当代释经学的危机 第六讲


各位弟兄姐妹,这个是当代释经学的危机第六讲。 现在我们继续来看,Greg Beale对Peter Enns的这本书的评论。现在我们来到Beale的观点:

因为Peter Enns说,他说,福音派人士一直以来都没有正视:这些古近东的发现对福音派圣经论的涵义。Beale下面就列出五种的回应方法,是Enns没有交代的:

「It is important to remark at this point,」Beale说,「到这里很重要的一件事情就要提出:(1) some evangelical scholars have seen the presence of similarities to supposed ANE myth due to polemical intentions第一,有些福音派的学者们,他们看到所谓古近东的神话与圣经的相似点,这个是因为他们是在做一些的争辩,(as have some non-evangelical scholars)(一些非福音派的学者也会的),」他们知道这些,不过他们是从护教或争辩的角度来处理这些古近东的神话与圣经的相似点「or to direct repudiation of pagan religious beliefs and practices; 或者福音派人士直接的指责邪教的宗教信仰和他们的做法的。」


「 (2) and others to a reflection of general revelation by both pagan and biblical writers, 第二就是,邪教的作者和圣经的作者都反映了上帝的普遍启示,and only rightly interpreted by the latter; 但是只有圣经的作者是正确的解释了普遍启示。」


「(3)still others have attributed purported ANE mythical parallels in the OT to a common reflection of ancient tradition, 第三种观点就是说,这个古近东的文献和圣经的相似点,是反映出有一个很古老的传统。 the sources of which precede both the pagan and biblical writers, 就是这不论是口头的或书写的传统,是比异教和圣经的作者都更早,and the historicity of which has no independent human verification。究竟这更老的传统有没有人能够去证明呢?没有的,不可能的。but is ultimately based on an earlier, ancient divinely pristine revelation但是这更早的传统是来自一个更早的、古老的、从神而来的、最纯真的启示。」

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再来,神首先启示,然后有一个传统,这个传统就引致了后来的异教和圣经的作者。 「that became garbled in the pagan context但是这个最古老的启示,到了传统,到了异教的时候,就搞乱了garble。 and reliably witnessed to by the scriptural writer. 但是圣经的作者用可靠的方法去见证这个最早的、纯正的启示和更老的传统。」


「(4) 第四,Yet another view is又来另外一个观点,that revelation did not always counter ANE concepts, 上帝的启示不是每个地方都反对古近东的观点的。but often used them in productive ways, 很多时候会正面的来用古近东的观点。though still revised in significant manner by special revelation.  但是仍然有神的特殊启示去在很重要的地方修改了这些的古近东的观点的。 For example, 比如说:ANE concepts may have helped give shape to the theology of sacred space in the building of Israel’s tabernacle and temple. 比方说: 古近东的观点可能影响了以色列的会幕和圣殿所带来的圣地神学」,就是一个地方有神特别的旨意和神特别的同在,他说,「这很可能是来自古近东的概念的。 (比方说,the eastward orientation, 会幕和圣殿是朝东的,the placement of important cultic objects, 一些敬拜所用的东西放在什么地方,那个位置,the designation of areas of increasing holiness, 就是从圣所到至圣所,等等,一步一步地进去,the rules for access to the Holy Place and Holy of Holies, 定了一些规矩谁、或者什么时候才可以进到圣所和至圣所…等等。)」他说,这些很可能都有古近东的观点影响圣经的。

「Of course, another option, in contrast to the preceding four views, 」好了,Beale说,我们讲了四种的观点:第一是反驳异教的;第二是大家都来自普遍启示,但只有圣经是正确的解释;第三是都来自启示,然后传统,但这个传统到异教就搞乱了,只有圣经是正确的去见证的;第四是有的时候圣经会正面的采用一些古近东的观点,不过有的时候,或很多时候是会修改的。


