当代释经学的危机 第七讲


亲爱的弟兄姐妹,我们来到当代释经学的危机的第七讲。 我们在第六讲已经讲过Greg Beale认为其实福音派的学者对于古近东的文献与旧约圣经的关系,事实上有四种不同观点的。Beale就说,可能Peter Enns是采用第五种的比较激进的观点,但是又承认神的启示或者默示等等。

上一讲最后我们讲到究竟Peter Enns用「神话」这个字的定义是什么呢?Greg Beale的感觉是,应该就是「神话」,就是不是真的。最后我们讲到,Peter Enns说,问一个问题,究竟「神话」是不是一个正确的概念来理解创世记呢?Peter Enns怎么回答这个问题呢?祂用第二个问题来回答第一个问题。第二个问题是说,我们是不是应该用现代的历史和科学的标准来衡量旧约呢?因为圣经的作者并不意识到他们要用这些的标准,他们也不认识这些标准。

好,现在Beale继续总结、引用Peter Enns的话(还是在原著的41页):

「He answers by saying就是说,究竟我们应不应该用现代的标准呢?Peter Enns的答案是:that it is unlikely that God would have allowed his word to come to the Israelites according to “modern standards of truth and error so universal that we should expect premodern cultures to have understood them.” 他说,这个下面要讲的是不可能的,大概不可能。上帝不可能容许祂的话来到以色列人中间,是按照现代的真与错的这个标准的,就是按照一个这么宇宙性的标准、我们应该预料到现代前的文化都会明白的,上帝不会用一些这种的、放四海皆准的标准,按照这个标准来向以色列人启示的。 Rather, more probably, 那比较可能是什么呢?more probably, God’s word came to them “according to standards they understood”, which included mythological standards of the time上帝的话是按照他们能够理解的标准,按照这个标准,让上帝的话临到他们的(41页),那就包括了当时神话的标准。」 Beale 说,「(and, recall once more, that part of Enns’s definition of “myth” is that “stories were made up” ;(不要忘记,Peter Enns对『神话』的定义就包括了是制造的故事。  He concludes that, Peter Enns concludes that, the latter position is “better suited for solving the problem” of how God accommodated his revelation to his ancient people. 他说,假如有人要回答这个问题或解决这个难题,就是说,究竟上帝怎么迁就祂的启示来到祂古代的人民呢?他说,『刚才我们讲这个立场更适合来解决这个问题的』。」


「Enns acknowledges that beginning with the monarchic age (1000–600 BC) more historical consciousness arises,  Peter Enns大概承认,大概从主前1000-600年的君王时期,从君王时期开始,有一种清楚的历史的意识,so that history “ is recorded with a degree of accuracy more in keeping with contemporary standards” (p. 43). Enns说,以至于历史就大概按照我们当代的标准,这种的精准方法记录下来。」就是比较好像现代精准的记录。

「He immediately adds, however, that a negative answer must be given to the question “can we not also conclude that the same can be said for Genesis and other early portions of the Bible?” 但是,假如我们问,我们反问Enns:『我们可不可以说,创世记或者旧约前面的那些的书卷也是如此呢?就是说,也有这种的历史的意思呢?』 Peter Enns说,不。 He continues, “It is questionable logic to reason backward from the historical character of the monarchic account, for which there is some evidence, to the primeval and ancestral stories, for which such evidence is lacking” 他说,『这种是一个值得质疑的逻辑,就是说,从君王时期的记载是有它的历史性,然后回到primeval历史前和族长的故事,因为primeval前历史的,他们那个时候这些故事的历史性是没有证据的(43页)』。 He says the same thing even more explicitly on page 44: 44页就更清楚说明了。」这个是Peter Enns说的话。

