Living in Christ’s Church Session15

《教会论与教会生活》 第15讲


我们来讲《基督的会众》这一章第四章的温习问题,然后讨论问题(Chapter 4 Review Questions)。

第一条,In what sense is the church voluntary organization? 教会从什么意义上不是一个志愿团体?

第二条,What is the difference between what people said about Jesus and what Peter said about Jesus? 人们说耶稣是谁和彼得说耶稣是谁之间的不同在哪里呢?Does the same difference appear today? 今天我们还可以看到这种的差异吗?

第三条,When Jesus said“Upon this rock”,当主耶稣说“在这个磐石上”的时候,was He referring to Himself,祂是在指祂自己吗?To Peter,是指彼得吗?To Peter’s confession,是指彼得的信仰宣告吗? Or to the confessing Peter,还是说那位做出宣告的彼得呢?指祂自己,是彼得,是彼得的宣告,还是指那位做出信仰宣告的彼得呢?

第四条,Why did Jesus say ‘I will build my church’? 为什么耶稣说“我将会,我必会建造我的教会”呢?

(第五条),What was Jesus going to do that would build His church)? 耶稣将会做什么来建造祂的教会呢?


第一条,What is the old testament background for the word “church”, ecclesia or assembly?“教会”这个字(希腊文ecclesia)就是聚会,会众,这个字的旧约背景是什么?Recall the first chapter, God’s Worshiping Assembly,请回顾本书第一章:上帝的敬拜聚会。

第二条,What is the connection between Peter’s confession and Christ’s claim to be the builder of God’s assembly?彼得的信仰宣告这方面,还有第二方面,基督宣称祂是建造上帝会众的那一位建造者,之间的关联是什么呢?彼得宣告基督是神的儿子,另外基督宣称祂必要建造上帝的 assembly(上帝的教会)之间的关联在哪里呢?

第三条问题, Is the power of the keys given to Peter alone or to all the disciples (Matt. 18:18)?马太福音18:18节:天国的钥匙是只给彼得的呢?还是给所有的门徒的呢?(太18:18)

第四条,How is Christ’s Lordship recognized in the life of your church? 在你所属的教会的生活中,是如何承认、如何辨别出基督的主权的呢?In what ways does your church confess Christ’s name? 你的教会是用哪些的方法宣告基督的名的呢?How does Christ build his church today? 基督在今天是如何建造祂的教会的?

第五条,What does it mean that the church is hurricane-proof?“教会是防旋风的”这句话是什么意思呢?Can a congregation or a denomination fall away from the faith? 一间教会或者一个宗派有没有可能从信仰、从纯正的信仰跌倒呢?

第五章,Chapter 5, the Church and the Kingdom, 教会与国度(也就是教会与上帝的国、教会与天国)。

You’ve heard it said that someone was so heavenly-minded that he was no earthly good. 你会听人说,有人整天在想天上的事,他在地上是一无所用的。The charge has sometimes been made against the whole church in today’s world. 在今天的世界里,有人这样子控告整个的教会的。No doubt the church is often ineffectual in modern society, 毫无疑问的,很多时候教会在现今的世界是没有果效的,and may well seem to be of no earthly use, 表面上似乎在地上一无所用。But whether its problem is heavenly-mindedness is another question. 但是,教会的问题是不是注重天上的事呢?那是另外一个问题。

For a full quarter-century, 整整二十五年以来,theologians in the ecumenical movement have been calling for a new ‘worldliness’ on the part of the church,在普世教会合一运动里的神学家在呼吁教会要有一种新的、属于世界的本质(worldliness),或者简直是世俗性。They have called upon the church to get ‘lost’ in the world, 他们呼吁教会要在世界中迷失掉,to let the world set the agenda for it’s concerns,教会要让世界来定教会所关注的事情的议程。The church, they say, must lead the world in political action,他们说(这些神学家说):教会要在政治行动上带领世界,that the gospel itself is political,他们说福音本身是政治性的,and must be preached in the political language modern man understands,所以,福音要用现代人能够明白的政治词汇来宣讲。Indeed what counts is not words but action. 诚然的,最重要的不是说什么,是做出什么行动。Only in the midst of revolutionary struggle can the church bear witness to our times. 教会必须要在革命性的挣扎中,才能够在今天我们的世代中作见证的。God is at work in revolution,上帝在革命中有祂的作为,say the theologians of liberation,解放神学的神学家这样说的。And the church is called to witness from within that struggle,上帝呼召教会要在那个挣扎里面去作见证。

