Living in Christ’s Church Session 6《教会论与教会生活》第6讲

主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立、爱的天空&ZJY(CGY)_英文:John Kim_文字:傅昱川

我们继续再讲上帝在地上的居所,就是上帝的帐幕。帐幕要不要被建立起来呢?前面我们看到上帝在出埃及记提出了一个另类的计划,因为百姓犯罪,上帝说,我不住在你们中间了,我在你们前面走,差遣使者在你们中间就好了。In support of His new proposal God tells Moses to pitch a tent, not in the midst of the camp where the tabernacle was to be but outside the camp (Ex. 33:7-11),上帝支持祂自己的建议,就叫摩西建立一个的会幕,不是在营的中间,那里是帐幕要建立的地方,不是的,是在营外的。


The cloud of God’s presence would come down to the tent of meeting and there God would speak with Moses. 云柱就是上帝临在的云柱,会降下到会幕,在那个地方,上帝会与摩西说话。Those who sought the Lord could come outside the camp to the tent. 要寻求耶和华的人,可以出营到会幕那里。What a happy compromise! 何等奇妙的妥协计划啊!Did it give Israel everything they wanted without the attendant dangers? 这个计划岂不是把一切都给了以色列民,就是他们所想要的,但又没有伴随着危险。Their enemies would be driven out, 他们的仇敌会被赶出。The land would be theirs. 应许之地就会属于他们了,Further, God was not stepping out of the picture. 不但如此,上帝也没有完全跨出整个事情以外。He was still to be available, just outside the camp. 要找上帝还是可以找得到的,就在营外。

Moses could take care of God-relations for Israel. 摩西可以为以色列民处理与上帝的关系。Would not Israel jump at the chance to have God’s assistance without his immediate presence? 以色列看到有上帝的帮助,却没有祂直接的同在,岂不是兴奋的不得了吗?would not even Moses reluctantly agree that this arrangement was more realistic, given Israel’s track record? 摩西岂不会有一点点迟疑,但是呢,摩西岂不愿意同意,既然以色列是如此,这个的安排是更加的现实。是吗?Read the response of Moses. 请读摩西的回应。

Ex. 33:12-16; 出埃及记33:12~16节:“摩西对耶和华说:‘你吩咐我说,将这百姓领上去,却没有叫我知道你要打发谁与我同去,只说,我按你的名认识你,你在我眼前也蒙了恩。我如今若在你眼前蒙恩,求你将你的道指示我,使我可以认识你,好在你眼前蒙恩。求你想到这民是你的民。‘耶和华说:’我必亲自和你同去,使你得安息。‘摩西说:’你若不亲自和我同去,就不要把我们从这里领上去。人在何事上得以知道我和你的百姓在你眼前蒙恩呢,岂不是因你与我们同去,使我和你的百姓与地上的万民有分别么。‘”Moses cries out to God: 摩西向神呼喊说,if he will not go up in the midst of the people there is no point in their going at all. 上帝若不在祂子民的中间一起上去应许之地,那么就不需要上去了。

The purpose of the exodus is that Israel might be God’s own possession, that he might dwell among them as His nation of priests. 整个出埃及的目的就是要以色列做上帝的赎民,上帝住在他们中间,他们是上帝的国度,是做祭司的国度。Indeed God’s giving of the land as an inheritance had the same purpose. 是的,连上帝把应许之地赐给以色列作为产业,目的也是一样的。Canaan was not just farm acreage for an agricultural people: 迦南地不仅仅是给农夫耕作的好几亩田地而已。It was to be a sanctuary迦南是圣所,a place where God would dwell in His holy hill 在迦南地这个圣所,上帝将要居住在祂的圣山上,with the tribes of Israel gathered around Him in their assigned homesteads. 而以色列的各支派就围绕着上帝住在他们指定的家园里。

An issue was the question whether the tabernacle should be built at all. 现在问题所在,究竟是会幕应该被建立起来吗?Since the tabernacle symbolize God’s dwelling in the midst of Israel, 既然帐幕是象征着上帝在以色列民中间的居所。It would not be necessary if God remained outside the camp 而假如上帝停留在营外呢?帐幕就不必被建立起来了。The tent of meeting would then serve. 那个营外的会幕就足够了,neither would the temple be necessary if God were not to dwell among his people. 上帝若不住在祂子民的中间的话,圣殿也不必需要了。The anguish of Moses’s prayer reaches to the heart of the question,摩西祷告中的悲哀是说到整个问题的心脏地带。He prays that God will show him His ways, that he might know Him (Ex. 33:13). 出埃及记33:13节,摩西祷告求上帝向他(摩西)显现祂自己的道路,好叫摩西认识上帝。Knowing the Lord is the whole point of salvation. 整个救恩的意义就是认识耶和华上帝。there is no point in being saved from bondage in Egypt if God’s presence is lost. 假如失去了上帝的临在,那么从埃及的为奴之地被拯救出来是没有意义的。

