
called to the ministry session sixteen天命与你第16讲。



In Paul’s lists of the gifts of the Spirit,当保罗列出,圣灵的诸般的恩赐。these particular gifts are named along with others not directly linked with the giving and attesting of new revelation in Christ (Rom.12:6-8;1Cor.12:8-10;28-30;Eph.4:11).有一些特别的恩赐也列出的,与那些没有直接的,与领受基督的启示、新启示和见证基督新启示有关的。Rom.12:6-8,罗马书12:6-8;1Cor.12:8-10, 28-30,哥林多前书12:8-10、12: 28-30;Eph.4:11,以弗所书4:11。

这些不是仅仅使徒们才有的,yet Paul himself leads us in distinguishing among the gifts of the Spirit to stress those which are most useful for the upbuilding of the church(1Cor.12:31,13:13,14:1-19).可是,保罗带领我们来看,要查看那些的圣灵的恩赐,是特别有用于造就教会的。






During the New Testament period the closing of the apostolic age is foreshadowed.在新约教会的时期,就已经预期到,使徒时代会结束的。The emphasis Paul places on the orderly use of the Spirit’s gifts使徒保罗特别强调圣灵的恩赐,要按着秩序,很有次序的,来使用的。prepares us for the time when extraordinary gifts and offices will have come to an end(1Cor.14:32,33,40).这样子使徒保罗就预备教会,进入到一段的时间,就是这一些超自然的恩赐和职分,就会结束了。

好,我们来读,哥林多前书14:32-33,来,“先知的灵原是顺服先知的,因为 神不是叫人混乱,乃是叫人安静。”



The church rests upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,教会是建立在,使徒们和先知们的基础上。but in later centuries its upbuilding但是在后来的世纪, must be carried forward by evangelists, pastors, and teachers.在后来世纪的造就教会的交流必须有传福音者,就是宣教士们,牧师们,教师们带领着前进。These  men, like the apostles,这些与使徒们一样,have gifts for teaching with authority the Word of Christ.他们都有这个恩赐,有权柄的来教导基督的道。

Their work is marked out from other continuing offices in the church by their concern with the explanation and application of the Word.这些,就是传道的、传福音的、牧师的教导的。这些人的工作,与其他的在教会存留者的职分不一样。怎么不一样呢?因为宣教的牧师们跟教师们,他们特别关注于解释神的话,和应用神的话。

Paul mentions gifts for rule in distinction from gifts for teaching (Rom.12:8;1Cor.12:28).提到一些治理教会的恩赐,与教导的恩赐是有所区分的。 罗马书第12:8,然后,哥林多前书12:28。

It would appear that in the church, as in the Jewish synagogue, there were governing elders who were not recognized as official teachers of the law(1Tim.5:17;Luke22:66).那下面就讲到,这里教会的叫长老职分。它说,我们似乎看到在教会里,就如同在犹太的会堂里,有一些治理的长老,教会并没有承认他们是正式的、教导律法的教师的。




In rebuking the Corinthians for carrying financial disputes before heathen magistrates,当保罗责备哥林多教会的信徒们,因为他们把他们财政方面的争执,带到异教徒的法官面前。Paul urges them to set up their own bench of judges保罗鼓励他们,自己设立他们的审判台。to handle such cases .In view of the fact that Christians are to judge angels,既然《圣经》说基督徒是能够审判天使们的,the least qualified should suffice to determine such petty matters as money and property!(1Cor.6:1-4).那么最小资格的基督徒,应该就能够判断这些小事情。比如说金钱、财产等等,参考哥林多前书6:1-4节。

Still another area for continuing ministry was the church’s care for human need within its fold and without.还有另外一方面,是教会继续持续的工作就是,要关顾照顾那些有需要的人,不论是教会里面的人,或是教会外面的人。

Here “ministry” came very close to its original meaning:在这里,服侍这个字,就与原来的意思很靠近的。tables had to be served要管理一下饭食,and suffering relieved需要帮助怜悯一些受苦的人。by Christian Levites who did not pass by on the other side.需要一些基督徒的那位人,看到困苦的人,不会在路的另外一边走过的。

