Living in Christ’s Church Session 41




Presbyterians appeal to the Old Testament background. 长老会人士会诉诸于,就是根据旧约的背景,to the councils of elders in the communities of Israel,就是以色列不同群体里面的长老,和他们所聚集、所开的会议,and to the function of elders in the New Testament church. 另外,就是根据新约教会的长老们,他们的功能,particularly in the council of Jerusalem described in Acts 15. 特别是在使徒行传十五章所描述的耶路撒冷会议。The presbytery is mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:14, 长老会议,特别是在提摩太前书4:14节提到的。

保罗对提摩太说:“你不要轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前借着预言、在众长老(或者长老会)按手的时候赐给你的。” and it was to the elders of Jerusalem that Barnabas and Paul brought a relief offering. 而巴拿巴跟保罗是把救济穷人的奉献,带到耶路撒冷的众长老的面前的。使徒行传11:30节:“他们就这样行,把捐项托巴拿巴和扫罗送到众长老那里。”

Paul points out to the Corinthian church the need for church courts. 保罗向哥林多教会指出:他们需要有教会的法庭,就是审判的一个的会议,composed of wise men who can settle congregational disputes. 由智慧的弟兄组成,他们能够处理争辩,so that cases will not be taken before heathen judges. 好叫这些争执不必带到世界上的审判官那里(哥林多前书6:1-6节)。

The graded assemblies of the presbyterian system. 长老治会的制度有一个、两个、三个不同层次的会议,are an application of the principles apparent in the council of Jerusalem. 就是耶路撒冷会议里面很清楚表明的原则的一个的应用。That meeting of the apostles and elders closely resembled the Jewish Sanhedrin. 那次的使徒们跟长老们的聚会,就很像犹太人的长老的会议,it was a council that represented the New Israel. 这个是代表新以色列的会议,unified under the apostles. 都在使徒之下合而为一,but governed by them in association with elders. 可是,是使徒们与长老们一同做治理工作的。

Just as the presbytery of a city church. 就正如一个城市教会的长老会。譬如说,使徒行传13:1节,安提阿would be concerned about its peculiar responsibilities. 一个城市,比如说安提阿教会的长老会,就要关注于他们个别的责任,so a more representative assembly could deal with broader questions. 同样地,一个更有代表性的大会,就可以处理更广的问题了。

In the presbyterian structure. 在长老治会的架构里,the local church is governed by the session. 地方教会的治理团体叫做堂会,或者堂议事会,composed of the teaching and ruling elders of the congregation. 这个堂会,就是那个教会的教导长老和治理长老们所组成的。The presbytery那么区会呢?brings together the ministers and representative ruling elders of the regional church. 区会,台湾也称为“中会”,就聚集一个地区上教会里的牧师们,和有代表性的治理长老。

Since there are fewer teaching elders,既然一般来说,都是教导长老少于治理长老,and since doctrinal issues concerning them make it expedient that they be judged by an assembly containing other ministers. 而特别是教义上的问题,最好就是由一个众牧师的一个聚集来处理、来判断,the membership of ministers is lodged at the regional level rather than at the local level. 因此,在长老制度里面,牧师们的会籍是在区会,而不是在地方教会。

Acts 13:1 describes a meeting of the teachers of the city church at Antioch. 使徒行传13:1节所描述的是,在安提阿这个城市的教会的众教师们的会议。Synods or General Assemblies. 大会或者总会呢,represent larger regions or the whole church. 就代表更大的区域,或者整个教会的。

While providing for a series of broader assemblies. 长老会提供地区,或者更广更广的不同层次的会议。the presbyterian system also seeks to safeguard the rights of the more local assemblies of elders. 与此同时,长老制度也保护地方上长老的会议的权柄的。Those who are closest to a situation are usually best qualified to deal with it. 那些最靠近问题的长老们,应该是最有资格去处理这些问题的。Yet the broader assemblies have the responsibility for providing for the scriptural conduct of the life of the church as it concerns the whole region. 可是,那些比较更广的、地区性的,或者整个教会的那些聚会,他们有责任来为那些关心整个教会的信仰和生活的问题,要处理这些问题。

