
Living in Christ’s Church Session 1


主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立&ZJY(CGY) _英文:John Kim_文字:傅昱川

我们在这里要介绍到是前任威斯敏斯特神学院院长克罗尼(Edmund Clowney,)他所写的这本Living in Christ’s Church。可以说是一本他的他的名著The Church,《教会论》的浓缩版,出版社是Great Commission Publications,大使命出版社,是由两个宗派合作经营的主日学材料出版社。他们就是OPC(Orthodox Presbyterian Church,正统长老会)和PCA(Presbyterian Church in America),我把它翻译成美国改革宗长老会。

这本书是一本成人主日学教材,有13章。13章之前有一个序言,“《圣经》神学简介”(A Word about Biblical Theology)。这13章的题目是:

第一章是教会——上帝的敬拜聚会(God’s worshiping assembling)。

第二章, 教会,上帝的居所(The Church: God’s Dwelling)。

第三章, 教会,上帝的选民(God’s Chosen People )。

第四章, 教会,基督的会众(Church’s Assembly)。

第五章,教会与国度(The Church and the Kingdom)。

第六章,教会,国度的群体(The Community of the Kingdom)。





第十章, 教会的特性(Features)。

第十一章,宗教改革的用语,教会的标志(Marks of the church)。

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我们先从序言开始来读,A Word about Biblical Theology,《圣经》神学简介:

Most of us have picked up what we know about the church through our somewhat haphazard experiences. 一般来说,我们对于教会的知识呢,都是非常的零散的取得的,a few sermons here and there, 这里那里听几篇的讲道。And perhaps, an attempt to study what the Westminster confession of faith and catechisms have to said on the subject. 或者我们试图去研究《威斯敏斯特信仰告白》和《大小要理问答》论教会是怎么说的。At best we have an organized summary of biblical teaching,我们最多能与有一个《圣经》的教导的有组织的总结或者大纲。But without a sense of how that teaching developed over the hundreds of years God was revealing His will to His people through His word, 虽然有一个《圣经》教义的一个大纲,一般来说,我们没有意识到这个教义是怎么样经过好几百年发展出来的。就是上帝藉着祂的话将祂的旨意启示给祂的子民,这个漫长的过程。简单的说,上帝的启示历史或者救赎历史的过程。我们很少意识到教会论,是怎么从……简单地说,创世记到启示录演变出来的。

We, of course, realize that the Bible was not written in one lifetime。当然我们知道《圣经》并不是在一代写出来的。But we do not really know how to unravel the process and in a way that help us to appreciate the richness of biblical teaching on major doctrines. 但是我们常常并不真正知道整个过程是怎么样展开的,认识到这个过程是能够帮助我们体会到,《圣经》关于重要的教义的教导是如何的丰富,就是救赎历史的过程让我们每一个教义是如何的丰富。The approach to bible study that helps best with this,最能够帮助我们的在这方面的读经方法,is called “biblical theology”,就是《圣经》神学,contrasted with “systematic theology” ,《圣经神学》有别于系统神学。Both aim to be faithful to the Scriptures,《圣经》神学和系统神学它们的目标都是要向《圣经》忠诚的。But the first emphasizes development,但是前者《圣经》神学强调的是演绎得过程;and second emphasizes system,后者系统神学强调的是整个的系统。

Dr. Clowney in the book you have in your hand follows the Biblical theology model. 我们在读的这本克罗尼院长所写的这本书,是跟《圣经神学》这个模式的。He describes his approach in this way,他是这样子来形容这个进路的。下面这段话,是克罗尼自己所讲的话,我先把这个出处说出:Excerpted from Discovery Biblical Theology,出自发现《圣经》神学。A classroom syllabus at Westminster Theological Seminary, 1964. 1964年威斯敏斯特神学院上课的讲义。

那我先解释一下什么是syllabus,讲义?我所认识的威斯敏斯特神学院的教授们,他们所写的syllabus,一般呢,特别是慕理,(我没有福气上慕理的课,)都是写好的,就像一本书。特别是范泰尔的(,那我有上他的课)。但是呢这本讲义的封面一定说明:这本不是一本出版的书,请不要当作书来对待。那慕理先生所写的讲义好到一个地步,有的时候写的,有的时候他不会让你拿到,他要自己一个字一个字的抄下来。学生们就跟他说:“慕理先生,你的讲义这么好,不如我们打好了复印,流传给各位?不就好了吗?”“不可以,不可以!”每次上课都要手抄、手抄。当然慕理先生一去世,马上这些讲义就成书了,就是收在Collective Writings of John Murray,他的四本里面好几本都是他的讲义。范泰尔的书也是,后来都成书了,包括你们都知道的《基督教护教学》这本书。当时我们也是只可以买复印本,但是不可以当作是书来对待的。

