

Called to the ministry session eighteen天命与你第十八讲


The teacher must remember his hearers and provide milk for children and meat for adults.教师必须记得他的听众,为孩子们提供奶,为成年人提供干粮。His instruction must be ordered and progressive,他的教导必须是循序的,渐进的,lucid and graphic.清晰的、生动的。His message is wisdom,他的信息是智慧;knowledge,他的信息是知识;instruction;他的信息是教导,he must discuss,他必须讨论,破碎的,persuade,说服或者是劝服,reason,论罪,remind.提醒。

This leads to the third aspect of preaching,这里就让我们带到讲道的第三个层面,reflected in yet a third group of New Testament terms:又有新约《圣经》第三组的用词反映出来,preaching means application:讲道,就是应用。The preacher exhorts,讲道是要劝告,comforts,安慰,reproves, rebukes,要责备,warns,要警告,and censures(2Tim.3:16;4:2;Tit.1:9).有的时候需要惩罚。


He converses with the church in the intimate fellowship of the upper room(Acts20:11)他在楼上的楼房,就是说在祷告的亲密的团契中,与教会对话—Acts20:11使徒行传20:11。and admonishes them when they fall short of obedience to God.当教会在顺服神的事情上,有所亏欠的时候,他劝解他们。

The New Testament epistles are full of such exhortations.新约的书信充满着这种的劝勉。Preaching today requires apostolic practicality as well as apostolic orthodoxy.今天的讲道,必须要有使徒这一种的实际性,就是应用性,同时也必须要有使徒性的信仰的纯正性的。

Laying out the spheres of the ministry in any organized way brings to light the manifold variety of service it requires.当我们用井井有条的方法,来排列出圣工的各种的范围的时候,就展示出圣工所要求的,是多姿多彩各种的服侍。For this very reason就是因为这个缘故,the service itself does not remain in neat pigeon–holes.传道的服侍本身,不能够很整齐地放在一个一个的抽屉里面。

The minister who stands in the pulpit is ministering to God, the church and the world all at once;站在讲台的牧师同时是服侍神,服侍教会,和服侍世界的。in the hospital room he brings the comfort of Christ to a dying saint在医院的病房,他安慰,他奉基督之名来安慰一个垂死的圣徒,and at the same time witnesses to the power of the gospel to the patient in the next bed;而同时,向在隔壁床的,那个大概是非信徒了,同时见证福音的大能。

in a meeting with church leaders在与教会的领袖们开会的时候,他讨论教会的年历,行事历。he discusses the activity calendar, mindful that his own schedule is that of a father as well as a minister.他记得他自己的行事里头,这是一个为人之父的行事历,也是一个牧师的行事历。

As pastor he ministers the Word作为牧师,他传神的道,not only to the congregation in worship不单单在崇拜的时候,向会众传神的道。but to the children in an instruction class,他要教导孩子们,开班,教导。而长老会特别是教导小要理问答的。to a group meeting for Bible study in a home,他同时也在一些,在家中举行的查经班,传神的道。to the young people in a summer camp.或者在夏令营会,向青少年传讲神的道。


我说这个传道、牧师minister,就好像一个侍应生,你上什么菜?what does the waiter minister with, what the service serve up仆人,侍应生送上什么菜?答案是你送上上帝的话。the service minister served with the Word of Got所以minister这个字,牧师传道,传讲、传递神的话,是同一组的英文字。

  1. distinctive in gifts恩赐的独特性,中文是说恩赐各有不同。

If this survey of the function of the minister has not given you pause,我们上面做了牧师的各种功能的纵览,你读了之后,若不会先停下来再考虑一下的话,假如你不停下来考虑一下,please abandon all thought of becoming a minister.就麻烦你了,就不要再想做牧师。If it has,可是你若停下来再考虑,be encouraged.请得到鼓励。To the degree that you are overwhelmed在什么程度上,你感觉到震撼失意,you show a willingness to take the ministry seriously.在什么程度上,你就表达,你愿意很认真的来面对传道事工。

But a serious question is also raised.但是这里,也提出一个很严肃的问题,what gifts are necessary for such a calling as this?面对这种的,好像超自然一般的呼召,需要哪几方面的恩赐。Dare any man suppose that God is equipping him for such service?还有,人敢认为,上帝在装备他从事这种的事工吗?

