Living in Christ’s Church Session 32

教会论与教会生活 第32讲


我们讲到教会的特质。最后的一段,教会是一个。The Church Is One,But if the church is to be one. 但是,教会若是一个,what responsibilities do we have to the Lord who bought us? 那么,我们对那位买赎我们的主,又该负怎么样的责任呢?

We are members of his body (Eph. 5:30), 我们都是祂身体上的肢体。以弗所书5:30 节:“因我们是祂身上的肢体。“and therefore of one another (4:25). 因此,我们是彼此互为肢体。以弗所书4:25节:“ 因为我们是互相为肢体。(5:30节,4:25节)

The peace of Christ must rule in our hearts, 基督的平安必须在我们心里面,治理我们,”to which also ye were called in one body” (Col. 3:15). 歌罗西书 3:15节:“你们也彼此蒙召,归为一体(的)。”Only through the life of the Spirit, can such unity be established and maintained. 这种合而为一的心,唯独靠圣灵的生命而建立、唯独靠圣灵的生命来维持。那这里圣灵的生命,当然就是指圣灵所做成的、圣灵所赐的生命。

The sharing of the Spirit forges a bond-the bond of the peace of God,the shalom of His covenant blessing. 当我们信徒们共享、共有圣灵的时候,这个共享就造成了一个连结,就是上帝的平安的连结(shalom)、上帝约里面的福气的连结(bond)。

我再讲一次,The sharing of the Spirit, 当教会所有的肢体都共有圣灵,这个的共享就造成那个“ bond“,一个连结,就是上帝平安的连结、上帝在约里面赐福的连结。

Yet the gift and work of the Spirit move us to diligence (Eph. 4:3). 以弗所书4:3节,然而,圣灵的恩赐和圣灵的工作是感动我们要勤劳服事的,要勤劳的。以弗所书4:3 节:“用和平彼此联络,竭力保守灵所赐合而为一的心。“ the gift of the Spirit,圣灵所赐的恩赐,甚至乎你可以说圣灵,那个恩赐:圣灵。圣灵这份的礼物,基督既然把圣灵赐给我们,圣灵既然在我们中间工作,那么圣灵赐给我们圣灵的工作,是要推动我们要殷勤竭力工作的。什么工作?保守这个合一。

We are to keep the unity of the Spirit, 我们的责任是要:我们必须保守圣灵的合一,就是圣灵所赐的合一。and restore it when it has been broken. 当这个合一破坏的时候,我们要重建它。Lowliness, meekness, 柔和、谦卑,longsuffering, forbearance in love, 忍耐,在爱中彼此包容,these are spiritual gifts that preserve peace in the church. 这些就是保存教会里的和平的属灵恩赐。

Division and strife in the church deny the covenant family of the one Father, 当教会有分裂、纷争的时候,教会就不像这个唯独一位天父的约民,这个大家庭,the body and blood of the one Son, 就等于我们不再相信我们有同一位父,不再信靠唯一圣子的身体和所流的宝血,the love of the one Spirit. 就等于我们不相信这一位唯一的圣灵的爱,deny这个字就是否认、不相信。当我们纷争的时候,就等于我们没有这个见证,等于我们不承认、不相信一父、一子、一灵,唯一的圣子的死,唯一祂所流出的宝血。

As Paul eloquently shows, 正如保罗很优美地证明,the differing gifts of the Spirit do not separate us, 圣灵所赐不同的恩赐,并不使我们分隔,they unite us as we minister in the body.事实上这些恩赐, 当我们在身体里面服事的时候, 是使我们连结起来的。Knowledge must not puff us up against the uninformed,知识不可以骄傲, 在那些没有知识的人面前骄傲; nor must strength ridicule the weak in faith. 有强的信心的,不可以藐视弱的信心的肢体。Every gift that makes us differ from another is given that we might serve the other. 每一项恩赐,就是使我们与别的恩赐不同的那个恩赐,圣灵赐下是要我们服事另外的肢体的。

《威敏斯特信仰告白》第二十六章第二段,这样说的:凡是被称为圣徒的人,就当在敬拜的事上维持一个圣洁的团体与交通;又当举行其他属灵的聚会, 为求得共同的造就;又当按各人所能和所需,在物质的事上彼此帮助。这种圣徒相通,要按照上帝赐的机会,扩展到各处一切称呼主耶稣之名的人。

