
Called to the ministry session twenty-six 天命与你26讲


我们重复上一讲最后的一段。How then can the calling of men be related to the calling of Christ? 那么人对我们的呼召,和基督对我们的呼召,两者如何相连起来呢?

Paul’s discussion in the Epistle to the Galatians gives us further help.保罗在致加拉太人书,就给我们进一步的帮助。his calling of Christ was surely direct and immediate.基督诚然是直接的呼召保罗的,but even Paul was formally recognized by the “pillars” of the church.但连保罗,也是教会的柱石正式承认的。

James, Peter, and John雅各、彼得和约翰,gave him the right hand of fellowship给他行右手之相交礼。that he might go to the Gentiles with the gospel(Gal.2:9).好叫保罗拿着福音,带着福音,去外邦人的中间。加拉太书2:9。

Paul rightly insists that this recognition added nothing to the authority he had been given by Christ.保罗很正确地坚持说,这样的承认对基督所给他的权柄,没有增加,没有增加他的权柄。Yet it was a proper recognition,可是这个是一个正确的承认,in harmony with the order of the church.这个与教会应该有的秩序,是符合的。

The key to this action is described by Paul in these words:加拉太书2:9这些话,就是这整件事情的关键性。保罗这样说,when they perceived the grace that was given unto me”(Gal.2:9).当他们看到所赐给我的恩典的时候,又知道所赐给我的恩典,是中文的《圣经》的翻译。

This is the principal that relates the calling of men to the calling of Christ.就是这个原则,把人对传道人的呼召,和基督对传道人的呼召,连接起来。Christ gives the grace,基督赐下恩典,and with the grace the calling.而基督赐下恩典,也同时赐下呼召。

But men of spiritual discernment may perceive the presence of such grace in the life of a disciple.可是有属灵判断力的人,可能在一个门徒的身上,察觉到这些恩典的存在。when the church sees the evidence of Christ’s calling当教会看到基督呼召某某人的证据的时候,it not only may, but should recognize this publicly.教会不单单可以公开承认这一点,教会应该公开的承认,这个恩典与呼召。

The same gifts of the Spirit that give assurance to the man of God regarding his own calling also mark him out to the people of God.圣灵赐恩赐,让属神的人有确据,知道他是被神呼召了。就是同样这些的恩赐,让他在上帝的子民中间,有所突出,分别出来。The church does not call in its own name, but in Christ’s.教会呼召人传道,不是奉自己的名的,是奉基督的名。

The function of the church is to recognize and acknowledge the calling of God.教会的功能是要承认,上帝的呼召。Galatians2:8,加拉太书2:8,在注脚那边。


The ascended Lord calls men by the gifts of his Spirit.升天的主耶稣藉着圣灵,祂的灵的恩赐,呼召人。the man called is steward of these gifts;被呼召的人,就是这些恩典的管家,he dare not quench the Spirit.他不敢消灭圣灵的感动,the stewardship is not his only, however.可是这个管家的职分,不单单是他的。his gifts are for use in the body of Christ,他的恩赐,是为了在基督的身体里使用,ministering to the upbuilding of the whole body in the full maturity of Christ(Eph.4:11-16).就是要服侍,要造就整个基督的身体,直到在基督的里面,成熟成长。参考以弗所书4:11-16。

The church must claim these gifts and provide channels for their use;教会必须领取这些的恩赐,就宣告他已经领受这些恩赐,提供一些的管道,让这些恩赐被使用。it must also respect and honor them as gifts of Christ.教会也必须尊重尊敬,这些恩赐是基督所赐的。

We have seen that gifts of authority require public recognition for their proper exercise.我们前面已经看到,带有权柄的恩赐,必须要有公开的承认,这样子才能够正确地使用。A man may love or pray secretly but he can govern or admonish only openly.一个人可以私下的、隐秘的有爱心,或者是祷告。但是,他做治理教会的工作和劝勉,只能是公开的。

The recognition of the church does not bestow the authority:教会的承认,并没有颁布权柄,only the gift of Christ can do that.唯有基督所赐的恩赐,才颁布权柄。