Better and better.你这样想就越来越好了,Paul himself cried,保罗是这样说的,” who is the sufficient for these things?”这事谁能当得起?Unless you share that confession除非你有保罗一样,有同样的承认。your conception of the ministry is too low.那么你对传道事工的概念,太微小,太低了。

Further, God gives richer graces as his steward is faithful.不但如此,当上帝的管家忠心的时候,上帝会赐下更丰富的诸般的恩典的。

You do not now have all the gifts you will have when the full demands of the ministry fall upon you.你目前还没有所有你需要的、就是将来会有的恩赐,将来,传道事工一切的重担,一切的要求,都会落在你的肩膀上的。你现在还没有那个时候所有需要的恩赐,and even then就算你那个时候做了传道、牧师。you will still be pressing on to lay hold on that for which you were laid hold on by Christ Jesus(Phil.3:12) .



If, however, you are not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think,那么,假如你知道你不可以看自己,多过当看的,you must judge whether God is granting to you some first fruits of his grace in those areas needed for the ministry of the gospel.那么你必须先要判断一下,上帝有没有给你一些,祂的恩典的初熟的果子。

就是在做福音的传道使者,所需要的那些的诸般恩赐,上帝有没有先给你先尝到一些初熟的果子呢?What are they?哪一些的初熟的果子?They are all a measure of faith.这些都是看乎信心的大小。这个的中文《圣经》的说,我们可以说,这些都是信心的量度。

A man’s “natural” gifts cannot add up to a probability that he should choose the ministry.一个人有自然的天然的才干,这些不能够加起来就说,大概他应该选择做牧师传道。God has chosen the weak and foolish, not the mighty and wise,上帝所拣选的,是世上软弱的,愚蠢的,不是大有能力的,大有智慧的。So that it might be quite clear that he alone is the Saviour.好叫很清楚的可以看见,唯独上帝是救主。

If you are a gifted speaker假如你是很有讲话,或者演讲的恩赐的人,you


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should be effective as a lawyer or a salesman,那么你会做一个非常有效的律师,或者推销员。but nothing can be said about your effectiveness as a preacher.但是,你是否能够做一个有效的讲道者叫?这里一点都不能做结论。The glib confidence of a ready tongue随时讲得出话的,那个滑的舌头那种的自信心,may be the very pride that bars you from the ministry.本身就是拦阻你做牧师的傲慢。

Not one of the apostles was an orator.使徒们,没有一个生出来是演讲家,if God calls you to speak for him,假如上帝呼召你为祂讲话,the speaking will be made possible.那么你就会有可能会讲话。as God said to Moses when he protested his inarticulateness—当摩西抱怨说,他不会讲话的时候,上帝说,”who made man’s mouth?”(Ex.4:11).人的舌头是谁做的?人的口是谁做的?出埃及记4:11。

That word of God to Moses tells us two things:上帝对摩西讲的那段话,告诉我们两件事。all that we have, God has given; all that we need, God will give.我们已经所有的一切,都是上帝所赐下,我们所需要的一切,上帝必定赐下。

Apart from faith nothing in us can serve God or qualify us for his choice,除了信心以外,我们里面没有任何可以使我们服侍神的,我们里面没有任何,是我们有资格被祂拣选的。but by faith可是这个信息,all that we are is consecrated to his service,我们所是的一切都分别为圣,来服侍祂,and all that we shall be.将来我们所是的一切,同样的都是奉献来服侍祂的。

The minister’s gift of faith牧师的信心的这个恩赐,draws him to a life of commitment to Christ.就引他过一个完全委身基督的生活。


第一点,The minister’s gift of faith draws him to a life of commitment to Christ.牧师的信心这个恩赐,就引他过委身于基督的生活。We have seen that calling of discipleship is the calling of the cross.我们已经看到,上帝呼召人作门徒,就呼召人背起十字架。This must be particularly evident in the life of the minister.这个在牧师的身上,必定是特别明显才对。

Examine your calling in this respect.从这个角度来审核你自己的呼召,Are you a slave of Jesus Christ,你是否一位耶稣基督的奴隶,或者仆人。already “bound in the spirit”已经被圣灵捆绑,to go wherever he calls you?(Acts20:22).无论祂呼召你去哪里,你都愿意去呢?参考使徒行传20:22。

Are you willing to leave all你是否愿意放下一切,and follow him,跟随祂,to rejoice in sufferings,在苦难中喜乐,to become a fool for Christ’s sake?(1Cor.4:9-13).你是否愿意为基督的缘故,作一个愚蠢人呢?

