


Called to the ministry section two《天命与你》第二讲。

我们上一讲说过,don’t seek the ministry to save your soul你不要为了救自己的灵魂,来追求传道的事工。

好,我们继续,a man can not earn his salvation by preaching,that salvation not be earn你不能讲道说,救恩是不能赚回来的,你不能透过这样的宣讲,来赚回你的救恩的。Claim Christ’s promise你要领取,基督的应许。He that comes and to me, I will in no wise cast out到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他,约翰福音六章37节。he will receive you基督必定接纳你,and make his name yours forever祂必定让祂的名字永远成为你的。


Not a lifetime ,not even an eternal lifetime can measure the span of Got’s calling一辈子,甚至在将来永恒的、我们的生命,都不能够穷究上帝呼召的长阔高深。like a rainbow像彩虹一样,It arches from horizon to horizon神的呼召,是从永远到永远的。

God’s life giving call of grace is the source of our salvation我们救恩的泉源,就是上帝那个赐人生命的恩典的呼召。life giving call of grace赐人生命的恩典的呼召,God’s life shaping call to glory is the goal of our salvation而我们救恩的目的终点,乃是上帝那个塑造我们生命的荣耀的呼召。


In deed,the bow of a calling reflects the uncreated light of God’s grace shining from the dawn before all mornings诚然的,上帝给我们每个人的呼召就好像彩虹一样,反映出上帝恩典的造物主之光。上帝恩典之光,在还没有晚上早晨之前,就从那个的永恒的晨曦开始照耀了。

With all the christian confesses基督徒存着敬畏的心承认,约翰一书第三章第一节:你看!父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为上帝的儿女,我们也真是祂的儿女。

God’s children are called to be like God上帝呼召祂的儿女效法祂,要像祂,whoever bears God’s holy name must be a holy one, a Saint任何一个穿戴着上帝的圣名的人,必须是一个圣者,一个圣徒。it is not enough for Him to pray hallowed be thy name若祷告说,愿人都尊你的名为圣,是不足够的。he must hallow God’s name in a life that fulfills his calling他们必须透过生命来尊神的名为圣,这个生命就成就了、实现了祂的呼召。

Like as He who called you is holy,be ye yourselves also holy彼得前书第一章15节,那召你们的既是圣洁,你们在一切所行的事上,也要圣洁。the call of the Old Testament things to walk with God, was often set in their names很多时候,旧约的圣徒,神给他们的呼召都刻在他们的名字上,上帝呼召他们要与祂同行。

They carry divine name EL or Jah in witness to the calling他们的名字里面包含了上帝的名字,“L”,“EL”或者” Jah”,见证着上帝对他们的呼召。

Elijah means my God is Jah以利亚的名字的意思就是我的神是Jah。Joshua约书亚,Isiah以赛亚,declared the Lord’s saved这两个名字都宣告着耶和华主施行拯救,Israel以色列,Samuel撒母耳, Hezekiah希西家,Josiah约西亚,Nehemiah尼希米,and Zacharias撒迦利亚,all word joined to God by name都藉着他们的名字,与上帝联结,

If they disobeyed the Lord their God假如他们悖逆不顺服耶和华他们的上帝,they dishonored His name他们就羞辱了神的名字。If like Elijah they were filled with zeal for the Lord假如他们好像以利亚一样充满着为耶和华的大发的热心,their lives preached the texts of the name那他们的生命,就在宣告他们的名字这个文本。

God’s grace goes even deep上帝的恩典是更深的。not only does He give his name to his people上帝不仅仅将祂的名字赐给祂的子民,but it takes their names as His own上帝甚至使他们子民的名字成为祂自己的名字,He reviews himself as EL, Elohim Israel, God the God of Israel上帝自我启示,祂就是神,以色列的神EL, Elohim Israel。他He is the God of Abraham、 Isaac and Jacob祂是亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的神,by the names of his sons ,God is identified to the nations透过上帝儿子们的名字,万国可以认出神的身份。

Did God’s goodness exceed his wisdom? 上帝是智慧的,难道祂的良善超越了祂的智慧吗?Could He not foresee the consequences of identifying himself with this people? 祂没有看到后果吗?当祂自己认同于这个子民的时候,难道祂没有看到后来会发生什么事吗?

