Living in Christ’s Church Session 26

《教会论与教会生活》 第26讲


我们继续讲第八章《教会是圣灵的团契》。The communion of the Spirit joins us both to God and to men. 圣灵所赐的交通,使我们与上帝连结,也使我们与别人连结。

The participation of the church in the presence and blessings of the Spirit is a sharing of a common life, 教会在圣灵的同在上有分,教会在圣灵的福份上有分,是一种共同的、生命的共享。not in the sense of shared experiences primarily,主要不是说:我们基督徒之间有共同的,或者类似的经验;but of a shared nature,主要的意思是:我们基督徒有一个共有的性情,或者人性,the nature of new creatures in Christ Jesus. 就是在基督耶稣里,作为新造的受造者,这个新的人性。

Those who share this Spirit are bound together in the same mind,of one accord, united in the love of Christ (Phil. 2:1, 2). 所有有这个灵,在这个灵有分的人呢,都有共同的心思、共同的意志,都在基督的爱里面合而为一,被连结起来了。(腓立比书2:1~2)就是说:有共同的新的本性,因此,有共同的心思、意志和爱。腓立比书2:1-2节:所以,在基督里若有什么劝勉,爱心有什么安慰,圣灵有什么交通,心中有什么慈悲怜悯,你们就要意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念,使我的喜乐可以满足。

Those who share a common life will also be ready to share daily bread or clothing. 当我们共享一个共同的生命的时候,我们就会随时愿意分享每天的食物,或者是需要的衣服。The communion created by the Holy Spirit includes the assurance that we belong to the Lord. 圣灵所造成的相交,包括我们有确据,确知我们是属于主耶稣基督的。The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits,圣灵与我们的灵作见证,that we are the children of God (Rom. 8:16).作见证说“我们是神的儿女”。罗马书8:16 节:圣灵与我们的灵(或者我们的心)同证我们是 神的儿女。

The Spirit is the spirit of adoption, 圣灵是那位作儿子名分的灵,claiming us as sons and daughters of the Father. 圣灵领取我们,宣称我们是父 神的儿子或者女儿。Paul writes, “And because ye are sons,God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts,crying, Abba, Father!” (Gal. 4:6). 保罗在加拉太书4:6节这样写:你们既为儿子,上帝就差祂儿子的灵进入你们的心,呼叫:“阿爸!父!“

God has sealed us and given us the guarantee of the Spirit in our hearts (2 Cor. 1:22). 上帝已经在我们身上作了印记,seal,也在我们心里面赐给我们圣灵的保证。哥林多后书1:22节:他又用印印了我们,并赐圣灵在我们心里作凭据(原文作“质”,物质的“质”)。

What a seal God’s presence is! 上帝的临在是何等的一个印记啊!Not merely a mark on our foreheads, 不单单是在我们额头上打个印,not a blue tassel on our clothing,不是在我们衣服上的一个流苏,marks us as God’s, 就可以成为印记表明我们是属上帝的,but the Lord Himself with us. 乃是说:主祂自己在我们里面,这个是印记。That is why Paul warns, 因此,保罗在以弗所书4:30节是这样警告的,And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,where by ye are sealed unto the day of redemption” (Eph. 4:30). 保罗说:“不要叫上帝的圣灵担忧;你们原是受了祂的印记,等候得赎的日子来到。“(以弗所书4:30节)

There is nothing impractical about the fellowship of the Spirit. 圣灵所赐的交通,一点都不会不合实际的。 We are joint-heirs with Christ,我们与基督是同为后嗣的,(罗马书8:17~18)in our present sufferings as well as in our future glory (Rom. 8:17, 18). 在我们现今的苦难和我们将来的荣耀,我们都是与基督同为后嗣的。罗马书第8章,从第17节开始:“既是儿女,便是后嗣,就是上帝的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣。如果我们和祂一同受苦,也必和祂一同得荣耀。我想现在的苦楚,若比将来要显于我们的荣耀,就不足介意了。“