We see how this was done at the council of Jerusalem. 我们就看到:在耶路撒冷的会议就是如此的。使徒行传15:28~29节: “因为圣灵和我们,定意不将别的重担放在你们身上。惟有几件事是不可少的,等等……这几件你们若能自己禁戒不犯,就好了。愿你们平安。”所以,是整个的教会来处理一些教义和生活上的问题。

第三段, Church Discipline 教会的惩戒或者纪律。

The discipline of the church is the order of the Spirit. 教会的纪律,或者惩戒事工就是圣灵所赐的秩序,conducted in the love of the Lord. 在主耶稣基督的爱里,从事这些的纪律事工的。It begins not with censures or excommunication. 惩戒的出发点不是责备,或者是开除会籍,but with daily caring and nurture. 乃是从每天的对会众的培育照顾开始。Christians encourage one another to love and good works. 基督徒彼此鼓励、活出爱心做出好行为。

At the same time, since the church is composed of redeemed sinners, 同时,既然教会是由被赎的罪人所组成的,correction and rebuke is also necessary. 所以,纠正和责备也是必须的。When Christ assigned the keys of the Kingdom to the officers of the New Testament church. 当耶稣基督将新约教会的天国的钥匙,给教会的任职人员的时候,He described the process of discipline that was to be followed. 祂就描述了纪律或惩戒,所必须遵循的那个步骤。马太福音18:15~18节:“倘若你的弟兄得罪你,你就去,趁着只有他和你在一处的时候,指出他的错来。他若听你,你便得了你的弟兄;(这是第一步,第二步)他若不听,你就另外带一两个人同去,要凭两三个人的口作见证,句句都可定准。(第三步)若是不听他们,就告诉教会;(第四步)若是不听教会,就看他像外邦人和税吏一样。我实在告诉你们,凡你们在地上所捆绑的,在天上也要捆绑;凡你们在地上所释放的,在天上也要释放。”

In instances of personal offense, personal reconciliation was to be sought first. 假如是个人得罪一个个人,那第一步就是尽量追求和睦,彼此的和睦。Only if an offender would not heed the pleas of the one wronged and of witnesses was he to be brought before a church tribunal. 只是当那个犯罪的,不愿意听他所得罪的对方的劝告,也不愿意听见证人的劝告的时候,他才被带到教会的审判的那个会议。

提示:逐字稿文字只限于个人和教会私下学习交流,目的是造就教会和教会负责带领、讲道的同工们;未经同意,请勿擅自在其它网站或平台转载和刊登课程的逐字稿;课程的逐字稿和图片的版权归「中华展望」,禁止复印出版等商业用途。当文字和录音不符时,以录音为准。愿上帝赐福文字编辑和校对的肢体来雅正!若是有修改的地方、奉献支持或是其他任何问题请使用以下邮件方式联系我们。网络圣约ccnci.org中华展望圣约学院[email protected](PayPal

Without discipline in both moral and doctrinal matters.假如教会在道德上、在教义上,没有惩戒或纪律事工的话,the church cannot kept faithful to the apostolic teaching and ordinances. 教会就不可能对使徒们的教训和典章忠诚地顺服,and to the responsibilities of mutual fellowship. 也不可能尽责,彼此相交。



加拉太书6:1节:“弟兄们,若有人偶然被过犯所胜,你们属灵的人就当用温柔的心把他挽回过来。”要执行劝诫,甚至乎惩戒。希伯来书4:12 节:“上帝的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,甚至魂与灵,骨节与骨髓,都能刺入、剖开,连心中的思念和主意都能辨明。”只有《圣经》和圣灵能够看透人的心,我们人不能。


Discipline has for its primary purpose the glory of God and the vindication of the honor of Christ. 管教的主要目的是上帝的荣耀,然后高举基督的尊荣。哥林多后书6:14-7:1节:“我们要圣洁。”要洁淨。以西结书36:20~21节,罗马书2:24节。

