
called to the ministry session twenty-five天命与你25讲


中文122页,English page81。

我们前面在讲,不要消灭圣灵的感动,有了恩赐,必须要有这个意愿渴慕使用这个恩赐。Paul had to urge Timothy not to neglect the gift that he had but to stir it up(1Tim.4:14;2Tim.1:6).保罗要催逼提摩太,不要忽视他的恩赐,要挑旺这些的恩赐的。

我们来读经文,1 timothy4:14,提摩太前书4:14,来,“你不要轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言、在众长老按手的时候赐给你的。”

2timothy1:6,提摩太后书1:6,来,“为此我提醒你,使你将 神藉我按手所给你的恩赐,再如火挑旺起来。”

Without exercise spiritual strength declined rapidly.若不操练不锻炼,属灵的力量很快就会减少、会消失的。Timothy must be diligent both in godly living and vigorous teaching(1Tim.4:12-16).提摩太必须很殷勤的,过敬虔的生活。另外,也是用力的去教导。

1 timothy4:12-16,提摩太前书4:12-16我们来读,“不可叫人小看你年轻,总要在言语、行为、爱心、信心、清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。你要以宣读、劝勉、教导为念,直等到我来。你不要轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言、在众长老按手的时候赐给你的。这些事你要殷勤去作,并要在此专心,使众人看出你的长进来。你要谨慎自己和自己的教训,要在这些事上恒心。因为这样行,又能救自己,又能救听你的人。”

He must do the work of an evangelist提摩太必须从事宣教士,或者传福音者的工作,and fulfill his ministry(2Tim.4:5).这样子来成全他的事工,在肯定没的,


Apart from the commitment of faith and a life of obedience no man can judge of his calling to the ministry.若撇开,若没有信心的那种委身奉献,若没有顺服的一生去顺服的生活,没有人可以判断上帝是否呼召他做传道人。to learn how you may serve Christ tomorrow,你若要知道明天如何服侍基督,you must serve him today.必须今天就服侍祂。

Stir up your gifts挑旺你的不同的恩赐,and Christ’s call will be made clear.那么基督向你的呼召,就会明显的,as gifts are used,当我们使用我们的恩赐的时候,the desire to serve Christ with them will increase.我们就越来越渴望有这些恩赐来服侍基督。

A young deacon was angry when his pastor asked him to speak at a farm where alcoholics were being rehabilitated.有一次有一位牧师,叫一位执事去一个农场那里去讲道,那里是让需求者康复的地方。这个执事非常的气愤,he refused;他不愿意去。but when he saw tears in his minister’s eyes但是,当他看到他的牧师在流泪的时候,he was ashamed and accepted.他就觉得很羞耻,就接受了。

After he had spoken当他讲完之后,he learned of two men who had been deeply moved by his talk.有人跟他说有两个,那种的酗酒康复者的两个男子,特别因为他的讲道而受到感动,the experience was a milestone in his call to the ministry.那次的经验,是在他蒙上帝的呼召,做传道的人的一个里程碑。

On the other hand,反过来说,从另外一个角度来说,a desire to serve Christ in the ministry may become intense before there is evidence of the necessary gifts.有些人,当他还没有那些必须要有的,恩赐的证据之前,他愿意服侍基督做传道人的意愿,就已经很强烈了。

When Paul discusses the question of spiritual gifts with the church at Corinth,当保罗讨论到,在哥多教会,属灵恩赐的问题的时候,he tells them to desire earnestly the greater gifts(1Cor.12:31).他告诉他们,要切切的羡慕那些更大的恩赐。


A man must think soberly in judging the gifts he has,一个人,判断他有哪些的恩赐的时候,必须很谨慎很惊喜,来思考。but he may pray fervently in seeking the gifts he lacks.可是,他可以热切地求、他所没有的恩赐,这样子的祷告。

If his desire is pure,假如他这种的渴望,是来自一颗纯洁的心,he may claim God’s promise for greater gifts.他可以相信上帝的应许,会给他更多更大的恩赐。Does he lack wisdom?他缺乏智慧吗?Let him ask of God(James1:5).他需要祈求上帝,雅各书1:5。

Does he need boldness?他需要胆量吗?So did the apostles,使徒们也需要胆量。and God gave it to them in answer to prayer(Acts4:29-31).上帝听他们的祷告,给胆量给他们,使徒行传4:29-31。Even Paul sought the prayers of the church that bold utterance should be given to him(Eph.6:19).连保罗都让以弗所书的教会,为他祷告,好叫他有更大胆的讲道。以弗所书6:19。

