当代释经学的危机   第四讲


我们前面一二三讲,读完了Peter Enns的 Inspiration and Incarnation这一本 《默示与道成肉身》的第一章。现在我们在这一讲、第四讲,来看他在第二章提出了很多古近东、旧约时代很多的创造的神话、洪水的神话、其它法律的制度…等等。之后,在第38页开始,他说:

「What Exactly Is the Problem?」他说,「提出了这么多的古代的文件,好了,现在我们要问了,问题在哪里呢?」38页,

「I chose these texts because they represent different kinds of problems for Christians today who think about their Bible. 我提出这么多的文件,我选用这些的文件,是因为它们表达了对读经的基督徒不同种类的难题的。The impact of these texts leads to questions like these: 」他说,「这些的文件带来了一些的问题,他先提出三个问题:」

「第一,Does the Bible, particularly Genesis, report historical fact? 圣经,特别是《创世记》是在报道历史的事实呢?or is it just a bunch of stories culled from other ancient cultures? 或者是圣经只不过是一大堆的故事,是从其它的古代的文化凑起来的。」

「第二,What does it mean for other cultures to have an influence on the Bible that we believe is revealed by God?  我们相信圣经是神所启示的,但其它的文化影响了圣经,那这个又是什么意思呢?  Can we say that the Bible is unique or special?  我们能不能够说圣经是独特的、是特别的呢?If the Bible is such a “culturally conditioned” product, 假如圣经是一本这么『受文化所影响的』一个产品,what possible relevance can it have for us today? 那圣经对我们今天还有什么适切性吗?relevance第二条问题。」

「第三条问题,Does this mean that the history of the church, which carried on for many centuries before this evidence came to light, was wrong in how it thought about its Bible? 这个是不是意味着说教会历史中,好几个世纪都有着某一种的圣经论,但是现在有了这些证据之后,就表示教会在历史上的圣经观是错的呢?」

「These are some of the questions that Christians have been asking for the last several generations.」他说,「自从古近东的证据面世之后,好几代的基督徒已经在问这些问题的。 There are many ways of asking these questions, 这些问题可以有不同的方法来问,but they all boil down to this: 但它们最后的结论就是:Is the Bible still the word of God? 圣经还是、仍然是神的话吗?」

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「第一,Creation and Flood创造与洪水」

「Is Genesis Myth or History? 创世记是神话吗?还是历史呢?

「My intention is not to argue precisely where and how the Akkadian texts parallel the biblical accounts. 」 他说,「我这里不是要把这些Akka这个地方,这个最古代的文化的文件和圣经去比较一下, 我不要做这个工作。This is done too often很多学者已经做过了,and it is typically done on the basis of an assumption that I very much call into question, 它们这样并列,背后的前提是我非常的怀疑的。 namely, that the more Genesis looks like the Akkadian texts, the less inspired it is. 」 他说,「我不接受一个观点,就是说:《创世记》越像古近东的文件,它就越不是神所默示的。」


「Critical scholars tend to augment the similarities, 批判性的学者一般都是要把这些圣经与其它文化,关于创造、洪水,之间的比较像的地方突出来。even going beyond what has been warranted, 就算这样做,已经超过了合理的范围,and draw the general conclusion that Genesis is fundamentally no different from other ancient stories. 他们的结论就是《创世记》跟其他的民族的故事没有什么两样。」这个是自由派的。

保守派,「第二,保守派的基督徒学者,特别是比较早期的,一般都是会用一个策略selective engagement选择性的打仗of the evidence选择性的采用这些的证据:highlighting extrabiblical evidence that conforms to or supports traditional views of the Bible, 把一些证据是支持传统圣经观的特别把它强调, while ignoring, downplaying, or arguing against evidence to the contrary. 假如那些证据是对我们传统圣经论不利的,就把它们忽略、把它们减轻,或者向他们争辩。」

「Regardless, both sides of the debate recognize that there is some relationship between the Akkadian texts and their biblical counterparts.  不论是自由派或保守派,他们都相信Akkadian的文献和圣经是有某一方面的关系的。If we can properly define the nature of that relationship, debates about the implications of that relationship will fall into place. 」Peter Enns说,「我们现在不如来给一个定义给圣经与古近东文件的关系,这样子我们就会看到,这种关系应该会有什么样的涵义。 Moving toward that goal is largely the point of this chapter. 第二章就是要做这件事情。」


