Living in Christ’s Church Session 40《教会论与教会生活》 第40讲


我们继续讲治理教会的制度。我们在讲呢,教会的治理的权柄是天国的权柄。因为不论在家庭、教会和社会上都有基督或者 神所赋予权柄的那些授职的人员。所以,当教会宣告基督的话,也应用基督的话在某一些情况下,我们应该顺服,就当作是主的权柄来领受。

Yet the ministers of Christ do not call down fire from heaven. 但是,基督的仆人、传道人不可以从天上呼唤火降下来。路加福音9:49~56节,约翰说:“夫子,我们看见一个人奉你的名赶鬼,我们就禁止他,因为他不与我们一同跟从你。”耶稣说:“不要禁止他;因为不敌挡你们的,就是帮助你们的。”耶稣被接上升的日子将到,他就定意向耶路撒冷去,便打发使者在他前头走。他们到了撒玛利亚的一个村庄,要为他预备。那里的人不接待他,因他面向耶路撒冷去。他的门徒雅各、约翰看见了,就说:“主啊,你要我们吩咐火从天上降下来烧灭他们,像以利亚所做的吗?”耶稣转身责备两个门徒,说:“你们的心如何,你们并不知道。人子来不是要灭人的性命,是要救人的性命。”说着就往别的村庄去了。

Paul says that his apostolic authority was given to him for building up, not for tearing down(1 Cor. 10:8). 保罗说,他的使徒权柄,主耶稣给他,是为了建造,不是为了拆毁的。哥林多后书10:8节:“主赐给我们权柄,是要造就你们,并不是要败坏你们;我就是为这权柄稍微夸口,也不至于惭愧。”

A second major principle of biblical church government is the organic form of the church. 按照《圣经》治理教会的第二个主要原则就是:教会是一个生命体、是一个身体。

As we have noted, the diversity of the gifts of the Spirit calls for a mutual ministry in Christ’s body. 我们上文已经看到,因为圣灵所赐的恩赐有所不同,这个就意味着在基督的身体里,要有彼此服事的事工。For that interaction to take place there must be structure. 若有这种不同恩赐的互动,必须要有结构。The structure is that of an organism. 这个组织结构就是一个身体、一个生命体的结构。The church is organized like the members of the body, 教会的组织就像身体不同的肢体,not like the echelons of an army. 不像军队里的不同层次。Its ministry is mutual, 教会的事工是彼此服事的。

Church government does not begin with the specially gifted persons who are called to positions of rule in the church. 治理教会的制度的起点,不是那些特别有恩赐的人,上帝呼召他们占着那些治理教会的位置。不是的! It begins with the stewardship of gifts for order that every Christian possesses. 治理教会的出发点乃是:每一位基督徒都有一些为了教会秩序的恩赐,每一位基督徒都作这些恩赐的好管家。

We are called both to submit to the authority given by God to others and to exercise in love the authority God has given to us. 上帝呼召我们做两件事:第一,上帝所赐的权柄那些人呢,我们要顺服他们。第二,我们也要用上帝给我们的权柄,用爱心来使用这个权柄。The key is our submission to Jesus Christ as Lord and the Spirit of gentleness and meekness that He gives. 关键的是我们顺服我们的主——耶稣基督,我们顺服那个温柔的、柔和的灵,耶稣基督亲自给我们这个灵。

Christ’s meekness attaches to our exercise of rule as well as to our submission. 我们使用治理的权柄,或者我们顺服权柄都必须与耶稣基督的柔和连接上。Peter says that we are to submit to every human creature. 彼得说,我们要顺服每一个人, or perhaps to every human ordinance. 或者说每一个人类的典章,for the Lord’s sake. 都是为了主的缘故。彼得前书2:13节:“你们为主的缘故,要顺服人的一切制度。”ordinance。

He then goes on to describe how our submission is to operate in the state and in our households. 彼得就继续告诉我们: 我们要在政府和我们家庭中如何顺服。In addition to humble honoring of one another, 除了我们要谦卑、彼此顺服、彼此尊敬以外呢,Christians must recognize the roles to which other Christians are called. 基督徒必须承认,其他的基督徒有呼召,扮演不同的角色的。In the fellowship of the church that means that we gladly respect the gifts of Christ for teaching and ruling. 在教会里面的大团契,这个就意味着我们要欢喜、快乐、尊敬耶稣基督所赐的教导的恩赐,和治理的恩赐。

The teaching or ruling elder is seen not as a boss. 教导的长老和治理的长老不是老板,but as a father, a shepherd. 乃是像父亲、像牧羊人,who seeks to love the church. 他们追求要爱教会,and present it as a pure virgin to Christ. 他们把教会好像童贞女这样子献给基督。哥林多后书11:2节:“我为你们起的愤恨,原是上帝那样的愤恨。因为我曾把你们许配一个丈夫,要把你们如同贞洁的童女,献给基督。”