God’s people defied his name神的子民羞辱了祂的名字,And made it a vein of among the conquerors在征服以色列民的国家里面,神的名字成为一个虚妄的、发誓时候用的名字,God’s name was blasphemed among the nations上帝的名字,由列国亵渎,Precisely because he was known as a God of Israel就是因为上帝称自己是以色列的神。

No.God’s grace was not in vain不是的,上帝恩典并不是徒然的。Nor what’s his purpose thwarted上帝的计划也没有挫败,He calls to the distant nations and the isles of the sea to hear his proclamation祂呼召远方的列国,呼召海里的众岛,听祂的宣告。He has called from the womb , a true servant祂从母胎里呼召了一个真的仆人,Who is his salvation to the ends of the earth祂就是祂的救恩,直到地极。

This servant is named of God这位仆人是有神来命名的,以赛亚书第49章第一节:众海岛啊,当听我言,远方的众民啊,留心而听。自我出胎,耶和华就选召我,自出母腹,祂就提我的名。he will be the true Israel祂必为真以色列,He will restore a remnant of the tribes of Jacob祂要使雅各的支派的余民归回、恢复,and be a light to the Gentiles更要做外邦人之光,以赛亚第49章第六节:“现在祂说你做我的仆人,使雅各众支派复兴,使以色列中得保全的归回尚为小事,我还要使你做外邦人的光,叫你施行我的救恩直到地极。”

His name is wonderful祂的名字是奇妙,Counselor策士,the Mighty God全能的神,the Everlasting Father永在之父,the Prince of Peace和平之君。以赛亚九章第六节。He is Immanuel God with us祂就是“以马内利”神与我们同在,以赛亚7章14节。

God’s purpose to put his name on man in the calling of sonship is realized in Christ,上帝的旨意,上帝要将祂的名字放在人的身上,当上帝呼召人听从祂的儿子的时候,祂就将祂的名字放在人的身上。

这个旨意,在基督里就完全实现了,His name is Jesus, Joshua祂的名字是耶稣,就是约书亚,For He save His people from the their sins因为,祂必拯救祂的子民脱离他们的罪恶。God’s name is in Him上帝的名字在耶稣里,and His calling to sonship glorifies His father’s name而耶稣被召,做神的儿子是荣耀祂父亲的名字的。




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At last, God’s name is vindicated as EL ,Elohim ,Israel现在,至终,上帝的名字被频繁地、被证实了,祂是神。以色列的神EL ,Elohim ,Israel, God’s name is revealed in His son上帝在祂的儿子里启示了祂的名字,we know God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ现在我们认识神,祂是我们主耶稣基督之父。罗马书15章第六节,一心一口荣耀上帝我们主耶稣基督的父。

Blasphemy took the name of Jesus noted above him on the cross and marked the Son of God亵渎,就将耶稣的名字钉在十字架上祂的头上,亵渎藐视上帝的儿子。

But God’s suffering servant vanquished even the blasphemy of covering但是上帝受苦的仆人,连在各各祂山上的亵渎,都胜过了,Matthew 27:42 : He save others he himself cannot save马太27章42节,祂救了别人不能救自己,

By His death Jesus wrenched that gibe from its mocked and made gospel truth耶稣基督藉着祂的死,把这个讽刺,从讽刺祂的人那里夺过来,现在成为福音的真理了。because he would put the Holy name of His father upon sinners因为耶稣要将祂的父的圣名,放在罪人的身上,he must bear their sins in his own body and tree祂必须先在祂自己的身上,在十字架上承担他们的罪恶。

You calling to sonship to bear God’s name to be a holy one, it’s your calling in Christ你在基督里的呼召就是被呼召做神的儿子,被呼召穿戴神的名字,被呼召做一个圣洁的人。

The time for told by the prophet has come to pass先知所预言的日子,现在已经来临过了,a man again may say I am Jehovah’s 现在人再次可以说我是属耶和华的,he may write on his hand unto Jehovah and surname himself with the name of Israel。Isiah44:5现在他可以亲手写着,在他的手上写着归耶和华,也把以色列的名字作为他的姓氏,以赛亚44章第5节。

