

Called to the ministry session twenty-seven天命与你27讲。


我们上次最后讲的是you may be convinced of your calling to the ministry long before others mark your gifts可能在别人看出你的,指出你的恩赐之前,你老早就确信上帝已经呼召你传道。

But,可是,if you are the diligent in the fellowship of the gospel可是你在福音的同工上,勤奋的话,profiting will appear to all你就会在众人面前显出,你是对别人有帮助的。Christ’s calling will be acknowledged by Christ’s church那么基督的呼召,会由基督的教会,来承认。

or或者另外一种的情况,it maybe that your first inkling of the call of Christ came from the lips of a fellow Christian who saw the evidences of the Lord’s blessing on your life,可能第一次,稍微意识到基督的呼召,是来自另外一位基督徒的口中,他看到主在你身上的赐福的证据。

Whether your calling was first apparent to you or to your brethren is not of decisive  importance那么你的呼召是先由你发现的,还是先由你的弟兄们发现的,这个并没有那么重要,并没有那种决定性的重要性。

Christ’s gospel is preached today by hundreds who yearned for the ministry from childhood今天有上百的、传基督的福音的传道人,从儿童时期,就渴慕做传道的;and hundreds more who fought their calling with a rising panic while their friends prayed又有另外的更多的人,一直在挣扎,要逃避他们的呼召,越来越慌张。与此同时,他们的朋友在为他祷告。

what is important is that your own awareness of Christ’t gifts should be joined with the perception of the church重要的是,你意识到基督在你身上的恩赐,要同时,或者说也应该有教会的察觉,这两件事情要连接起来。to this end为了这个目的的缘故,there is no substitute for regular fellowship没有什么是可以取代与其他基督徒定时的交通。

On the day that you are set the apart to minister Christ’s Word you will be in the midst of his people当那天你被分别出来,传讲基督的道的时候,你是站在上帝的子民中间的。The parts of that service require the communion of the saints那一次的按手礼,不同的部分都需要有圣徒的相通,a worshiping congregation,一个一起敬拜的会众,men of God preaching属神的人讲道,praying祷告,extending hands of blessing and of fellowship in the gospel又为你按手祝福,让你在福音上相交有份。

that service would be a curious way to seal a solitary calling假如神的呼召,只不过是你独自地领受到的话,那么那次的按手礼,不是很奇怪吗?来印证一个孤独的呼召。you are not first set by Christ in the midst of his church on the day of you ordination因为你那天按礼的时候,不是头一天,让基督在祂的教会中间,把你分别出来的,不是的。

You need your fellow-Christians now,你现在就需要其他的基督徒,and they need you他们也需要你的。private soul-searching is not enough to the determine your call to the ministry私下的反省,来决定你的传道的呼召,是不够的。The judgment of the people of God must be sought你必须要追求,上帝指明的判断。

long before the time when it must be given formally it should be sought imformally,在教会还没有正式的给你,他们的判断的时候,你就应该非正式的来求这种的判断。


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welcome the counsel and criticism of your pastor and your Christian friends,你要欢迎牧师,和你接触的朋友的劝告和批评。Above all,remember Paul’s favorite figure of the athlete最重要的是,记得保罗用在场上竞赛的这个比喻,your gifts will become evident on the field,你会在场上,在工场上显明你的恩赐来。

Neither private meditation nor personal counseling can prove your calling怎么来证实你的呼召呢?不是透过私下的默想,也不是通过辅导。That comes with God’s blessing on your active in the body of Christ你的呼召的证实,是藉着你积极的在基督的身体中服侍,同时有上帝的赐福—-你的呼召是这样证实的。

of course the necessary ministry of church fellowship must be found in Christ当然,这种的教会里的相交的服侍是必须的。但是,一定是要在基督里的相交。there is no fellowship of righteousness with iniquity公义和罪二者中间没有相交,no communion of light with darkness光明和黑暗没有相交,no concord of Christ with Belial基督与巴力,也没有协调的。

sometimes distrust ecclesiastical counsel with 7:52good reason有的时候青少年呐,有充分的理由,不信任教会的劝告。

power of church order is turned to the service of another gospel当教会,治理教会的秩序政权柄,转成服侍另外一个、另一个福音的话,a spiritual tyranny arises,那么就有一种的属灵的、暴君的治理。that offers stumbling blocks rather than stepping-stones to the candidate for the ministry,对那个,等候要传道的青年人,不是跳板,乃是绊脚石。

never were the warning of the Pastoral Epistles against false teachers more needed than today教牧书信里面,对那些假教师的警告,今天是特别需要的。

yet a man must no more allow the existence of false churches to drive him from the true than he would allow the existence of false Christs to drive him from the Saviour但是一个人,不应该因为有假的教会的存在,而让他们催他离开那个真的教会,就等于有假基督徒存在,就不应该催逼他离开真的基督一样。

to prove your calling,要证实你的呼召,your fellowship must be with the Son of God and with the sons of God你的交通团契,必须是与上帝的儿子,和上帝的众子。

Are you called to the ministry?你是被呼召传道吗?if you have been called out of darkness into Christ’s light you are surely called to ministry假如你已经被呼召脱离黑暗,进入基督的光中,那你肯定已经被呼召去服侍了。you must do all in your power to show forth his praises who called you to follow him,你必须尽你所能的,来展示出你赞美那位、呼召你跟随祂的美德。

If you refuse to minister to the sick and imprisoned假如你拒绝去服侍有病的,或者是在监狱里的人,you are refusing Christ你就是拒绝基督。if you care nothing for men lost in sin只要你对那些世上在罪的人毫不关心,you do not know the love of Christ你就不认识基督的爱。or the joy of heaven when the lost are found或者当世上的人找回来的时候,天上的喜乐。

The question then is only this:所以只剩下这个问题了,what has God put in your power to do in his service?上帝给你怎么样的能力去服侍祂呢?what you can do you must do你能够做的,你必须做。and find yourself at best an unprofitable servant你做的时候,你会发现,你最多是一个无用的仆人罢了。

have you the gift for the gospel ministry?你有没有,传福音传道事工的恩赐呢?then Christ has set before you an open door that no man can shut那么若是如此,也是为你开了一扇门,没有人能关的。to you it is given to bear fruit not thirty,not sixty,but a hundredfold基督已经赐给你恩赐、能力,要30倍60倍,不对,是100倍的来结果子。

The harvest is plentiful要收的庄稼是多的,the laborers are few,收庄稼的工人是少的,pray the Lord of the harvest and go forth in his name要求庄稼的主,然后奉祂的名出去。he that has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ—Phil.1:6腓立比书1:6,那个在你里面,开始的善工的,肯定会使它成全,一直到耶稣基督的日子,腓立比书1:6。

Jesus prayed all night before he called the twelve—Luke6:12-13路加6:12-13,耶稣整夜的祷告,才呼召那十二个使徒们。

He intercedes in heaven as he calls you耶稣基督呼召你,同时祂在天上代求,praying that though you be sifted as wheat祷告说,虽然你好像麦子一样被筛,your faith will not fail你的信心不会失败,you may become his chosen vessel to bear his name before the nations好叫你成为祂拣选的器皿,在万国中高举祂的名。

全书结束,end of the whole book.我们默想一分钟,然后我们再唱一首诗歌。

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