Because we love and honor those that are set over us in the Lord, we willingly obey them. 那些在主里面,在我们上面治理的那些,因为我们爱他们、尊敬他们,因此,我们甘心乐意地顺服他们。We seek to aid them. 我们也尽力地帮助他们,so that their care of us may be joy for them and not grief. 好叫他们眷顾我们的时候,对他们是喜乐,不是忧愁。希伯来书13:17节:“你们要依从那些引导你们的,且要顺服;因他们为你们的灵魂时刻警醒,好像那将来交账的人。你们要使他们交的时候有快乐,不至忧愁;若忧愁就与你们无益了。”

This principle of organic life. 这个身体、生命体的原则,also means that mutual fellowship is not just one-on-one. 也意味着彼此的交通、相交呢,不仅仅是一对一的。Our gifts must be used jointly. 我们必须联手使用恩赐,particularly those gifts that provide order for the body. 特别是那些让基督的身体井井有条的那些的恩赐。

Christ called not one apostle but twelve. 基督呼召十二个门徒、使徒,不是一个使徒。A council of apostles and elders considered the issue of circumcising the Gentiles. 当教会要讨论是否要要求、吩咐外邦人受割礼的时候,是使徒们和长老们一起组织一个会议,council,来处理这个问题。Paul appointed a plurality of elders in every place. 保罗去建立教会的时候,到处设立众长老,一定是复数的。In the unity of the body of Christ those with similar gifts exercise them together. 在整个基督教会的合一、支持之下,那些有类似的恩赐的,是要联手来用这些恩赐。

The organic principle leads to a third. 这个生命的原则就导致第三个原则,the representative principle in church government. 就是在治理教会的代表原则。Jesus himself chose the first apostles; 耶稣亲自拣选头一批的使徒们,but when another had to be chosen to replace Judas. 但是,当有需要取代犹大的时候,Peter brought the matter before the whole community. 彼得就将这件事情带到整个群体的面前。The people, not just the apostles, put forward the two candidates for the Lord’s decision. 不是使徒们,乃是众信徒们提出两个名字,让主耶稣来作决定。

When the apostles needed help in administering the Jerusalem church, 当使徒们需要有帮忙来治理耶路撒冷的教会的时候呢,they did not appoint assistants. 他们不是说,哦,就指派一些助理,but had the people choose men qualified for the task. 他让 神的子民、让弟兄姊妹来拣选那些有资格从事这个事工的弟兄们,They blessed the seven the people had elected. 弟兄姊妹们、会众选了这七位,使徒们为他们祝福 (Acts 6:5&6)。使徒行传6:5~6节:大众都喜悦这话,就拣选了司提反,乃是大有信心、圣灵充满的人,又拣选腓利等等,叫他们站在使徒面前。使徒祷告了,就按手在他们头上。

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The word for “appointing” elders in every place (Acts 14:23)may mean “choosing by a show of hands.” 指派一些长老,“各处指派长老”(使徒行传14:23节),这意思可能是透过举手来拣选一些长老的。使徒行传14:23节: 二人在各教会中选立了长老,又禁食祷告,就把他们交托所信的主。“选立”中文把这个意思,已经把它在这个翻译里面。

These examples from the apostolic church reflect the Old Testament institution of the eldership. 这些使徒时期教会的例子,是反映出旧约时期长老的制度。This office rested not merely on the close connection between seniority and authority in patriarchal societies. 这个长老的职分,不是根据旧约时期,或者是父系的社会,年纪长和权柄之间的关系(就是年纪越大权柄越大),不是的!but on the commandment of the Lord in furnishing elders to judge Israel with Moses. 这个根据乃是耶和华吩咐摩西,要提供长老们来与摩西一起来审判以色列人(参考民数记第11章),Moses assembled seventy acknowledged elders of the people. 摩西聚集了七十个人们承认的他们的长老, and they were set apart to their office by the gift of God’s Spirit. 他们由上帝灵的恩赐,使他们分别出来从事这个职分。The elders were the spokesmen for the people. 这些长老们是人民的代言人,或者是代表。


In the New Testament too the elders of Israel are called “elders of the people”. 新约《圣经》里面也是的,以色列的长老们也被称为「百姓的长老」的。经文有马太福音21:23节:“耶稣进了殿,正教训人的时候,祭司长和民间的长老来问他。“民间的长老。马太福音26:3节:”那时,祭司长和民间的长老,聚集在大祭司称为该亚法的院里。“还有26:47节:“说话之间,那十二个门徒里的犹大来了,并有许多人带着刀棒,从祭司长和民间的长老那里与他同来。”27:1节:“到了早晨,众祭司长和民间的长老,大家商议要治死耶稣。”

Since Luke mentions the eldership in the Christian church without a special introduction (Acts 11:30), 既然在使徒行传第11:30节,路加提到教会里面的长老,没有一个特别的介绍。使徒行传11:30节:他们就这样行,把捐项托巴拿巴和扫罗送到众长老那里。没有特别的介绍、解释, we may assume that the elders of the New Israel functioned in a way similar to the elders of the old.我们可以假设在新以色列、新约的教会里面,这些的长老的功能,就与旧约里的长老是类似的。This is what we see in the Jerusalem council (Acts 15). 使徒行传第十五章,我们就看到耶路撒冷的会议就是如此。就是说众长老的功能,与旧约的长老们的功能是非常相似的。

