Living in Christ’s Church Session 31

教会论与教会生活 第31讲


我们继续讲”教会的特质”The Features of the Church,第十章,Chapter 10, 我们讲到教会是圣洁的,The Church Is Holy,最后一段之后呢,就是教会是普世性的,The Church Is Universal。

The holiness of the church is corporate as well as individual. 教会的圣洁是整体的圣洁,同时也是个人的圣洁。

As we have seen, the church is a holy temple that must not be defiled (1 Cor. 3:16&17). 我们已经看到:教会是一个圣殿,圣洁的殿,不可以被玷污的。哥林多前书3:16~17 节:“岂不知你们是上帝的殿,上帝的灵住在你们里头嘛。若有人毁坏上帝的殿,上帝必要毁坏那人。因为上帝的殿是圣的,这殿就是你们。”Church discipline is therefore essential for the preservation of the true church in the world. 因此,教会的惩戒或者是纪律是必须的,为了在世界上保存真正的教会。

While discipline requires extreme measures to purge out the leaven of wickedness and unbelief (1 Cor. 5:7), it does not begin there. 当然,教会的纪律,有的时候需要一些最极端的方法,来让教会里面的邪恶和不信的酵把它除去。但是,不是从这个驱逐开始的。哥林多前书5:7节:“你们既是无酵的面,应当把旧酵除净,好使你们成为新团。”Rather it includes all the manifestation of caring, loving, supporting and admonishing that reflects the love of Christ for his church (Eph. 5:26, 27). 不是的,管教纪律的开始,就包括所有的关怀、爱、支持、劝勉,就是反映出基督为教会的爱这种的彰显。以弗所书5:26~27节:耶稣基督“要用水藉着道把教会洗净,成为圣洁,可以献给自己,作个荣耀的教会,毫无玷污、皱纹等类的病,乃是圣洁没有瑕疵的。”

第三点,The Church is Universal 教会是普世性的。

The New Testament does not speak of the church as catholic. 新约没有说教会是大公的。It is also true that many claims for catholicity are without ground in the New Testament. 同时,有不同的人自称自己的教会有大公性,他们那个宣称是没有新约的根据的。

On the other hand,反过来说,there is important Biblical teaching about the church as catholic, 《圣经》里面有重要的教导告诉我们:教会是大公的。or, as the word means, universal. 意思就是说,教会是普世性的。The gospel goes forth to all the world. 福音传到全世界了。The Old Testament prophecies about the gathering of the remnant of the nations point to the universality of the New Testament people of God in contrast to the national limitations of Israel (Is. 56:6-8; 60:3-9, Zech. 8:22, 23). 旧约的先知预言,万国中的余民要聚集在一起,这个就指向新约的神的子民是普世性的,与旧约以色列一个国家的限制,成了一个鲜明的对照。


以赛亚书60:3~9节:“万国要来就你的光;君王要来就你发现的光辉。你举目向四方观看;众人都聚集来到你这里。你的众子从远方而来;你的众女也被怀抱而来。那时,你看见就有光荣;你心又跳动又宽畅;因为大海丰盛的货物必转来归你; 列国的财宝也必来归你。成群的骆驼,并米甸和以法的独峰驼必遮满你;示巴的众人都必来到;要奉上黄金乳香,又要传说耶和华的赞美。基达的羊群都必聚集到你这里,尼拜约的公羊要供你使用,在我坛上必蒙悦纳;我必荣耀我荣耀的殿。那些飞来如云、又如鸽子向窗户飞回的是谁呢?众海岛必等候我,首先是他施的船只,将你的众子连他们的金银从远方一同带来,都为耶和华—你上帝的名,又为以色列的圣者,因为他已经荣耀了你。“万国来,使耶和华得到荣耀。


The redeemed of Christ are drawn from every tribe, tongue, people and nation . 那些基督所救赎的,来自每一个民族、每一种语言,每一种国家。启示录5:9节:“他们唱新歌,说:‘你配拿书卷,配揭开七印;因为你曾被杀,用自己的血,从各族、各方、各民、各国中买了人来,叫他们归于上帝。‘”7:9节:“此后,我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕树枝。”Christ sends His disciples into all the world (Matt. 28: 19). 诚然,基督差遣祂的门徒是去全世界的。(马太福音28:19节)

Catholicity is not merely geographical. 教会的普世性,不单单是从地理上的意义来理解的,It has a social dimension. 也要从社会的角度来看。In Christ there is neither Greek nor Jew, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free (Col. 3:11). 歌罗西书3:11节:“在基督里并不分希腊人、犹太人,受割礼的、未受割礼的,化外人、西古提人,为奴的、自主的,惟有基督是包括一切,又住在各人之内。“Union with Christ transforms all other relationships. 与基督联合,就超越所有其他的人际关系了。