亲手写归耶和华的,并自称为以色列,以赛亚书44章第五节。the wall dividing Jew and Gentile is broken down把犹太人和外邦人分隔的墙,被拆下了。For there is but one who is the true Son of Abraham因为只有一位才是真正亚伯拉罕的儿子,亚伯拉罕的后裔。

Only in Him, can anyone be an Israelite indeed只有在基督里,在祂里面,人才能真正成为以色列人。and in Him anyone can be an Israelite indeed而在基督里任何人都可以诚然的做一位以色列人

The calling of God to bear His name has become the quality of Christ to bear His name上帝呼召人穿上祂的名字,现在成为基督呼召人穿戴着基督、祂的名字。

His disciples filled with the Holy Spirit after his resurrection当耶稣基督从死里复活之后,祂的门徒们被圣灵充满。rejoiced when they were ounted worthy to suffer shame for that name当他们能够为了耶稣的名字忍受羞辱的时候,他们感觉到他们是配受这个羞辱的。

Your calling is the high calling of God in Christ Jesus你的呼召,就是上帝从高处给你的呼召,在基督耶稣里,给你的呼召。

腓立比书第3章第14节,要得上帝在基督里从上面呼召我来得的奖赏,you accept in God’s beloved son (Ephesus 1:6)你在上帝的爱子里面,被接纳了,以弗所书第一章第六节,使祂的荣耀的恩典得着称赞,这恩典是祂在爱子里所赐给我们的。

You are made holy in Christ Jesus你在基督耶稣里成为圣洁,called to be a saint被呼召做圣徒,with all that call upon the name of the Lord Christ Jesus every place与在各处呼求我们的主耶稣基督名的人,一同做圣徒。


A这一段结束,A是called by God’s name按着上帝的名字被呼召。

  1. called by your name按照你的名字被呼召。

Your last name then comes first所以你的姓氏是排在前面的。your name is Christian你的姓氏是基督徒,and in Christ your called by God’s name在基督里,你按照上帝的名字被呼召了。

You have been brought from far你是从远方被带到神的面前。as the prophet promised就正如先知所应许的,for you have been created for God’s glory因为你被创造是为了上帝的荣耀,And he has brought you to himself而祂将你领到祂的面前了。

Now what did of your first name? 你的名字呢?that too is given to you by God与姓氏一样,你的名字也是神要赐给你的。the Lord who calls you by His own name also calls you by your own name上主按照祂自己的名字呼召你,上主也按照你自己的名字呼召你。

Isaiah43:1 :Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I called thee by thy name thou art mine以赛亚书43章第一节。你不要害怕,因为我救赎的你,我曾提你的名召你,你是属我的。

This name too is given us in Christ这个名字也是在基督里,神赐给我们的,thou shall be called by new name which is the most of the Lord shall name—Isaiah62:2以赛亚书62章第2节,你必得新名的呼召,是耶和华亲口所起的名字,所命名的。以赛亚书62章2节。

When Jesus called Simon当主要是呼召西门的时候,the fisherman这位渔夫西门的时候,He gave him a new name耶稣给他一个新名字,Peter,the Rock就是彼得,就是磐石的意思。

That name did not described him as he was这个名字并不是描述他当时是怎么一个人,it called him to what he would become as a disciple of Christ这个名字呼召他,要朝向他将来要成为怎样一个人的方向,祂将要成为基督的门徒,所以他的名字是呼召了他要做基督的门徒。

The newness of Christ’s salvation is shared by the people of God上帝的子民都共享耶稣基督的救恩,使他们成为新人,the new Israel is called Hephzibah , my delight is in her ( Isiah62:4) 新的以色列是被称为我所喜悦的。 Hephzibah 我的喜悦在祂里面,我所喜悦的,以赛亚第62章第4节。

Have you ever lost interest in Bible reading when you came to the endless names of the book of Numbers or the Genealogies of genesis or Chronicles当你读圣经读到民数记,或者创世记、历代志的家谱的时候,你是不是会觉得乏味,就失去你的兴趣呢?you may stumble in pronounce this strange names可能你不会说出这些的奇怪的名字,but you would not want to buy bible without them但是你不会想要一本没有家谱的圣经的。

God’s people are known by name上帝的子民是按照他们的名字,由上帝所认识的。Their names are recorded in the book of His covenant is and He remembers他们名字是记在神的约书里面,上帝记念到。




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