

Called to the ministry session twenty 天命与你第20讲

A second ability is joined to teaching.还有第二种的能力,是与教导是连接在一起的。The minister must be able to rule, to lead men.牧师必须能够治理带领人, Here his spiritual of maturity is required.这里就必须要有他的属灵的成熟。

The flippant, cocky adolescent should not talk too confidently of his call to the ministry.那些很随意讲话,傲慢的少年,不要随便很蛮有信心的说,上帝呼召他作传道。True, youth should not be despised(1Tim.4:12)是的,不可让别人轻看你年轻,提摩太前书4:12。

although Timothy’s “youth” has been estimated at 38 years!虽然提摩太的所谓青年,有学者们估计他已经38岁了,but youth gains respect by exemplary behavior, not by clamoring for recognition.可是青年人,赚得他们的、在别人面前的尊敬的,透过做别人的榜样,而不是嚷闹,必须要别人承认他们。

Soberness and responsibility go together(1Tim.3:2;2Tim.4:5).谨慎与负责,是并进的,提摩太前书3:2,提摩太后书4:5。



Pastoral sobriety牧者的那种的警醒,或者谨慎,means alertness,就是说,警觉,watchfulness,随时是警醒的,realism.现实的心态。

The drunk is either dead to the world喝醉酒的人,可能向世界好像死人一样。or living on the moon with pink elephants.这里英文的,属于,就好像在月亮与粉红色的,大家在一起。就是说,活在一个幻想的世界里。

Worldly ministers are similarly nodding;属世的牧师们,同样的好像在沉睡中、在点头, they do not perceive onrushing peril;他们没有看到,大难当头, they sound no alarm to rouse the sleepers.他们没有向沉睡的人响起警钟。

Their split-level dreams of plenty and pleasure are illusion;这个split-level是指,美国一些的1楼跟2楼之间,还有旁边的一个半层楼的。就是说,他们的总的中产阶级的房子,这种的丰裕的、欢乐的美梦,现在是中国梦了哈,都是幻想。

not realism.这个不叫现实,soberness is realism.警醒才是现实。biblical soberness is not sourness合符《圣经》的警醒,或者是谨慎,不是酸葡萄。可以多讲一句,不是寒酸。or chronic depression,也不是长期的忧郁。for it is realistic about hope, too.因为合符《圣经》的警醒,同时对盼望,也是现实的。

A skilled surgeon一个有丰富经验技巧的外科医生,need not be morose;他不必非常的忧郁,he may operate with cheerful confidence,他可以欢乐地、有信心地开刀。but his face is a study in soberness.可是这位开刀的外科医生的面貌,简直就是一副警醒的一副的写照。

Maturity in godliness在敬虔的成熟,includes much more than sober acceptance of responsibility.所包含的,不仅仅是很警醒的接受责任,In word and life the minister must show love, faith, purity(1Tim.4:12;Tit.2:7).牧师在他的言行,都必须表现爱、信、纯洁。提摩太前书4:12,提多书2:7。



He is called to be an example to the people of God(1Pet.5:3).上帝呼召他作上帝子民的榜样。


His conduct in seeking God’s glory他的行为,都是寻求上帝的荣耀,must enable him to say with Paul因此他必须能够好把握的,好像保罗一样的这样说,哥林多前书10:33,11:1。


The blamelessness of the minister’s life牧师的生活的无可指责,is stressed in the pastoral epistles(Tit.1:6-8;1Tim.3:2-7).这个是教牧书信所强调的。

我们来读,Titus1:6,提多书1:6,“若有无可指责的人,只作一个妇人的丈夫,儿女也是信主的,没有人告他们是放荡不服约束的,就可以设立。监督既是 神的管家,必须无可指责,不任性、不暴躁、不因酒滋事、不打人、不贪无义之财;乐意接待远人,好善、庄重、公平、圣洁、自持,”

1 timothy3:2-7提摩太前书3:2-7,请读,“作监督的,必须无可指责,只作一个妇人的丈夫,有节制,自守,端正,乐意接待远人,善于教导,不因酒滋事、不打人,只要温和,不争竞、不贪财,好好管理自己的家,使儿女凡事端庄、顺服(或作“端端庄庄地使儿女顺服”)。人若不知道管理自己的家,焉能照管 神的教会呢?初入教的不可作监督,恐怕他自高自大,就落在魔鬼所受的刑罚里。监督也必须在教外有好名声,恐怕被人毁谤,落在魔鬼的网罗里。”

