Living in Christ’s Church Session 29《教会论与教会生活》 第29讲




When the International Congress on World Evangelization was held in Lausanne,Switzerland in 1974,当在1974年国际世界福音普传大会,在洛桑(瑞士洛桑)举行的时候,the Reformed churches of the region held a Sunday morning worship service in the Olympic stadium of the city. 那一区的改革宗教会们在洛桑这个城的奥运的体育馆,举行了一次的主日崇拜。

The preacher was Dr.Pierre Courthial,then a pastor in Paris and later Dean of the Reformed Theological Faculty in Aix-en-Provence, France. 那天的讲道的讲员是一位Courthial博士(皮埃尔·科特希尔Pierre Courthial是法国牧师和改革宗教会的神学家。),当时他是在巴黎,当然是改革宗的教会的牧者,后来他当了法国的改革宗神学院的教务主任。那个改革宗神学院的所在地的城市,叫做 Aix,A-i-x(普罗旺斯地区艾克斯,法语:Aix-en-Provence是在法国东南部,普罗旺斯的前首府,这座拥有林荫大道、喷泉、华宅的中世纪古城)。Ten thousand people gathered for the service.那天的主日崇拜有一万人聚集在一起。Local churches announced that their regular morning service would be joined with this regional service of worship. 地方上的教会们都宣布,他们平常的主日早堂崇拜,就加入了这个地区性的崇拜了。

If larger gatherings of the church are truly “church”,假如这些比较大型的教会的聚会,真正是教会,那么,the same applies to smaller gatherings. 小型的聚会,也真真正正地是教会。House-church meetings for worship should not compete with larger gatherings,家庭教会的聚会,敬拜的聚会,不应该与比较大的崇拜竞争,but supplement them under the orderly care of the elders of the church. 家庭的聚会应该是在教会众长老的治理跟牧养之下,有秩序的牧养之下的一个相辅相成的一个补充品。


Our study of the church as worshiping assembly (chapter 1),我们在第一章已经研究过, 教会乃是在 神面前敬拜的聚会,should help us to find new freedom in our corporate worship of the Lord. 应该帮助我们在整体敬拜主这件事情上,找到新的自由。就是说,小组的、堂会的、地区性的,都可以有敬拜、都可以有崇拜。

下一段,The Church as Organization and Organism,第三段, 教会是组织,教会是生命体。

At least one other perspective on the church requires reflection: 至少还有另外一个关于教会的观点角度需要我们去反省的,it is the distinction between the church as an organization and the church as an organism. 就是:教会是组织和教会是生命体之间的区别。Again these two aspects of the church may be set in direct opposition. 同样的教会这两个层面,也往往被看为是彼此矛盾的。

The Roman Catholic scholar Avery Dulles in his fascinating book Models of the Church,罗马天主教的学者 Dulles,D-u-l-l-e-s,在他一本 Models of the Church《教会的模式》,这本很有趣味的书里,notes the contrast in the first two models,他注意到有两个模式之间的对照,he examines。他所研究的两个模式,就是”The Church as Institution”,「教会作为制度」and “The Church as Mystical Communion.”和「教会作为奥秘的相通」。

He acknowledges that the Roman Catholic church of the Counter-Reformation was modeled on imperialistic lines, 他承认在反宗教改革运动(反宗教改革就是罗马天主教,在马丁路德改教之后的反动的一个的运动),他承认在罗马天主教反宗教改革的时期呢,是以帝国作为模式的,owing much to the legacy of the Roman Empire. 他们盼望承继罗马帝国的文化遗产。Roman Catholic doctrine was willing to speak of a mystical “soul” of the church but never apart from the institutional ”body.” 罗马天主教的神学愿意说:教会有一个奥秘的灵魂,但这个灵魂永远不会与那个外在的教会的制度,就是这个身体分割的。灵魂跟身体,就是内在的相交和外在的教会组织,是不分的。

The papal encyclical Mystici Corporis,教皇的通谕这份文献叫做《奥秘的身体》,declares that the Holy Spirit “refuses to dwell with sanctifying grace in members that are wholly severed from the Body”,这篇教皇写的文献说:“圣灵拒绝在那些与身体分割的肢体里,以成圣的恩典居住。”就是说,圣灵不会住在一个不是教会的会友的一个信徒的心中,不会给他成圣的恩典的。-the “Body” being the organization under the Pope and bishops. 所谓的身体,就是指在教皇和主教治理之下的教会组织。简单地说,教会以外无救恩。

