Living in Christ Church Session 18

教会论与教会生活 第18讲


我们来到第六章,Chapter 6, the Community of the Kingdom国度的群体,国度的群体。


One of the most beautiful aspects of our jet age is the carpet of light made by great cities beam from the air at night. 我们喷射飞机的年代的一个奇观,就是从夜空看下去,一个大城市的灯光,就好像地毯一般的美丽。It looks as though heavens were upside down. 好像天空倒转过来,and that the stock warm stars of a new permanent were shining from below,好像从地往上一个众星的穹苍在那里发亮,又柔软、又温馨。What a different view of the save city traveler gets after he has grounded! 这个坐飞机的人,降落之后进入一个城里,所看到的同一个城,那景象就完全不一样了。The harsh street light catch weird shadows across alleys of scroller, crime browse the darkness,这些城市的灯光投射出一些黑影,在巷子里头有犯罪、有贫穷。The ferry lines city from above becomes a nightmare city close up. 居高临下所看到的这个梦境的城市,成为眼前的噩梦城市。

How do we see the city today? 今天我们如何看待城市呢?The Christian church has feared and fled the city. 基督教的教会往往惧怕城市,逃离城市,to find refuge in the suburbs,在郊区的城镇里找到避难所。but today it changes taking place,但是,今天有改变的趋向。Suburban Christians are beginning to realize that Christ church is due to be found in the city and that the Spirit of God is at work there. 住在郊区的基督徒开始发现,原来在城市里,仍然存在着基督的教会的,上帝的灵仍然在城市中作工。

The third World cities represent the greatest mission field of the modern world. 第三世界的城市,就是当今的最大的宣教工厂。The church worldwide is recognizing the importance of urban evangelism. 普世的教会都看到了城市宣教的重要性。


  • the City of God,上帝之城。

The Bible too is concerned with this city. 《圣经》也关注城市的。It speaks not one city but two. 《圣经》论到的不是一个城市,乃是两个,the city of the present age. 现今世代的城市,and the city of the age to come,和来世世代的城市。

When Imperial Rome failed to the visigoths in at for in AD 410,当在主后410年,帝国的罗马城被蛮族西哥德族的酋长胜败之后,pagan leaders blamed Christian teaching for weakening the city by abolishing heat and worship,异教的罗马的领袖就责怪基督教的教训,因为基督教的教训废除了异教的偶像敬拜,这样子就让罗马城显得软弱了。In reply,Augustine wrote a great classic The City of God,奥古斯丁回答这个控告,写了一本巨著——《上帝之城》。

In order to understand the Christian responsibility to the earthly city,我们若要明白基督徒对地上的城的责任的话,we must understand his citizenship in the heavenly city,我们必须先了解他在天上之城的国民身份。

The Book of Revelation brings a contrast between the two cities to a fearful climates of judgement. 《圣经》的启示录讲两个城市之间的对照,带到最后那个大而可畏的审判的高峰。We hear the lamentation of Babylon,我们听到为巴比伦城的哀叹,the city of this world,就是这个世界的城(启18章);and exultant joy over the coming from Him on the new Jerusalem, the city of God,同时有欢喜快乐的呼声,因为从天上而来的上帝的城——新耶路撒冷来了(启18章,21章)。Babylon is pictured as a harlot,巴比伦城是一个淫妇,the new Jerusalem as a bride, 新耶路撒冷是新娘;one city rests under the judgment of death,一个城市在死的审判之下沉默,the other there flows a river of life,另外一个城里,生命之河正在涌流。

The imaginary of the last book of the Bible is drawn from all that goes before. 《圣经》最后一卷书启示录的比喻,都是从圣经六十五卷书而来的。In the Old Testament, 在旧约圣经里,Babylon the capital of the heathen empire,巴比伦这个异教的帝国的首都,contract with Jerusalem the city where God has started its name,与耶路撒冷相对照,耶路撒冷是上帝设立祂的名的城市, again and again God delivered Jerusalem from surrounding armies,一次的,再次地,上帝搭救耶路撒冷脱离周围的军队。But when Jerusalem itself had become a city of idols,但是,当耶路撒冷自己成为一个敬拜偶像的城市的时候呢,God used Babylon to conquer and destroy it。上帝用巴比伦来胜过、来毁灭耶路撒冷。Yet Babylon must be judged for its fierce enmity to the city people who God. 但是,巴比伦对上帝的城,上帝子民这种的强烈的敌意,必须受到审判。And Babylon and empire that succeeded it will be demolished by the stone cut without hands. 巴比伦和后来要来的帝国,都会用那个不是用人手所做出来的石头毁灭的。God’s Kingdom must replace every earthly city and empire. 上帝的国度最后必取代地上每一个城市、每一个帝国的。