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「One would expect a more accurate, blow-by-blow account of Israel’s history during this monarchic period, when it began to develop a more “historical self-consciousness,” as it were.  我们会预料到在这个君王时期,以色列人写历史就会更加的很准确的、一件一件事地记载,因为当时他们就有了『历史的自我意识』。  It is precisely the evidence missing from the previous periods of Israel’s history that raises the problem of the essential historicity of that period 就是因为在君王前的那些的时代没有这种的证据,就是没有历史意识的证据,因此,我们就要问,那个时代有没有本质上的历史性。」 这个是Peter Enns的话。


「So, in one respect, we are on somewhat firmer ground when we come to the monarchic period, 」 所以Beale说:「我们现代来到君王时期,应该有更稳固根基了。because it is there that we see something more closely resembling what one would expect of “good” history writing by modern standards: 因为到了君王时期就好像我们今天所讲的好的历史的著作,什么呢?a more or less contemporary, eyewitness account. 就是当代的见证人的报导,Likewise, Enns says a little later。」


「The Mesopotamian world from which Abraham came was one whose own stories of origins had been expressed in mythic categories . . .亚伯拉罕来自Mesopotamian这个世界,他们讲那些故事,就是宇宙的起源故事,都是用神话来讲的…The reason the opening chapters of Genesis look so much like the literature of ancient Mesopotamia is that the worldview categories of the ancient Near East were ubiquitous and normative at the time.为什么创世记的开始几章这么像Mesopotamia的文字呢?就是因为古近东的世界观是无所不在,而且是当时的标准。无所不在和当时的准则。 Of course, different [ancient] cultures had different myths, but the point is that they all had them. 是的,不同的文化,有不同的神话,但是他们都有神话的。」

「The reason the biblical account is different from its ancient Near Eastern counterparts is not that it is history in the modern sense of the word and therefore divorced from any similarity to ancient Near Eastern myth. 圣经是不一样的,不是因为它是我们今天所谓的历史,因此就跟其它的古近东的神话就不一样了,就抽离出来。」圣经的不同,不是把它抽离出来,别的是假的,这个是真的。不是。「What makes Genesis different from its ancient Near Eastern counterparts究竟创世记和古近东的神话有什么不同呢?is that the God they [Abraham and his seed] are bound to . . . is different from the gods around them. 不同的是他们(亚伯拉罕和他的后裔)所敬拜的上帝…与其他、他们周围人的神明是不一样的。」

「We might think that such a scenario is unsatisfying because it gives too much ground to pagan myths (p. 53). 」 这是Enns自己的话,他说:「我们可能认为这种的描述,就是描述当时的情况,对我们不满意,因为太过让步给邪教的神话了。」


这个是第53页,等一下读到最后,Beale说,「是的,我们同意,你太让步了。」这个是Enns 提出的。我们还是继续讲Enns的(53-54页)。

「God adopted Abraham as the forefather of a new people, 当上帝拣选、收养亚伯拉罕作为一个新的子民的一个的祖宗,and in doing so he also adopted the mythic categories within which Abraham—and everyone else—thought.  当上帝这样的选纳了亚伯拉罕的时候,祂也采用了亚伯拉罕跟当时所有的人思想的那些神话的概念。But God did not simply leave Abraham in his mythic world. 但是上帝并没有让亚伯拉罕仍然存在在这个神话的世界里。」

「Rather; God transformed the ancient myths不是的,上帝改造了这些古代的神话,so that Israel’s story would come to focus on its God the real one ; 好叫以色列的故事集中于那个真的神身上。」(53-54页)

Peter Enns继续。

「The differences notwithstanding [between Babylonians myths and the Genesis creation and flood accounts], 虽然巴比伦的神话与创世记很不一样,the opening chapters of Genesis participate in a worldview that the earliest Israelites shared with their Mesopotamian neighbors.  但是创世记的一、二、三章,都参与了以色列邻国的、旁边那些国家的世界观的。  To put it this way is not to concede ground to liberalism or unbelief, 这样来讲,并不是向自由派神学或不信让步。 but to understand the simple fact that the stories in Genesis had a context within which they were first understood. 我们只不过要承认一个简单的事实,就是创世记的故事是有文化处境的」,就是他们当时听者、读者的了解创世记是按照这种文化处境的。「And that context was not a modern scientific one but an ancient mythic one. 而当时的文化处境并不是现代的一个科学的处境,乃是一个神话的处境。」