「The problem raised by these Akkadian texts is whether the biblical stories are historical这些Akkadian的文件提出的问题就是,究竟圣经是不是历史性的呢?how can we say logically that the biblical stories are true and the Akkadian stories are false when they both look so very much alike? 假如圣经,我们是否可以合乎逻辑的说,圣经的故事是真的,Akkadian的故事是假的?但事实上这两种故事都很像呢?我想一般今天保守派的学者不会这样想。」


「It is a common position among many modern scholars and biblically educated people that the ancient Near Eastern creation and flood stories are myth. 」他说,「一般的现代学者和受过教育的,在圣经研究受过教育的人,都有很普遍的立场,就是说,古近东的创造和洪水的故事是myth是神话的。This has led to the suggestion that the biblical story of creation is every bit as fanciful and unhistorical as the ancient Near Eastern stories. 所以就有人会说了,圣经里的创造的记载就完全跟古近东的故事一样完全是幻想、是不符合历史的。」

「Christians recoil from any suggestion that Genesis is in any way embedded in the mythologies of the ancient world.  那基督徒一听到有人说,《创世记》是植根于古代世界的神话世界里的,就马上就发抖、就很不自在的。 On one level this is understandable. 从某个层面来看,是可以理解的。 After all, if the Bible and the gospel are true, and if that truth is bound up with historical events, you can’t have the beginning of the Bible get it so wrong. 」 他说,「当然,假如圣经是真的,福音是真的话,而圣经的真实性跟历史事件有关的话,你不可能在圣经一开始的时候看到圣经把事情搞错了。  It is important to understand, however, that not all historians of the ancient Near East use the word myth simply as shorthand for “untrue,” “made-up,” “storybook.”但是,很重要的是我们要了解,不是所有的古近东历史学家用神话myth这个字的时候,他们不都认为这个字就是指『不真实的』、是『捏造出来的』、是『故事书』。」

「It may include these ideas for some, 某些的学者可能会这样看。but many who use the term are trying to get at something deeper.



「many who use the term are trying to get at something deeper. 很多学者用神话这个名词,是要指向一个更深的东西。是什么呢?A more generous way of defining myth:我们比较慷慨地来给myth神话一个定义就是:it is an ancient, premodern, prescientific way of addressing questions of ultimate origins and meaning in the form of stories 」 他说,「神话就是一个古代的、比现代前的、前现代的、前科学的方法,来面对人生宇宙的开始和意义这些问题,是用讲故事的方法来回答这些问题的。」 就是古代的、前现代、前科学的,它们用讲故事的方法来回答。「回答什么呢? Who are we?  我们是谁?  Where do we come from? 我们从哪里来?」


「Ancient peoples were not concerned to describe the universe in scientific terms.  古代的民族并不关心当他们形容宇宙的时候是要用科学的观念的。 In fact, to put the matter more strongly, 我们可以讲得更强一点, scientific investigation was not at the disposal of ancient Near Eastern peoples.  古代近东的民族根本就没有这些现代的科学研究的工具的。」

「Imagine yourself as a, living perhaps one thousand to two thousand years before Abraham. 」 他露出他的马脚,他说,「你想象你是一个Mesopotamian人,在亚伯拉罕以前一千两千年活着。」这他相信圣经是很后来的,前面还有很长的历史。」

「There is virtually no communication with those outside your immediate location你当时在Mesopotamian你完全跟外界隔绝的,你只是活在那个小小的地方。 There are no mass media 没有电视、internet,没有的。 The light you have is from the sun, moon, campfire, and perhaps lamps.  你有什么光,那都是太阳、月亮、营火,或者有些油灯也不一定。 You are a simple hunter你是打猎的or herder或牧场的管理人,working each day so you can live another. 每天工作好像明天不会饿死。 The scientific world in which we live我们今天所生活的一个科学的世界,and that we take so much for granted, 都以为是理所当然的,这种科学的世界。was inconceivable to ancient Mesopotamians对古代的Mesopotamian人来看,是不可思议的。  But ancient peoples, perhaps more contemplative than we are today, owing to the simplicity and rigor of their lives, wonder how it is that things are the way they are. 但是古代的人可能会比我们更多的默想,可能他们的生活比较简单、比较严谨,所以他们会问:为什么宇宙、人生是这个样子呢? Where does the sun go at night太阳夜里去哪里去了?or how did it get up there to begin with, and what keeps it from falling down like everything else does that gets tossed up in the air? 什么东西你丢在天上都会掉下来,为什么太阳不会掉下来呢? Why are there seasons?  为什么有春夏秋冬呢? Why does the moon move across the sky? 月亮为什么走过整个夜里的天空呢? Where does rain come from, and why does it seem to not be there when we need it most?  雨水哪里来的呢?我们最需要雨水的时候,为什么我们有干旱呢?  Why do things grow out of the ground?  植物为什么从地里会生出来的呢? Why do some animals feed off others?  为什么某些动物吃其它动物的肉呢? How did all we see around us begin?  这一切的一切我们看到的又是怎么开始的呢? Of course, not everyone went through this questioning process, 不是每一个古代的人都走过这个问问题的过程,but they lived within traditions that had already provided some answers.  但是他们生活在这种的文化传统里面是已经回答了这些的问题的。 Ancient peoples composed lengthy stories to address these types of questions, 古代的人民已经写了很长的故事来回答这些问题的,and on some level the cause was attributed to unknown, powerful figures. 在某一个层次上,这些的宇宙的东西的来源是由一些人不可知的、但又很有能力的神、或其它的什么位格来的。」