「5)is that the biblical writers absorbed mythical worldviews unconsciously, 」这个很重要呵!Beale说还有第五种看法,「就是说:圣经的作者是没有意识到他们是收纳了这些神话似的世界观的,reproduced them in their writings, 他们没有意识到是神话,他们就把它们重复在他们的写作中。and believed them to be reliable descriptions of the real world and events occurring in the past real world他们认为这些就是在世界中发生的事,就是在以前发生过的事情, (creation account, flood narrative, etc.)(比方说,创造和洪水,等等),because they were part of their socially constructed reality. 因为这些圣经的作者是这个社会所构造出的现实的一个部分。」

socially constructed reality这个就是世界观,不过这个世界观是人造出来的。这是后现代的一个说法。


「Divine inspiration did not limit such cultural, mythical influence. 」Beale继续讲第五个观点,认为「上帝的默示并没有限制文化、神话影响到圣经的作者的。」



「Does Enns agree with this latter view?Enns是不是采用第五个观点呢?still nonetheless contending that God used myths to convey truth?」他说,「Enns的观点是不是,他用了第五个观点,就是圣经的作者没有意识到他们用了神话,但是Enns同时坚持神是用神话来传递真理的。」



「Does Enns believe that these Old Testament “mythical accounts” do not contain essential historicity, Enns是不是相信这些旧约神话的记载本身没有什么本质上的历史性」,就是本质上不是在讲历史,不是在讲过去。「so that he uses the word “myth” with its normal meaning? 」



「The following analysis of Enns will contend that他说这个书评,Beale说我所写的书评,我的观点是:his view, while sometimes consistent with some of the four above views in the preceding paragraph, does not primarily align itself with any of them. 他说,Enns的观点,有的时候比较像一、二、三、四,但事实上并不符合第一、第二、第三、第四种的观点的。But he appears to give an affirmative answer to the preceding two questions, though one must work hard at interpreting Enns to come to these conclusions. 所以Enns大概不采用前面四种观点,他大概是对刚才所问的第五个观点的那两个问题,他的答案是『是的』。」




「since, at crucial points in his discussion, he is unclear. 」  Beale说,「在讲到关键性的时候,Enns就特别的不清楚,It would have been helpful to readers if Enns had acknowledged the above variety of ways that the Old Testament interacts with ANE myth, 」他说,「假如Enns好好地承认,事实上学者有这么多不同的观点,来处理旧约与ANE、与古近东的文献,那不是更有帮助吗?and where precisely he positioned himself with respect to various Old Testament passages. 而Enns假如也更加的说明他自己的立场是什么,那不是更好吗?」

「According to Enns, 」Beale说,「Enns的观点是,the ancient peoples around Israel asked questions about their ultimate being and meaning, 」他说,「以色列旁边的这些古代的民族,他们都问一些的问题,(关于人是什么?宇宙是什么?人从哪里来?)等等,and “so, stories were made up,” 所以人就制造了一些故事,especially about the creation . 特别是创造的故事(Enns 的第41页)。  The Genesis account of creation (27页)“is firmly rooted in the [mythological] worldview of the time”; 创世记关于创造的记载是植根于当时的神话式的世界观的。in other words, the Genesis passage presupposes and utilizes the mythological creation stories circulating in the ANE  换言之,旧约创世记中的经文,它的大前提就是这些当时在古近东流传的创造的故事,他也采用了这些创造的神话故事的。(including, presumably, the background of the account about “Adam’s” creation?).(大概我们可以猜想,Enns也包含了创世记讲到所谓『亚当』被造也是神话的话,那『亚当』就放引号喽。) The main point, according to Enns, Enns主要的要讲的是: is to show that Yahweh is the true God and not the Babylonian gods(27页).  Enns要讲的,创世记要讲的是耶和华是真神,巴比伦的神不是。 The same conclusion is reached with respect to the Flood account那洪水故事也是一样,那个结论也是一样。」也就是说,你不要理它是不是跟其它的神话很像。重要的是耶和华是真神,其他是假的。