It also seeks to reclaim those who have offended. 我们也要挽回那些犯罪的人。提摩太前书1:20节:“其中有许米乃和亚历山大;我已经把他们交给撒但,使他们受责罚就不再谤渎了。”帖撒罗尼迦后书3:14节:“若有人不听从我们这信上的话,要记下他,不和他交往,叫他自觉羞愧。”哥林多前书5:4~5节(我们讲过了):“要把他交给撒旦,好叫他灵魂得救。”犹大书1:23节:“有些人你们要从火中抢出来,搭救他们;有些人你们要存惧怕的心怜悯他们,连那被情欲沾染的衣服也当厌恶。”惩戒要挽回他们,to maintain the purity of the church. 要维持教会的圣洁。


Not all discipline in the church is concerned with offenses those things in the doctrine or life of a church member that are contrary to the word of God. 教会的惩戒,不都是处理犯罪的事,不论是一个会友的信仰或者生活违背了上帝的话。There are many wise procedures to be followed in ordering the function of church government. 还有其他一些的管教的事情,就是一些的步骤,如何让教会能够井井有条地运作。This operational discipline is administrative. 这些运作性的管教是行政性的,in distinction from judicial discipline. 与那些执法的管教不一样,就是与那些责备、惩戒的不一样。

A presbytery for example may be concerned about its boundaries. 譬如说,一个区会要设定它地理上的范围,or some members of a presbytery may complain against an action that they believe to be mistaken. 或者某某在区会里的成员,他们会来控告说,这个区会一个举动、一个决定是错误的。In such matters no individual is being charged with an offense. 在这些事情上,没有人控告任何人是犯了罪。

Judicial discipline is carefully defined to protect the rights of those who may be accused of an offense. 执法那种责备性的管教,是有很谨慎定义的,为要保护那些被控告的人的权利,and to provide scriptural remedies when someone is found guilty. 而当某某人的罪名成立的时候,我们也要找出解决的方法, 从《圣经》找出这些方法。

It is evident from the New Testament. 从新约《圣经》我们看非常明显的是: juridical process must be followed. 必须要用好像法庭、法律这种的步骤, and that this is to be done not in the flesh but in the Spirit, 不是用血气执行,乃是在圣灵中执行,seeking always the repentance that would make further trial unnecessary. 我们的目标就是盼望人悔改,好叫将来不需要再有这种管教、惩戒。参考哥林多前书5:2~13节;哥林多后书2:5~11 节;马太福音18:17节。

False teaching as well as immoral living may be the ground for discipline. 不单单是不道德的生活,错误的教导也可能是管教惩戒的原因的。罗马书16:17节;提多书3:10节;提摩太前书1:19~20节;约翰二书1:10-11节;加拉太书1:8节; 启示录2:14节和20节。

Of course the need of the church to protect its members from heresy. 是的,教会必须要保护她的会友免受异端的影响,requires consistent and clear teaching of the truth. 因此呢,必须有清楚的、一致的真理的教导事工。Formal discipline is needed only when a person refuses to heed sound teaching and seeks to propagate error. 什么时候才需要正式的惩戒呢?就是当人不愿意听纯正的道理的教导,也从事一种散播错误的教导的时候。

If a person is found guilty of an offense. 假如有人罪名成立,他犯了罪,the elders must still consider what is the most appropriate way to discipline and correct the offender. 众长老们还是要考虑来管教这个、纠正这一位犯罪的人,什么是最恰当的方法?In some cases a warning admonishing the individual may be sufficient. 有的时候只是要警告、劝勉那个个人,就够了(提摩太前书5:20节;提多书1:9节, 1:13节,提多书2:15节。

In other cases the person may be suspended from the exercise of his office. 有的时候,这个人就不许再执行他的职分,or from the Lord’s Supper. 或者不能领圣餐(哥林多前书11:27节;帖撒罗尼迦后书3:6~15节)。

The final censure is excommunication. 最后的惩罚,就是开除某某人的会籍。Even this solemn exclusion from the church of Jesus Christ. 甚至这个开除一个人离开耶稣基督的教会,is not the pronouncing of final judgment, however. 也不是宣告最后的审判的,since the prayer of the church is that the sinner will repent and be restored to fellowship. 因为教会的祷告就是:这位罪人愿意有一天悔改,被挽回,回到教会的相交。(马太福音18:15~17节; 提多书3:10节; 哥林多前书5:4,5,11,20节;提摩太前书1:20节; 约翰一书5:19节;歌罗西书1:3节;以弗所书2:12节;加拉太书1:9节;哥林多前书16:22节)。