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Of course this is not the first time that the church has reached for political power. 当然,二十世纪的普世基督教合一运动和解放神学,并不是第一次教会要抓到、要夺到政治的权力的。In the Middle Ages,在中世纪,the church went all-out for power,教会全面地夺权。In 1177,在公元1177年,the Emperor Fredrick Barbarossa,这个皇帝,当然是指圣罗马皇帝,Fredrick Barbarossa,B-a-r-b-a-r-o-s-s-a,was forced to hold the stirrups of Pope Alexander III as a symbol of feudal submission,他被强迫要为罗马教皇(亚历山大第三世)牵着他的马走,这样子来象征着封建时代的顺服,就是连整个欧洲的皇帝都要顺服在教宗、教皇之下。

In our more-secular times,在我们今天这个比较世俗的时代,a church can-not very well aspire to rule the word, 教会不可能有这种统治世界的野心。But it can seek to serve political masters for political rewards,但是,教会有可能试图服侍一些政治的主人,为了政治上的奖赏或者是回报。Hitler, Stalin, even Mao,希特勒、斯大林,甚至乎毛*泽**东,found some churchmen ready to advance their own careers in a politically-structured- church,他们会找到一些教会人士,他们愿意在一个以政治为架构的教会里面,他们愿意在那个教会里面去为自己的事业来做一番事。It’s always tempting to church leaders to try to ‘get with it’ by joining some political march right behind the flag. 教会领袖常常会面对这个试探,就是参加某一些政治的游行,站在国旗的后面,这样子就表示他是合时的。

No doubt a desire to conform to the ideology of the left or the right has influenced the political theologies of our time. 毫无疑问的,教会人士他们愿意跟着左派的意识形态,或者右派的意识形态,都影响到我们这个世代的政治神学的。Yet the theology of liberation claims to advocate the revolutionary cause out of principle. 但是,解放神学所宣称的是他们要支持(原则性来支持)革命的事业。Salvation is defined in social terms,救恩是用政治来作定义的,redemption can take place only as the unjust structures of the world are altered by force,救赎必须当世界上不公义的架构、制度用暴力来改变的时候,救赎才能够发生的,人才能得救的。GOD saves today through revolution, 上帝今天是透过革命来拯救人的,and those who share GOD’S love of the poor and oppressed will join Him in His saving work,那些愿意分享上帝对穷人、跟受逼迫的人的爱,这些人会愿意参与上帝的救赎作为的。


What are we to make of this call for the church to get involved in remaking the world? 我们如何面对这种呼吁,呼吁教会要在重造世界方面有所参与呢?Should the church support revolution or counterrevolution?教会应该参加革命吗?或是参加反革命吗?Should it try to run the world or run from the world? 教会应该统治这个世界呢?还是逃离这个世界呢?Or is there another answer? 还是说有第三个答案?

To understand how the church is related to the world,若要明白教会与世界之间的关系是什么?we cannot begin with either the church or the world,我们不能以教会作出发点,也不能以世界作出发点,or with both of them together,也不能以教会与世界一同来做出发点。We must begin where the gospel begins,我们的出发点必须是福音的出发点,with the Lord,以主耶稣作为出发点。Christ is Lord,基督是主!

And to relate the church as his Kingdom to the world under his dominion we need to recognize his rule over both.假如要把教会和他在世界上的权柄或者国度或者王权之间的关系,我们必须要明白,We need to recognize His rule over both, 我们必须要看到,基督如何是教会的主,基督如何是世界的主。

(第五章)第一段 God’s Kingdom Rule,上帝国度的统治权,God’s Kingdom Rule。

The New Testament word kingdom,“basileia”,新约中,天国或者国度这个字,希腊文是basileia(b-a-si-l-e-i-a,means “dominion” rather than “domain”),这个字的意思不是一个王国、一个领域的意思,是王权、王位,dominion,统治的意思。

That is, it does not present the Kingdom of God as a territory or realm over which God rules. 意思就是说,kingdom,basileia这个字,并不是说天国就是一个地域、一个领域,上帝是管理、统治这个领域,不是的!

