
called to the ministry session twenty two天命与你22讲



Paul’s prayer was that Christians might be filled with the knowledge of God’s will “in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col.1:9).保罗的祷告,乃是求上帝使基督徒,充满着祂旨意的知识。也就是接受一切的属灵智慧,和悟性的知识,或者了解,认知上帝的旨意。歌罗西书1:9。

Knowing God’s will in this way这样子来认识神的旨意,means more than knowing what we ought to do;那意思不仅仅是知道我们该做什么,it means understanding why we ought to do it.这里的意思就是,要明白我们为什么该如何行。

The Old Testament ideal of wisdom forms the background for this wisdom in Christ.那这种的在基督里的智慧,它的背影就是旧约的智慧,那种的理想的情景。The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端,and it is God’s wisdom that has abounded to us in the mystery of his will in the gospel(Eph.1:9).那上帝所丰丰富富的赐给我们的,就是祂的智慧,就是在福音里,祂的旨意的奥秘中的智慧。我的院长是特别喜欢把两种相反的东西挤在一起的,既是上帝旨意的奥秘,又是给我们丰丰富富的智慧。以弗所书1:9。

Wisdom is knowledge with the knower left in;智慧是怎么样一种的知识呢?是有那个知道者参与的一种的知识。or, better,或者更好的说法是,it is knowledge with God left in.智慧是怎么样一种的知识呢?是有上帝在的那种的知识。


True knowledge begins and ends with God.真正的知识,从上帝开始,以上帝为终点。The Bible never permits the split between science and religion so characteristic of the modern mind.《圣经》从来不容许我们,好像现代人的思想一样,把宗教和科学完全分隔。There cannot be one kind of knowledge for understanding the world God created and another for understanding the Creator.不可有两种的知识,一种是为了了解上帝所创造的世界而用的;另外一种的了解,是用来认识创造主的。

There is meaning in creation上帝所造的世界,有意义,only because God is the Creator.原因唯有一个,是因为上帝是创造这个世界的主。He is the Possessor of all knowledge and wisdom,上帝是拥有一切知识和智慧的神,and creation is revelation.而受造世界,就是上帝的启示。

In the book of Job在约伯记那里,the search for knowledge is compared to a mining operation对知识的追寻,就好像掘矿一样,in which men dig into the depths of the earth for hidden riches.人在地极深处,去寻找隐藏的宝贝。gold金子,silver银子,gems宝石,may be found in that way,可能用那种的方法,可以找得到, but wisdom can be found only with God可是智慧,唯有在上帝那里才找得到。

In Proverbs那么在箴言,wisdom is personified智慧是人格化了,好像一个人一样,as an attendant of God这个智慧,是陪伴在上帝一起的,rejoicing in his works of creation,在上帝所创造的一切大工那里,欢喜快乐。and given to men as the greatest gift(Prov.8:22).而这个智慧,就是在上帝旁边的那个智慧,同时赐给人作为最伟大的恩赐,或者礼物。


Men should attend to God’s works in nature and history人们应该注意,上帝在自然界和在历史中的作为,as revelations of his wisdom(Ps.19:1;111:2,4,6,10.)因为这些都在启示,上帝的智慧。

好,我们来读经文,Psalms19:1,诗篇19:1,来,“(大卫的诗,交与伶长。)诸天述说 神的荣耀,穹苍传扬他的手段。”


Yet sinners cannot understand God’s revelation in nature apart from his revealed Word.但是罪人了,若离开了上帝启示的话,那么,他不可能明白上帝在自然界所做的启示的。就是说若没有《圣经》,就没有正确的科学。

Psalms19诗篇19篇,joins revelation in the Word to that in the world,把在上帝的话里面的启示,和上帝在世界中的启示,连结在一起的。诗篇19篇,上半跟下半,and in Proverbs we read而在箴言我们读到30:5-6。


with the revelation in Jesus Christ the true Personification of God’s wisdom is made known.那现在在基督里,上帝做了启示了,因此,上帝就显明了那个人格化的祂的智慧的主。the true Personification of God’s wisdom智慧这个人,现在人可以认识祂了,这些属基督的。

The hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him,一切智慧和知识的隐藏的宝藏,都在基督里。and by word and deed he makes known the wisdom of God.不论是言传,或者身传了,耶稣基督都向人展示了上帝的智慧。