那这里是克罗尼《圣经神学》的讲义,他怎么说呢?他说:If we reflect on the Bible’s own structure,假如我们去思想《圣经》本身的结构,and ask the question, 而问:Why has God given us His Word in this form?上帝为什么用这个的形式给我们祂的话语呢?A two-fold answer appears, 答案是两方面的。In the first place, 首先,it is plain that the form of the Bible is shaped by history. 很明显的一个事实就是,《圣经》的形式,是由历史来塑造的。In the second place,其次,it is also clear, 同样明显的是,that what is described through the long process of biblical history is the unfolding of the one setting plan of God. 在漫长的《圣经》历史所描述的就是,上帝的一个救赎计划如何展开。What the Bible gives, therefore, 因此《圣经》所给我们的,is God’s inspired record of the history of His saving work. 就是上帝的救赎的大工的历史的由上帝默示的记录。God’s inspired record of the history of his saving work,上帝救赎大工历史的记录,是由祂默示写下来的记录。这个是克罗尼对《圣经》神学的一个的描述。

The Bible’s teaching about the church fits into the history of God’s saving work. 《圣经》对于教会的教导或者教训,是可以说是在上帝救赎作为的历史里面的。Chapter 6. The Community of the Kingdom,本书的第六章,国度的群体,traces the concept of Kingdom or city’s citizenship throughout the Biblical record of God’s work,第六章就勾画出作为国度或者天上的城的国民,勾画着这个概念,从整个《圣经》的记录、整个《圣经》对上帝作为的记录的过程里面去勾画出作为国度或者天上的城的国民这个概念。

Three simple bible study techniques will help you use the approach,若要用《圣经》神学这个进路,有三个简单的查经方法能够帮助你的。Word study is the first of these, 第一个方法就是字义研究。In chapter one, you will find an example in the study of the word “assembly”,本书第一章就是一个例子,作为一个assembly,会众(,希伯来文是קָהָל 、 qahal,希腊文是 ἐκκλησία ekklesia),这个字的字义的研究。

我在这里停一下,我多插一句话。在中文的属灵书籍里面,字义研究的最好的参考书就是《圣经新词典》(,New Bible Dictionary),其次有《圣经神学词典》。《圣经神学词典》还不如《圣经新词典》里面要长的神学课题的词条那么的扎实。


A second technique involves comparison and contrast.第二个查经方法就牵涉到比较和对照。To do this, ask two questions:若要用这个比较和对照的查经法呢,你要用两个问题:What else in the Bible is like this? 《圣经》还有什么其他的经文呢,是好像这里所说的呢?How does this passage differ from those other passages to which it is most closely related? 这段经文和其他与这段经文最有关系的其他经文之间,不同在哪里?这段经文有什么不同、独特的地方呢?You will find an example of this in chapter two. 本书的第二章有这方面的比较和对照的方法的例子。Where God’s presence on earth as shown in the tabernacle, 上帝在地上与祂的子民同在、透过帐幕与祂的子民同在,is compared with Jesus’ presence among us (John 1:14),就与耶稣与我们同在的做一个的比较(参考约翰福音1:14)。 God’s presence in the Old Testament temple,上帝在旧约的圣殿的临在或者同在,is contrasted with His presence in the New,与上帝在新约与祂的子民同在,成为对照。Where the temple is the people instead of a building,在新约时期呢,圣殿是一个民众、会众,而不是一个建筑物。

A final technique is the simplest, yet the most difficult. 最后一个方法是最简单,却是最困难的。Meditate,要默想。 Meditation is prayerful thought carried out in the presence of God,默想就是在上帝面前一种祷告心情的思考。As you study about living in Christ’s church,当你研究教会论和教会生活的时候,be sure you do so prayerfully, in the presence of God,要留意以祷告心情的研究,就是在上帝面前的学习。It would help if each week you recall a basic truth from the lesson,你若每一个星期从这一章里面回顾一个基本的真理,是对你有很大帮助的。And think about it over and over again,一次再次地去思想,seeking to appreciate or understand it better,并且努力的去欣赏体会它、更多的理解他。

The Editor



好了,我们现在就进入到第一章,Chapter 1, (第一章,)God’s Worshiping Assembly, 上帝的敬拜祂的聚会。

Could you give three good reasons for not studying the doctrine of the church? 你可以提出三个理由或者三个借口,不研究《圣经》的教会论吗?那Martin Luther gave one,马丁路德提出了一个理由。He said that studying the church was hardly necessary,他说几乎不需要研究教会的,since even a child of 7 knows what the church is, 因为就算是7岁的小孩子也知道什么叫教会。American who have attended church since childhood may think that Luther was right. 一些从小参加教会的美国人可能会觉得路德是讲对了。Another reason might be,第二个理由是,distaste for institutions and organizations,第二个理由可能是对于制度和组织一种的厌倦或者不喜欢。You may suspect that the people who want to talk about the church are organizational types. 你可能会怀疑那些要你讲教会、教会论的人,都是那种的超组织派的人,who confuse denominational loyalty with loyalty to Christ,他们不会分对宗派的效忠和对基督忠诚之间(的区别),他们就混为一谈了。(就是那些都是搞宗派主义的人,这里大概对于教会论非常地不喜欢。)