「Enns himself likes the use of the word “myth” to describe these biblical accounts, but how does he define “myth” precisely?  Enns喜欢用神话这个字来形容圣经的记载,但是究竟他对“myth” 神话这个字的定义是什么呢?(40页) (p. 40)  Enns says that not all historians……」现在我们下面有两个point, 第一个point,  「Enns says that not all historians of the ancient Near East use the word myth simply as shorthand for “untrue”, “made-up”, “storybook”, a position with which he appears to align himself. 他说,第一点,『很多的古近东历史学家都不会说 『神话』 的意思就是 『不真实』 、『捏造的』、是一本『故事书』,他说这个观点好像是Enns的观点。」


「Yet, 但是,第二点 enigmatically, 很令人困惑的是,he goes on to define “myth” in the ANE as something apparently very close to this. 他一方面又说『哎呀,不是捏造的啦』。等一下,当他对神话作定义的时候,又好像就是,神话就是捏造的意思。  His formal definition of “myth” is as follows:  Enns对神话的正式定义是(第50页;参考第40页)这些我们都读过的:“myth is an ancient, premodern, prescientific way of addressing questions of ultimate origins and meaning in the form of stories: Who are we? Where do we come from?” 『神话』就是古代的、前现代的、前科学的处理一些我们是谁?我们从哪里来?处理一些宇宙的来源、人生的意义的方法,就是用讲故事的方法。」


「Note well that there is no reference to “history” or “actual events” in this definition.  请注意,Enns对神话的定义里面,没有讲到『真实』或者『历史』。But then Enns proceeds to affirm, despite his earlier apparent qualification on page 40 about “made-up” stories, that ANE myths were “stories [that] were made up” (my italics; p. 41) and were composed by a process of “telling stories” (p. 41), 但是Enns又马上又肯定,虽然他前面说过不是故事、不是人造的”,他说,古近东的『神话』是“stories [that] were made up”是人造出来的故事、透过一个讲故事的过程(41页),and that “the biblical stories” of the “creation and flood must be understood first and foremost in the ancient contexts.”  而创世记的创造和洪水的故事又必须要从这个古代的文化背景来理解。 This means, trying to interpret Enns by Enns, 假如我们用Enns来解释Enns的话, Beale 说,意思就是说,that the biblical stories had “a firm grounding in ancient myth” (p. 56); Enns的意思就是说,圣经的故事在古代的神话中是『有一个很稳固的根基的』。  to reiterate, with specific reference to the Genesis creation account, he says that it “is firmly rooted in the [mythological] worldview of its time” (p. 27).  27页说,他说:『创世记的创造记载是植根于当时的世界观』(27页)。  So, what is Enns’s view of “myth” in relation to real events of the past? 所以,究竟Enns对所谓『神话』与『历史』、过去事实之间的关系的观点是什么呢?」

In this respect and in connection with some of Enns’s directly preceding statements, he poses a difficult question: 好了,你问他,究竟你对『神话』与『事实』之间的关系是什么呢?

「他来问一个很难的回答的问题:If the ancient Near Eastern stories are myth (defined in this way as prescientific stories of origins), 假如古近东的故事是神话,(当然是用他的方法去定义是不是神话),and since the biblical stories are similar enough to these stories to invite comparison, 而圣经的故事又跟这些神话这么的相似,就好像催逼人去比较,does this indicate,这是Enns的话,does this indicate that myth is the proper category for understanding Genesis? [p. 41] 所以,我们是不是要做个结论,就是说,『神话』是了解创世记的正确的概念(41页)?」

那怎么回答这个问题呢?他(Beale)说,你既然有这么多的Parallel, 所以,我要问的问题, Enns要问的问题是,那说「创世记是『神话』」是不是正确解释创世记的方法呢?

Beale 说,「 He answers this by ask another question,  Enns回答这个问题怎么回答的,  再来问第二个问题 (p. 41) 41页,Are the early stories in the Old Testament to be judged on the basis of standards of modern historical inquiry and scientific precision, things that ancient peoples were not at all aware of?  我们来衡量旧约早期的故事,是不是根据现代的历史或者科学精准的标准来衡量呢?这些的标准是古代人完全没有意识到的。」




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