:11~17节)。

But if Jesus has such a power,但是,耶稣如果有这么大的能力的话,why did He not use it? 祂为什么不使用它呢?If Jesus had the power of the Kingdom,假如耶稣有天国的大能,why did He not free His own forerunner? 为什么祂不将祂的先锋——施洗约翰自己释放出来呢?祂的先锋就是施洗约翰,不是已经宣告了天国要来吗?If Jesus set the capture free,耶稣若是使被囚的释放的话,why did He not deliver John from prisoner? 为什么祂不搭救施洗约翰从监狱出来呢?If Jesus was to chop down every tree of wickedness,耶稣若是要砍下所有的邪恶的树,why did He not be given the wicked King Hero? 为什么祂不以这位邪恶的希律王开始呢?who had imprisoned John for speaking the truth against the king’s sin, 因为约翰是说出希律王的罪,而被囚的。

It was too much for John!施洗约翰受不了了!He sent messengers to Jesus, asked Him,他差派使者们去耶稣那里去问,Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? 路加7:19节:他便叫了两个门徒来,打发他们到主那里去,说:“那将要来的是你吗?还是我们等候别人呢?“In questioning whether Jesus was the Messiah, 当施洗约翰质问耶稣是否是弥赛亚的时候,John was questioning his own ministry,事实上,施洗约翰在质疑自己的传道事工,the whole point of his life and preaching,他整个生命和他传道的意义。

It was clear to join that Jesus was bringing in the kingdom. 对约翰而言,可能很明显的是:耶稣并没有带来国度。Not doing the work of Messiah. 并不是在做弥赛亚的工作。How could he be the coming one whom John had proclaimed. 耶稣怎么可能是耶稣所宣告的那位将要来的那一位呢?

Jesus was gentle with John, 耶稣柔和地对待施洗约翰,he have John’s disciples with him,while he performed more miracles than a dedicated his ministry.祂让施洗约翰的门徒陪着祂再做一些神迹,这些神迹都是证实祂的事工的。His miracles were just those that have been prophesied。祂的神迹恰恰就是那些先知所预言的。以赛亚书35:5~6节:“那时,瞎子的眼必睁开;聋子的耳必开通。那时,瘸子必跳跃像鹿;哑巴的舌头必能歌唱。在旷野必有水发出;在沙漠必有河涌流。”路加福音7:22节,耶稣回答说:“你们去,把所看见所听见的事告诉约翰,就是瞎子看见,瘸子行走,长大麻风的洁净,聋子听见,死人复活,穷人有福音传给他们。“

Christ’s work for witness of Him. 耶稣的工作为祂作见证。Then Jesus challenged John to continuing faith,然后,耶稣向施洗约翰挑战,要持续地相信。His message to John was blessed is he, whosoever shall find no occasional stumbling in me. 耶稣对施洗约翰的信息就是,路加7:23 节:“凡不因我跌倒的,就有福了。”Jesus required John to trust that He was Messiah, 耶稣要求施洗约翰要相信祂就是弥赛亚,and that He was doing the work of the Messiah,相信耶稣就是在做弥赛亚的工作,even though He was not bringing in the promised Messianic judgment,虽然耶稣并没有带来所应许的弥赛亚的审判。

Can we help those who come to us with a question like John Baptist? 我们可以帮助那些人们吗?当他们问那些好像施洗约翰问的问题的时候?It’s often asked: 很多人会问:if Jesus is indeed the God man , 耶稣若诚然是神人,and is now Ruler of the kings of the earth,耶稣若现在就是地上君王的统治者,how can there be such injustice? 那怎么可能世界上有这么多不公义的事情?Such tragedy, 这样的悲剧,and capacity in the world.这样的灾难呢?

Surely this world doesn’t and 诚然地,这个世界跟先知们所宣告的上帝的国,不太像呢?If Jesus the King had come, 耶稣君王若已经到来,where is the peace and justice a all kingdom, 祂的国度的平安和公义在哪里呢?

我们下一讲就会开始下一段,The Kingdom, present and future,天国已临,天国未临。

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