To recognize that the church should be one in the one Lord does not make it one. 我们承认教会应该在唯独一位主的里面合而为一,承认这个、相信这个,并不使教会具体是合一的。Those who in the name of unity tried to abolish all denominations,有些人是奉教会合一的名,尝试毁掉所有的教会宗派,only succeeded in creating another denomination. 他们只有一件事情成功的,他们只创造了另外一个宗派而已 ,perhaps like the “Christ” party in Corinth. 可能就好像哥林多教会那个“属基督”那一派。

The unity described in Corinthians does not mean complete uniformity; 在哥林多前后书所形容的,所描述的合一,意思不是完全的统一。but the unity of the church must be expressed in the order and ordinances of the church as well as in its faith. 但是,教会的合一必须要表达出来的,不单单在于她(教会)有共同的信仰,而且要在她的秩序和典章上,就是她的结构、制度上,也要表达出来的。

The Jerusalem council did not burden the Gentiles with the ceremonial law; 耶路撒冷的会议(使徒行传第15章)并没有加重担给外邦人, 没有强迫他们守住旧约礼仪之律。but it did, in the name of the Spirit, require a unity of practice that would avoid giving offense (Acts 15:28, 29). 但是,他们的确有要求一种在实际作法上的合一,好叫不使人跌倒或者得罪弟兄。使徒行传15:28~29节:“ 因为圣灵和我们定意不将别的重担放在你们身上,惟有几件事是不可少的,就是禁戒祭偶像的物和血并勒死的牲畜和奸淫。这几件你们若能自己禁戒不犯就好了。愿你们平安! “ Paul does not hesitate to say, 保罗这样说,并不迟延地说:”and so ordain I in all the churches” (1 Cor. 7:17) 在哥林多前书7:17节,他也不客气的、不迟延地说:“我吩咐各教会都是这样。“

True unity must be unity in the truth. 真正的合一,必须是在真理上合一。The unity of the church cannot be advanced at the expense of its apostolicity. 教会不可以牺牲她的使徒性,而推动她的合一性。Oneness in Christ means first of all unity in the. gospel, the word of Christ. 在基督里的合一,首要的意义,就是在福音上、在基督的道上合一。A unified structure on another foundation is not the church. 若建造在另一个基础上的合一的架构,就不是教会。很严肃的一句话。

Diligence in establishing and keeping the unity of the church will involve great cost, as Paul well knew. 竭力建立、保守教会的合一,是需要付很大的代价的,保罗很清楚这一点。But it is the will of the Lord. 但是, 这个是我们的主的旨意,and the work of the Spirit. 这个也是圣灵所做的工作。

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Review Questions.温习问题(六条):

  1. 第一条,What are the four features or attributes of the church stated in the Nicene Creed? 在《尼西亚信经》里面,所宣告的教会四方面的特质,或者四个属性是哪一些呢?
  2. 第二(条),What two functions are included in the calling of the apostles? 使徒们的呼召,他们的职分里面包括了哪两方面的功能呢?
  3. 第三(条),What does the “apostolicity” of the church mean? 教会的使徒性是指什么呢?
  4. 第四(条),What lesson does the New Testament church receive from the ceremonial symbolism of “cleanness” in the Old Testament? 在旧约里,礼仪律的象征所指的洁净跟不洁净,对我们新约教会来说,我们可以学到什么教训呢?
  5. 第五条,If a church determines to exclude from its membership a certain sex, race or social class,what attribute of the church would be denied? 教会若根据性别、民族、社会阶层排除一些人,不让他们成为成员,那么他们就否认了教会哪一个属性呢?
  6. 第六条,Ts ,What is Paul’s response to the beginning of denominational division at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:13)? 根据哥林多前书1:13节,保罗对哥林多教会开始有宗派方面的分裂,是如何回应的?