At first the apostles ministered in each of these ways.开始的时候,使徒们在每一方面都从事服侍。They established the church with their teaching,他们用他们的教导,设立了教会,governed it,也治理教会,and cared for the windows and orphans in Christ’s name(Acts2:42;4:37).也奉基督之名,服侍照顾寡妇孤儿们。Acts使徒行传2:42,4:37节。

With the growth of the church and its needs,好了,教会开始成长了,需要也越来越多。the apostles asked that seven men be chosen to administer the support of the poor(Acts6:2,3).使徒保罗就要求教会选出七个人,来做那些支持穷人的工作的行政。Acts使徒行传6:2-3。

Whether the seven were deacons in the later sense or whether their choosing marked the first differentiation of church office, so that they were both evangelists and deacons.不论他们是否,后来被称为执事,还是说选出这七个人,就标志着教会的职分,开始有区分了。所以这些的七位,同时是宣教士,也是执事。


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不论如何,in any case it was evident that the continuing church required很明显的是,这个存留下来的教会,需要一些的认知的仆人,officers who could give themselves to the ministry of tables.这些的认知的工人呢,是委身与管理饭食的。

It is possible that this phrase is here used technically to describe money-tables也有可能这里讲到饭桌,原文是table,饭桌的桌子,是指数钱的桌子。 and therefore the administration and accounting of relief funds (cf. Luke19-23;Matt.25:27). 所以可能这里是在讲,怎么样管理救济的奉献的行政和他们的计算。参考路加福音19到23章,然后,马太福音25章27节。

Still later we read an almost casual reference in Acts to the elders at Jerusalem(Acts11:30).在其后一点,我们读到使徒行传,好像曾带过这样子的,带过了一个的一句话,讲到耶路撒冷的长老们,使徒行传11:30。

The lack of any description of their office那在这里,并没有描述他们的职分的内容,seems to imply that it was a familiar one.就好像暗示着说“长老们,这个职分,大家都很熟悉了”,

In his gospel ,Luke has spoken of the elders at Jerusalem在路加福音里面,路加论到耶路撒冷教会的长老们,in reference to members of the Sanhedrin(Luke22:52).就是当他提到犹太公会的时候,Luke22:52,就是路加福音22:52。

It appears that in the renewed people of God当上帝的子民成为新的子民,新约的子民的时候,a similar office continued.有类似的好像长老这种的职分,会持续下去的。

When a critical matter of doctrine had to be determined,当教会需要决定,一个关键性的教义的问题的时候,the apostles did not decide it by themselves,使徒们并不是自己做主来决定,but in council with the elders(Acts15:6).乃是与长老们一同开会决定的。使徒行传15:6。

Again the procedure followed the familiar pattern of the spiritual government of Israel.这里的做法,就和以色列如何接受属灵的管理的模式,很相像。

How many of the elders of the church at Jerusalem were also teachers , ”scribes of the kingdom” promised by Christ,(Matt.23:34) it is impossible to say.我们不可能判断,究竟耶路撒冷的教会,有多少长老,同时也是教师,就是基督所应许的天国的文士有多少,我不知道,马太福音23:34。

In Jewish usage of the time the term “elder” could be used to describe all the members of the governing council,根据当时犹太教的用词法,长老可以用来描述,所有犹太治理犹太人工会里面的长老,or the “lay” members或者只是那些所谓平信徒的长老。in the distinction form the scribes or priests(Luke22:66).可以说他们不是文士,不是祭司,却是长老。有两个可能性。路加22:66

The term “elder” continues to be used for officers in the Christian church,长老这个词,继续在使用,是指基督教会里的认知的仆人们,particularly those with gifts for teaching(1Tim.5:17;3:2).特别那些有教导的恩赐和长老们。他怎么读过,提摩太前书5:17,还有提摩太前书的3:2。

The title “bishop”那么监督,这个头衔,or overseer is also used for those who are  elders(Acts20:17,28;Phil.1:1;1Tim.3:1).同时是用在长老的身上的,所以监督跟长老是同义词,参考使徒行传20:17,28,腓立比书1:1,提摩太前书3:1。

The interrelation of these offices in the New Testament church shows在新约教会里面,这些不同的职分,是彼此相关的。the range of gifts necessary for the minister of the gospel.就表达出一个传福音的传道人,需要有怎样一系列的恩赐。