In considering the New Testament teaching about the church as the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, 当我们在本章(上一章)考虑到新约《圣经》的教导,教会是圣灵的团契,we have seen that the Spirit is the source of the structure of the church as well as the life of the church. 我们看到圣灵是教会结构的来源,也是教会生命的来源。

Indeed the antithesis between institution and organism results from a perversion of both. 为什么教会作为组织,和教会作为生命体之间是势不两立呢?因为我们把两个概念都扭曲了,就是教会是组织、教会是生命体。The order of the New Testament church is not the order of imperial Rome,新约教会的那个架构、那个秩序并不是罗马帝国的组织,or of the American Management Association,也不是美国工商管理协会的组织。就是我们不是从工商管理那里学到教会的组织,也不是从罗马帝国的制度学到的,imposed on the people of God. 教会的组织不是从罗马帝国或是工商管理学那里拿了一个模式,然后压在上帝的百姓的身上。

It is an order that is not only grounded in the word of God,but made operative by the Gift of God. 教会的秩序不单单是建立在上帝的话的基础上,教会的作用能够行得通、行得出来,都是因为上帝的恩赐,就是圣灵祂自己。Apart from the presence of the Spirit the structure of the New Testament church cannot be complete. 若没有、若离开圣灵的同在的话,新约教会的架构不可能是完整的。

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On the other hand, the life of the Spirit is not a f armless energy. 但是,从另外一个角度来说,圣灵的生命并不是一个没有形状的一些的能量。As we have seen, it is the personal life of Christ brought into fellowship with us by the Spirit’s presence.我们已经看过,圣灵的生命乃是耶稣基督祂亲自的生命,透过圣灵的同在,带到我们的生命中,与我们相交。

True, there are Christians who think of life as fire and foolishly abhor all order. 没有错,有些基督徒,他们想到生命圣灵的生命的时候,想到的是火,他们很愚蠢地憎恨任何的组织或者秩序。Presbyterians are suspected of the opposite problem, 长老会有嫌疑犯了相反方面的错误,taking “Let all things be done decently and in order” as their golden text,他们认为“凡是都要规规矩矩地行”是他们的金句,to the exclusion of the consequences of Pentecost. 他们完全排除任何五旬节所留下的果效,It is the Holy Spirit who both empowers and directs the church, 使教会有能力的,引导教会有方向的是:圣灵祂自己,providing both the wisdom and zeal of the Lord. 圣灵提供主的智能,也提供主所赐的热心。

Review Questions温习的问题(三条):

  1. 第一条,How would you distinguish between the church as invisible and the church as visible? 你如何区分不能看见的、无形的教会和能见的、有形的教会呢?
  2. 第二条,Is the church, properly speaking, the church universal or the local church? 正式来说,教会是不是就是普世教会呢?还是说正式地来说,教会就是地方的教会呢?Is the local church the city church or the house church? 地方上的教会是城市的教会,还是家庭的教会呢?How does the New Testament point us away from making these choices? 新约《圣经》如何指导我们不要在中间二选其一呢?What assembly ultimately defines the church (Heb. 12:22-24)? 是哪一个地方、哪一种的聚会,是教会定义至终的来源呢?(希伯来书12:22~24节)
  3. 第三(条),Respond to this statement: 请回应下面一句话:”The Holy Spirit gives life to the church,是的,圣灵赐下生命给教会,but the organization of the church is left to its members,但是教会的组织,是由她的成员来决定,and will differ with the time, place and society where the church is planted.”所以,根据教会所在的时间、地点和社会处境会有所不同。就是教会可能在组织上,因为文化、历史、地理,会有不同。

讨论或者温习:Discussion Questions,讨论问题(四条):