The goal of wisdom所以智慧的目标,is therefore to know Christ;因此就是认识基督。to bring every thought into his service.把一切的思想都掳过来服侍祂,参考哥林多后书10:4-5。

Such wisdom centers where Christ is, at the right hand of God.这种的智慧的中心,就是基督之所在,就是在上帝的右边。It seeks his kingdom, as the one treasure,这种的智慧,寻求或者追求基督的国度,为最宝贵的,the one pearl of great price.那个极宝的珍珠。

This focus on Christ这种以基督为中心为焦点的智慧。does not turn one from the world,并不是让人转离逃避世界,不是的。for Christ is the King and his power works in the world.因为基督是在世界中的君王,祂的大能也在世界中运行的。

Nature is subject to him who walked on the waves and ascended in the clouds.自然界是伏在基督这个君王之下,祂乃是在风浪上行走,在云中升天的那一位。不但是自然界,history is subject to him历史也是服务在基督的王权之下,who has all power in heaven and earth因为天上地下一切的权柄,都在祂的手中。to bring his purposes to pass.为了使基督的旨意成就,the Christian is subject to him in thought and in life.基督徒在思想的生活中,都伏在我们的君王耶稣之下。


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To be wise in one’s own eyes, to lean on one’s own understanding若自己以为自己是智慧的,若依靠自己的聪明,is to forsake the fear of the Lord and true wisdom.就等于弃绝敬畏耶和华,也弃绝真正的智慧。

But to find wisdom in obedience to Christ joins theory and practice in the unity of truth.可是,若藉着顺服基督而找到智慧,那么在真理的一致性,真理的整体里面,这种的智慧是结合理论和实践的。Wisdom perceives God’s plan智慧查看上帝的计划,所谓理论,and fulfills God’s will.智慧遵循,或者成全上帝的旨意的,所谓实践。

Because wisdom applies the perspective of the revelation of God in Christ, it is not mere “practicality.”现在,刚才讲完理论,现在来讲实践。因为智慧是把上帝在基督里的启示,这个观点角度应用出来。因此,智慧不仅仅是做人很实际,是的,the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God,这个世界的智慧对上帝来说,是愚拙。just as God’s wisdom is folly to perishing sinners.正如上帝的智慧对沉沦的罪人,是愚拙。

Yet wisdom is practical, ethical.但是智慧是实际的,是伦理的,it directs a man how “to walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work” (Col.1:10).真正的智慧,指导人们如何行事为人对得起主,凡事蒙祂喜悦,在一切善事上,结出果子的。歌罗西书1:10。

For this reason为了这个缘故,Paul prays with such eloquent urgency保罗迫切地,用很美好的词句来这样祷告,that Christians might be filled with spiritual wisdom(Col.1:9).祂祈求让基督徒充满着属灵的智慧,歌罗西书1:9.

Like love and joy, wisdom is “spiritual,”智慧就好像爱心和喜乐一样,是属灵的the gift of the Spirit;智慧是圣灵的恩赐,indeed it is the mind of the Spirit(Rom.8:27).诚然地,智慧就是圣灵的心意,罗马书8:27。

The fool is filled with wine,愚蠢的人,酗酒,充满着酒精,but the wise are filled with the Spirit,可是智慧人,充满着圣灵,and understand what the will of the Lord is(Eph.5:15-19;Col.3:16,17).他明白主的旨意如何。参考以弗所书5:15-19,歌罗西书3:16-17。


Colossians3:16-17,歌罗西书3:16-17,来,“当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里(或作“当把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里,以各样的智慧”),用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒,心被恩感,歌颂 神。无论作什么,或说话、或行事,都要奉主耶稣的名,藉着他感谢父 神。”

As love abounds more and more,当爱越来越丰富的时候,the discernment of wisdom will abound with it(Phil.1:9).智慧那种的洞察力,判断的能力,同时也会越来越丰富的。腓立比书1:9,你们的爱心在知识和各种见识上多而又多。Philippians1:9

Wisdom, then, is a fruit of the Christian’s walk with God as well as a guide in that walk.所以,智慧这两件事,第一、智慧是基督徒与神同行所结出的果子。二,智慧是引导基督徒如何与上帝同行的那个指导,