It does accept the authority and relate the gifts of one man of God to the gifts of the people of God那么教会的确接受,这个恩赐所带来的权柄,然后把某一个属神的人的恩赐,与上帝指明其他的恩赐连结起来,so that the mutual sharing and fellowship of gifts may minister to the growth of Christ’s body.好叫诸般的恩赐的彼此的分享,彼此的交通,能够服侍基督的身体,使他成长。

In the book of Acts在使徒行传,evidences of this role of the church abound.充满着教会这种的、扮演的角色,the community at Jerusalem determines which two candidates have the qualifications for being numbered with the twelve in the place of Judas(Acts1:23).在1:23,在耶路撒冷的群体,决定了哪两个候选人,有资格取代犹大,与12个使徒们并列。

When the requirements for the ministry of the seven are given by the apostles,而当使徒们定出,那七个男人的服侍的要求的时候,the church chooses men who have these spiritual gifts(Acts6:3).在使徒行传6:3,教会就选出有这些属灵恩赐的人。

Paul and the other missionaries of the Church at Antionch , though called of the Spirit, are separated to their work and sent by the prophets and teachers of the church (Acts13:1-3).保罗和其他安提阿教会的宣教士,虽然是由圣灵所呼召,但是,他们是由教会的众先知,和教师所分别出来、所差遣的。—-使徒行传13:1-3。

In the same way Timothy was ordained for his work by the presbytery (1Tim4:14;2Tim.1:6).同样的,提摩太他也是由众长老们,或者长老会议,所按立从事他的事工的。

我们来看经文,1 timothy4:14,提摩太前书4:14,来,“你不要轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言、在众长老按手的时候赐给你的。”

2 timothy提摩太后书1:6,来,“为此我提醒你,使你将 神藉我按手所给你的恩赐,再如火挑旺起来。”


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Of course the “setting apart” of the church is done in prayer, and in the blessings of the Saviour’s name.当然教会这样子把工人分别出来,是在祷告中做的,也是在称颂救主的名的时候,这样把他们分别出来的。Further grace is given of God to seal this dedication to service(1Tim.4:14).那么上帝又赐下更多的恩典,为了这个的奉献传道,这些事情打上上帝的印记,提摩太前书4:14。

But the church does not choose out a man and then proceed to equip him with spiritual enduement.但是,不是教会甄选一个人出来,然后下一步就用属灵的恩赐来装备他,不是的。It seeks for the man or men God has chosen他是要寻求上帝已经拣选的人,whether through direct prophecy (Acts9:15,16; 13:2; 1Tim.1:18; 4:14)不论是藉着直接的先知预言所拣选,or through the perception of his gifts(Gal.2:9).还是说,透过教会察觉他的恩赐,而拣选的。直接有先知预言,再拣选了,使徒行传9:15-16,13:2;提摩太前书1:18,4:14。那么透过他看人的恩赐,教会拣选的,或者分别为圣的,有加拉太书2:9。

The public recognition of the gifts of Christ is not the whole of the church’s responsibility.那么,教会公开承认基督所赐恩赐,还不是教会责任的全部,the orderly exercise of the gifts must also be sought.教会也必须要追求这些恩赐,必须按着秩序来操练、来使用。Because Christ plants his gifts in a body因为基督把祂的恩赐,种植在祂的身体。they can only function properly in fellowship,那这些恩赐必须要在交通团契中,才能正确使用,发挥出来它的功能。and fellowship requires order.而交通团契,就必须有秩序。

Christians with the gift of tongues at Corinth forgot the principle of edifying在哥林多教会,有说方言的恩赐的基督徒了,忘记了这种的造就性的、交通团契的原则。and turned the blessings of Pentecost into something like the curse of Babel所以他们把五旬节的福分,变成好像巴别塔的咒诅一样。

A man with a real gift of Christ cannot demand an immediate exercise of his gift under all circumstances.一个人,有基督真正的恩赐,不会坚持要求任何情况之下,马上就使用他恩赐的,he must wait his turn,他必须等轮到他的时刻,or even be silent(1Cor.14:26-33).他甚至乎沉默。哥林多前书14:26-33。