  1. 第一条,Traditional Roman Catholic theology denies the invisible aspect of the church. 传统的天主教的神学不承认教会的不能见的、无形的那一面,What consequences does this have?这个带来怎么样的后果呢?What are the consequences of the opposite, (i.e. denying or minimizing) the visible aspect of the church? 而相反的看法,就是把能见的教会,那个能见性否认、不相信或者把它缩小到最小。这种的相反的看法又带来什么后果呢?Where do you see evidences of this “spiritualizing” of the church? 这样子把教会,把她属灵化,你在哪里看到一些的证据呢?
  2. 第二条,Can we rid the church of all hypocrites? 我们是否可以在教会里面,排除所有假冒为善的人呢?Should we seek to do so? 我们是否应该这样地追求呢?How do we advance the purity of Christ’s church? 我们若要推动基督的教会的纯洁,应该如何推动呢?What guidelines should we follow in church discipline? 在教会施行惩戒纪律,又应该遵循哪些指导性的原则呢?
  3. 第三(条),How could the “assembling” of the church be practiced in both larger and smaller gatherings than we are accustomed to? 我们如何在我们的习惯以外聚集教会,不论是更大的或者更小的聚会?Could a regional assembly be held in your area,你在你的一区当中,是否可以举行一次区域性的大会?-perhaps in connection with a meeting of presbytery? 或者就是当区会举行的时候?What about gatherings in households of the congregation? 那么,在教会里不同的家庭里的聚集,又如何呢? Such gatherings should include elders of the church,这些家庭聚会应该包含了教会的长老们,-they are true church assemblies,因为这些都是教会的聚会。

最后,第四题,Where is the church on Monday? 星期一,教会在哪里?

Chapter 10第十章The Features of the Church 教会的特质。

“We believe in one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.”我们相信唯一、圣洁的、大公的、使徒性的教会。

The Christian church has been making that confession of faith since AD 451,自从主后451年,基督教的教会就承认这条信仰。when the Council of Chalcedon approved it as the creed of the fathers meeting at Nicaea and Constantinople. 那一年迦克墩的会议,通过他们的祖先的信条,就是尼西亚和君士坦丁堡的信条。

The characteristics of the church stated in those four adjectives, 在这四个形容词,就是独一、圣洁、普世或是大公,还有使徒性,这四个形容词所形容的教会的特点,have proved to be crucial for our understanding of the church. 对我们了解教会,是关键性地重要的。They summarize much that the New Testament teaches. 它们总结了新约《圣经》里面很多的教导。

1, The Church Is Apostolic. 教会是有使徒性的。

As we have seen, 正如我们在上文看到,Christ declared that he would build his church upon the confessing apostle Peter and promised the power of the keys of the kingdom to his other disciples as well (Matt. 16:18; 18:18). 耶稣基督宣告:祂会把祂的教会建立在使徒彼得(那位承认祂的使徒彼得)上,基督也应许天国的钥匙要给祂其他的门徒的(马太福音16:18节,18:18节)。马太福音16:18 节:“你是彼得,我要把我的教会建造在这盘石上;阴间的权柄不能胜过他。” 然后呢,18:18节:“ 我实在告诉你们,凡你们在地上所捆绑的,在天上也要捆绑;凡你们在地上所释放的,在天上也要释放。”

Paul says that the church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph. 2:20). 在以弗所书2:20节,保罗说:“教会是建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石。”启示录21:14 节,John describes the walls of the new Jerusalem as having 12 foundations. 约翰描述:新的耶路撒冷的城墙有十二根基,and on them 12 names of 12 Apostles of the lamb,在上面写着十二个羔羊的使徒的十二个名字。Jesus commissioned his apostles to establish anew the people of God as his church. 耶稣吩咐、差遣祂的使徒们,去重新的建立神的百姓,作为祂的教会。

The apostles were more than eyewitnesses who had been with Jesus: 使徒不单单是用眼睛见证耶稣的人,they were chosen witnesses, 使徒们是基督所拣选的见证人,uniquely endued of the Spirit. 他们被圣灵充满,是独特的。As Peter declared to Cornelius, 正如彼得向哥尼流所宣告的:”Him God raised up on the third day, and gave him to be made manifest,not to all the people, but unto witnesses that were chosen before of God, even to us,who ate and drank with him after He rose from the dead” (Acts 10:40, 41). 使徒行传10:40~41节:“不是显现给众人看,乃是显现给上帝预先所拣选为他作见证的人看,就是我们这些在他从死里复活以后,和他同吃同喝的人。”

The apostles were appointed to be official witnesses of Christ, 使徒们是基督所指定的、正式的见证人。This is clear from the fact that they found it necessary to choose another to take the place of Judas, in fulfillment of Scripture: 我们很清楚看到这一点,因为他们感觉到必须要再拣选另外一位,来取代犹大的地位,这都是应验《圣经》的。使徒行传1:20节:”因为诗篇上写着,说:愿他的住处变为荒场,无人在内居住;又说:愿别人得他的职分。”诗篇109:8节:”愿他的年日短少!愿别人得他的职分!”所以, 还是要选使徒出来补犹大的地位的。



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