「The biblical account, assumes the factual nature of what it reports along with its ancient Near East counterparts,」这里是另外新的一个point一点。「圣经的记载和当时的古近东神话一样,他们都假设他们所报导的是事实。assumes the factual nature of what it reports . They did not think, 但圣经的作者不是这样想,“We know this is all ‘myth’ but it will have to do until science is invented to give us better answers.” 『圣经的作者不是说,哎呦!我们都知道这些「神话」 了,不过我们必须等嘛,等到现代科学发明才可以给我们够好的答案喽。』(55页)


「To argue . . . that such biblical stories as creation and the flood must be understood first and foremost in the ancient contexts, is nothing new.  他说,我们要从他们古代的文化处境来了解创世和洪水的故事,没有什么新的东西,不是一个新的看法。 The point I would like to emphasize, however, is that such a firm grounding in ancient myth does not make Genesis less inspired,  Peter Enns 说,创世记植根于古代的神话,并不表示创世记就不是神所默示了。」这个默示并没有削减。

现在Beale要summarize 总结, 有三点。

「It is important to note three things that he has just said in these extended quotations.」

Beale 差不多引用了从41页引用到56页,很长的一大段。

「First, that ancient Old Testament writers did not record history according to modern historical and scientific standards means that they did not recount historical events that corresponded with actual past reality, but which corresponded to ANE myth; 旧约的作者他们所记的历史不是按照现代的历史跟科学的标准,就表示他们所写下来的历史的事情并不符合事实,而是符合古近东的神话。 indeed, Enns wants to “emphasize” that (p. 56) “such a firm grounding in ancient myth does not make Genesis less inspired”! 因为Enns要『强调』的是,『这么的植根于古代的神话并不表示创世记就不是默示的!』 Thus, uncritical and unconscious absorption of myth by a biblical author does not make his writing less inspired than other parts of Scripture. 所以,因为圣经的作者不假思索的、无意识的吸收了神话,并不表示他所写下来的比其他的圣经书卷更少的被神默示。」

「Second, 第二个结论,and in connection with the first point, 跟上面第一点相关的,Enns says that,  Enns 这样说的,“ the evidence missing from the previous [pre-monarchic] periods of Israel’s history . . . raises the problem of the essential historicity of that period, ” 因为君王时期以前的这个阶段,就是没有这些的证据,就是没有这个历史的自我意识的证据。所以我们就要面对一个这里起来的问题就是: essential historicity of that period君王前面的那段历史是历史吗?…which, in the light of all Enns has said above, most likely means for him that these pre-monarchic accounts are not to be viewed as containing “ essential historicity. ” 假如我们把所有Enns讲过的话,他的意思『大概』就是说,应该说『大概』,因为他不回答自己的问题的,很多问题他都不回答。他『大概』的意思是说,这些君王时期之前的记载,你就不要认为它里面含有『本质上的历史性』了,就是它们『本质上』是不是历史呢?那就不是了。」第二个结论。

「第三个结论,Third, the main distinction between the ANE myths and Israel’s myths lies not in the latter recording reliable history but in the latter proclaiming that Israel’s God “ is different from the gods around them. ” 所以以色列跟古近东的神话不同在哪里呢?不同在以色列的神话宣告:以色列的上帝跟旁边的神明是不一样的。  It appears fairly clear that the distinction between the ANE mythical accounts of creation and the flood and those of the Genesis accounts is not in the former containing non-history and the latter representing reliable historical events,再说,它们之间的不同,不是说古近东的就不符合历史,而圣经是符合历史;不是的。 but the difference is to highlight the biblical God as true in contrast to the false ANE gods.  圣经要强调的是:圣经里的神是真的,ANE古近东的神是假的。  This is the primary way, then, that “God transformed the ancient myths,” 上帝怎样改造了这些古代的神话呢?就是这样子喽, not in presenting a historical account that corresponds to past historical reality, 不是说,上帝来告诉你,那不是这样的呵,事情是这样发生的。不是。 but causing “Israel’s story . . . to focus on its God, the real one” 乃是要以色列的故事集中在这个真的神那里。不是说,创世记是真的,其它都是假的。乃是说,创世记的神是真的神,其他的是假神。」