In his home and in the community,不论他在家里,或者是在社区人群中,his life must witness to the cleansing power of the gospel.他的生活必须见证出,福音洗净人生命的大能。

Men are not to be ordained to the ministry who cannot control their tongues and fists,那些不能够控制自己的舌头,不能控制自己的拳头的人,不应该被按立做牧师、传道。or who love wine or money.或者喜爱美酒,或是贪财的。

Rather they must be righteous and devout,反之,他们必须是公义的,敬虔的,loving good and hating evil.他们是爱、善、恨恶的。Until a man is disciplined by Christ he cannot discipline others in Christ.除非一个人受到基督的管教,不然他不能够在基督里管教别人。

第三方面,finally, the maturity that is needed for leadership最后,做领袖必须得成熟。includes insight into men and their motives.包括对人和人心中的动机的看见。

The teacher cannot be a child,教师不能够是好像孩子一般,tossed about by every wind of doctrine(Eph.4:13,14).受到各种异端的风,影响摇动,Ephesians4:14,参考以弗所书4:14。


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He must discern the wiles of the devil,他必须能够看穿魔鬼诸般的诡计,unmask the pretensions of false teachers,揭露假教师的虚妄。and understand the time for stern rebuke and the time for tender entreaty.了解到什么是严厉责备的时刻,什么是柔和劝勉的时刻。His concern must extend to young people, to boys and girls.这种的关心,必须延伸到关心青少年男女的小朋友。

Jesus charged Peter to feed the lambs as well as the sheep of the flock(John21:15),耶稣吩咐彼得,必须要牧养小羊和羊群里的羊,约翰21:15。and the Lord himself took children in his arm(Mark10:16).而主耶稣祂亲自把孩子们抱起来的,马可10:16。

To become all things to all men在什么人中间就做什么人,is no small gift,这个不是一项微小的恩赐,but it is a necessary one for pastors.可是这个对牧师,是一个必需的恩赐。It begins with compassionate understanding,这个恩赐,以怜悯和理解开始,

a readiness to love men where they are, for Christ’s sake.就是随时愿意爱人,不论他们目前的情况如何,都是为了基督的缘故。The dope-addict吸毒的人,and drunkard酗酒的人,the gossip爱说闲话的人,and the lecher好色的人,the hypocrite假冒为善的人,and the rebel反抗的人,all must be met with compassion.都要用怜悯的心来面对。

This survey of the gifts and calling of the minister makes decision more difficult.上面我们纵览了,牧师的诸般恩赐,和他的呼召,这样就让我们更难做决定了。 Who can claim to possess such commitment to God谁能够声称自己有这种对上帝的委身呢?and compassion to men,谁能够声称自己,对人就存在这种的怜悯的心呢?such knowledge of faith如此的信仰的知识,and ability to impart it,谁能说自己有这种能力来传达真理呢?such maturity in godliness有这种的,敬虔的成熟,and wisdom还有成熟的智慧,in guiding other?好叫他能够带领别人呢?

Who but Jesus Christ,除了耶稣还有谁?the great Shepherd of the sheep!就是那位羊群的大牧人,he has the Spirit without measure他是被圣灵充满,无限量。and he gives that Spirit in full measure to the men he calls.对那些祂所呼召的人,祂赐下圣灵,充分的赐下。

Have you enjoyed a foretaste of those gifts?你是否已经享受到,预先尝到这些的恩赐呢?Don’t demand an answer today.你不要要求今天就得到答案。You cannot program a computer to calculate your potential for Christ’s ministry.你不能够用电脑的程序,来计算你做基督的传道人的潜能。You must live out the answer.你必须要把这个问题的答案,活出来就是了。

Your conversation with a hitch-hiker this afternoon,今天下午可能在美国,你开车,你借一个搭顺风车的人,your prayer for the power of God’s Spirit tonight,今天晚上,你为圣灵的大能祈求,your visit with a lonely hospital patient tomorrow,明天你去医院探访一个孤单的病人。