1Corinthians4:9-13哥林多前书4:9-13我们来读,在89页的下面,哥林多前书4:9-13,“我想 神把我们使徒明明列在末后,好像定死罪的囚犯;因为我们成了一台戏,给世人和天使观看。我们为基督的缘故算是愚拙的,你们在基督里倒是聪明的;我们软弱,你们倒强壮;你们有荣耀,我们倒被藐视。直到如今,我们还是又饥、又渴、又赤身露体、又挨打、又没有一定的住处,并且劳苦,亲手作工。被人咒骂,我们就祝福;被人逼迫,我们就忍受;被人毁谤,我们就善劝。直到如今,人还把我们看作世界上的污秽,万物中的渣滓。”


第二,the commitment of faith is measured by action信心的委身,是用行动来衡量的。the ready obedience of spiritual discipline.就是属灵的纪律,那种的随时的顺服,the minister is a good soldier of Jesus Christ,牧师是耶稣基督的精兵,trained to obey at once(2Tim.2:3,4).已经受过训练的,随时顺从的。

2 timothy提摩太后书2:3-4,好像基督耶稣的精兵。

a practiced athlete(1Cor.9:24-27)是充满着练习的,经过很多练习的,赛跑员,是运动手,9:24-27。

a hardworking farmer(2Tim.2:6)一个勤劳的农夫,2 timothy提摩太后书2:6。

a faithful steward(1Cor. 4:2)一个忠心的管家,1Corinthians哥林多前书4:2。

Growth in this discipline marks Christ’s calling.在这种的纪律上成长,就是基督呼召人的印记,或者是标志。

Timothy had to be reminded by Paul保罗需要提醒提摩太,that God had not given a Spirit who produced fear,上帝所赐下的灵,不是导致人恐惧的灵,but a Spirit of love, power, and discipline(2Tim.1:7 A.R.V.).乃是给人爱、能力和操练,或者纪律的灵,提摩太后书1:7

第三方面,Commitment to God also produces humility.委身于上帝,同时也生出谦卑。The meekness of Christ must be the pattern of every servant who follows him基督的柔和谦卑,必须是每一位跟随基督的仆人的样式。

2 Corinthians 哥林多后书10:1,我们来读,第90页,哥林多后书10:1,来,“我保罗,就是与你们见面的时候是谦卑的,不在你们那里的时候向你们是勇敢的,如今亲自藉着基督的温柔、和平劝你们。”

1 Peter2:21-23彼得前书2:21-23,来,“你们蒙召原是为此,因基督也为你们受过苦,给你们留下榜样,叫你们跟随他的脚踪行。他并没有犯罪,口里也没有诡诈。他被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。”

Only the commitment of faith bears such fruit.唯有信心这种的奉献委身,结出这种的果子,这种谦卑的果子,it is not a cringing servility不是一种畏缩的做奴隶的心,that fears to condemn evil就是很怕谴责罪恶的那种的畏缩,不是。but a royal meekness乃是一种君王式的柔和。that commits judgment to God一方面把审判交给上帝,and cannot fear men.同时不可能畏惧人,不怕人。

第四方面,The minister’s commitment of faith must be grounded in the knowledge of faith.牧师的信心的委身,必须建立在信心,或者信仰的知识上。

Timothy was nurtured in words of faith and sound doctrine(1Tim.4:6).提摩太是在信仰和纯正道理的话语上,培育出来的,提摩太前书4:6,在真道的话语和所服从的善道。Form a child he knew the Holy Scriptures他从小就认识《圣经》,that make men wise to salvation(2 Tim.3:15).从小使他有智慧以致得救,提后3:15。

The man of God abides in what he has learned(2 Tim.3:14).属神的人了,在他所学到的事情上,是坚守持守的,提后3:14,你所学习的所确信的要存在心底。and gives himself wholly to them,他奉献自己,服侍别人,so that his progress may appear to all(1Tim.4:15).好叫众人都看得出他的成长,他的进步,提前4:15节,使众人看出你的长进来。

Calling to the ministry and love of the Bible go together.蒙照传道,和爱慕《圣经》,是一件事情里的两方面。If you do not share the privileges of Timothy’s childhood假如你没有好像提摩太这种,从小就熟悉《圣经》的特权的话,you have the greater obligation to read and study the Word of God.那么你就更大的任务,义务,必须要勤读、研究上帝的话,这种的习惯。

This habit, so characteristic of Christian faith,这种就是基督徒信心的最典型的习惯。takes most specific form in the life of one called to the gospel for ministry.在一个蒙照传道人身上了,就更加的有突出的形式。He gives himself to both the understanding and the practicing of Scripture.他把整个人投入明白《圣经》,实践《圣经》。

The knowledge of faith信心,或者信仰的知识,is more than a grasp of Biblical facts.不仅仅是掌握到《圣经》里各种的事。It includes a living response to the Biblical message.《圣经》的知识,包含了活活的来回应上帝的话的信息。


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