In the life of the church there must be sorrow over sin as well as joy over grace. 在教会的生活中,不单单为了罪有忧伤,因为恩典的缘故,也应该有喜乐的。Faithful discipline in the church is the deep concern not only of the apostles but of the Lord of the church. 不单单是使徒们,教会的主耶稣基督也非常关心教会,忠心地执行管教惩戒,as is clear from the letters to the churches in Revelation. 从主耶稣在启示录写给七个教会的信可以看出。If the lampstand of the church is to be a light to the nations. 教会的灯台若是万国之光的话呢,it must burn with a pure flame of obedience to Christ. 灯台的火焰必须是纯正的、圣洁的、顺服基督的火焰。


  1. (第一条),Because Christ rules His church and has revealed His will in Scripture. 因为耶稣基督治理祂的教会,也在《圣经》启示了基督的旨意,there are limitations on the power of church government.因此,治理教会的权柄是有限制的。Church power is spiritual, not. 教会的权利是属灵的,不是什么?It is not imperial but . 不是帝王式的,是什么的呢?It is declarative, not. 是宣告性的,不是什么的呢?
  2. 第二条,The church is an organism. 教会是身体、是生命体。What are the implications of that for church government? 那教会是生命体,对教会治理的制度有什么含意呢?
  3. 第三条,Do church elders derive their authority from the people they represent? 长老们的权柄是不是他们所代表的百姓那里而来的呢?
  4. 第四条,How does presbyterian government differ from congregational independency? 长老治理教会的制度,与独立教会的会众制在什么地方是不同的呢?
  5. 第五(条),教会的管教,church discipline, What are the purposes of church discipline? 教会管教或者惩戒的目的有哪些呢?

Discussion Questions讨论问题,五条:

  1. 第一条,Why cannot the state use the power of the sword to enforce church discipline? 政府为什么不可以配剑,就是用监狱、惩罚等等, 来执行教会的管教呢?
  2. 第二,How do the graded courts or governing assemblies of presbyterian government seek to reflect the biblical doctrine of the church? 长老会是有一、二、三层,不同层次的会议或者法庭的,这样做是如何反映出《圣经》的教会观呢?
  3. 第三条,Why should Christians not settle their disputes before secular courts (1 Cor. 6:1-7)? 哥林多前书6:1~7节,基督徒为什么不应该在世界的法庭里面,处理他们的争执呢? How should such matters be handled in your church? 那在你的教会应该如何处理这些问题呢?
  4. 第四条,Discuss the relationship of church government and discipline to the Great Commission. 请讨论治理教会的制度和管教,与大使命有什么关系呢?参考马太福音28:18~20节。
  5. 最后一题,How many of you have been counseled or admonished in the past six weeks by a fellow Christian outside the immediate family? 你们有哪一位在过去六个星期,有一位基督徒,不是你的家人,曾经辅导过你或者劝诫过你的呢?Was the admonition lovingly given? 这种的劝诫,是不是出自爱心的劝诫呢?What about expressions of encouragement and support? 那有没有基督徒给你鼓励、支持呢?What may we learn from the discipline of our children about church discipline? (Eph. 6:1-4). 我们从以弗所书6:1~4节“如何管教我们的儿女”这段经文,有学到什么样的原则,用来执行教会的管教或者惩戒呢?


提示:逐字稿文字只限于个人和教会私下学习交流,目的是造就教会和教会负责带领、讲道的同工们;未经同意,请勿擅自在其它网站或平台转载和刊登课程的逐字稿;课程的逐字稿和图片的版权归「中华展望」,禁止复印出版等商业用途。当文字和录音不符时,以录音为准。愿上帝赐福文字编辑和校对的肢体来雅正!若是有修改的地方、奉献支持或是其他任何问题请使用以下邮件方式联系我们。网络圣约ccnci.org中华展望圣约学院[email protected](PayPal)