「Enns concludes his above thoughts by saying,  Enns的结论,」 Beale现在又引用Enns的话:「“we might think that such a scenario is unsatisfying because it gives too much ground to pagan myths” (p. 53). Enns说,『可能我们感觉到这幅图画不是令人满意的,因为太过让步给邪教的神话了。』」

Beale说:「Yes, I think that many practicing respected OT and NT evangelical scholars (and not only fundamentalists) will think that he, indeed, has given way too much ground to “pagan myth”. Beale说,“是的,我想很多很受尊重的旧约的学者跟新约的学者,福音派的旧约新约学者(不光光是那些基要主义派的),不是的。他们都会感觉到Enns太过让步给『异教的神话』。  In addition to the quotations from Enns that I have italicized above, 除了刚才我所引用的Enns的那么多言论,that Enns affirms that the Pentateuch positively adopts mythical notions in the essentially normal sense of the word (i.e. non-historical and fictitious narrative) 除了刚才我们引用的话,在这本书后来Enns也继续的用一般人的用法来用Myth 这个字的。When he addresses the question of polytheism in ancient Israel.  当Enns讨论古代以色列人的多神论的时候,他也是这样用『神话』的(也就是说,是非历史的、是捏造的)。  Here, again Enns explains what he means: 现在Enns又解释他的意思:」



「It is important here that we not allow our own modern sensitivities to influence how we understand Israel’s ancient faith. 他说,我们不要用我们现代的感觉、现代的敏感、或者我们的意识,来影响我们怎么看古代的以色列的信仰。  We may not believe that multiple gods ever existed, 我们不相信那些诸神是存在过的,but ancient near Eastern people did.  但是古代的近东民族相信这些不同的神是存在的。  This is the religious world within which God called Israel to be his people.  上帝就是在这个宗教世界里面呼召以色列人出来作属祂的子民的。  When God called Israel, he began leading them into a full knowledge of who he is, but he started where they were. 当上帝呼召以色列人的时候,祂是带领他们进到一个完整的认识,认识耶和华是谁,但是耶和华是从他们的处境开始带领他们出来的,一步一步的成长的。」

「We should not be surprised therefore, when we see the OT describe God as greater than the gods of the surrounding nations. 所以我们不需要惊奇看到圣经说上帝是比外邦人的神更伟大的。  In the Psalms, for example, this is seen in a number of passages。诗篇我们看到好几个地方都是这样说的(98页)。」

「耶和华是诸神之上的神。God is above all gods. I suppose one could argue that the psalmists . . . didn’t really intend to be taken literally . . . Enns说:大概这些写诗篇的人…觉得他们都写的不应该用字意来解释…For the comparison [between God and other “gods” to have any real punch, both entities must be presumed to be real. 假如圣经在比较神——耶和华和诸神the “gods”的时候,你一定要先假设:神是真的,那些假神也是真的,这样子比较下来才会有说服力嘛。」

就好像我们哄小孩子的时候,或者小孩子说,哎哟!有Boogey Man或者有Santa close。

「我们父母亲会说:『你不要害怕黑,God is greater than the Boogey Man. 』上帝会比这些奇奇怪怪的怪物更伟大。我们大人都知道Boogey Man不是真的,但小孩子认为它是真的。  就像我们今天会说,上帝比我们的问题更大,比我们的挑战更大,比我们的仇敌更大…等等。 所有这些的比较都是比较上帝和另外一个很真实的一个东西。 This is what these Psalms are doing as well. 诗篇就是这样做的喽,所以诸神是真的喽(99页)。」


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