All the gifts of the Spirit are given through His presence who is giver and gift,所有圣灵的恩赐的赐下,都是在当他在同在的时候,presence圣灵是父神所赐给教会的恩赐,本身祂也是那位赐诸般恩赐者,祂是恩赐,也是赐予恩赐者。

and Christ has taught us that our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those that ask him(Luke11:13)而.基督曾经教导我们说,我们的天父对那些求圣灵的人,必定赐圣灵给他们的。路加11:13。

If you yearn to serve Christ in the gospel ministry,假如你热切的追求,愿意在传道事工上,服侍主基督的话,that desire is surely a calling to prayer for the Spirit;那种的意愿,那种的渴望,肯定就是上帝在呼召你好好的祷告,求圣灵。likely it is also a foretaste and earnest of greater gifts in store.很有可能你这样的渴望,是一个预尝,预先尝到,和一个的初熟的果子。就是一个上帝的首期付款,会在祂的宝藏中,给你更多更大的恩赐。

The buying-up of opportunities that shapes all Christian service has peculiar  importance in the case of a man called to the gospel ministry.有一位的青年人说,上帝呼召他做传道人,那么我们要抓所有的机会,这个是塑造所有基督徒的服侍的。抓住好的机会,是特别的重要的。

Since your calling is determined at last by your gifts,因为你的呼召。最终是由你的属灵恩赐所决定,you prove your calling as you improve your gifts.你怎么证明有呼召呢?就是当你操练发展你的恩赐的时候。


ccnci.org中华展望圣约学院 [email protected]


No player is called to a spot on a major league team who has not proved himself in the minors.所有的球员了,都是在比较不出名的球队里面,先证明自己才变大的,球队筛选和选上的。

God’s call to service normally comes in service.上帝呼召人进入到服侍中,一般都是当他们在服侍的时候。Begin with prayer.你要用祷告开始,Unless your service is a living sacrifice, you cannot please God.除非你的服侍是一个活祭,不然不能讨神的喜悦。

But don’t stop with prayer.但是不要仅仅祷告,什么别的事不做,your calling will be clear as God’s blessing crowns your words and deeds for him.当你为主说话,当你为主做事的时候,你的呼召就越来越清楚。这个就好像一个冠冕,上帝用这种呼召,来赐福给你。

If we may keep the baseball metaphor,我们继续用这个打球的这个暗喻,这个的比喻。the spring training camp has its place in the discovery of pros.那美国一般的垒球队,是春天的时候,就锻炼的这个季节的。所以春季的锻炼营,在球队发现哪些是明星的球员,只有他的重要的功能的。

Seminary is for men who are seriously considering the ministry;神学院是那些,认真考虑要做传道人的地方。it is a place where a man may test his gifts and calling in the service of the Word.神学院就是一个男子可以考验他的恩赐,和在传神的道上的呼召的地方,it is often difficult for a man to be assured of his calling before the seminary experience.很多时候,在一个弟兄还没有进入到神学院之前,很难确定他的呼召是什么。

Has he the gifts of insight into Scripture?他有没有对《圣经》的解释,特别有看见?can he expound the word fruitfully?他可不可以解释《圣经》,结出果子呢?the seminary classroom and study help to supply answers to such questions.神学院里的课程和阅读的空间了,就提供这种问题的答案了。

The academic disciplines of theological study读神学那些的学业方面的操练,are no more remote from the pastoral experience than the drills of the training camp from big league competition.并不是与教牧服侍的实际很遥远的,不是的,不是很抽离的。就正如春季的锻炼营和大的球队的赛事,不是抽离的一样。

For the man in doubt as to whether he has the teaching gift,有人会怀疑他是否有教导的恩赐,the seminary situation may bring grateful understanding as he grows in the Word of God.那么在神学院的时候,就可能会为他带来感恩,和明白神的话。因为他在神的道上在长进。Practical service, too, can be joined with learning.那么除了学习以外,实际的服侍也是相结合的。

Summer church work,在暑期教会的服侍。


Summer church work, week-end opportunities,不论是暑期的教会的工作,或者周末服侍的机会,even casual encounters of personal counseling and witness甚至乎一般的即兴的个人的辅导,和传福音的一些经验。can be prepared for教会也可以为这些做出准备,and evaluated in the light of careful study of the Scriptures.也可以检讨这些的经验。都要从谨慎的读经的角度,来实习,来自我检讨。

Uncertainty about a call to the ministry may indicate with certainly a call to theological training.假如你对上帝呼召你做传道人,很不确定的话,这个就可能中指示,很肯定的指示,上帝呼召你去接受神学装备。Even when God does not call a man to pastoral work,就算上帝没有呼召一个人当牧者,he often leads through seminary study to other ministries of teaching and to informed leadership in the work of the church.祂往往用神学的学习,来带领人进入到其他的教导的事工,或者在教会的事工里面,做一位有某一个程度知识的一个领袖,就是长老执事等等。