Or you may simply feel that there are more important doctrines to study. 或者简单地说,你可能觉得要研究的教义还有其他更重要的。 Yet the Bible is full of teaching about the church.但是《圣经》里充满着关于教会的教导,we find it in the Old Testament as well as in the New,在新约和旧约都有关于教会的教导的。Indeed, we lack interest in the church,诚然的,假如我们对教会没有兴趣,we lack what for Jesus was a consuming passion,我们就没有对耶稣来说祂所热爱的那件事--Jesus loved the church,耶稣爱教会,and gave himself for it,并为她舍命(以弗所书5:25)。We cannot understand the work of Christ without reflecting on the church He came to gather and build. 我们若不思考到耶稣来到世界上聚集怎么样一个教会、来建造怎样一个教会的话,我们就不能把明白基督的大工。 The church, according to Scripture, is not just another institution created by a religious establishment. 根据《圣经》,教会并不是一种随便什么的制度、是由有权有势的人创立的,不是的。It is the People of God,教会是上帝的子民、the body of Christ基督的身体,the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit圣灵的团契so closely is the church united to the Lord, 教会是那么的亲密与主耶稣联合,that studying the church in the Bible will also lead us to know the Lord better,是那么的联合,研究《圣经》中的教会是导致我们更加的认识主耶稣。

第一章第一段,The Assembly at Sinai,西奈山前的聚会。

我先说一说,assembly这个字很难翻译,可以翻译成“聚会”、可以翻成“会众”。《圣经》里就翻译成教会了,The Assembly at Sinai。When Jesus said to Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my church”(Matt. 16:18),当主耶稣对彼得说“我要在这个磐石上建立我的教会”的时候呢(太16:18), He used a term that was quite familiar to the disciples,祂所用的这个词,对门徒来说是非常熟悉的。In reporting the saying of Jesus,当马太记录、报道耶稣讲的话的时候呢,Matthew uses the Greek word ecclesia,他所用的希腊字是ἐκκλησία, ecclesia(是来自晚期希腊文Kyriakon ,意谓「上主的殿宇」;拉丁文作Ecclesia 是希腊文的直接音译),the word means assembly这个字就是“会众”或者“聚会”的意思。Israel, the Old Testament people of God, was called “the assembly of the Lord” (Deut. 23:3).

以色列,上帝在旧约的子民,在申命记23:3被称为“主耶和华的会众”。申命记23:3 亚扪人或是摩押人。不可入耶和华的会.他们的子孙虽过十代。也永不可入耶和华的会。 “the assembly of the Lord”,主耶和华的会众。The term describes God’s people as they come together to stand before Him,那这句话是克罗尼强调的,assembly这个字是形容那些聚集在上帝面前、站立在上帝面前的上帝的子民,就不是抽象的上帝的子民一个名单,乃是站在上帝面前,被上帝所呼召、被祂聚焦、已经聚集在祂面前的祂的子民的会众。Israel’s first great assembly is particularly in view,这里考虑到的特别是以色列第一次的大会,Great assembly, the historic gathering before God at Mount Sinai,就是在西奈山面前,那次的历史性的在上帝面前的聚集。God had delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt,上帝已经搭救以色列人离开埃及为奴之家。But He did more than liberate them,但是上帝不仅仅解放了他们,He brought them from serving Pharaoh to serve Him instead,祂带领以色列人不再服侍法老王,乃是来服侍祂。God’s demand to Pharaoh was, 上帝对法老的要求是Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness (Exo. 7:16),对他说,上帝对法老王说:耶和华希伯来人的上帝打发我-摩西,来见你说容我的百姓去好在旷野侍奉我。To serve God meant that Israel would be His people, in covenant with Him. 事奉上帝的意思是,以色列要做上帝的子民,与祂在一个约的关系里面。More specifically it referred to the service of worship, 更特别的意思是,在敬拜中对上帝的服侍。The sacred feast at Sinai to which the Lord called Israel from Egypt. 就是在西奈山面前,那个圣洁的宴席,上帝呼召以色列人出埃及,就是要来参加这个宴席的,出5:1 耶和华以色列的上帝这样说,容我的百姓去,在旷野向我守节。向我守节。


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