Living in Christ’s Church Session 38

《教会论与教会生活》 第38讲


我们继续讲,每一位信徒都有general office,一般的职分。但是有一些special office, 就是特别的职分。


上次我们就讲到传道、教导,或者更细地说是讲道和教导这个职分,我们称它做teaching elder,教导的长老。好,我们现在继续。

There are others besides ministers of the Word that have gifts for rule in the church, 因为除了传道的牧师以外,还有其他的,也有治理教会的恩赐的。and who must also be recognized as “elders”, 他们也应该被教会承认是长老们,older men who govern the Christian community, 他们是长辈的弟兄,他们来治理教会的群体的。


Since those who preach and teach with authority must also have gifts for rule, 既然那些劳苦讲道和教导的,他们是以权柄讲道和教导,他们也必须要有治理教会的恩赐的。we speak of both teaching elders and ruling elders. 因此,我们称长老们为两种:教导的长老和治理的长老。

The ruling gift is distinguishable from the gift of teaching.

治理的恩赐和教导的恩赐是不同的,我们是可以予以区分的。经文有罗马书12:8 节:“或作劝化的,就当专一劝化;施舍的,就当诚实;治理的,就当殷勤;怜悯人的,就当甘心。”


A man may have that gift and exercise it without being a teacher. 可能有人有这个治理的恩赐,他也用这个治理的恩赐,但是他不是教师。In the Old Testament there were elders (representatives of the people), 在旧约有一些长老们,他们是百姓的代表,who were not priests or scribes, 这些长老不是祭司,也不是文士。马可福音14:43节:说话之间(耶稣在被卖的时候),忽然那十二个门徒里的犹大来了,并有许多人带着刀棒,从祭司长和文士并长老那里与他同来。所以,祭司长、文士、长老,长老不一定是祭司,或者是文士(马可福音14:43节)。路加福音7:3节:“百夫长风闻耶稣的事,就托犹太人的几个长老去求耶稣来救他的仆人。”那些长老,长老是一个固定的一个名称,或者是一个职分。路加福音22:66节:“天一亮,民间的众长老连祭司长带文士都聚会,把耶稣带到他们的公会里。”再一次地,长老们和祭司和文士是不同的。

Paul distinguished between older men who rule well (,ruling elders)and those who also labor in the word and teaching (, teaching elders). 保罗(在刚才我们所读)的提摩太前书5:17节,他区别出一些长老是非常妥善治理的,善于治理的。这些是治理的长老,区分他们,和另外一些是特别劳苦讲道和教导的,这些是教导的长老们。Elders of both kinds join in the rule of the church. 这两种不同的长老, 是联手治理教会的。

The ministry of mercy is carried out by those who have the gifts to be deacons. 有一些有作执事的恩赐的,他们从事怜悯的事工。They must be able to show mercy with cheerfulness, 他们必须是用喜乐的心来施怜悯的。罗马书12:8节(我们读过的):施舍的,就当诚实;或者用真心来施舍。Paul gives additional qualifications for deacons in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 保罗在提摩太前书3:8~13节给执事更多的一些资格。

Are the women mentioned in vs. 11 also deacons? 在提摩太前书第3章那个第11节里所提到的妇女,她们是不是也是执事呢?提摩太前书3:8节:说“做执事的也是如此,必须什么什么……”,11节,女人也是如此,原文是“女人”,中文把它翻成“女执事”。

The requirements are virtually identical to the requirements in vs. 8. 女人,这些作怜悯事工的女人的资格,与第8节男执事的资格差不多是一样的,and Paul does say, “in like manner.” 保罗也是这样说的,他说(第11节):也是如此。

On the other hand, 但是反过来说, if many or most deacons were women, 假如有很多执事是女的,或者大部分的执事是女人的话,why does Paul again say “deacons” in  VS. 12? 那为什么保罗到了12节, 又说「执事」呢?Were the women deacons limited to widows over 60who met the requirements given for enrollment in 1 Timothy 5:3-10? 这些女的执事,是不是限制于那些六十岁以上的寡妇?她们是符合提摩太前书5:3~10节的那个寡妇,就是领受教会慈善的资源的资格呢?