The catholicity of the church is therefore intensive as well as extensive. 所以,教会的普世性,不单单是有它的宽度,也有它的深度的。No one who sincerely professes faith in his name can be denied membership in the church of Christ. 任何一位宣称信靠基督的名的人,不可以被拒绝,他就是基督的教会的成员。

The church may deny catholicity in the geographical sense by ignoring its mission. 有的时候,教会会否认自己的普世性,从地理的角度来看。也就是说,教会忽略了她的宣教。It then loses the vision of worldwide outreach, 所以呢,这些教会就失去了向全世界伸展出去的这种的异象,and is content to be just a local group.教会只满于自己在地方上作一小族人。

By denying its mission the church changes its nature. 当教会不从事宣教的时候,教会的本质就会变了。Whoever does not gather with Christ scatters (Matt. 12:30). 假如教会不与基督一起聚集的话,基督会让他们散开的。马太福音12:30节:“不与我相合的,就是敌我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。”

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The church may also deny catholicity in the social sense by excluding from its membership certain classes or races of redeemed sinners. 教会可能在社会方面或者文化方面,不承认自己的普世性,她排除了某一些社会的阶层,或者民族里面的被赎的罪人,不让他们成为教会的成员。It then denies its charter as the church of Christ, 这样做的话,就等于不承认基督教会的宪章,and becomes a sect governed by the prejudices of men. 成为一个旁门,由人的偏见来管理。

We cannot exclude from our fellowship those whom Christ has received, 我们不可以把那些基督所买赎的人,排除在我们的团契以外,without adding requirements for church membership that Christ has not made. 因为这样做的时候,就等于在耶稣基督所设立的作教会成员的要求以外,另加一些的规矩。We then make ourselves legislators of the Kingdom rather than servants of Christ. 那样子,我们就作为天国的立法者,而不是基督的仆人了。

The catholicity of the church may also be denied, not out of prejudice but in order to facilitate church growth. 有的时候,我们等于不承认教会的普世性,不是因为偏见的缘故,乃是因为我们想更快地让教会增长。It has been convincingly demonstrated that numerical growth takes place most readily when appeal is made to only one “people group”-one unit sociologically defined. 有人很有说服力地证明,教会在人数上的增长最快的时候,就是教会去吸引一个群体,是用社会学来定的一个单元。An obvious strategy is to limit membership in the church to people of that group.一个很明显的策略,就是限制教会的成员在这个群体里面。Successful as the strategy may be, 是的,这个策略可能是带来所谓成功。it has the effect of making the church a sub-set of secular society这个果效,就是让教会成为世俗社会的一个横切片,rather than the manifestation on earth of the kingdom of Christ. 而不是在彰显耶稣基督在地上的国度。

Certainly evangelistic effort may be concentrated among a particular people. 不错,我们可以集中地向某一个民族或者群体布道,to address them in their language, 用他们的语言;to appreciate their customs, 欣赏他们的风俗;to discover avenues of approach in their culture. 在他们的文化里面找到一些切入点,或者是切入的方法。But the doors of every assembly of Christ must be as open as the arms of the Savior. 但是,每一个基督所设立的会众,他们的门必须是打开的,就正如我们救主的双手是展开的一样。

这里我看到:克罗尼所检讨的是富勒神学院教会增长这个研究中心,Donald McGavran等等所讲的“教会增长”的理论。在1975年,我曾经在威敏斯特,在简和培老师的带领之下,参加过富勒神学院和威敏斯特在“教会增长”的对谈。他们的论文集叫做Theological Perspectives On Church Growth P&R Harvie Conn,editor。

第四段,4. The Church is One 教会的合一性。

The Church is One. 以弗所书4:3 节,Giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace:“ 用和平彼此联络,竭力保守灵所赐合而为一的心。”So Paul states our obligation to maintain the peace and unity of Christ’s church.这样子,保罗指出:我们有这个责任、有这个义务维持基督教会的和睦和合而为一的心的。That exhortation was certainly needed in France at the end of the first Christian millennium. 这个劝告在主后一千年的前后,在法国肯定是很需要听到的。Efforts at establishing the “peace of God” in Feudal Christendom had failed.在Christendom,在Christendom,就是基督教的欧洲要建立上帝的和平,这方面的努力是失败的。A compromise was proposed: 所以,人们提出一个折衷的方法:the “truce of God.”不是上帝的和平,乃是上帝的停战。