The elders represent the people but their authority is not drawn from the people. 长老们代表百姓,但是,长老的权柄不是从百姓而来的。God appoints them to their office by the gift and calling of the Spirit (Acts 20:28). 上帝指派长老们担任他们的职分的,透过圣灵所赐的恩赐和圣灵的呼召,上帝指派他们。使徒行传20:28节,保罗对以弗所的长老们说:“圣灵立你们作全群的监督。“圣灵立你们的。

Men with special teaching and ruling gifts are given by Christ to the whole church. 有特别教导的恩赐和治理恩赐的弟兄们,是基督赐给整个教会的。Their authority must be recognized by the people among whom they exercise it. 他们治理教会,肢体必须承认他们的权柄,but it is not given by them. 但是,权柄不是会众给这些长老们的。刚才读过使徒行传20:28节:“圣灵立你们做全群的监督。“还有以弗所书4:1~6节,我们就不读了,非常熟悉的经文。参考哥林多前书3:21~23节: ”所以无论谁,都不可拿人夸口,因为万有全是你们的。或保罗,或亚波罗,或矶法,或世界,或生,或死,或现今的事,或将来的事,全是你们的;并且你们是属基督的,基督又是属上帝的。“我们讲完了第一段,教会的组织。

第二段, 教会的集会

Presbyterian polity or church order seeks to apply scriptural principles and New Testament practice to the government of the church. 长老的治理制度,或者长老的整个教会的秩序,尽量地应用《圣经》的原则和新约的榜样,来治理教会。It is called “presbyterian”被称为是“长老制”,because of the distinctive role given to the presbytery. 因为长老的会议、长老会presbytery,众长老的会议,有它独特的功能的。

This distinguishes it from congregational independency and from hierarchical episcopacy. 这个长老制就与会众制的独立教会,和与有权力架构的主教制是不同的,independency also may acknowledge the office of presbyter, or elder. 当然,这个会众制的公理宗,也有可能承认长老的职分,所以,长老制度不是主教制,也不是会众制。Congregational independency features both aspects of that name. 公理宗的独立教会,有这两个层面的特点。

It holds that every congregation is autonomous. 会众制坚持每一个教会是独立自主的。The church by definition is the local church. 教会在定义上就是地方的教会,if local churches form an association. 假如不同的地方教会连起来组织一个联会的话,that association is not the church. 那个联会不是教会,and cannot exercise authority over the local church. 联会也不可能、也不可以执行权柄管理地方教会。

The adjective “congregational”. 会众制的那个「会众」这个形容词,means that the congregation as a body governs itself in democratic fashion. 就是说「会众」这个身体呢,是自己治理自己的,用民主的方法治理的,这是会众制。

相反的,另外一个极端就是监督或是主教制。Hierarchical episcopacy maintains graded orders of clergy. 主教制就维持一个不同层次的神职人员。Only the bishop has the apostolic authority to confer the sacraments of confirmation and ordination. 唯有主教或者监督,有使徒性的权柄来施行“坚信礼“这个圣礼,和按立牧师这个的圣礼。Other priests may administer baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 其他的祭司,或神父、牧师可以施行洗礼和圣餐,but they conduct their ministry under the supervision of the bishop of their diocese. 可是,牧师们的事工都是由他们教区的主教所监管的。Diocesan bishops in turn are under the jurisdiction of metropolitan primates, or archbishops. 那这些教区的主教,又有更高的来管理他们的大主教,archbishops, 或者是 primates。

Episcopal government is further complicated in established churches such as the Church of England. 这种主教制度,又有更多的复杂的因素,当有一些教会是国教,譬如说:英国的国教圣公会,by the recognition of state authority in ecclesiastical matters. 因为国家有权柄来管理教会的事务。

In distinction from congregational independency. 长老制度与公理宗的独立会众制不一样。Presbyterian government recognizes that the New Testament church is not only local but also regional and universal. 长老制度的教会承认,新约的教会,不单单是地方教会,the house church. 家庭教会也是地区性的,the city church,城市的教会,也是普世性的,三个层次。It is governed by ministers of the word and other with ruling gifts,the teaching and ruling elders. 教会是由传道的牧师们和其他有治理恩赐的一起联手治理的,就是教导长老和治理长老们。These elders govern jointly. 这两种长老是联手治理教会的。The presbytery of a city (Jerusalem, Ephesus). 而一个城市,譬如说:耶路撒冷、以弗所的众长老那个长老会议,had jurisdiction over the local churches of the city or region. 他们就有这个治理权来管理一区,或是一个城不同的地方教会。

In distinction from hierarchical episcopacy, presbyterian government holds that church rule is not exercised by individuals apart from those who share with them the gifts of rule. 那长老制一方面与会众制不一样,反过来,长老制也与主教制不一样。长老制度坚持治理教会这个权柄,不是由我一个人来使用的,不是一个人,乃是与其他人一起的共享治理的恩赐和职分。Further, there is parity in the exercise of the ruling gift. 不但如此,所有执行治理的长老们,在用这个治理的恩赐的时候是平等的。


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