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Paul calls Phoebe a deacon of the church that is at Cenchreae (Rom. 16:1). 在罗马书16:1节,保罗称非比作“坚革哩教会中的执事”:我对你们举荐我们的姐妹非比;她是坚革哩教会中的女执事。那中文说「女执事」,原文不是 Deaconess,原文是 Deacon,她是一个执事。Even if the word is to be translated “servant” (it is masculine), 就算 ”执事”这个词,把它的意思翻出来就是说, 非比是教会里的一个仆人, it would seem that Phoebe is engaged in a ministry that requires the public recognition and support of the Roman church. 就算非比在罗马书16:1节是被称为“仆人”,但是看起来她是从事一种的事工,是需要罗马那个地方的教会的公开承认和支持的。就是说,比较靠近是一种带职分的怜悯的服事。

Paul clearly excludes women from the teaching office, 保罗很清楚地吩咐女人不能够担任教导的职分,in connection with the principle that, 那这个的禁止是与另外一个原则有关的,那个原则就是: in the church family, as in the home, the woman is not to exercise authority over the man. 不论是在家里,或者是在教会的大家庭呢,女人不能够用权柄治理男人的。


好,我在这里顺便一个注脚, 我曾经翻译过Susan Foh, 我的同学傅苏珊,她所写的书的其中一篇文章,就是《妇女在教会的地位》,我这里没有时间详细地解释她的立场。

If the diaconal office is seen as a serving office administering help and comfort for the poor and needy, 假如执事的职分是一个服事的职分,提供给穷的,或者有需要的人一些的帮助和安慰的话呢,it would contrast with the rule exercised by elders. 那与长老们治理、执行治理的工作呢,是非常地不一样。The authority given to women in the office so conceived would be like that which Paul sought for Phoebe. 所以,假如执事是服事的、是帮助的,而不是像长老这样治理的话呢,那么在执事的这个职分上给妇女、女执事的权柄呢,就好像保罗要让非比得的权柄一样,就是不是一个长老治理的一个权柄性的职分。

As we have seen, 我们上文看到:the office of apostle and of prophet laid the foundation for the church. 使徒和先知的职分呢,就是奠定教会的根基的。These are offices that did not continue once the revelation of Jesus Christ to his church was complete. 这些职分,当耶稣基督向祂教会的启示已经完成之后,就没有持续下去了。The other offices do continue with a great variety of giftedness within each one. 其他的职分是持续的在使徒离开世界之后,还是持续下去的,在每一个职分里面,都有各种不同的恩赐。

Evangelists, pastors, teachers, 传福音的,就是宣教士,牧师,教师,are all ministers of the word according to their gifts. 他们都是传道的长老,都是根据他们不同的恩赐,被称为传福音的牧师和教师。Deacons too may be gifted to administer the funds for the poor or more gifted in showing cheerfulness in the hospital ministry. 执事们也有可能特别有恩赐,分发给穷人的慈善的款项,或者特别有恩赐在医院探访,表达出一种喜乐的心。

The offices of teaching elder, ruling elder and deacon, 教导长老、治理长老和执事这三个职分,correspond to the ministry of the word, of order and of mercy at the level of special office.这三个职分呢,就是在特殊职分那里面的话语的、传道的事奉、治理、或者秩序的事奉,和怜悯的事奉。

The mediatorial office of Jesus Christ is supreme in the church. 耶稣基督作为中保这个职分,在教会是最高的职分。From him the gifts for all the other offices are given. 从耶稣基督那里,就赐下各种恩赐给教会所有其他的职分。We may now add a vertical dimension to the checkerboard diagram of ministry. 现在我们把我们前面画的那个“一个井字的图“把它立体化:

The dimension that would show that the distinction between general office of all believers in the days of the pyramid a special office of ministers elders and deacons in the middle and the meditorial office of Christ at the apex. 这个井字图,现在变成一个金字塔,最上面的是耶稣基督身为中保。然后中间那一层是特殊职分,就是包括了长老,教导的长老、治理的长老和执事。

Of course the diagram only indicates the structure of ministry in the church. 当然,这个图只不过指出教会事工的结构,it does not show the fire of the spirit that gives life to the whole. 这个图并没有表示出圣灵的火,就是让整个教会的事工有生命的,圣灵的能力。