The contrast underlies the good news of the Kingdom in the New Testaments. 这个对照,就是要强调新约圣经“天国”的好消息。God has established His kingdom, His city. 上帝设立祂的国度,祂的城市。The great choices is forced upon man,人们必须要做出一个伟大的选择,the choice between the Kingdom of light and darkness,选择光明之国度或黑暗之国度?between Christ and Baal,选择基督还是巴力?God own presence is glory of the city of God,上帝之城的荣耀,是上帝亲自的同在。God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved. God will help her at the dawn of the morning (Ps. 46:5)。诗篇46:5节说到上帝在祂的城里的荣耀。“上帝在其中,城必不动摇,到天一亮,上帝必帮助这城的。”

The writer of Hebrews tells us that,希伯来书的作者告诉我们:Abraham the Pilgrim of faith lived as a soldier in a land of promise,亚伯拉罕——信心的过路客,在应许之地只是一个过路客而已。希伯来书11:10 节:“因为他等候那座有根基的城,就是上帝所经营、所建造的。”The men and women of space was strangers and programs,这些信心的伟人不论是男女,是陌生者,是过路者,because they desired a better country, 因为他们渴慕更美的家乡,that is a heavenly,就是天上的家乡。希伯来书11:16节:“他们却羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的。所以上帝被称为他们的上帝,并不以为耻,因为他已经给他们预备了一座城。”

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The pride that built the city and tower of Babel still motivates the builders of megapolis USA. 建造巴别塔那种的骄傲, 今天仍然是美国巨大城市的建造者的原动力。The Bible predicts the final storm of God’s wrath,圣经预言:上帝的审判是最后的大风暴,that will throw it away every proud tower,必定会吹灭每一座傲慢的高塔。The wall of Babylon will fall,巴比伦的墙必定倒塌,indeed every wall will fall,每一道墙都必倒塌。Here there is no abiding city. 在这个世界没有常存的城市的。以西结书38:20节:“甚至海中的鱼、天空的鸟、田野的兽,并地上的一切昆虫,和其上的众人,因见我的面就都震动;山岭必崩裂,陡岩必塌陷,墙垣都必坍倒。”每一道墙都要倒下来!希伯来书13:14节:“我们在这里本没有常存的城,乃是寻求那将来的城。”

In the last cosmic convulsion of judgment,在最后一次翻转全世界的宇宙性的审判,only that which cannot be shaken will remain,还能够存留的就是那些必不动摇的,the city of God,就是上帝的城,the Kingdom of God that cannot be shaken,就是上帝的国度,就是必不动摇的国度。希伯来书12:27~28节:“这再一次的话,是指明被震动的,就是受造之物都要挪去,使那不被震动的常存。所以我们既得了不能震动的国,就当感恩,照上帝所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心侍奉上帝。 ”

The desert has claimed some of the great cities of antiquity,在古代的一些伟大的城市,后来都被沙漠吞灭了, and the vines of the jungle’s has swallowed up others,其他的就成为森林了。In Berlin, Stuttgart and other European cities, 在德国的柏林的斯图加特和其他的城市,there are great hills made of the rabble of the bombings of World War II,有些的山林其实都是二战所炸掉的废物堆。

the destruction and the rebuilding of cities in our time,在我们这个世代的城市的毁灭和重建,only serves to remind us that ,只不过是提醒我们:no city of man endures forever,没有一个人造的城是永远常存的。Those who live by faith know that they have no abiding city here,藉着信心而生活的人知道在这里(地上)没有常存的城市的,they seek after the city that is the come,他们追求的是将要来到的城市,like Abraham and patriarchs,他们好像亚伯拉罕和列祖一样,they are ready to live in tents as they journey on to the promised city,他们愿意住在帐篷里,走到那个应许之城。希伯来书11:9节:“他因着信,就在所应许之地作客,好像在异地居住帐棚,与那同蒙一个应许的以撒、雅各一样。”

They know that neither Babylon nor Jerusalem on earth is home,他们知道在地上的巴比伦,甚至耶路撒冷,都不是他们的家园。Jerusalem above is their mother city,在天上的、在上的耶路撒冷才是他们的家乡、他们的母亲。加拉太书 4:26 节:“但那在天上的耶路撒冷是自主的,她是我们的母。”母亲! The magnificence of Babylon doesn’t impress them,他们并不欣赏巴比伦的华美,the rituals of earthly Jerusalem cannot bind them,而地上耶路撒冷的仪式也不捆绑、不约束他们。They are ready to join their Savior outside it’s gate,他们等候,要与他们救主一起在城外相遇,sharing His reproach,分享他们救主在城外的羞辱。希伯来书13:13 节:“这样,我们也当出到营外,就了他去,忍受他所受的凌辱。”

But they do not yet flee the city of this world, 但是,他们仍然还不能逃离地上这个世界的城,for they seek the city and Kingdom of God in the streets and alleys of the City of man,因为他们(就是信徒们),是在人的城市里的大街小巷里,追求上帝的城、上帝的国的。These pilgrims have a gospel a full message,这些过路客带着福音的信息,they are resident aliens far from home, 他们是远离家乡的异乡客,but they are also ambassadors,但是他们也是使者,charged to proclaim the Kingdom of God,被差遣来宣告上帝的国的。