Discussion Questions.讨论的问题。有五条:

  1. 第一条,What does your church do to build upon the foundation of apostolic doctrine? 你的教会做了什么显示他建造在使徒的教训的根基上呢?Why is it important to remember the once-for-all foundation of the word of Christ given to the apostles? 我们要记得耶稣基督的话语,就是赐给使徒们的话语,是教会一次过所奠定的根基。为什么记得这方面的事实是那么重要呢?
  2. 第二(条),The church, grounded in the truth, must advance in holiness. 建立在真理的基础上的教会,必须在圣洁上成长。Share together testimonies of how other Christians have helped you to grow in sanctification. 请彼此分享个人的见证,其他的基督徒如何帮助你在成圣上成长?
  3. 第三(条),Churches are often advised to select a “target group”in the population that they will try to reach. 很多时候教会接受这种劝告或咨询,要选出一个目标群体,在整个的人口里面选出一个群体,是要向他们传福音的目标群体。The church will then seek to be a blue-collar church, 那么教会就尽力地成为一个蓝领工人的教会,a “Yuppie” church, 上班族的教会;or a university church. 或者大学的教会。Consider this in the light of the catholicity of Christ’s church. 考虑到基督教会的普世性、大公性,用这个亮光来讨论这种有目标的教会这个观点。
  4. 第四(条),Where should we begin in order to advance the unity of Christ’s church? 我们若要推动基督教会的合一,我们要从哪里开始呢?With those nearest to us denominationally? 是不是在宗派上最靠近我们的呢?With those separated by one major doctrinal difference (believer’s baptism, for example)? 是不是我们应该与某一些宗派合一,就是说在一个很主要的教义上有不同的。譬如说:成人洗礼跟婴孩洗礼上,我们是不是首先与他们建立合一呢?
  5. 第五(条),Can we say that the church is pluriform and that different denominations do not impair its unity? 我们可不可以直接了当地说教会是多元的,所以有这么多的宗派,并没有影响到教会的合一呢?


Chapter 11 第十一章,The Marks of the Church 教会的标志。

Is every organization that calls itself a Christian church a true church of Christ? 是不是每一个自称为基督教会的组织,就是真正的基督的教会呢?Is the Unitarian church Christian? 唯一神教派是基督教吗?唯一神教派就是不相信三位一体的。What about the Mormons? 那么,摩门教又如何呢?Obviously the use of the name of Christ does not make a church of Christ. 很明显的,只是用了基督的名称,不等于那个教会是基督的教会。Sects that have completely denied the New Testament gospel, 有些的旁门异端完全不相信新约的福音,may pretend to be Christian, 但是他们冒名自称是基督教,in order to trap the unwary. 好叫成为那些不以为意的人的陷阱。

It is also possible that a group may erroneously supposed itself to be Christian and be self-deceived. 另外也可能就是可能有一班人呢,他们自以为是基督徒,错误地自以为是基督徒。因此,是自己欺骗自己的。

On the one hand there are groups claiming to be Christian that have denied apostolic doctrine from the beginning. 一方面,我们可以看到一些群体,他们自称是基督教,但他们从他们这个群体的一开始就否认了、就不相信使徒的教导的。They are false churches. 他们是假教会。

On the other hand,从另外一个角度看,there are groups that were once churches, 有些群体以前是教会,but have turned away from the faith, 但是从信仰偏离了,or drifted into unbelief.或者滑落到不相信《圣经》。They are apostate churches. 这些是离经背道的教会。所以两种:一种是假的教会,一种是离经背道的。

How do we discern the true church of Christ? 那么,我们如何辨别哪些是真正的基督的教会呢?How can we distinguish a church that is in the decline from a church that is dead? 我们如何分别出哪一个教会是在低落中,哪一个教会是已经死了呢?The judgment is not always easy. 这种的判断,不是每一次都很容易的。

The Westminster Confession says,(XXV:v).《威敏斯特信仰告白》第二十五章第五段是这样说的:天下再纯正的教会也难免有混杂和错谬。有些教会简直不是基督的教会,腐败到一个地步,反倒成为撒但的会堂。虽然如此,在地上总是还有按上帝旨意敬拜祂的教会的。

The glorified Christ says to the church at Sardis, (Rev. 3: 1). 在启示录3:1节,荣耀的基督对在撒狄的教会这样说:I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. “我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,其实是死的。“ Yet in spite of this judgment Christ also says, 但是,虽然基督这样的判断、审判撒狄的教会,祂也这样说:(第2节)”你要警醒,坚固那剩下将要衰微的;因我见你的行为,在我上帝面前,没有一样是完全的。“Sardis still had embers of fire, 撒狄的教会仍然有一些余烬的、还没有烧完的火花,Christ had not yet removed its lampstand from its place. 基督还没有从撒狄完全挪去他们的金灯台。There are churches whose existence is marginal. 有些教会差不多已经不是教会了,他们的存在是边缘的存在。