Since his proclamation is with authority既然传道者、牧者的宣讲,是带有权柄的,it cannot be separated from the discipline of the church;那他的讲道侍工,与教会管教惩戒的事工,是不可分开了。there can be no discipline apart from the Word,若没有神的道,就没有教会的管教或者惩戒。and the public ministry of the Word must use the keys of the kingdom for a faithful stewardship of the mysteries of God.而公开地传讲上帝的道时候,必须使用着天国的钥匙,这样子才忠诚地来作为上帝奥秘的管家。就是说,你讲道要有惩戒的管教这个层面的味道,管教必须以神的道为基础。所以这两者是分不开的。

The minister of the gospel must therefore be a bishop, a governor, in the church.因此,传福音的牧师必须同时是会督,就是坐在教会里面,从事治理的。

There may be elders in the church who do not have the gift of teaching,是的,那教会里面有一些的长老,是没有教导的恩赐的。but there cannot be teachers of the church who do not have the gift of rule.可是教会里面做教师的,不可以没有治理的恩赐。

To be sure, the gift of teaching, a combination of insight into the Scripture and the ability to communicate it, does not itself include the practical judgment necessary for governing.没有错,教导的恩赐,就是说,看到《圣经》里的真理,同时能够传递真理。这个教导的恩赐,本身并不包括,治理教会所需要的实际上的判断的能力。

A Christian may be an excellent teacher and theologian一个基督徒,可能是一个很好的教师或者神学家,without the gifts for rule.而没有治理教会的恩赐的,but he cannot be an official teacher in the church.他就不可以在教会里面做个认知的教师。就是他可以在神学院教书,或者电台广播等等,那他就不是教会里面的长老或者牧师。

The public preaching and teaching necessary for the edification of the church includes authority in application to the needs of men.因为在教会里面公开的讲道和教导,就是为了造就教会所必须的讲道和教导,就包含了带有权威的来应用神的道,应用在人的需要的身上。Such authority can be exercised only by those who have the wisdom and judgment me of an elder in Christ’s church.这种的权柄,就是应用《圣经》来处理人的需要,这个权柄,必须由那些有智慧有判断力的人来使用。

也就是说,必须有在基督教会里面,长老们来用这些的权柄的。The gifts of

the deacon执事的恩赐,are also necessary for the ministry of the Word.也是传道者必须要有的。

It is significant that the term “deacon”的can be used in two distinct specialized senses:很重要的是,执事这个词,可以有两种非常不同的专有的意义。mercy,执事deacon,是用来指怜悯的事工,to describe the ministry of mercy and the  ministry of the Word.(Phil.1:1;Col.1:7;Thess.3:2)。也可以用来做传道的侍工的。腓立比书1:1,歌罗西书1:7,帖撒罗尼迦后书3:2。

No service requires deeper humility than the ministry of the Word没有什么侍工好像传道的事工,那么需要深层的谦卑。For this reason为了这个缘故,Paul described his apostolic vocation by the title, “Slave of Jesus Christ,”保罗是说,他自己是耶稣基督的奴隶,这样子来形容他身为使徒的呼召。and declared that he was also a servant of men for Jesus’ sake(2Cor.4:5).保罗也说,为了人的缘故,他成为众人的仆人的。哥林多后书4:5,在第82页下面。


Indeed there are aspects of the ministry of mercy that the pastor may commit to others just as the apostles did(Acts6:2-4).没有错,在怜悯的事工,有些层面,牧师可以委托其他的人去做的。正如使徒们这样做。使徒行传6:2-4。so that he may give himself to the service of the Word.好叫他能够专心的做传道的侍奉。

Yet the minister of the Word must have the necessary gifts for the diaconate;可是,传道的牧师传道,必须要有执事的恩赐的,like the deacon就正如执事一样。he must be able to show mercy with cheerfulness他必须欢喜快乐的表达怜悯,and to administer funds with discretion and prudence.还需要谨慎小心地使用这些救济穷人的款项。Both the heart of mercy and the hand of help must characterize the man who holds forth the Word of life.传讲生命之道的传道人,必须同时要有怜悯的心,而且能够帮助人的双手。





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