No Christian is perfect in wisdom.没有一个基督徒的智慧,是十全十美的,neither does wisdom reveal God’s will in the fashion of the Urim and Thummim.而智慧也没有好像,乌陵和土明那样,是来启示上帝的旨意。the Christian grows in wisdom as he grows in grace.基督徒正如他在恩典上长进,参考彼得后书3:17-18。

同时也在智慧上长进,he comes to understand better the revelation of God’s Word and God’s world and to discern the application of the first to the second.基督徒就越来越明白,上帝藉着话语里面的启示。而上帝在世界上有自然界的启示,而社会就越来越懂得怎么把上帝的话,应用在上帝的世界中。


Growth in knowledge and discernment enables在知识和分辨能力,这些事情上长进,the Christian to “approve the things that are excellent(Phil.1:10).在知识上,在分辨能力上成长,就让基督徒在分别是非,或者这样说,喜爱美好的事上也有所长进的。腓立比书1:10

This rich phrase这个意义丰富的一句的短句,relates our discernment to the diversities of opportunities we face.这个短句,就把我们的判断能力,连接与我们所面向的各种的机会,”the things that matter”那些真正重要的事。(as the phrase may be translated)“美好的事”可以翻译成“重要的事”。refers to the opportunities we should seize,但是美好的事,是指我们应该抓住的,我们应该利用的好机会。The choices we should make,我们该做的选择,the things which are pleasing to the Lord(Eph.5:10)那些是讨主喜悦的事,以弗所书5:10,总是察验何为主所喜悦的事。good, acceptable, perfect in his sight(Rom.12:2).就是那些美好的,蒙上帝所悦纳的,在祂眼中是善良、是完全的事。罗马书12:2。

Our “approving” or “proving” of these possibilities当我们察验,判断这些可能性的时候,是什么东西呢?is a process of bringing them to the test both in thought and in life.就是说,我们要把这些事情,作出考验,不论在我们思想,在我们行为上,考验这些的机会,这些的选择是否符合神的话。

We must prove all things我们必须凡事察验,帖前5:21,不是林前是帖前。and hold fast that which is good(1Thess.5:21).善的要持守,we must prove the “times,”我们也要察看现今的时代,或者察看当下的历史。discerning the seasons that God sets before us我们要查看,上帝在我们面前所展开的不同的季节,人生的四季的季节,so that we do not act prematurely好叫我们做出行动,不会过早不会早熟,or fail to act when God’s set time comes(Eph.5:15,cf. Luke12:56).或者在上帝所定的时候,来到的时候,我们也不会不采取行动,Ephesians5:15,参考以弗所书5:15,Luke12:56,路加12:56。


Such evaluation enables us to redeem the time in evil days(Eph. 5:15)这种的检讨,这种的分辨,就让我们懂得,在邪恶的世代,中文说,爱惜光阴,是把光阴赎回来,在邪恶的时代赎回时间,redeem the time。以弗所书5:15的旨意。

We must also prove ourselves,我们不单是要查看机会,查看时间,我们也要察看我们自己。not only as we come to the Lord’s Table(1Cor.11:28),不单单是当我们来到主餐的桌前,哥林多前书11:28。but continually we must bring our own calling to the test(2Cor.13:5)而且,我们要不断的,来考验我们自己的呼召,哥林多后书13:5。


我们要查看自己的呼召,and measure our gifts.同时要恒量我们的恩赐,

Rom.12:2,罗马书12:2,proving the will of God(Rom.12:2)察验上帝的旨意,includes sober thinking,包括警醒的思考,wise discernment as to智慧的判断,what gifts we have received(Rom.12:3).判断究竟我们领受了哪些的恩赐。罗马书12:3 Rom.12:3.

Such self-proving recognizes这种的自我擦看,自我考验了,that we are being proved by God,是承认着我们是由上帝所察验检讨,所考验。who tests us in affliction上帝在患难中考验我们,that we may be manifested before him as those who are approved(2Cor.8:2;Eph.5:19;1Cor.11:19).好叫我们在祂面前显现为,那些是上帝所喜悦所为通过的。


In the process of proving the things that are pleasing to God当我们察看上帝喜悦的事情,在这个过程中,we keep learning to obey his Words and to trust his hand.我们就不断地学习顺服祂的话语,信靠祂的恩手,


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