What plea can Moses make to God to escape the judgment of God’s removal from the midst? 摩西可以凭什么向上帝求让以色列能够脱离这个审判呢?就是上帝从他们中间挪移、挪开的这个审判呢?Can he plead that Israel is not as stiff-necked as God has said? 他可以这样求吗:“哎呀,以色列没有好像上帝说的那么的颈项刚硬呢”Can he ask for one more chance, giving assurance that Israel will never again murmur of rebel? 他是否可以向上帝求多一次的机会,向上帝保证以色列从今以后不会埋怨,不会叛逆呢?No, Moses cannot pleas the virtue of Israel: 不,摩西不可能凭着以色列的美德而求,he can plead only the mercy of God. 他只能凭着上帝的怜悯来祈求。His appeal is that God would in mercy show him his glory. 他只能凭着这个来求上帝开恩施怜悯,这样子显示、彰显祂的荣耀。This of course is the point of God’s dwelling in their midst 这个当然就是上帝住在他们中间整个的意义。That his glory might be seen, that he might be known. 就是人能够看到祂的荣耀,能够认识祂。

God answers that plea of Moses: 上帝听了摩西的祷告,he reveals his glory and proclaims his name. 上帝彰显了祂的荣耀,宣告了祂的名字。To be sure, Moses is allowed to see only God’s back and not his face. 是的,摩西是可以看到上帝的背,不能看到上帝的面。God covers him in the cleft of the rock as he passes by. 当上帝走过磐石的时候,上帝隐藏摩西在磐石里。But Moses hears the name of God proclaimed: 可是上帝的名被宣告,摩西听到了。”The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth”Ex. 34:6节:“耶和华,耶和华,是有怜悯有恩典的神,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实。”(出埃及记34:6)

This passage is cited in John’s gospel to describe the glory of Christ as “full of grace and truth” (Jn. 1:14) 在约翰福音,约翰也引用了这一段经文来描述耶稣基督的荣耀是充满的有恩典、有真理。(约1:14)Notice how John reflects on God’s revelation to Moses in Exodus. 请注意,约翰怎么样反省上帝在《出埃及记》向摩西的自我启示。He reminds us that the law was given by Moses and that in the law the grace and truth of God are proclaimed. 约翰提醒我们:律法是由摩西所颁发的,在律法里面上帝宣告了,祂的恩典和祂的真理,but that grace and truth came in Jesus Christ (V. 17) 可是,这个恩典和真理是在耶稣基督里来到的。(约1:17节)

How did God’s grace and truth come? 上帝的恩典和上帝的真理是如何来到的(约1:14节)。John answers: “The Word became flesh, and tabernacle among us and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth”, (Jn. 1:14 ASV margent(美国标准版的旁注) 约翰福音1:14 节:“道成了肉身在我们中间(搭帐篷),充充满满的有恩典有真理。我们也见过他的荣光,正是父独生子的荣光。”The word that John uses to describe the dwelling of Christ among us is a word that refers to the tabernacle. 使徒约翰用来描述基督住在我们中间那个字是“帐幕”那个字。Moses was not permitted to see God (v. 18) but John has seen “God the Only-Begotten” as the best manuscripts of verse 18 read. 上帝不容许摩西看到他(第18节),但是约翰已经看到了那位独生者。God the Only-Begotten,这个是第18节最好的古卷的翻译法。

Yes, God revealed Himself to Moses as the God of grace and truth. 是的,上帝身为充满着恩典和真理的上帝,向摩西自我启示了,He would dwell among His people. 上帝会住在祂的子民中间。The tabernacle was built. 帐幕毕竟被建立起来了。But the tabernacle could only symbolize the dwelling of God with His people. 可是帐幕只能是象征上帝住在祂子民的中间,Even the cloud of glory was a symbol that concealed even as it revealed the glory of God. 连云柱是只不过是个象征。一方面它彰显上帝的荣耀,同时它也是用来遮盖上帝的荣耀的。

But when Philip put to Jesus a prayer like that of Moses, “Show us the Father!” (Jn. 14:8) 但是,当腓力与摩西一样向耶稣祷告的时候,求显示天父给我们看。(约14:8) 耶稣这样回答: Jesus replied, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” “人若见过我,就见过父了。”The tabernacle was symbolism, Christ is the reality. 帐幕是象征,基督就是那实在。He is the true temple, the dwelling of God with man. 基督就是那真圣殿,上帝与人同在的居所。

