

called to the ministry session twenty one 天命与你,第21讲

clear calling第四章,清楚的呼召。

A、your personal calling第一部分,上帝给你,给你亲自的、你自己的呼召。

pointed men to the Scriptures第69页英文,第102页,中文。耶稣向人指示《圣经》。and declared they testified of him.耶稣见证说,耶稣宣告所《圣经》是为祂作见证的,所以整本《圣经》是为基督作见证。


With the authority of inspiration基督的使徒们和先知们,既然有圣灵默示的权柄,Christ’s apostles and prophets wrote the New Testament,他们就写下新约《圣经》,combining truths taught of the Spirit with words given of the Spirit(1Cor.2:13;2Peter3:15-16).把圣灵教导他们的真理,与圣灵所赐的字句,联合起来。参考哥林多前书2:13。


This new Testament revelation has the finality of Christ himself.这个新约的启示,是最后的启示,正如基督是最后的启示者一样。Before Christ came,基督来之前,revelation was incomplete.启示还不是完整的,God spoke to the fathers by the prophets “at sundry times and in divers manners”(Heb.1:1).上帝在古代的时候,就是先知们,多次多方地晓谕。希伯来书1:1。

In these last days, however,可是在这些末后的日子,this time of fulfillment,就在这个成全应验成就的时候,God has spoken finally by his Son.上帝藉着祂的儿子,做了最后的晓谕。God does not keep giving more books of the Bible上帝不会继续给更多的《圣经》书卷的,because he does not keep sending Jesus Christ to die for sinners.因为祂不会再次差遣耶稣基督来为罪人死。

The Bible was finished《圣经》写完了,when the finished work of Christ was fully revealed.当基督完成了大功,已经完全了启示的时候,《圣经》就写完了。That which was spoken by the Lord Jesus was confirmed to us by them that heard him (Heb.2:3).那些听到我们主耶稣说话的人,就是使徒们,他们就向我们证实了主耶稣所讲的话,希伯来书2:3.。希伯来书2:3,听见的人了,就是使徒们。

and the fuller revelation that awaited his resurrection was given to the apostles as Jesus had promised(John14:25-26).正如耶稣在约翰福音14:25-26所应许的,那个等到基督的复活才完成的、完整的启示,就给了使徒们了。

Christ is the “Amen” to all the promises of God(Rom.15:8;2Cor.1:20).基督是一切上帝的应许的阿们。哥林多后书1:20,参考罗马书15:8。

With the final revelation in Christ当上帝在基督里做了最后的启示,the earlier ways of God’s revealing his will ceased.上帝较早以前,启示祂的旨意的方法,就停止了。the “sundry times” were fulfilled, the “divers manners” were taken up in the completeness of Christ’s revealed glory.基督所启示的荣耀是完整的,所以,多次多方,这个多次都已经满了,多方也已经被取代了。

All that the church needs for its direction till Christ comes现在教会所需要的指示,就是直到基督来之前,is given in his word,都在基督的话语里面。for it testifies of him.因为基督的话,是为基督作见证的。


In seeking the Lord’s will, therefore, you are not in the position of Gideon因此当你寻求主的旨意时候,你并不站在基甸的位置。who sought the sign of the fleece(Judges6:36-40).基甸寻求羊毛湿或者干的记号。or of David你也不是站在大卫的位置,who consulted the oracular ephod of the high priest(1Sam.23:6-12)他去大祭司的那个以弗得那里去寻求咨询。1 Samuel23:6-12,撒母耳记上23:6-12。

or even of Paul你甚至乎不是站在保罗的位置,who was guided at times by prophetic messages given to others or to him directly(Acts16:6-10;21:10-11).因为保罗有的时候,领受了一些的先知们的信息,有的时候是通过别人,有的是直接向他讲的。Acts16:6-10,21:10-11,使徒行传16:6-10,21:10-11

All these things have been written for our sakes,这一切的事情都是为了,为了我们的缘故,写下来了,upon whom the ends of the ages have come,因为一切的时代的终结。就是末世,已经临到我们。that through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope(Rom.15:4;1Cor.10:11).因为藉着《圣经》所带来的忍耐和安慰,我们可以得到盼望,罗马书15:4,Romans15:4,1Corinthians10:11,哥林多前书10:11。在104页下面。