That truce required a feudal cease-fire to halt  fighting, 这种停战,就要求一个在封建社会里的争战,在某些时候要停止军火、停战,during Lent, 就是在受难节之前的七个星期;the harvest season, 收割的季节;holidays, 假日,and weekends (beginning Wednesday evening). 还有从星期三晚上开始的周末。The “truce of God”上帝的停战,may seem bizarre, 听起来很怪异,but perhaps we might reconsider the idea of seeking the peace and unity of the people of God-at least from Thursday through Sunday! 但是,我们应该重新考虑到怎么样在上帝的子民中,维持或者追求和睦和合一?至少从星期四到星期天喽!这里是讽刺的幽默。

In the Ephesians passage Paul emphasizes again that the church is shaped by fellowship with God. 在以弗所书的经文,保罗再一次地强调:教会是因为与上帝相交而成形的。There is one God and Father over all (vs. 6). 只有一位上帝,一位父上帝在众人之上(以弗所书4:6节)The church is a family, literally a”fatherdom” named from the Father who gave us new birth .教会是一个家,是有同一位父亲的家,fatherdom,教会是那位给我们新生命的父而命名的。以弗所书3:15 节:天上地上的各家(或者全家),都是从他得名(的)。彼得前书1:3节:“愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父上帝! 祂曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶稣基督从死里复活,重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望。”

Jews and Gentiles were once divided. 犹太人、外邦人以前是分开的,but now they have one access to the Father. 现在他们同样地能够坦然无惧到父上帝那里来。They have been made citizens of the one commonwealth, 他们现在成为同一个共和体的国民,the covenant people of God. 他们都是上帝的约民。以弗所书2:18~19节:“因为我们两下藉着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是 神家里的人了。”

In worship we all approach the city of God.当我们敬拜的时候,我们就亲近上帝的城。We gather in the one assembly before him (Heb. 12:22, 23). 我们在祂面前聚集成为一个会众。希伯来书12:22~23节:“你们乃是来到锡安山,永生上帝的城邑,就是天上的耶路撒冷。那里有千万的天使,有名录在天上诸长子之会所共聚的总会,有审判众人的 上帝和被成全之义人的灵魂。”

There is also one God who is through and in all (Eph. 4:6).我们能够到父那里去,祂也来到我们的中间。以弗所书4:6 节:“唯有一位上帝,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。”If we have access to God He also comes to us. 我们能够到父那里去,祂也来到我们的中间。

The church is God’s temple, 教会是上帝的圣殿;His dwelling, 祂的居所;His precious possession (1 Pet. 2:9, 10). 是祂专有的,祂所拥有的。彼得前书2:9-10节:“惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属上帝的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。”The one God has one dwelling. 唯独一位上帝,有一个居所;and works one saving work, 上帝成就一个的救赎工作,calling His elect. 就是祂选召祂的选民。

One Father, Paul says, and also one Lord of the church. 保罗说一位父,同时教会一位的主。There is but one mediator (1 Tim. 2:5). 神人之间只有一个中保的。提摩太前书2:5节:“因为只有一位上帝,在上帝和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣。”He is our peace who made both one (Eph. 2:14), 祂就是我们的和睦,祂使两下成为一体。以弗所书2:14节:“因他使我们和睦,将两下合而为一,拆毁了中间隔断的墙。”by the sacrifice of his one body on the cross. 都是因为祂一个的身体,在十字架上献上,所以祂使两下归为一,祂是我们的和平。

When denominational division threatened to arise at Corinth, 当在哥林多的教会有宗派主义,差不多要分裂教会的时候,Paul did not react as an ecclesiastical politician. 保罗并没有作为一位教会政治家来回应。He did not congratulate those who called themselves “Paulinists”, 他并没有恭喜那些自称为「保罗派」的人,and criticize the shortcomings of the other parties and their teachers. 也没有批判其他的派别,和他们的教师们的缺点。Instead he cried in anguish, 不是的,他是很痛苦地来喊叫说:”Is Christ divided? 基督岂是分开的吗?was Paul crucified for you? 保罗岂是为你们钉十字架吗?or were ye baptized into the name of Paul?” (1 Cor. 1:13). 你们受洗是归入保罗的名下吗?

哥林多前书1:13节:“基督是分开的吗?保罗为你们钉了十字架吗?你们是奉保罗的名受了洗吗?”(林前1:13)Reflect on the force of that cry. 请反省一下,保罗那个呐喊是多么强而有力的!

Since Christ is one his church must be one. 基督既然是一,祂的教会必须是一。If there were to be another brand name in the kingdom,假如在基督的国度里有另外一个品牌的话,there would have to be another cross,那就需要有另外一个十字架;another baptism.另外一种洗礼。To this day no Christian denomination dares to baptize in the name of Luther, Calvin or Wesley! 到今天为止,没有一个基督教的宗派胆敢说奉马丁路德、奉加尔文或者卫斯理的名施洗的。But if the church is to be one,但是教会若是一,what responsibilities do we have to the Lord who brought us? 那我们对买赎我们的主,又应该承担怎么样的责任呢?


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