     第四段 Section 4,The True Temple真圣殿。 Jesus himself claimed this fulfillment. 耶稣亲自宣称祂应验了、成就了这个事实。The charge that the priests sought to establish against Jesus at His trial was that He threatened to destroy the temple (Mt. 26:61) 祭司们向耶稣基督的控告,乃是耶稣要威吓、要破除、要毁掉圣殿。马太福音26:61节: “这个人曾说,我能拆毁上帝的殿,三

日内又建造起来。”They summoned false witnesses who twisted the words that Jesus had spoken: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (Jn. 2:19). 他们找了一些见证人来做假见证,扭曲耶稣所讲过的话,耶稣在约翰福音2:19节说过:“你们拆毁这圣殿,我三日内要再建立起来。”

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Jesus had not threatened to destroy the temple but had promised to build it anew by His resurrection. 耶稣并不是要威吓拆毁圣殿,耶稣乃是要籍着祂的应许,籍着祂的复活,要重新建造圣殿。Jesus predicted that the priests themselves would destroy the temple by demanding His crucifixion. 耶稣自己就已经预告,那些祭司们就是那些要拆毁圣殿的人,祭司们要求耶稣被钉十字架。In speaking as He did, Jesus was claiming to be the true temple. 耶稣这样来讲,就等于宣称祂就是真圣殿。

Jesus’ claim is also made in His conversation with the Samaritan woman by the well in Sychar. 耶稣与撒玛利亚妇人在井边的对话,也是做出这样子的声称。When the woman found that he already knew the sordid story of her life,当夫人发现耶稣已经知道她生命可怜的故事的时候,She knew that he was a prophet. 她知道这人是先知。The discovery was a shock to her for the Samaritans did not believe that any true prophet could come from the Jews and Jesus was plainly a Jew. 对这个撒玛利亚妇人来说发现耶稣是先知,是令她震惊的事。因为撒玛利亚人并不相信从犹太人中可能会有任何的真先知,而耶稣肯定是犹太人。Therefore she said to Jesus, 所以呢,她这样向耶稣说(Jn. 4:20,约4:20节):“我们的祖宗在这山上礼拜。你们倒说,应当礼拜的地方是在耶路撒冷。”Our fathers worshiped in this mountain; And ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship”。

Consider the answer of Jesus. 请注意耶稣如何回答。He does not answers many would say,“well, we Jews and you Samaritans are both right. God seeks worshipers and is glad to be worshiped anywhere by anyone.”耶稣并没有好像今天的人们会这样回答:“我们犹太人和你们撒玛利亚人都是对的,上帝在寻找敬拜祂的人,所以不论是在什么地方,什么人敬拜祂,上帝都会很高兴。”No, Jesus plainly tells the woman that Samaritan worship is in ignorance, 不是的!耶稣对妇人明说,撒玛利亚人的敬拜是无知的敬拜,for“Salvation is of the Jews” (v. 22) 因为耶稣在22节说,“救恩是从犹太人出来的。”

But Jesus also says, 但是耶稣同时也说: ”woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall ye worship the Father.”但是,耶稣同时对这个妇人说:“妇人,你当信我,时候将到,你们拜父也不在这山上,也不在耶路撒冷。”We can understand that the Father is not to be worshiped in the Samaritan shrine on Gerizim. 我们可以明白人不可以从撒玛利亚的祭坛敬拜父上帝。God had set His name at Jerusalem; 上帝把祂的名安置在耶路撒冷的,there and there only where sacrifices to be offered (Deut. 12:5-14),唯独在耶路撒冷人才应该在那里向耶和华献祭。(申命记12:5~14,Deut. 12:5-14)

申命记第12章,从第5节开始:“但耶和华你们的 神从你们各支派中选择何处为立他名的居所,你们就当往那里去求问,将你们的燔祭,平安祭,十分取一之物,和手中的举祭,并还愿祭,甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中头生的,都奉到那里。在那里,耶和华你们 神的面前,你们和你们的家属都可以吃,并且因你手所办的一切事蒙耶和华你的 神赐福,就都欢乐。我们今日在这里所行的是各人行自己眼中看为正的事,你们将来不可这样行。因为你们还没有到耶和华你 神所赐你的安息地,所给你的产业。但你们过了约旦河,得以住在耶和华你们神使你们承受为业之地,又使你们太平,不被四围的一切仇敌扰乱,安然居住。那时要将我所吩咐你们的燔祭,平安祭,十分取一之物,和手中的举祭,并向耶和华许愿献的一切美祭,都奉到耶和华你们 神所选择要立为他名的居所。你们和儿女,仆婢,并住在你们城里无分无业的利未人,都要在耶和华你们的 神面前欢乐。你要谨慎,不可在你所看中的各处献燔祭。惟独耶和华从你那一支派中所选择的地方,你就要在那里献燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。”


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