Rather it presents the Kingdom as the ruling power of God. 反之,“国度”这个字的意思,是指上帝统治的权能,ruling power。Jesus says that He will come and His Kingdom (Matt.16:28). 耶稣说,祂必定在国度里要降临。马太福音16:28节:“我实在告诉你们,站在这里的,有人在没尝过死味以前,必要看见人子带着他的国降临。”He will come in his kingdom. 祂会降临在祂的国里。That is, He will come in His kingly power and glory. 意思就是说,基督会在祂的君王的大能和荣耀中要来临。

The kingdom of God in the broadest sense,最广义来说,上帝的国,describes God’s sovereign rule over all things,最广义的“上帝的国”是在描述上帝是在掌管万有的。诗篇66:7节:”祂用自己的权能永远统管万有,祂的眼睛鉴察万国,悖逆的人不可自高。“(诗篇66:7节)

God’s universal rule is celebrated in the Old Testament in contrast to the powerlessness of the idols. 在旧约圣经里,作者赞美上帝宇宙性的统治,上帝统治万有对照于偶像的无能,上帝的大能的统治,反之,偶像他们的无能。Powerlessness。

When the Philistine God dagon falls down before the ark of the Lord,当非利士的神像在耶和华的约柜之前倒下的时候,the Kingdom of the true and living God is symbolized (1 Sam. 5:4),就象征着真的 神、永活的 神,祂的王权,祂的Kingdom,祂的王权。撒母耳记上5:4节:“再次日早晨,他们起来的时候,看见大衮神像又仆倒在地,俯伏在耶和华的约柜面前,大衮的头和双手也都在门槛上折断了,只剩下它的残体。“象征着上帝是王、是君王。

While the Old Testament everywhere assumes the rule of God over all things. 是的,虽然旧约各处都假设了、都有这个前提,就是上帝是统治万有的。It puts its emphasis on God’s rule in a special sense, 可是,旧约圣经所强调的是上帝一个特殊意义上的统治, His rule over his people, lsrael,上帝统治祂的子民——以色列。That rule is God’s saving rule,这种的统治是上帝救赎性的统治或者是王权,His kingdom of salvation,祂的救恩的国度或者救恩的王权。

God is King in the midst of His covenant assembly at Sinai (Deut.33:5)。上帝在祂的立约的群体——西奈山面前的群体,在他们中间是王。申命记33:5节:百姓的众首领,以色列的各支派,一同会合的时候,耶和华就在耶书仑为王了。耶和华在祂的会幕中为王(申命记33:5节)。

God’s people are made a Kingdom. 上帝使祂的子民成为一个国度。出埃及记19:6节:“ 你们要归我作祭司的国度,为圣洁的国民。“As King, the Lord ascends Mount Zion,耶和华身为君王,上升锡安山。There to rule among His people as the King of Jacob, of Israel (Jer.8:19,Zeph.3:15,Is.41:21),在那里,祂要做雅各的王、以色列的王,这样子来统治祂的子民的。耶利米书8:19节:听啊!我百姓的呼救声,从遥远之地传来:“耶和华不在锡安吗?锡安的王不在其中吗?”(锡安的王乃是指耶和华)西番雅书3:15节:“耶和华已经除去你们的刑罚,赶走你们的仇敌。以色列的王,耶和华在你们中间,你们必不再惧怕灾祸。“(西番雅书3:15节)以赛亚书41:21节,耶和华对假神说:“你们要呈上你们的案件。”雅各的君(雅各的君王)说:“你们要声明你们确实的理由。” 耶和华是雅各、是以色列的君王。

The kingdom of David is the Kingdom of God  (1 Chron.17:14).大卫的国度,他的王权,就是上帝的国度或者上帝的王权。代上17:14节:“我却要把他坚立在我的家里和我国里(我的的国里,上帝说),他的王位必永远坚立直到永远。“大卫的国就是上帝的国,大卫的统治权就是上帝作王的统治权。

下一讲继续讲God’s  Kingdom Rule,上帝国度里的统治权。

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