That applies even to preachers.就算是传道者也是一样,just as the seven “deacons” of Acts had their gifts before they were called by the church to a place of public duty,正如在使徒行传第六章的七个所谓执事,他们先有他们的恩赐,然后才有教会呼召他们出来,从事公开的服侍。so any man of God may be equipped for ministry before he is given full scope for service.同样的,任何一个属神的人,可能先为了服侍,结束了装备,然后他才领受整个服侍的范围。

Young men find it hard to wait for God’s season,青年人往往等不住,觉得等候上帝的时候来到,是很困难的。but God always joins the man and the moment in perfect wisdom.但是神肯定的,是在祂的完全的智慧中,把一个人和最美好的时刻,连在一起。

The ordering of Christian fellowship often includes the where as well as the when of Christian service.那么,为了基督徒的交通团契,所定出的秩序,往往包括基督徒的服侍,在什么地方,什么时候。

The church recognized that the gifts granted to Peter and Paul distinguished the area of their ministry.教会承认基督赐给彼得和保罗的恩赐,就区别了他们两位服侍的范围,或者领域。Both had full apostolic authority,两个都有所有的使徒的权柄。But one was sent particularly to the Jews and the other to the Gentiles (Gal.2:7-10).但是一位就是彼得,特别是被差遣去犹太人中间;另一位就是保罗,特别是被差遣去外邦人中间。—加拉太书2:7-10。

The expressed needs of the churches that sought the apostle’s ministry played a significant part in determining the places where Paul and his fellow-works labored (Phil.2:12,19-25; 2Cor.1:15-23).众教会所表达的需要,因为这需要,他们来恳求使徒保罗给他们服侍,这个在决定保罗和同工们去哪里服侍,是扮演一个重要的角色的。




Neither the minister or the church may arbitrarily ignore the insights of the other as to the gifts and calling of God.不论是那个传道者,或者教会,都不可以任意的、随意的、忽略另外地方的所看见的,就是关于恩赐和神的呼召的看见。

The church that seeks in advance the pledge of a missionary candidate to go wherever the board may send him and to do wherever the board may assign is guilty of at least a bureaucratic oversimplification of Christ’s calling.有些的宣教的差会,或者是教会,事先要求一个要申请做宣教室的人,事先承诺,宣教差会差他去哪里,他都愿意,宣教差会指派他做什么工作,他都愿意。


On the other hand,反过来说,the candidate who seeks with agonizing earnestness to discover in secret prayer the exact place to which the Lord would have him go may be isolating himself from the appointed means of discovering that place.或者另外一个宣教士候选人,他在隐秘的祷告中挣扎,诚恳的想要发现,究竟主要他去什么地方服侍。这种的只有私下祷告的候选人,可能把自己从主所指定的、发现那个地方的方法,可能这个人从主所指定方法又孤立起来了。

He cannot ignore the counsel of his Christian brothers:他不可以忽略他的基督里的弟兄们的劝告,where does the church find the greatest need for a man of his evident gifts?教会认为,什么地方是最需要,这个人的明显的恩赐的呢?



Christ’s calling draws us to our brethren as well as to our Saviour.基督的呼召,呼召着我们亲近他,也呼召我们亲近我们的众弟兄们。we are to exercise our calling in the fellowship of the church;我们要在教会的交通团契里,来操练我们的呼召。we must find it there too.我们也要在教会的交通团契生活里,找到我们的呼召。

Take the towel and basin and discover your calling at your brother’s feet;拿着毛巾,水桶,你在洗你的兄弟的脚的时候,来发现你的呼召吧。go with him to visit the prisoner and find your calling at his side.同他一起去监狱探访,你站在他旁边,一起同工,来发现你的恩赐吧。

You may be convinced of your calling to the ministry long before others mark your gifts,是的,可能别人没有看中你的恩赐之前,老早你就知道,你就确知,自己有神的传道的呼召。but if you are diligent in the fellowship of the gospel但是假如你在福音的同工上,勤奋的话,your profiting will appear to all;那么你的工作带来好处,就让众人看到。Christ’s calling will be acknowledged by Christ’s church.基督的呼召,是由基督的教会,来承认的。



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