Relating our gifts and our calling in consecration and wisdom is the course that Christ has laid down for his servants.耶稣基督为祂的仆人们,所定下要当走的路,就是存着一个奉献的心,带着一个智慧的心,来把我们的恩赐和我们的呼召,连上关系。Sober thought,谨慎的思考,prayerful gauging of the gifts带着祷告的心,来衡量我们领受的恩赐。We have received, enables us to perceive the scope and kind of ministry that is set before us.就能够帮助我们能够察验,摆在我们面前当走的侍奉的道路的范围和种类。

But the steward of Christ may ever seek greater gifts and pray for more power of the Spirit.但是基督的管家,可以不断的求更大的恩赐,也求更多圣灵的能力。In the zeal that redeems daily opportunities he brings these gifts to the proof当一个人大发热心,抓住每天的机会服侍的时候。他就让这些恩赐,发出证据。and confesses the grace of Christ who has “wrought effectually” in him for the proclamation of the gospel.也同时,他这样子的热心的服侍,就自发的,就证明了耶稣基督的恩典,因为耶稣基督为了他宣讲福音的缘故,在他里面,大能大力的发生功效。

  1. Your Church’s Calling 第二,你的教会的呼召。

Nothing can concern you more personally or intimately than your own calling of Christ.基督呼召你个人这件事情,是最个人化、最亲密的一件事情,所以一定是你最关心的。He has called you by name祂按照你的名字,呼召了你,not by number or by classification,不是用号码,不是用分类。for no selective service draft is so selective as Christ’s.因为没有任何的征兵制度,好像基督那么的严谨的。

Your own new name is written on that white stone in his hand ;你个人的新的名字,就写在基督手中的白石上。he knows it祂知道你的新的名字,and one day he will show it to you alone(Rev.2:17).有一天,祂会让你一个人来看。Revelation启示录2:17,

Can your calling, then, be the business of anyone else?那么你的呼召,能否同时也是别人要关心的事呢?when you are assured of the Lord’s call,当你确定是主的呼召之后,doesn’t that settle the matter?事情就已经决定好了,不是吗?why not present yourself to a church of your choice那为什么不就跑去一间你所选择的教会?and inform the congregation that the Lord has called you to be their pastor?你告诉会众,主呼召了你做他们的牧师?

Paul certainly insisted that he had been called directly by Christ.是的,保罗肯定坚持,他是直接由基督所呼召的,he was an apostle “not from men, neither through a man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead”(Gal.1:1).他是使徒,不是人呼召的,乃是基督和父上帝。由不由于人,也不是藉着人,乃是藉着耶稣基督,与叫祂从死里复活的父上帝。加拉太书1:1。Must that not be your insistence, too? 你岂不应该同样的坚持吗?

Not in the same sense.不是的。这个意义有一点不一样。

The calling of an apostle as a foundation stone in the church of Christ was more direct than the calling of other ministers.主呼召使徒,再基督教会里面,做奠定根基的石头,比一般的牧师的呼召,是更加直接的。every apostle, Paul included, heard the voice of Jesus Christ call him by name.每一位使徒,包括保罗都听到,主耶稣基督亲自用祂的声音,按着他的名字呼召了他。

Christ has not appeared from heaven to you,基督没有从天上下来,向你显现。and his call to you has come through men, in fact, through the apostles.基督向你的呼召,是藉着别人的,就是藉着使徒们,就是这个《圣经》。Yet your calling, while it may have come through men, has not come from men.可是,你的呼召,虽然是藉着人,透过别人而来,但是你的呼召不是从人而来的。

In this you stand with Paul.在这方面,与保罗是一样的。Christ’s calling, not man’s,  is the source and authority of your ministry.你的事工的来源,你的事工的权柄,乃是基督的呼召,不是人给你的呼召。

How then can the calling of men be related to the calling of Christ? 那么人的呼召,别人的呼召,与基督的呼召,之间的关系又是什么呢?Paul’s discussion in the Epistle to the Galatians gives us further help.保罗在加拉太书所做的讨论,就给我们进一步的帮助。his calling of Christ was surely direct and immediate.基督向他的呼召,当然是直接的,but even Paul was formally recognized by the “pillars” of the church.但连保罗都是正式由教会的柱石,所承认。

James, Peter, and John gave him the right hand of fellowship雅各、彼得、约翰给他行了右手的相交之礼,that he might go to the Gentiles with the gospel(Gal.2:9).好叫他带着福音去外邦人的中间,加拉太书2:9。

Paul rightly insists保罗正确的坚持说,that this recognition added nothing to the authority he had been given by Christ.这种的承认,并没有在基督给他的权柄上加添什么,没有加添权柄。Yet it was a proper recognition,虽然不是权柄,但是,是一个正确的承认,in harmony with the order of the church.这个与教会应有的秩序,是相符合的。


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