  第二段,Heavily Citizen天国的国民的身份。

These strangers do not lack citizenship. 这些陌生人并不是没有国籍的,they have a city,他们有他们的城市,a city to which they come in worship,他们会来到这个城市敬拜的。

Every service of Christian worship is a gathering to the heavenly Jerusalem. 每一次的基督徒的敬拜,就是来到天上耶路撒冷的聚会,to the great epic assembly of saints and angels,就是来到圣徒们和天使们那个伟大城市的聚会,to God, their Judge,来到审判众人的上帝,to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant ,也是来到新的约的中保耶稣那里。Paul writes for our citizenship  is in heaven we also wait for the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20)。保罗在腓立比书3:20节是这样说的:我们却是天上的国民,并且等候救主,就是主耶稣基督从天上的降临。

Heavenly citizenship includes both present privileges and future hope. 作为天上的国民,包含了现今的特权和未来的盼望。The city of God is as real today as the risen body of Jesus Christ. 上帝的城在今天是又真又活的,这正如耶稣基督复活的身体又真又活的。It is as shown tomorrow as the new heavens and earth, in which this has saving will find consummation. 上帝的国在将来也是确定的,就正如祂有一天,要将祂的拯救的大工带到完结的地步,带来的新天新地在明天也是又真又确定的一样。

The city of God endures,上帝的城是永存的。because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, forever,因为耶稣基督是昨天、今天、直到永远不变的(希伯来书13:8节)。 All centers in Christ,一切都在基督这个中心,一切都以基督为中心,the Lord of the city,基督是城市之主。

The Christian hope does not begin in Utopian idealism and end cynical power politics. 基督徒的盼望的起点、出发点,并不是乌托邦这一类的理想意识形态,因为那些的最后的结局,只不过是一种令人失望的、怀疑的权力斗争政治而已。Not, if it is Christ-centered,假如基督徒的盼望是以基督为中心的话,就不会有乌托邦主义,也不会堕落到权力斗争。

The righteousness of the city is the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the Lord. 城市的公义,是基督耶稣主宰的公义,those who enter the city at last are those whose sins have been washed by His blood,最后能够进到那个城的人,就是有祂的宝血洗净他们的罪的人。And whose righteousness is the perfect holiness of Christ, 他们穿上的义,乃是基督的完全的圣洁公义。

because the city of God is both present and future, heavenly and earthly,因为上帝的城已临,也未临,属天,也在地。It brings the touch of heaven to earth,它就将天上的意味带到地上来,as Jerusalem of old image of God’s dwelling in the midst of the earth。正如古时候的耶路撒冷,是象征着上帝在地上的居住。so the New Testament church is a city set upon a hill,同样的,新约的教会就是建造在山上的城,that can not be hidden,不能隐藏的。

The church in another figure,用另外一个暗喻来说,教会,is a lamp stands to behold Jesus Christ ,是一个灯台,举起耶稣基督,the light of city of God ,上帝的城之光,before the world,在世界面前作灯台,举起耶稣基督——上帝的城之光。

To know Christ is to know heavenly citizenship on earth,认识基督,就是认识在地上作天上的国民。heavenly citizenship on earth,在地上作天上的国民。it is experiencing joyful communion of the people of God,认识基督,就是经历到上帝子民的喜乐的相交;it is the taste of beginnings other of restoring of the world eternal life and peace,认识基督,就是尝到万物复兴的开始,永生和平安的开始。

That citizenship frees the man to seek not for his own things but things of others. 这种的国民身份呢,就释放一个人,不先寻求自己的利益,乃是追求别人的益处,because he seeks first the things of Christ,因为他先追求基督的事。腓立比书2:19~22节:“我靠主耶稣指望快打发提摩太去见你们,叫我知道你们的事,心里就得着安慰。因为我没有别人与我同心,实在挂念你们的事。别人都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。但你们知道提摩太的明证;他兴旺福音,与我同劳,待我像儿子待父亲一样。”

The zeal of heavenly citizenship drive Christian together,天上国民的身份,就催使基督徒联结在一起,to care for the poor and the orphan in Christ name,奉基督的名照顾穷人,照顾孤儿。to seek the peace of the city while they serve the Lord,在他们那所服侍上帝之所在的城,祈求那个城平安。耶利米书 29:7节:“我所使你们被掳到的那城,你们要为那城求平安,为那城祷告耶和华;因为那城得平安,你们也随着得平安。”(耶利米书 29:7)

There is no gospel in a new social order,建立一个新的社会秩序,并不是新的福音,but there is a renewal of social order in the Gospel,但是,在福音里面有社会秩序的更新的。It is the King who brings the Kingdom,是那位君王将国度带来,the Lord who prepares the city with foundations,是主预备那个有根基的城的。


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