The Holy Spirit gives us joy, 圣灵赐喜乐给我们,but He also knows our sighs.可是,祂也知道我们的叹息。 Not only do we groan within ourselves, 我们不单单在我们里头叹息,the Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26).圣灵用说不出来的叹息(来用叹息)为我们祷告。罗马书8:26 节:“况且,我们的软弱有灵帮助;我们本不晓得当怎样祷告,只是灵亲自用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。“The Spirit gives us deep joy, 圣灵赐给我们深深的喜乐,but not a constant state of ecstasy.可是,不是一种永不终止的、一种的颠峰状态。

The Spirit brings the compassion of Christ to our deepest sorrows,圣灵在我们最深处的忧伤里, 带来基督的怜悯,and heals our wounds with a foretaste of heaven’s purest joys. 圣灵用天上的、最纯洁的喜乐的初尝,来医治我们的伤痕,就是我们可以先尝到天上的喜乐。

The sword of the Spirit, the word of God, pierces our hearts, 圣灵的宝剑,就是上帝的话,刺透我们的心,convinces us of sin, 叫我们扎心、知罪,cleanses our minds,洁净我们的心思with the pure truth of Christ,用基督纯洁的、纯正的真理,来清洁我们的心思,and fixes our thoughts on the Savior. 而叫我们专心注目在救主耶稣的身上。

The Spirit bears fruit in our lives, 圣灵在我们的生命中结出果子,making us more like Christ and like one another. 使我们更加像基督,也彼此更加地相像。

The love of the Spirit binds the church in one, 圣灵的爱使教会连结,合而为一,vanquishing strife and bitterness; 胜过争辩和苦毒;the wisdom of the Spirit guides the church in obedient living; 圣灵的智慧带领着教会在顺服中生活;the zeal of the Spirit thrusts the church forth to witness to Christ. 圣灵所赐的热心,要打发教会出去放胆地为基督作见证。

Christians learn to minister to one another the comfort of the Spirit,基督徒学习以圣灵所赐的安慰彼此服事,and they find strength to bear one another’s burdens in the power of the Spirit. 藉着圣灵所赐的能力,基督徒得到力量,担当彼此的重担。

The Spirit, as has been well said, is the Spirit of order as well as ardor, 有人说得好!圣灵是秩序的灵,也是热心的灵;of truth as well as of life. 是真理的灵,也是生命的灵;It is the Spirit who endures for ministry,是圣灵赐下恩赐使人从事圣工,and who appoints those who are called to govern in the church (Acts 20:28).就是圣灵指派那些蒙呼召的,来治理教会。使徒行传20:28节,保罗对以弗所的长老们说:“圣灵立你们作全群的监督。“

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The structure of the church is formed by the stewardship of the gifts of the Spirit,as Christ has appointed. 教会的架构是如何成形的呢?就是按照基督所指派的,圣灵的恩赐由好管家来领受和使用。The Spirit grants those very graces of love and forbearance,圣灵赐下那些爱和忍耐的诸般恩典,that prepare us to be in submission to one another,就是这些诸般的恩典,预备我们彼此顺服,and to receive from others the ministry of the gifts the Lord has given them (Eph. 4:1-7). 也预备我们用爱和忍耐来领受其他的信徒们因为主耶稣所赐给他们的恩赐,所做出的服事,我们领受他们的服事。


Only through spiritual discipline does the church remain a holy temple to the Lord. 教会只有透过在灵里面的管教,或者是纪律,才能够继续坐作“在主耶稣面前的”圣殿,The Spirit convinces the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. 约翰福音16:8~9节,圣灵叫世人知罪,圣灵叫人知道上帝的公义和审判。He witnesses in the world to Jesus Christ. 圣灵在世界里为耶稣基督作见证。Yes, the Spirit says, “Come!” 是的,灵说:“来!”The church, the community of the Spirit, says “Come!” 教会——圣灵的群体说:“来!”

That call has been muffled,这个呼吁很多时候成为沉默了,the professing church has grieved the Spirit,承认基督的教会往往令圣灵担忧,by living without true holiness or joy,因为教会常常没有真的圣洁,在生活上没有真的喜乐,or compassion. 或者没有真正的怜悯。It has often departed from the truth of the Spirit, 教会往往偏离圣灵所启示的真理,substituting man’s wisdom for the word of God. 偏离上帝的话,以人的智慧取代之。

But now is the time for the ministry of a Spirit-filled church. 现在时候到了,教会要作为一个以圣灵充满的教会来服事,Now is the time to call men to the stream of mercy that flows from God’s throne. 现在是时候,呼吁人来到上帝宝座前所流出的恩典的江河。

Review Questions 温习问题,五条:

第一条,Does the church possess the Holy Spirit? 教会是否有圣灵?What is the other side of the coin? 这件事情从另外一面来讲,是什么呢?