The situation that Paul addressed in Corinth reminds us that. 保罗在哥林多前后书所面对的情况,就提醒我们。a church may be in great danger yet still be a true church of Christ. 一个教会可能已经有很大的危险,就是差不多不是教会,但仍然是一个基督真正的教会。We must clearly be prepared to judge charitably churches that need to be called to repentance. 我们很明显地需要准备好,用爱心来判断那些教会,就是那些教会需要被呼吁悔改的教会。

How do we form our judgment at all? 那么,我们根本上如何去判断呢?What marks serve to distinguish a true church from one that is either false or apostate? 有哪些的标志是能分辨出一个真正的教会和一个假教会,或者离经背道的教会呢?

第一段 Section 1,Are those attributes of the church its marks? 教会那四个属性,是不是就是教会的标志呢?

At the time of the Protestant Reformation, 在宗教改革十六世纪的时期,the Roman Catholic church used the attributes or features of the church as marks. 罗马天主教就用教会四个属性,或者特质就作为是教会的标志。Roman Catholic polemicists argued that. 那些为罗马天主教教会辩论的人士是有这样的论点,他们说:the apostolicity, holiness, catholicity and unity of the true church had been lost by the Reformers. 他们说:“你们这些宗教改革者,你们这些改教者,已经失去了真教会的使徒性、圣洁性、大公性和合一性。“Rome defined these attributes institutionally. 因为罗马天主教就按照有形教会的制度, 来定下这四方面属性的定义。

Apostolicity for the Roman Church was the apostolic authority of the Pope, 对罗马天主教来说,教会的使徒性就是教皇、教宗使徒性的权威。gained by direct apostolic succession on the throne of Peter. 因为在彼得的宝座是一代一代地传承下去,这个就是使徒的传承。所以,教宗的权威是直接从彼得传下来的。Therefore, the Reformers had unchurched themselves by renouncing the authority of the Pope. 所以,改教家因为他们不再承认教宗的权威,他们就自己使自己不再是教会了,unchurched themselves。According to Rome the holiness of the church was the holiness of sacramental grace, 根据罗马天主教教会的圣洁性,就是圣礼里面的恩典的圣洁性,conveyed from the altar by the priesthood. 这个的恩典、这个的救恩呢,是由祭司们(就是神父们)从弥撒的祭坛上,传递给信众的。Since Protestants rejected this sacramentalism, 既然基督新教不承认这种的圣礼主义,就是圣礼传递救恩,and ordained ministers of the word without episcopal consecration, 而改教者按立传道的牧师,不是由主教祝圣的,不是由主教使牧师们分别为圣,they had, in Rome’s view, no grace to dispense. 因此,从罗马天主教的角度来看改教家(就是基督教)根本就没有恩典可传递。The Reformed church could not be holy. 宗教改革的教会不可能是圣洁的。For the debaters of the Roman Church the issue of catholicity was a clincher. 所以,那些罗马天主教的辩护者,教会的使徒性就是决定一切辩论那个关键性的论点。The Reformed church was not catholic, not universal. 宗教改革的教会,就是基督新教,不是大公的,不是普世性的。It was a movement found only in northern Europe, 基督教教会,只不过是在北欧地区有的一个教会运动,whereas the Roman church was universal, 而天主教是普世性的,planted under the flags of Spain and Portugal around the world. 在西班牙跟葡萄牙的旗下,在世界各地都建立了教会了。

Finally,最后,the unity of the church was defined by Rome as unity  in submission to the Pope as the one Vicar of Christ in the world. 天主教是这样为“教会的合一性“作定义的:“教会的合一就是在顺服教宗上合一,教宗是基督在地上唯一的代表”。Vicar,V-i-c-a-r,代表。This unity was as visible, Cardinal Bellarmine said, as  the Republic of Venice. 这种的教会的合一,Bellarmine. 大主教说,就好像威尼斯共和国是能见的、有形的这样子的、有形的合一。

我们下一讲就继续讲, 那么宗教改革的领袖们又如何回应天主教这些控告呢?基督教根本就没有使徒性、没有圣洁性、没有合一性、没有普世性?我们基督教是如何为这四个属性具体地做一些定义?然后,更重要的是:究竟《圣经》是怎么判断哪些教会是真正的教会呢?教会必须要有哪些标志才算是真教会呢?



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