God does not give us either Urim and Thummim or new prophecies,上帝并不给我们乌陵和土明,也不给我们新的先知的话。for the simple reason that we do not need them.原因很简单。我们不需要这些,the fullness of revelation has come through Christ.因为上帝整全的启示,藉着基督已经来临了。

There are times when we may wish that one of the old “divers manners” of revelation was still in effect.有时候我们有这种愿望,盼望了以前那种多方的启示,今天仍然是有效的。The Urim and Thummim, for example, were consulted by the priest譬如说祭司们,他们会去乌陵和土明那里,去寻求咨询。to secure “yes” or “no” answers from God(Ex.28:30;1Sam.28:6).希望从上帝里得到“是”或者“不是”的答案的。出埃及记28:39,撒母耳记上28:6。Exodus28:39,1 Samuel28:6.

Would you be tempted to trade in the New Testament for the priest’s ephod你会不会把你的新约《圣经》换掉,而取得祭司的以弗得呢?and to find your “yes” and “no” in miraculous stones rather than in Christ?你希望从有神迹性的石头那里,找到“是”或者“不是”,宁愿这样子,而不宁愿在基督里找答案吗?In the agony of a harsh decision当你面对一个很困难的决定而痛苦的时候,you might wish that this could be done.可能你会愿望,你可以这样的来做个交换。

The Urim and Thummim乌陵和土明,gave infallible answers from God.从上帝那里的乌陵和土明,可以给人无谬误的答案的。One knew that success or ruin would follow a given course of action.人会知道,你假如按着一条路去走,采取某一种行动的话,就会成功,或者会失败,带来患难。


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Could any guidance be better than that? 有没有比这个更好的引导,Certainly.当然有,the guidance of Urim-Thummim was like a father’s guidance of a small child. 乌陵的土明的引导,就好像一个父亲带领着一个很年幼的孩子。”Yes, Tim, you may go.”“是的,儿子,你可以去了。””No, you must not do that.”“不,你不可以做这个。”

The will of the father is perfectly clear,父亲的旨意,完全清楚,yet it may not be at all understood.可是孩子们并不一定了解这个,甚至乎不了解。

It is good for a child to obey even when he does not understand.是的,儿子还不了解的时候就顺服,是好事。It is better for him to obey because he does understand.可是,假如他就是,因为他了解而顺服,就更好了。He must do the first to be ready for the second.他必须先做第一件,就是说,不了解也顺服;然后才做第二件,就是因为了解而顺服。

The mature son成熟的儿子,understands what his father desires of him;他了解父亲在他心上的心愿是什么,he understands the mind of his father他了解他父亲的心思意念,and his obedience is shaped by that understanding.而他对父亲的心思意念的了解,就让他的顺服成型。

Without the understanding of fellowship若没有交通所带来的了解,there are difficulties in obeying an endless series of specific commands.而去遵行好像无限度、这么多的个别的命令,是很困难的。

The greatest danger is that obedience may be rendered for the wrong reasons.最大的危险就是,我们顺服,可是为了错误的原因。A man may seek to use the Urim-Thummim for magic rather than prayer.有人可能想要使用乌陵和土明,为了行魔术,而不是为了祷告。An infallible revelation of the future is a dreadful temptation to a week sinner.得到一个无谬误的、关于未来的启示,对一个软弱的罪人,是一个大到恐怖的一种的试探。

God maintained his own sovereignty over the priest and the ephod by answering上帝完全保留祂的主权,祂在祭司和在以弗得之上,掌祂的主权的。Only at his own will(1Sam.28:6).因为上帝只是随祂自己的旨意而回答。撒母耳记上28:6,1 Samuel28:6.