第二条,How would you describe the church in relation to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? 你如何形容教会与圣父、圣子和圣灵的关系呢?

第三条,Jesus told his disciples not to be disappointed at His going away. 耶稣告诉门徒们,不要因为祂离开而失望,What did he promise to answer their disappointment (John 14:16-18)? 耶稣为要使他们不失望,耶稣应许什么呢?(约翰福音14:16~18节) What is surprising about this promise? 这个应许有哪一方面是让人惊奇的呢?

第四条, If the Spirit is personal,假如灵是位格,why does the New Testament use impersonal figures to describe the Spirit ? 为什么新约《圣经》用这些非位格的比喻来描述圣灵呢? (就是wine, wind, water, fire,酒、风、水和火。)

第五条,What are some of the gifts of the Spirit that enable Christians to maintain the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:1-7)?(以弗所书4:1~7节)圣灵赐下哪一些的恩赐,让基督徒能够维持圣灵所赐的合一性呢?

Discussion Questions讨论问题,六条:

第一条,How did the ministry of Jesus prepare for the coming of the Spirit? 耶稣基督在地上的传道事工,是如何预备圣灵的来到?Can the coming of the Spirit be described as the climax of God’s work of redemption? 我们可不可以说“圣灵的降临”是上帝救赎大功的高峰或者高潮呢?

第二条,Some churches have thought of themselves as the people of God (Presbyterians, perhaps?); 有些教会自认自己是上帝的子民,可能长老会,others have defined themselves as the body of Christ (the Anglicans); 又有一些教会,为自己定义为基督的身体,例如圣公会;still others as the communion of the Spirit (Pentecostalists) 又有其他的教会自认是圣灵的团契,五旬节、灵恩派。Why is it important to keep the biblical balance? 维持《圣经》里的平衡为什么那么重要呢?

第三条,What would be some of the dangers of forgetting that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ? 若忘记圣灵就是基督的灵,会带来哪些的危险呢?How does it help us to remember that,这个原则如何帮助我们记住,that the filling of the Spirit is also the filling of Christ and of God (Eph. 5:18; 1:23; 4:13; 3:19)?记住被圣灵充满,同时就是被基督充满、被上帝充满呢? (以弗所书5:18节,1:23节,4:13节,3:19节)。

Why is it that when Christians isolate the Spirit they tend to depersonalize the Spirit? 为什么当基督徒把圣灵孤立起来,就是当考虑圣灵的时候不考虑圣父、圣子,他们会把圣灵非位格化呢?他们会把圣灵讲得非常地抽象?若不同时思考到父和子,为什么灵就会成为一个很抽象的概念或者能量呢?

第四条,Consider the significance for the life of the church that it is the Spirit of glory who dwells in its midst (2 Cor. 1:22, 5:5, Eph. 1:14, Rom. 8:21, 23). 教会有荣耀的灵住在他们中间的,这个事实对教会的生活又有什么的重要性呢?(哥林多后书1:22节,哥林多后书5:5节,以弗所书1:14节,罗马书8:21和23节)

第五条,How does our sharing of the Spirit equip us for suffering (Rom. 8:11-18, 26)? 我们在圣灵里共享,是如何装备我们面对苦难呢?(罗马书8:11~18节,还有第26节)

第六条,Discuss the distinction between the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit,请讨论圣灵所结出的果子,和圣灵所赐的恩赐之间的区别。fruit of the Spirit圣灵的果子, (graces that make us like Christ, Galatians 5:22~23) 圣灵的果子,就是诸般的恩典,使我们更像基督的(加拉太书5:22~23节),the gifts of the Spirit (graces that make us differ from one another, 而圣灵所赐的恩赐呢,乃是那些诸般的恩典是让我们与其他基督徒不一样的(1 Corinthians 12:4-30)(哥林多前书12:4~30节)



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