These are the stages in growth to maturity in Christ.这些都是一步一步地,迈向在基督里成熟的阶段,the call to stewardship is found in stewardship.去哪里找,上帝对我们做好管家的呼召?就是在做好管家那里,找呼召。To the servant who is faithful in little那一位在小事上忠心的仆人,the Lord entrusts much.主会交托更大的事。

The fruit-bearing branch is pruned for greater fruitfulness.只会修理那个结果子的枝子,好叫他结更高的果子。To miss your calling,假如,你想要错过上帝的呼召的话,follow this three-point program:你就跟着下面这三点的程序,就行了。

第一,assume that it begins in the future,你先假设上帝的呼召是在将来才开始的。

二,decide that you don’t know what it is,第二,你决定你不知道什么叫,上帝给你的呼召,上帝呼召是什么。

第三,and sit down to wait for the Lord’s call.你坐下来等主来呼召,一定错过。

No, he has already called you不是的,主已经呼召你了,to be a Christian. 作基督徒。Fulfill that call with all your heart你尽心地活出那个的呼召,and you will learn in his time what ministry is yours.迟早你就会学到,究竟属于你的事工,是哪一个或者哪一些。

chapter four第四章,clear calling 清楚的呼召

To consider the inward call to the ministry and the outward call of the church we do not enter a screened chancel of clerical mysteries.我们要考虑到我们内心的内存的、做传道人的呼召,也要考虑到教会外在的呼召。


Christ’s clear call to the gospel ministry基督清楚的呼召人,进入到传福音的圣工了,is a special instance of the way in which he calls each of his sheep by name to follow him.只不过是祂呼召每一只羊,指名的呼召他们,去跟随祂的,一个比较特殊的个案而已。

Along with every believer, the minister is called to be bear Christ’s name,牧师和每一位基督徒一样,上帝都呼召他穿上,身上带着基督的名。to take up his cross,背起祂的十字架,and to gather men into his kingdom.召聚人,进入到基督的国度里。

This calling is intensified by special gifts这种的呼召,在陌生人身上有特殊的恩赐,使呼召更加的强烈。that mark out his place as an evangelist,就作为他的要扮演角色的那个标志,pastor, teacher.不论是做宣教士,牧者,或者教师,much is given to him in the endowment of God’s Spirit;主赐上帝的灵给他,所以给他的是很多的、很丰富的。

much is set before him in the opportunities of God’s providence;上帝的护理中,给他的机会,在他面前展开,也是很丰富的机会。much is required of him in the fellowship of God’s people.他与上帝的子民,一起的相交一起的交通,来服侍。所以向他的要求也是很大的。

  1. your personal calling 第一,上帝亲自对你的呼召。

How, then, does Christ make clear to you your own calling in the gospel? 那么基督究竟如何向你澄清,在福音里你个人的呼召呢?what is his will for your life?究竟上帝或者主对你的生命的旨意,是什么呢?

God has not left his will shrouded in mystery.上帝并没有把祂的旨意,包在秘密奥秘中。he has spoken,主已经晓谕,plainly明显的,and fully完整。

The man who wishes to know God’s will若有人想要知道上帝的旨意,must turn to the “oracles of God,”就必须转到上帝的圣言,the written revelation of the Bible.《圣经》成文的启示。

Because the Jews were given God’s Word因为上帝把祂的话给了犹太人,they had the “form of knowledge and of the truth.”他们就有知识,和真理的形式,或者外貌,they knew God’s will,他们知道上帝的旨意,approved the things that are excellent,他们会赞许那些卓越的美好的事,and were made teachers of babes.(Rom.2:17-20).他们也做婴孩的教师的,罗马书2:17-20。

Jesus pointed men to the Scriptures耶稣指人去认识《圣经》,and declared耶稣宣告,that they testified of him.宣告旧约《圣经》,是见证祂耶稣的。the “word of truth”真理的道,declared by the apostles就是众使徒们所宣讲的真理之道,showed the fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ(Eph.1:13;John5:45-47).就展示出旧约在基督里,成就了应验了成全了。





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