No man could demand of God instant revelation for every occasion.没有一个人,可以直截了当地要求上帝,吩咐上帝,为每一件事情,每一个场合,做出及时的启示。further再者,a man who does not understand may put the wrong questions or misinterpret the meaning of the answer.一个没有了解的人,可能会提出错误的问题,或者对答案的意义作了误解。

For example,例如,when David inquired of the Lord concerning the success or failure of a particular military action,当大卫祈求主,为了某一次的战士的成功或者失败,去求主的时候,he was assuming that the right action was the one which would lead to success.他假设着什么是正确的行动呢?当然就是导致得胜的那种的行动了。

Under the circumstances this was a justifiable assumption for David,在那种的情况之下,大卫做这种的假设是有理由的,anointed of the Lord as a warrior-king.因为大卫是受膏者,是耶和华的战士,君王。

But suppose Paul had followed the same assumption但是我们假设,保罗也用同样的假设,when Agabus prophesied the imprisonment he would suffer if he went up to Jerusalem?(Acts21:10-13).当先知向他说预言,说他若上耶路撒冷,他会被囚禁。Acts21:10-13,使徒行传21:10-13。

His great witness before the multitudes in the temple,那么保罗在圣殿中,向群众所作的见证,before the Sanhedrin,在犹太公会面前做的见证,before Gentile rulers,在外邦的统治者面前所做的见证,and the emperor himself还有在罗马皇帝面前所作的见证,would not have been made.这些都不会成事。Paul would not have finished his course of fulfilled the calling of Christ on the road to Damascus.保罗就不会把当走的路,都走完,保罗就不会完成,基督在大马色路上所给他的呼召。

Paul’s obedience seemed almost to be disobedience,保罗的顺服,表面上好像是不顺服。for he was guided by an understanding of the will of Christ for his ministry that enabled him to hold fast in the face of sure suffering and even death.因为他的事工是由什么来带领着呢?是由他对基督的旨意的了解,以至于他能够站立得稳,就算要面对,肯定要面对苦难,甚至可能要面对死亡。

Like his Saviour,保罗与他的救主,主耶稣一样。Paul set his face to go to Jerusalem.他定意面向耶路撒冷,knowing the will of the Lord in the fellowship of Jesus Christ透过与耶稣基督的交通,来明白上主的旨意。is not a technique不是一种的技巧,to provide a substitute for the Urim-Thummim in securing infallible on-the-spot decisions from God.不是因为一种技巧。

就是说,在当下,马上就得到上帝要他做的决定,而取代了乌陵土明。认识主的旨意不是这样的,the Lord has not promised to give this,主并没有应许要这样子的赐下一个决定。and what he does give you is far better.而主具体所给你的,远远更好。

In his Word he reveals the principles of his will—indeed,祂在祂的话里面启示了,祂的旨意的原则。he reveals himself.诚然,祂启示了祂自己。through his Spirit藉着基督的灵,圣灵,he quickens your understanding of his will祂把你对祂的旨意的了解,又使它活过来。and your living fellowship with himself.你与祂活的交通,又再次苏醒起来。

In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,一切的智慧和知识的宝藏,都隐藏在基督里。and the Christian life means to walk in Christ (Col.2:3-6).基督徒的生命的意思,就是在基督里行事为人。歌罗西书2:3-6。


The Word of Christ dwells richly in the heart of the Christian基督的道,在基督徒的心中,是丰丰富富的,内住的,and produces a pure wisdom(Col.3:16).基督的道就会产生一种,纯洁的智慧的。歌罗西书3:16。

我们来读,来,“当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里(或作“当把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里,以各样的智慧”),用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒,心被恩感,歌颂 神。”

God’s will is perceived by a renewed mind,上帝的旨意,是由一个被更新的心思意念,去察觉到,查验的,filled with the Spirit,就是一个圣灵所充满的心思意念。a mind that is truly subject to the law of God, the mind of Christ.(Eph.4:23;Rom.8:6,7,27;12:2;1Cor.2:6-16).这个心思意念,是真真实实地伏在上帝的律法、基督的心意之下的。


Romans8:6-7、27,罗马书8:6-7、27“体贴肉体的就是死,体贴圣灵的乃是生命平安。原来体贴肉体的,就是与 神为仇,因为不服 神的律法,也是不能服。鉴察人心的,晓得圣灵的意思,因为圣灵照着 神的旨意替圣徒祈求。”

罗马书12:2,来,“不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为 神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。”





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