The diagram helps us to see the richness of ministry in the church. 这个图给我们看到:教会里的事工是丰富的。It also shows that the special officers do not have gifts that differ in kind from the gifts of the general office but only in degree. 这个图也给我们看到:那些任特殊职分的他们的恩赐,与得到一般职分的恩赐,这两种恩赐不是在质的不同,只不过是在量,或者程度上的不同。

By the mutual ministry of all these gifts of the Spirit the church of Christ functions as one body in his service. 整个教会因为有这么多不同的圣灵的恩赐,彼此服事这样子,教会就是一体,因为教会服事耶稣基督,而成为一体。

Review Questions,温习问题,四条:

  1. 第一条,What are the goals of ministry in the church? 教会事工的目标有哪些?To whom does the church minister in these three goals? 这三种目标就指出:教会服事有哪三种对象?
  2. 第二,What are the means of ministry as we seek to fulfill these goals? 当我们尝试去达到这些目标的时候,有哪些服事的方法或者是形式?
  3. 第三,How does the general office of every believer differ from special office in the ministry of the church? 在教会的事工里,每一位信徒的一般性的职分与特殊职分是怎么样地不同呢?

4.第四,How does the mediatorial office of Jesus Christ relate to the authority of office in the church? 耶稣基督作为中保的职分是如何与教会里职分的权柄之间,之间是什么关系呢?

Discussion Questions,讨论问题,五条:

  1. 第一条,Can we rank the goals of ministry in order of priority? 我们是否可以将教会里的三种事工的目标,把它列出优先次序呢?Discuss the possible arguments for giving priority to each of the goals. 我们来看看每一个目标,假如是最优先的话,有没有什么理由可以支持这种看法?Are the arguments plausible?这些论点是否可信呢?What conclusions would you draw? 你自己所得的结论是什么呢?Do the goals support one another? 这三种不同的目标是否彼此支持的呢?
  2. 第二,Review the checkerboard diagram that relates the goals of ministry to the means of ministry. 我们再温习一下这个井字形的图:就是一边是三重事工的目标,第二方面是三种服事,或者事工的方法,Identify activities in the ministry of the church that takes place each of the squares of the diagram. 这个井字形有九个方格,你可不可以指出哪些教会里的事工,是属于哪些方格呢?For example, we may worship God by bringing an offering for the poor as the ministry of mercy. 譬如说,我们可以在崇拜的时候,带一份奉献, 为了穷人的奉献带来,这个是崇拜里的怜悯的事奉。
  3. 第三,Consider the pyramid diagram. 来看一下这个金字塔的图。It extends the checker board to include a distinction between general and special officers. 金字塔就让我们看到:一般的服事和特殊的服事之间的不同。What conclusion to be drawn from this item about the mission of the church? 我们看这个金字塔的图的时候,可以做怎么样的结论呢?就是说教会的使命,或是宣教的使命是什么呢?Are only evangelist involved in mission?是不是只有布道家、宣教士从事宣教呢?The special office gifts in the ministry of the world bear witness to the world. 宣教士就是特殊的职分,他们的恩赐是话语的事奉,事奉的形式是向世界作见证。What should we think of tent making missionaries. 那些织帐棚的宣教士又如何呢?Christians who find secular employment in non-Christian lands with a view to being witnesses to Christ? 这些基督徒,他们在非基督教的国家里面,他们有一般性的、所谓世俗的工作。他们有这个目标,愿意去为耶稣基督作见证,他们又如何在这个金字塔里面,找到一个地位呢?
  4. 第四,If the giftedness of teaching and ruling elders and deacons is a matter of degree and not of kind, 假如教导长老、治理长老和执事们,他们的恩赐只不过是程度上的不同,and not of kind, 而不是质的不同,what conclusions should we draw about the responsibilities of every Christian for witness, nurture and worship? 那我们可以做怎么样的一种结论呢? 就是说每一位基督徒有怎么样的责任作见证、造就别人,和敬拜呢?
  5. 第五,Turn to Romans 15. 翻到罗马书第十五章,Consider the responsibilities that Paul gives us in ministry to one another. 考虑到保罗给我们每一个人彼此服事的责任(罗马书15:5节,7节,14节,24节,27-30节)。How is mutual ministry being exercised in your church? 你所属的教会又如何执行这种彼此服事的事工呢?How could it be strengthened? 我们如何可以使它强化?


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