「It is impossible to know when the stories of the gods arose, but they did. 」 一讲到古代的故事,马上说得很旧的。这是偏见喔。

他说:「我们不知道 这些古代的神明的故事是从何开始的?但他们是有开始的。 I like to think that the imprint of God is so strong on his creation that, 」 他说,「我的观点是上帝的印记在祂的创造上是那么的重、那么的强,even apart from any knowledge of the true God, ancient peoples just knew that how and why they were here can be explained only by looking outside themselves. 就算他们没有认识真神,古代的人就知道:他们从哪里来的呢?那要从人以外去找。 They could teach modern people a thing or two! 在这方面,他们应该要作我们的老师才对。 So, stories were made up that aimed at answering questions of ultimate meaning.  所以他们就写一些、讲一些故事来回答人生宇宙最高的意义这些问题的。 And one way of getting at these kinds of questions was by telling stories about the creation.  其中一个方法就是讲一些创造的故事。 But this leads to a big problem for Christians today and their Bible. 但是对很多基督徒来说,和对他们手上的圣经来说,有很大的问题的。 If the ancient Near Eastern stories are myth, 假如古近东的故事是神话,defined in this way as prescientific stories of origins, 用这个定义,这些是前现代、前科学人民的讲宇宙起源的故事,假如这些是神话的话,and since the biblical stories are similar enough to these stories to invite comparison,而圣经的故事跟这些神话又很像,逼我们去比较, does this indicate that myth is the proper category for understanding Genesis? 所以,我们是不是应该用神话这个观念来理解《创世记》呢?」

「Before the discovery of the Akkadian stories, one could quite safely steer clear of such a question, 以前没有找到这些古近东的文件之前,我们可以不理睬这个问题呀,but this is no longer the case. 但现在已经不是了。」


「We live in a modern world where we have certain expectations of how the world works. 我们是活在现代的世界,我们知道世界是怎么运作的。 We neither understand the ancient ways—nor feel that we need to.  我们不明白古代人民的想法,我们也不觉得需要去明白它们。  To give a hint of where this discussion is going, 现在我来给大家一个提示,我们这个讨论是要走到什么地步?it is worth asking what standards we can reasonably expect of the Bible. 我们期待圣经是要达到怎么样的标准的?seeing that it is an ancient Near Eastern document and not a modern one.  圣经是一本古近东的书,不是一本现代的书。所以要符合什么标准呢?  Are the early stories in the Old Testament to be judged on the basis of standards of modern historical inquiry and scientific precision?旧约的故事是不是,特别是早期、就是《创世记》的这些故事,是不是要用现代的写历史的方法或者是精准的科学研究的标准来衡量的呢?things that ancient peoples were not at all aware of? 他们是完全没有意识到有什么写历史的方法或者科学的标准的。」

「Is it not likely that God would have allowed his word to come to the ancient Israelites according to standards they understood? 有没有可能上帝容许祂的话,是按照以色列人能够明白的标准,临到他们呢?or are modern standards of truth and error so universal that we should expect premodern cultures to have understood them? 还是说,我们今天现代科学的标准是普世性的,这些前现代的文化也应该明白呢?」


「The former position is, I feel, better suited for solving the problem. The latter is often an implicit assumption of modern thinkers, both conservative and liberal Christians, but it is somewhat myopic and should be called into question.  What the Bible is must be understood in light of the cultural context in which it was given.  总之,圣经是按照它的文化处境来理解的。」  就是说,不要用现代的标准来衡量「圣经是否无误,是否准确,或是否虚构」。总之,你说他虚构也不对,说他无误也不对。那个是古代人民讲话的方法嘛,他们形容宇宙的方法,他们讲故事嘛。

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